The Devil's Good Intentions (62 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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Her mood swings lately were entertaining. She would go from happy to frustrated to happy again within a blink of an eye.

She would snap at him for his over protectiveness and then spend the next hour making up for it. Yes, his wife was certainly delightful.

Even when she was in the worst of moods and snapping at him he could only smile.

After Ed’s party, she ranted and raved at him for trying to protect her innocent ears. She tried to convince him that no matter how he earned his reputation, it wouldn’t change the way she loved him, but he still wouldn’t relent. He was firm that there were things about him she didn’t need to know and made it clear to her that all she needed to know was that he loved her and would never ever let anything bad happen to her again. She stomped her foot and stormed out of the room with her passionate anger, it didn’t take long for him to follow her and flip up her skirts.

Love making was sometimes complicated. He knew he needed to be gentler with her now that she was advancing, but sometimes he had a hard time holding back. They found new positions that pleased them both and regardless of her insecurities, he found her more desirable than ever.

Jenna was proving to be a perfect ally for when he was away. She would bully Katherine into resting and would cluck and nag until all her food was finished.

Salvador grinned as he remembered walking into their chamber and seeing Katherine threatening Jenna with one of her boots to leave her alone. He had made the mistake of taking Jenna’s side and then ducked just in time for the boot to fly past his head.

Alex had told him that Angel had succeeded in hitting him with her boots a few times. If he thought that Katherine was moody, he didn’t want to spend too much time with Angel. Alex laughed it off and infuriated her by smothering her with kisses whenever she threw a temper tantrum.

Watching Katherine’s head loll to the side, he switched seats and tucked her into him so she wouldn’t fall over.

Closing his eyes, he smiled as he remembered their last trip in the carriage from Camden and then started to plan this one.


Katherine woke to the most sensational feeling. She opened her eyes just in time to catch Salvador bending over her to meet her lips. They were both breathing heavy and she realized she was on his lap and her skirt was flipped up, his fingers were inside her and his thumb swirling around her juices.

She moaned into his mouth and felt his erection twitch from beneath her bum.

Salvador” She whispered “This is a hell of a way to wake up…” She moaned out.

Language, Love” He scolded her gently and then kissed her again as he fisted her hair.

He drank in her cries of passion as he pumped his fingers in and out of her.

I want you to find your release like this” he whispered seductively into her neck as he kissed and nipped at her sensitive spots.

But…” She started to protest.

He cut her off by rubbing his thumb against her bud.

Ride my fingers.” He ordered her.

She was shy to do such a thing but the sensation he was causing in her was starting to over-ride her caution.

He pinched her nipple hard, causing her to cry out.

Ride my fingers.” He commanded her again.

She thrust her hips to meet his thrusting fingers and moaned as he growled into her neck. Moments later she was convulsing around his fingers and crying out as his thumb relentlessly drew out her orgasm.

Holding onto his shoulders for support, she slumped onto him when it was over.

My turn” he informed her in a menacing tone.

Do you want to please me as I have pleased you?” he asked casually as he thumbed over her bud, causing her to flinch.

Yes.” She moaned out when he swirled his finger in her juices.

Do you know what I find most beautiful about your lips?” he asked in a seductive tone that almost sounded like a purr.

She shook her head as he continued to play with her.

I find them most beautiful when they’re wrapped around my cock.” He continued to purr.

I’d like to see that, right now.” He growled out to her before pressing his lips to hers and claiming them in a demanding kiss.

When he released her, she slid onto the seat beside him and then proceeded to unfasten his breeches.

He moaned when she released his heavy erection and then fisted her hair when she took him into her mouth.

Yes Katherine! Suck it hard!” he gritted out as his hips thrust to meet her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around the crown of his cock and was rewarded by his moan. Bobbing her head back and forth, she drew him further and further into her mouth.

Sweet Jesus!” He cried out when his cock hit the back of her throat and she swallowed.

Suck it fast baby…yes…suck it…God yes!” he gritted out as his cock began to swell.

Let me see you lick it.” He grunted.

She looked up at him and then took his cock in her hand and licked it from top to bottom, swirling her tongue into the slit of his crown for good effect.

Do you like that?” he growled out to her.

Yes.” She whispered as she kissed it.

Good girl, now finish the job.” He commanded her as his fists tightened in her hair and his hips thrust forward to meet her mouth.

Suck it baby…yes…suck it…suck it…open your legs, I want to play with your pussy.”

Katherine opened her legs for him and he reached down and thrust two fingers into her and pumped at the same time as she sucked him into her mouth. She moaned around his cock and he growled in response. His thumb swirled around her bud and she moaned again.

Every time you moan I can feel it vibrate through my cock. Sing for me Love.” He cooed out through panted breath.

He pumped his fingers faster as she moaned with each thrust.

Mmmmmm” she moaned out again when he pinched her bud and sent waves of lust through her body as the orgasm licked at her muscles.

Keep your legs open” he growled out when she went to squeeze them shut. “I want to look at your beautiful pussy as I cum.”

He had taken to talking dirty to her when she went down on him lately and instead of being shocked or disgusted she found it arousing.

She licked at his cock as she took him into her throat and swallowed her saliva.

His hands fisted into the back of her hair and he held her head still as he started to thrust into her mouth.

Yes…harder…ah…ah…here comes your reward…oh yeah…I want to feel you swallow it…that’s it…drink it up…”

When she had swallowed what he had to offer her, she placed a kiss at the tip of his crown and then a kiss on his rock hard stomach causing the muscles there to flex under her lips.

You do realize that the only time I have a hard time being convinced you’re an innocent his when your sucking on my cock.” He chuckled out as he panted for breath.

She laughed and then kissed his crown again, making it twitch before wiping her bottom lip and straightening up to snuggle into him.

The rest of the carriage ride was uneventful. They stopped before the sun set and checked into an Inn along the way.

There weren’t enough rooms to accommodate everyone so Katherine and the brothers took two separate rooms, Jenna and Sarah slept with the tavern servants and the stewards, guards and Footmen slept in the carriages.

They all ate a half decent meal before Salvador and Katherine left Ed and Peter to go to bed.

The next morning, Katherine threw Peter a knowing smirk as one of the tavern wenches blushed and giggled while serving him breakfast.

Ed laughed and then winked over at another wench who was serving at another table.

The next few days went by rather slowly. It took them four days instead of three to reach the Rochester Estate because Salvador insisted on stopping more often to accommodate Katherine’s condition. She normally didn’t like to be singled out, but in this case she was grateful.

Chapter 36 - A Home that is Not a Home

When they reached the estate, Katherine stood there rooted to the ground after Salvador had helped her out of the carriage.

She stared up at the door and a flash of memories assaulted her, causing her to tremble.

You don’t have to do this Love, you can tell me where the journals are and then we’ll go back home if you’d like.” Salvador said gently from beside her.

She shook her head no.

I’m ok, I just wasn’t prepared.” She reassured him and then to prove her words she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and started for the door.

A servant opened the door and greeted her and the rest of the travelling party as they approached.

She didn’t recognize him and was grateful for that. She nodded her head in greeting to him and then walked passed him into the hall.

She knew Salvador was whispering something to the servant but she paid no attention as she surveyed the place. Although it was in better shape than when she left, it was still the same.

The halls were still bare of pictures and furniture from when she had to auction them off to feed her and her father.

She wandered through the halls and in and out of the rooms, barely aware that she was being shadowed.

With every step she took, she was assaulted by memories, none of them good.

Lady Rochester?” she heard a female voice from ahead of her.

She looked up and gasped when she saw her old maid.


It’s me! Oh dear child, we were so worried for you!” She cried out as she rushed towards her.

Halt!” Salvador’s commanding tone boomed from behind her.

Claire froze in her tracks and looked over Katherine’s shoulder with fear in her eyes.

I don’t know you so therefore you will not touch my wife.” He said coolly as he took his place beside her and placed a protective arm around her waist.

It’s alright Salvador; Claire was my maid when I was growing up.” She said in a soothing tone, hoping to defuse her husband’s distrust.

Even still.” He responded with finality in his tone.

Claire, this is my husband - Lord Salvador Cresta and this is Lord Peter and Lord Edward.”

Claire remained frozen in place with her mouth slightly opened.

Claire?” Katherine prodded gently.

Claire finally shook herself out of her trance and curtsied for them.

At your service.” She said politely, giving a wary eye to Salvador.

Have our rooms been prepared?” Salvador asked.

Yes my Lord, if you will follow me.”

With that, they were all led to their chambers.

Peter and Ed were shown to guest rooms while Salvador and Katherine were led to the master suite.

Katherine sucked in her breath before Claire opened the door. The last time she had been in this room was when her Father had died and she wasn’t certain she could go through with this.

Salvador placed a comforting hand on her back and then nodded to Claire to open the door.

Katherine couldn’t help but gasp when she peered in. All of the furniture had been changed, even the order they had been previously placed was new. If it weren’t for the structure of the room, she would have never had recognized it.

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