The Devil's Good Intentions (35 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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A low growl broke from Salvador’s throat but he did not move. Peter ignored him as he searched Katherine’s face for something she wasn’t sure of.

I need to speak with Salvador, will you be ok by yourself or do you want me to send for Sarah again?” He asked in a gentle voice that did not reflect his body language.

I want to be alone” She replied without tone or emotion in her voice.

Peter pulled her into a final embrace and then gently let her go, strolling past Salvador towards the door.

Salvador still did not move and she couldn’t for the life of her look at him. All the emotion had drained from her and again she felt like an empty shell. No longer could she stand his touch - the touch that she used to yearn for. Now she was truly alone, more alone than when she lived at the cottage. She wanted to run away but even that bore no hope for her.

She could feel Salvador’s gaze burning into her – willing her to look at him. But she could not.

Peter cleared his throat from the doorway and she heard Salvador stir, a moment later she was alone as the door softly clicked closed behind them.

She had no more tears left to shed. She willed her legs to move and finally found herself curled up in her chair, once again losing her thoughts in the flames of the hearth.


Salvador led Peter downstairs into his study and then flinched when Peter slammed the door behind him.

He swirled around to demand an explanation but instead greeted Peter’s fist with his face.

A blast of white stars danced behind his closed eyelids as he stumbled backwards into the wall. He had to shake his head to keep himself from losing his wits.

Salvador looked up at Peter - stunned!

How dare you even think I would lay a hand on your wife with anything more than brotherly intent!” Peter bellowed out in fury. “The fact that that would even cross your mind has me doubting you Salvador!”

It’s true that he jumped to conclusions when he saw them curled up in his chair - in his chambers. His wife wearing nothing but a robe and her wet hair sprawled across Peter’s chest. What was he to think!

Put aside your fury Peter and put yourself in my shoes. Think about what I would see when walking into my own bedchamber.” Salvador spat back at him as he rubbed his jaw and tested it to see if it was broken or just bruised.

Peter paused for a moment then sighed as he turned to the liquor cabinet to poor them a drink.

So why the hell was my wife curled up on your lap baring half of her person to you?” Salvador growled out as he went to take a seat.

Peter handed him a drink and then sat across from him to take a sip from his own glass.

I found her today at the edge of your property, alone in the forest and crying her heart out as though she grieved greatly.” Peter started and then took another sip from his glass.

As you know I remained at Charles after all of you left and I was walking his property when I heard her. She was so grieved that she crumpled into my arms when I lifted her off the ground. I brought her back to the manor and had Sarah draw her a bath. Salvador, I swear she was holding onto me for dear life when I tried to release her. She ended up bathing in her shift while I held her above the water. I don’t even think she was aware that she was trembling the whole time. It was a good 3 hours before I could even get her to speak, more or less open her eyes.”

Salvador knew what that meant. She was hiding herself from reality. Something must have gotten to her.

Finally I was able to calm her down. I managed to get her to admit to what happened but even still I know she’s omitting chunks of her story. I don’t know what or who she is protecting but I swear Salvador when I found her she was broken and battered.”

What did she say?” Salvador managed to get out.

She said she was thinking about her time spent at the cottage and then she panicked, but even when she was relaying that to me she was pausing between words and I knew she was keeping from me the words in between.”

Did you see anyone else around?” Salvador thought of her escort and wondered if he knew what triggered this.

No, she was completely alone.”

What!” Salvador roared as he stood up and clenched his fists. Did she disobey him again by going out and riding by herself? “She had no escort?!” He bellowed out as he threw his glass into the hearth and watched it smash against the logs.

I met her escort half way back to the manor. She had left before him.” Peter flinched.

The Fool - would she not learn?

Deal with one thing at a time Salvador. Something happened and she’s being tight lipped about it. I suspect it has something to do with you.” Peter informed him without hesitation or remorse.


In my arms she held onto me like a lifeline and trembled when I tried to release her. With you she couldn’t separate herself far enough. She also didn’t appear to be relieved to see you and the dread that I saw on her face was brought on before you threw your accusation at us.” Peter ended in a bitter tone.

I’m sorry Peter, I know you would never cross that line and I also know that you do not look at her in that way. It was just the sudden shock of the scene. I am a jealous husband.” He admitted sheepishly as he rubbed his jaw again.

Peter grinned at him and cocked his eyebrow at the bruise he knew was settling in on his face.

No harm done.” Peter taunted out as he settled himself back into his chair.

Salvador could only grunt at him as he remembered the sudden onslaught of Peter’s fist.

Peter and Salvador remained in the study for a while longer. Salvador looked over to his friend to catch him brooding into the hearth.

Is something troubling you?” Salvador asked casually as he finished off the remainder of his whiskey.

I know that it is your duty as her husband to see to Katherine’s welfare but I can’t escape the vision of her despair and am fighting myself to not rush up to her to assure that she’s alright.” Peter confessed without looking at him.

I too am fighting that urge, but I know she well meant that she wanted to be left alone and I have to respect that.”

That doesn’t make it any easier. I can’t imagine what could have brought that on. She hasn’t had it easy and seeing her that upset brings out my protective instincts like no other can.”

I know what you speak of. We will sort this out. Until then, will you stay for dinner?”

Perhaps you can send a message to Charles and have him and Rachel join us as well. Maybe Rachel is just what Katherine needs right now.”

I was thinking the same.”

The messenger was sent and Salvador could no longer hold himself back. As he entered the chamber, his gaze swept the room for his wife. She was asleep in the same chair that he found her and Peter in and curled into a ball, making her look like a vulnerable child.

He soundlessly closed the door and quietly made his way to her. Kneeling down in front of her, he could see the lines of fatigue and the strain in her features even as she slept. He gently reached to her, took her into his arms and walked to the bed. She stirred only a little but that was no surprise, she had always been a sound sleeper.

When he laid her on the bed and then laid himself beside her, he took her into his arms and cradled her to him.

He kissed her neck and buried his nose in her hair. What could have set her off like that? What Peter had described did not sound like his wife at all. She had always been straight forward with her emotions and had never shown signs of unhappiness. He was at a loss to what could be happening with her and swore he would get to the bottom of this.

She stirred again in his arms and he held her closer. He knew she was awake by the stiffening of her body. Instead of snuggling closer to him as she normally would, she held her breath and stiffened even more. Something stirred within him that he did not want to examine and he knew that whatever happened, it was absolutely related to him. Peter was right.

Katherine” He whispered into her hair softly as to not alarm her.

She let out her breath and then quickly tried to remove herself from his embrace just as her body started to tremble.

Rather than giving her that freedom, he locked his arms around her and turned her onto her back. Her eyes were closed and her face was strained. He rolled on top of her so she could not escape him and stared down into her face.

Open your eyes Kat, I told you I would never let you hide from me.”

She reluctantly opened her eyes and within them he saw the dampness that she was trying to hold back. She looked at him not with fear but with hurt and accusation. A tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek. When he lifted his finger to wipe it away, she cringed from his touch.

Whatever was bothering her was going to come between them and that he would never allow. She was his wife and he would be damned if he allowed her to withhold any part of herself from him.

Tell me what troubles you” He prompted gently but firmly.

She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. His heart lurched and he felt a stab of pain over her distrust.

He gently gripped her chin – ignoring her flinch from his touch – and brought her face back to him.

Tell me” he demanded more harshly.

When she opened her mouth to speak, her bottom lip quivered and she quickly shut it again.

Leaning down, he placed his lips to her quivering ones and kissed her oh so gently. When she did not respond, his kiss became more demanding – dominant.

Finally she started to respond but then just as quickly tore her lips from his with an agonized cry of frustration and despair.

Why do you reject me?” He whispered harshly as he tried to cool his breathing down.

Finally she looked at him again and he could see the resolve in her face, resolve that he did not care for.

I just need some space - that is all” she finally managed to say on a shaky breath.

What kind of space?” He demanded with hurt in his tone he could not disguise.

Things are moving too quickly and I just want to slow down and take a breather.” She declared with a bit more resolve.

You are my wife, there is no such thing as moving too quickly.” He responded.

I feel like I hardly know you and I haven’t really had time to recover from my past. Please My Lord, space is all that I request.” She pleaded with him.

She had called him “My Lord”. He looked into her eyes and knew that she was not the same Katherine that he had fallen in love with; this was a woman who was guarding her heart with everything she had.

What has brought this on? I thought you were happy. Have I done something to displease you?” He enquired harshly.

His happy marriage was falling apart before his eyes and his wife wouldn’t even let him know why or how he could fix it. She was rejecting him.

Again her lips quivered and more tears spilled over onto her cheeks.

Space…p-please…” She managed to sob out.

His heart was breaking before his very eyes, as was hers.

What happened in the forest Kat? What has turned you against this marriage?” He demanded more harshly. If she wasn’t going to fight for this marriage, by God he would.

N-Nothing!” She cried out as she started to twist and turn beneath him to free herself.

Free me Salvador!” She cried out again as she continued to try and twist away from him. Reject him.

Never” he declared boldly.

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