The CEO Gets Her Man (29 page)

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Authors: Anne Ashby

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: The CEO Gets Her Man
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With feverish intent she dragged hanger after hanger across the bar, occasionally hauling something out and holding it against her before discarding it. Finally she slumped to her knees. Her clothes were beautiful, expensive, the height of elegance—but not sexy.

She didn’t need to check her watch to know at this time on a Saturday only the chain stores would still be open. Buying a sexy little number to turn Jase on wasn’t happening.

She sat in a heap on the floor, all her pleasure draining away. A disappointed lump in her throat threatened to choke her. Staring at the clothes scattered around, her bottom lip trembled. She’d wanted to look special for Jase tonight. Special enough he might truly find her attractive.

A choked desperate laugh escaped. Arms wrapped around herself, she wallowed in an abyss of self-pity so unlike herself Debra worried she was losing her perspective.

Trying to re-focus on her crazy scheme of catapulting Jase into her life here in Wellington, she found she couldn’t. Instead her thoughts centred on today’s enjoyments, of walking hand in hand, of laughter and teasing, of being with someone who drove everything from her mind but her happiness in his company.

The warmth from that happiness coursed back through her. Sitting here in a slobbering mess will achieve nothing. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and wiped her wet cheeks.

If nothing came of their relationship, or it ended too soon, it wasn’t going to be because of her. She loved him. And bloody hell, she was going to fight for that love!

Jumping to her feet she ran for the phone and punch dialled her cousin. “Bex?” her voice wobbled. “I need your help again.”


Debra was terrified when the doorbell rang. She looked in the mirror. Rebecca had insisted she was almost too hot to touch, and Debra didn’t even recognise the woman staring back. This was too much of a transformation.

In less than two hours her cousin had achieved a make-over extraordinaire. She’d fluffed Debra’s hair until it hung full around her shoulders, framing a face wearing more make-up than Debra had ever used before. The accent on her eyes did enhance them, Debra agreed, but it also changed her whole face.

The dress they’d chosen from those Rebecca had thrown into a suitcase and hurried over with was breathtaking and very, very sexy. She hoped Jase would think so, too.

Its blood-red folds clung to Debra’s curves. She’d baulked at the necessity of ditching her bra, but the dress’s deep V-neck and non-existent back made wearing one impossible.

The accompanying shoes Rebecca insisted she wear were centimetres higher than Debra usually wore, but doing a little pirouette she decided her cousin was right—as long as she didn’t fall off them sometime during the evening. They truly did accentuate her long legs.

Frightened anticipation stretched her nerves tighter than a guitar string. Deep breaths did nothing to stop her spasmodic trembling. Blood pounding through her veins unleashed a deafening roar. The round door handle slipped in her moist hand. With a determined swallow she grasped it and tried again.

To Debra’s love-filled gaze Jase appeared even more stunning and virile than earlier. A whispered “Wow,” fell from his lips. As his gaze travelled the length of her before riveting to her face, his Adam’s apple bounced—and bounced again.

Debra’s lips twitched, a little trepidation easing away. Excitement filled her as slowly and seductively his gaze again slid downward. The tingle in the base of her stomach became a jangled knot, intent on unravelling. She felt like a breathless teenager on a first date and with a giddy sense of daring she allowed her happiness to show.

“You look incredible,” he said.

Time had stopped. The air around them was electric. Neither stirred. They stood, eyes locked, breaths short and fast—aware only of each other. It took a ding from the lift, and the arrival of visitors to the neighbouring apartment to start clocks ticking again.

“The taxi’s waiting.” Jase’s voice was hoarse.

Certain her voice had deserted her, Debra silently preceded him into the lift.

Jase must have already given the driver their destination because they entered the taxi and drove to the restaurant in silence. Sly glances showed Jase’s gaze remaining fixed on her during the short journey.

“We’ll have a drink in the bar until our guests arrive,” Jase told the maitre d’. He escorted her to a high bar table and purloined a couple seats before a quirk of his eyebrow queried her choice of drink.

“Mineral water, please.”

A faint smile played around his sensuous lips. Debra’s gaze was glued to them as her tongue sneaked out to moisten her own.

Jase gave a moan and mumbled, “Good choice,” before fronting the bar.

Surprised when he returned with glasses and two bottles of water she couldn’t help the rise of her own eyebrows.

“We have to keep our wits about us. Tonight’s the make-or-break of your little scheme, don’t forget.”

A tonne of concrete falling on her couldn’t have deflated Debra more. In a split moment of time happiness was replaced by desolation.

She had forgotten. Forgotten all about Chloe and her anxiety. Forgotten Jase was only here with her because she’d paid him. Paid him a huge amount of money to pretend he cared about her.

Debra’s stomach retched. She dropped her lashes and turned her head to hide the hurt shining from her eyes. Trying to swallow the lump blocking her throat she fought to regain her normal detachment.

“Debra? Are you okay?” Jase laid a concerned hand on her arm.

She jerked away from his touch.

“What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? How could he be so blind? He was blind and thick and stupid...stupid...stupid! She gulped down the threatening acidity. Not as stupid as she was, though.

“Nothing’s wrong.” She managed to inject ice into her voice.

With a visible start Jase frowned. About to argue, he suddenly closed his mouth and slipped an arm around her waist. “Your brother just walked past the window.” He leant even closer and whispered next to her ear, “If we look real chummy now, before they arrive, that’ll look more authentic than anything we might do in front of them.”

“Oh, let’s be authentic, by all means.” She grabbed his ears none too gently and plastered her lips against his. When he didn’t respond and his frown deepened, she ground out, “I’m paying big money for this, McEwan. Let me down and you’re fired.”

His fingers dug into her waist so sharply she almost cried out. The lips now covering hers were harsh and angry, determined to assert control. But she wouldn’t allow herself to be duped by the forceful domination he sought.

Imagining Jase could feel anything for her had been ridiculous. He was playing a part. Earning what she’d paid him.

“So much for you not being the boss,” he ground out. “Before this night is over, you’ve got some explaining to do, Deb. And it had better be a bloody good explanation for whatever’s going on inside that head of yours.”

“I almost didn’t recognise you, Debra.” The surprise on her brother’s face would have tickled her earlier. “I didn’t realise you were bringing a guest.” He greeted Jase with a formal nod. “McEwan.”

Jase’s face a blank mask, he shook hands with Paul and mumbled something to Chloe as she settled on the second bar stool. “What can I get you to drink?” Their orders given he turned, “You need another water, Debbie?”

After a sharp shake of her head Debra’s narrowed eyes followed Jase’s approach to the bar.

“Debbie?” Paul’s mouth hung open.

She remembered why she was here. Her gaze returned to the couple beside her.

Paul leaned toward Chloe. “I’ve never heard anyone call my sister Debbie since she was ten years old.” A teasing smile crossed his face. “But Jase McEwan calls you Debbie?” He shook his head, eyebrows shooting up near his hairline. “Well, well, well.”

“Shut up, Paul.”

“Hey, don’t get mad at me. What did we do, interrupt a lovers’ tiff?”

Some of the anger left Debra. If only it was a lovers’ tiff. At least they’d have been lovers. At least she’d have something to remember during the long, lonely days ahead.

She shouldn’t be blaming Jase. This had all been her idea. And if she didn’t sort herself out pronto, it would all be for nothing.

“What have you been up to today?” She swivelled her seat when Jase returned to stand close beside her stool.

His arm slipped around her waist, pulling her close.

“We set up our wedding register,” Chloe replied. The look she shared with Paul cut Debra to the quick. She could never allow herself to look at Jase like that, with all her love glowing on her face. “It was fun.”

“It was the most mind-numbing experience I’ve ever suffered,” Paul contradicted.

Debra was pleased to see Chloe had enough gumption to poke her fiancé in the ribs.

Debra forced herself to concentrate on her future sister-in-law and ignore the touch of Jase’s arm. “Is everything going according to schedule?” Her question was enough to release any of Chloe’s shyness and she began chattering about wedding plans.

Debra became caught up in the discussion, neither of them noticing the men edging away until she saw the two leaning against the bar.


“What’s going on with you two?” Paul demanded as soon as they were out of earshot.

Jase’s eyes narrowed and he stiffened, straightening his back until he stood taller than the other man. “Mind your own damned business.”

“Deb is my business. I don’t aim to sit back and watch some jock hurt her.”

Jase’s gaze settled on Debra. “I’m not aiming to hurt her. I’m aiming to marry her.”

Switching his gaze back to Paul, Jase tensed, waiting for an outburst, or even a fist in his face. Debra’s brother was sure to think Jase wasn’t good enough. Hell, he agreed. But if Laurie thought he could buy him, or scare him off, or threaten him with dismissal, then he’d better think again.

The tension was replaced by astonishment as Paul gave a contemplative nod. Silence lengthened between them as they stood sipping their drinks.

“She didn’t look too happy when we arrived.”

“I noticed.”

“How come?”

“Who the hell knows?” Jase snapped back, glaring across at Debra. “We had a great day together.” He shrugged. “Then we get to the restaurant and suddenly she’s biting my head off.”

Jase demanded another drink, not caring the water wouldn’t ease his bewildered frustration. “She looks so fantastic. I can hardly believe I’m here with her. Then out of the bloody blue she starts haranguing me.”

Paul was silent for some time, his gaze focused on his sister. “She never wears her hair down,” he mused, sipping his drink. Then after some more moments of silence added, “No one ever gets to call her Debbie, either.”

Jase’s gaze landed back on his companion, his frown lightening as Paul’s words registered. He then saw that Paul was watching him with one eyebrow cocked in query.

Jase turned his back on the girls so Debra wouldn’t by chance see his face. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and grew into a full-blown grin. His chest swelled. Debra acted out of character around him. That had to be positive, didn’t it? “You reckon I’ve got a chance?”

Jase was encouraged by the other man’s half smile, although he also gave a non-committal shrug. Turning to rejoin their partners when the maitre d’ signalled their table was ready, Jase was halted by a tight hold on his arm.

“Be careful you don’t hurt my sister, McEwan, or I’ll be forced to deal with you.”

Jase was the larger man physically, but Paul’s warning carried a truckload of weight. There was no doubt in his mind Debra’s brother would carry out his threat. The threat of physical retribution washed over Jase as water to a feather. He had no intention of hurting Debra so he had nothing to fear from the other man’s influence.

He could, however, suffer from Paul’s interference should he disapprove. Jase’s shoulders straightened and he fiddled with his collar.

“Shall we go to our table?” he suggested as he slipped beside Debra and took her arm. An arm she didn’t immediately jerk from his touch. He flicked his fingers through his hair. The night could only improve.

And improve it did. Conquering his initial surprise at the girl who’d captured the heart of one of the most eligible bachelors in New Zealand, Jase discovered Chloe had a wicked sense of humor which she used increasingly as the evening progressed.

Debra struggled with the frivolity but Jase could see her thawing. Paul was so besotted by his young fiancée, any further emphasis on his sister was minimal.

Although she initially refused, Jase drew Debra onto the dance floor after their entrée. They danced in silence until the fast music changed to something softer and Jase drew her tense body close. The rhythm relaxed her a little but Jase was aware she distanced herself from his touch.

“What did I do to upset you?” he whispered. Her head reared back.

“Come on.” His hold stopped her attempt to leave the floor. “I know you well enough to know I annoyed you.” He leant back so he could look into her eyes. “What I don’t know is why?”

A glare through narrowed eyes and a sharp shake of her head appeared to be the only response he was going to get. He snuggled her unbending body even closer and circled the floor a couple more times.

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