The Dark Lady (36 page)

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Authors: Dawn Chandler

BOOK: The Dark Lady
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My lord, Marcus Teredo came to see me this afternoon,” she said quietly.

He gave a massive and injured sigh. “Not only are you training my men, but now my tenants are coming to see you.” He raised a brow at her in mock irritation.

She looked at him, opened her mouth to answer, and then thought better of it. She shut her mouth and smiled.

Vanessa looked at all of them in turn and then told the story of his sheep. “I think it should be looked into, my lord.”

Peter listened carefully and nodded his head.

There is one more thing, my lord.”

She ducked her head. He saw a grin spreading and he was afraid to ask.


All the men sitting close to them at the head table burst into laughter as she told them what she had told Marcus to tell people.

That is more than I can take. I am no longer hungry.” He jumped to his feet and swung her over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

As she pretended to fight him, he watched the faces of the men, both his and Richard’s. He wondered if he would make it to the stairs, lord or not, if she was actually asking for help.

From the intent looks on their faces he didn’t think so. Instead of making him angry, it made him feel more secure. No one would bother her. She would be safe.

It was more than just the way they had looked at him now. He had heard them talking between themselves as well. He knew they would give their lives for her. He grinned as he began to walk toward the stairs.

Vanessa struggled the entire way to the chambers, exciting him all the more as breasts rubbed against him and thighs caressed his arms.

On the stairs he faltered and swayed. He grinned when she slowed her fighting until he was on flat ground once again. He was pleased with the change in her.

Peter pushed it from his mind as he kicked the door to his chamber closed. He laughed as she began to struggle more violently now. She kicked and swung her arms. Then he heard her laughter, low and breathy.

He threw her onto the bed and nearly ripped his clothes off. She followed his example. He stood slack jawed in surprise as she slipped the gown from beneath her hips.

Vanessa lay back and opened her arms, and her smooth white thighs, in invitation. He wasted no time falling atop her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He kissed her gently.

He had planned to take his time with her, to make her ready, but it seemed apparent, as she forced the kiss deeper, that she already was.

Van kissed him greedily. Excitement raced through her muscles and settled between her open thighs. The hard tip of his arousal searched her folds for entry and she gasped into his mouth as he rammed his cock into her, hard.

His motions were frantic, needy, and she matched his movements with her own greedy lust, shoving her hips hard into his. They ground together in ecstasy, riding the waves of pleasure until raspy breath echoed throughout the chamber.

Muscles taunt to the point of pain, she clung to him as he took her to new heights of pleasure. Wonderful agony echoed through her with every hard thrust, and she tilted her hips to take him deeper.

He stiffened with a growl. The hot pulsations of his own pleasure pushed her over the edge. Head back, she bit her lip to hold in her cries, but they were ripped from her.

They lay together, wrapped tightly in trembling arms and legs, as they awaited the return of their senses. She expected him to roll off, but was pleasantly surprised when he laid his head in the crook of her neck. She wrapped her arms around him and sighed contentedly, not wanting him to move just yet.

She liked the feel of him. The pressure made them seem like one person, connected in some special way. She marveled at the change in herself. She had fought that connection fiercely in the beginning, not wanting him to have that power over her.

Now she reveled in the power she felt over him as well. It was a oneness she craved, but even that surprised her. Where had her craving for total command gone? She considered this as she closed her eyes.

Peter shifted his weight, worried that he was hurting her. He groaned pleasurably and grinned as her arms tightened around his neck when he tried to lift off of her. He kissed the top of her nose gently and lay beside her.

Covering the both of them, he pulled her tightly into his embrace. He could smell the powder that she caked on and hoped she would not be wearing it much longer. He fell asleep wishing he could see her true face.

That night he dreamed once again of the boy who had saved him three years ago, the same dream that had plagued him since that night. The young dark face leaning over him. The dagger wound dripping blood onto his shoulder, their blood mingling in his wound. Over and over, he caressed the smooth skin of his cheek, telling him he was beautiful.





Van awoke as Peter slipped from the bed. The early morning light was just beginning to peek through the window of the master bed chamber. She reached up checking for the light powdery feel of the camouflage on her face. She could feel the powder thick across the scar. She stretched sleepily and watched Peter’s naked backside as he walked toward the fireplace.

You are the lightest sleeper I have ever seen,” he said laughingly, looking over his shoulder at her.

She blushed beneath the powder but did not take her eyes off his flexing muscles.

Good morrow, my lord.” She smiled and thought the only reason she had stayed alive as long as she had was because she was light sleeper. There had been more than one ambush where the sentry had fallen asleep. She had been the first to awaken to someone walking through the camp.

She had always been on guard to protect herself and her secret and had never slept soundly. It had been that way since she had gone to Castle Grayweist for training and she had quickly gotten used to restless sleep.

He took the charred end of the fire poker from its place beside the fireplace and stoked the dying fire. “I do believe it is about time you began to call me Peter. It is quite proper, I assure you.”

Once the coals were stoked he added a log to the fire. She was sure the day would warm up as it had the day before, but the morning air still carried a chill.

Her heart raced with excitement as her gaze took in the way the fire light flickered across the crests and valleys of his muscular body. She shook her head gently. She had seen naked men before the fire before and none had ensnared her attention the way Peter did.

She gasped silently as he turned suddenly and walked back to her. His manhood rose as he walked. It jumped and pulsed and her heart seemed to jump with it.

He smiled lustily at her. “I was hoping to wake you in more romantic ways.” He stopped beside the bed and cocked his head at her. “Are you listening to me?”

She blushed and ducked her head. “Sorry, my lord.”

No, not listening. I told you to call me Peter. I am your husband.

Van just stared up into his rapturous blue eyes and barked a short laugh before she got hold of herself. Call him Peter? Van did not think she could get used to that. Peter was someone she looked up to, someone she respected, but he was also someone in power above her. Even when she became a knight, he was above her.

I do not see what is so funny. I do think it is more than proper. I think it is a rule of sorts, to show your respect and your loyalty.” He lay down atop her and she relaxed, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close.

He kissed her gently and then rose back up on his elbows and gazed into her eyes. “You will show your respect to me by calling me Peter and to show my respect of you I will call you Vanessa and—”

She stiffened beneath him before she could stop herself.

He grinned. “Sorry, Vanessa,” he said, emphasizing her name teasingly.

Van scowled at him.

His grin widened. “Do you have something else you would prefer I call you, Vanessa?”

She sighed. This line of conversation would get her in trouble and she had more pressing ideas for the morning.

She pressed her breasts into his warm chest. His crinkly hairs dug gently into her skin. “I have something else I would prefer you do, rather than talk.” She ran her tongue along his ear and rejoiced in the way he shivered at her touch.

Chills ran through Peter’s spine as Vanessa’s tongue slid across his ear. A welcome warmth spread through him and settled in his groin.

The crackling fire threw shaky light across the large room. Peter looked down at her face. It was tanned and beautiful. He could see only perfection except for the smearing of powder that sleep had not erased.

He caressed the side of her face that was powder free and wondered again why she wore it. He did not ask. He knew there would be no answer.

Gently lowering his lips to hers, he savored the warm taste of her trembling lips. He flicked his tongue across them and grinned as she gasped.

She tried to pull him closer, but he propped himself up on his elbows and continued his gentle assault. He ran his tongue across her cheek, the residue of powder gritty and sweet.

Peter sucked gently on her ear and ran his hand across her quivering arms. His touch was feather light and he could feel the goose flesh spring forth on her arm. He kissed and licked her neck, barely containing his lust as she moaned and arched her back.

He wrapped his hand around a creamy breast and dropped his head to it, grasping a hardened nipple in his teeth, biting gently. He nuzzled each breast and lathered them with kisses.

Please,” she whispered breathlessly. Her voice sounded pained.

He looked up at her for a moment, her eyes tightly closed, her mouth slightly agape. Then he slid down her toned body, trailing kisses along her stomach and kissed the soft hair at the apex of her thighs.

Peter,” she gasped, wrapping her fingers through his hair encouragingly.

He grinned smugly at the use of his Christian name. He pushed her folds apart with his tongue. Her warm juices were sweet as he slid it in and out of her. Her muscles tightened and she rocked her hips. Her breathing increased, her hands tightening painfully in his hair.

Vanessa’s moaning increased. His lust was becoming painful and he knew he could not last much longer.

He pulled away from her and she gasped, “Wait.”

He smiled up at her gently and covered her with his body. Shaking with need, he slipped his hardened shaft into her warm wetness.

She wrapped her legs around his hips as he rocked against her gently. Pressing his lips onto hers and encouraging her lips open with his tongue, he kissed her sweetly and controlled the lust as much as he could.

Vanessa ran her fingers through his hair, and around his ear, and kissed him back as they rocked together on the bed.

Her muscles tensed and pulsed around him as he slid tenderly in and out. His breathing increased, tightness formed low in his stomach.

A lump grew in his throat as she kissed him lovingly and without hesitation.

She began to move her hips faster against him. She moaned against his lips. He nibbled and bit on her lips and chin and down her neck until her she tightened around him and cried out.

Her face seemed to glow with pleasure. He could wait no longer. He spilled his seed deeply against her womb and collapsed atop her.




Peter reined Jackal to a stop on the rise overlooking the lists. The men stood in small groups, each group with several boys. The boys each held the reins of a horse. Some struggled with their mounts and some looked confident.

Peter watched the boys appraisingly as they worked. The horses whinnied in greeting. Jackal tossed his head, snorting in return. Peter ran his gaze across the groups of men and boys. It took him only moments to pick out two new bodies that were not there the day before. His grin fell away and he rode directly to Grant. He was sure the boys were Edward and Harry Hurtado. The other boys had all said they were disobedient and rowdy on the way to the castle. Now they appeared to be in fine spirits and working well with the others. He narrowed his eyes and stared at them in suspicion.

Dismounting, he handed off his reins without looking in the direction of the man who took them. He nodded toward the two boys. “Edward and Harry Hurtado?” he asked, already sure of the answer.

Aye, my liege, they arrived just a short while ago.” Grant nodded his head gently. He glanced over at the boys. “They claim to have fallen behind and become lost.” He snorted and added, “Like they were not on a well-worn and traveled road.”

Keep a close watch. No one has gotten lost on that road before.” He watched the boys for a few moments before adding, “How are they doing?”

I have concerns,” Grant said sternly. “The majority of the boys are fine. My concern lies with the brothers. On the trip here it was said they were rude and evil tempered, but since their late arrival, they have been nothing if not polite and well mannered. It does not make sense to me.”

Peter nodded his head in agreement. “I noticed that as well. I want to know if they leave the grounds for anything. If they do need to leave, get them an escort.”

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