The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History) (77 page)

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Authors: Craig L. Symonds

Tags: #PTO, #Naval, #USN, #WWII, #Battle of Midway, #Aviation, #Japan, #USMC, #Imperial Japanese Army, #eBook

BOOK: The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History)
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torpedo bomber attack on
, 319, 321–24

under attack, 333–35

death throes, 338–39, 345

photo, 343

Hitler, Adolf, 19, 28, 31

Hoover, Herbert, 247

Hopkins, Lew, 296

Hopping, Halstead, 72

Hollingsworth, William, 73–74

Holmberg, Paul (Lefty), 306

Holmes, Wilfred Jasper, 141, 147, 185, 206, 209, 387

(American carrier, CV-8), 45

and the Doolittle raid, 111, 115, 118, 122–29, 132

at Midway, 249–65

launch sequence at Midway, 254–56

confusion of afternoon strike, 331–32

sinks, 366

photo, 128.

See also
Task Force 16;

individual squadrons
(VB-8, VS-8, etc.)

(American carrier, CV-12), 363

Hoover, Travis, 127–28

Hosogaya Moshirō, 198, 205

Hudson, Alec.
Holmes, Jasper

(American destroyer), 348

Hughes, Charles Evans, 134

(American destroyer), 204

Huntington, Robert K., 271–72

Hurricane (British fighter), 93, 95

Hypo (Station), 135, 135n, 140–41

and the Coral Sea, 145–46, 181–82

and Midway, 182–83, 186–87, 213–14, 387–88

(Japanese battleship), 179

Ickes, Harold, 9, 201

(British carrier), 93

Ingersoll, Royal E., 317

Ingersoll, Royal R., 317

Inoue Shigeyoshi, 33, 87

characterized, 96–97

and the Coral Sea, 145–46, 150, 154–55, 179–80

Inukai Tsuyoshi, 28n

Ito Takuzo, 80

Jaccard, Richard, 333

Jacobs, Tyrell D., 23

Jake (Japanese floatplane), 159, 222

photo, 221

Jaluit, American raid on, 66 (map, 68)

Japanese Army, politics of, 27–29, 109

Japanese Imperial Navy: politics of, 29–30

pre-war strategy of, 32–33

Java Sea, Battle of, 85

Jersey, Chester, 136

JN-25b (Japanese code), 139–43

Johnson, Robert (Ruff): in flight to nowhere, 262, 263, 317

returns from Midway, 331

, 342

attacks Japanese cruisers, 351–52

(Japanese carrier), 199, 203

(American collier), 13, 113

Jurika, Stephen, 130, 258–59

(Japanese carrier), 33–34, 33n, 43, 44–45, 97, 145, 178, 269–70

attacked by torpedo planes, 278

attacked by dive bombers, 301–3

death throes, 309–10

sinks, 335n

Kakuta Kakuji, 198, 202–3, 205, 321

Karrol, Joseph, 330

Kate (Japanese torpedo bomber): characteristics, 39–40

at Midway, 218, 321–24

photo, 39

Katsumi Tomoi, 346–47

Kawanishi airplanes.

Kelly, C. Markland, 390

Kidō Butai: described, 25

in the Indian Ocean, 93–96

and planning for Midway, 100–101, 102–4, 108, 181

at Midway, 214, 217, 222

attacked by planes from Midway, 232–39, 240–44

attacked by torpedo planes, 269–73, 278–80, 285–87 (map, 277)

attacked by
, 290, 326–28

attacked by dive bombers, 297–308 (map, 299)

reorganized, 312

destroyed, 357

mentioned, 3, 24, 35, 37, 42, 44, 63, 76, 82, 87, 91, 187, 197, 205

Kiefer, Dixie, 164, 317

(Japanese destroyer), 156

Kimes, Ira, 225–26

Kimmel, Husband, 8–9, 15–16, 18, 25

King, Ernest J.: characterized, 10–11

appointed CominCh, 12

relations with Nimitz, 12, 35, 64–65, 76–77, 82–85, 91, 100, 149–50, 183–84

relations with Fletcher, 148–50, 360–61

and Pacific strategy, 75–76, 84, 118, 148–49, 184, 358–59

mentioned, 17, 47, 96

photo, 10

(Japanese battleship), 291, 339

Kiska Island, 198, 205, 357

map, 200

Kleinsmith, Charles, 318, 325

Kleiss, Norman (Dusty), 303, 333

Knox, Frank: characterized, 9

and Pearl Harbor, 8–10

and Wake Island, 17

mentioned, 20, 363, 366

Kobayashi Micho, 312–16

Kodiak Island, 202

Faction (in Japanese Army), 28–29, 31

Kondō Nabutake, 104–5, 214, 215n, 216, 312, 321

assumes command of Kido Butai, 337–38

Konoe, Prince, 31

Kroeger, Ed, 297, 301

(Japanese cruiser), 341–42

Kunz, Charles, 227–28

Kurile Islands, 37, 199

Kurita Takeo, 105

and mission to shell Midway, 337, 339–40

Kuroshima Kameto, 210

Kusaka Ryūnosuke, 239, 244, 308

Kwajalein Atoll: described, 71–72

American raid on 69–75, map, 68

Lae-Salamaua raid, 85–86, 97, 99, 146

Landing Signal Officer, 61–62, 118

Landon, Alfred, 9

(American carrier, CV-1), 13, 45n, 113

sinks, 85

Larsen, Harold, 268

Laser, Samuel, 171

Laub, Robert, 353

launch procedures: American, 254–56

Japanese, 219–21

Layton, Edwin, 143–46, 206, 387–88

relations with Nimitz, 144–45

relations with Rochefort, 143–45

and Midway, 182–83, 186, 213–14

photo, 142

Layton, Sir Geoffrey, 93, 95

League of Nations, 66

Leary, Herbert Fairfax, 49, 83

(U.S. destroyer), 78

Leslie, Max, 193n, 281, 287, 298, 328

, 305–8

helps defend
, 313

, 332–35

(American carrier, CV-2): in air battle near Rabaul, 78–79

in the Coral Sea, 152–53, 155, 156, 162–63, 169

sinks, 170–72

mentioned, 15, 18, 33n, 44, 52, 54, 65–66, 114, 146

photo, 171

Lindsey, Eugene: in Marshall Islands raid, 70, 72–73

at Midway, 273–74, 275–81

Lindsey, Robin, 127

London Naval Conference, 134

Lord, Walter, 4

Louisville (American cruiser), 49, 50

Low, Seth, 117

Landing Signal Officer

Lundstrom, John B., 41, 86, 279n

Magda, John, 260–61, 264–65

Mahan, Alfred T., 13

(Japanese destroyer), 327

(Japanese destroyer), 313n, 339, 342

Makin, American raid on, 67

map, 68

Maloelap Atoll, American raid on, 69–70

map, 68

Manchuria, 28

Marco Polo Bridge incident, 28

Martlet (British fighter), 58

Mark 13 and Mark 14 torpedoes.
torpedoes, American

Marshall, George C., 118, 186, 211

strategy after Midway, 358–59

Marshall Islands, American raid against, 66–75, 99

map, 68

Massey, Lance (Lem), 193n

in Marshalls raid, 72–73

at Midway, 274, 281–87, 285, 301, 305

Marcus Island, American raid on, 82, 99

Martin airplanes.

(American oiler), 14

Marauder (American bomber, B-26), 236

MacArthur, Douglas, 358–59

McCain, John S., 365

McCarthy, James, 117n

McClusky, Clarence Wade, 59, 62

described, 296

in Marshalls raid, 70–71, 75

at Midway, 274–75, 276, 279n, 287

attacks Kidō Butai, 295–301

wounded, 329

argues with Browning, 344–45

career after Midway, 364

photo, 296

McCormick, Lynde D., 86

McHugh, Lee, 73

McInerny, John E., 260–61, 264–65, 390

McLeod, Bowen, 6

Midway Atoll: described, 101–2

strategic importance of, 102

Japanese planning for, 102–6, 176–78

photo, 103

(Japanese cruiser): rams
, 341–42

under air attack, 351–55

photo, 354

Mili Atoll, American attack on, 67–68

map, 68

Miller, Henry, 121, 123

(American cruiser), 351

Mitchell (American bomber, B-25), 116, 127

photo, 128

Mitchell, Samuel G. (Pat), 250–51, 253, 260–61, 263–65

Mitchell, William (Billy), 116

Mitscher, Frances, 113

Mitscher, Marc (Pete): characterized, 111–15

as CO of
, 115–16

and the Doolittle raid, 116–17, 119, 124–27

at Midway, 246–47, 252–54, 265

launch orders at Midway, 254–56

confusion of afternoon strike, 331–32

report on Midway, 249, 256–60, 269n, 389–91

career after Midway, 363

photos, 113, 126, 259

Mitsubishi airplanes.
Betty; Nell; Zero

Miyo Tatsukichi, 106–8, 110, 195, 206, 357

Moffett, William, 247

(Japanese cruiser): damaged, 341–42

under air attack, 351–55

(American destroyer), 273

Morison, Samuel E., 12

Morrow, Dwight, 114

Morrow Board, 114, 114n

Moore, Oral (Slim), 351

Muri, James, 236

Murphy, John W. Jr., 340–41

Murray, George D., 47, 246

Nagano Osami, 90–93, 100, 109

photo, 91

Namur Island.
Kwajalein Atoll

(Japanese cruiser), 291, 308, 310

Nagumo Chūichi: characterized, 35–36

and the Pearl Harbor raid, 42, 99

and Midway planning, 177–78, 205

and the air search at Midway, 222–24

timing of launch at Midway, 232, 236–40, 242–44, 260, 269, 272–73

turns north, 256, 269, 269n

transfers to
, 308

determines to fight on, 310–11, 319–20

decides to withdraw, 328, 336

relieved of command, 337

career after Midway, 366

death of, 366

mentioned, 105, 211, 216–17, 218–20, 281

photo, 35

Nakai Kazuo, 74–75, 78

Nakagawa Masayoshi, 78–79, 80

Nakajima airplanes.

Namur Island.
Kwajalein Atoll

(American cruiser), 126, 203

(American submarine, SS-168), 289–95

, 326–28

Naval General Staff (Japanese): and Pearl Harbor, 36–37

and strategic options, 90–93, 106

and Midway, 100

Naval War College (American), 47, 362

(American oiler), 66

Nell (Japanese bomber), 32–33, 74–75, 373

(American oiler), 154, 156, 158, 160–62, 162n, 173

(American battleship), 6–7

New Britain.

New Caledonia, 65, 83, 96, 183, 185

New Hebrides, 83

New Orleans
(American cruiser), 351

New Zealand, 83

Newberg, Peter, 325

Newton, John H., 18

Nielsen, John L., 159–61, 168, 347, 353

Nimitz, Chester: described, 6

characterized, 7–8, 24, 66

service career, 13–15

appointed CinCPac, 12

arrives in Pearl Harbor, 6–8

relations with King, 12, 64–65, 76–77, 82–85, 91, 100, 183–84

relations with Fletcher, 193–95, 214

and Pacific strategy, 21, 24, 51–52, 64, 66, 76

and the Doolittle raid, 122

and code breaking, 138–39, 144–45, 186–88, 213

and the Coral Sea, 147–50, 153, 158, 170–71

and planning for Midway, 84–85, 105, 186–89, 191–92

orders for Midway, 195–96, 214, 258

report on Midway, 289

postwar career, 361

quoted, 357

mentioned, 5, 17, 23, 26, 35, 49, 75, 209, 358

photo, 14

Norris, Benjamin, 242–43, 335n

North American airplanes.
Mitchell bomber

(American cruiser), 18, 82

(Japanese destroyer), 310

O’Flaherty, Frank W., 313n

O’Hare, Edward (Butch), 79–81, 79n

photo, 80

Ōi Atsushi, 38

Okada Jisaku, 302

Okada Keisuke, 28

Okaga Tametsugu, 224

(Japanese minelayer), 156

(American battleship), 6

OP-20-G (code and signals section), 135–36, 182–83, 185

Opa-Locka Naval Air Station, 61–62

Operation AL.

Operation K, 206–11, 288

photo, 207

map, 208

Operation MI.

Operation MO.
Port Moresby

Operation RY (attack on Ocean and Nauru Islands), 108

ordnance, American, 52, 262.

See also

ordnance, Japanese, 221.

See also

Osbourne, Edgar, 127

Osmus, Wesley Frank, 320

Wake Island

Owen Stanley Mountains, 85

Owens, James C., 268

Ozawa Jisaburō, 35

Paramushiro Island, 199

Parks, Floyd, 226–27

Parshall, Jonathan, 104, 181, 302


Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Japanese attackon, 7, 17–18, 25, 36–37, 42, 91

Pederson, Oscar (Pete), 59, 156, 166

at Midway, 281–82, 283

manages air battle, 313–15, 319

Penland, Joseph, 300

(American battleship), 143

(American cruiser), 323

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