The Devoted Winter: BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel (Her Winter Love Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Devoted Winter: BWWM Billionaire Romance Novel (Her Winter Love Series Book 1)
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Nadiyya felt like she was going to throw up. This was a huge setback and she had no idea what would cause anyone to attack Lucian in such a deliberate and efficient way. If all the money was gone that would put her back to square one. Plus without access to his bank accounts, Nadiyya was pretty sure Lucian wouldn’t be wealthy anymore, much less a billionaire. This was bad news all around.


“Who could have done this?” Nadiyya asked in distress.


“It doesn’t matter who could have done this. I just want it fixed. But it might be awhile. There are legal issues,” Lucian said sternly. His brow was furrowed tightly. He looked like he was experiencing a strong migraine.


“Do you think it could have been Slade? Somehow? I don’t think he has the smarts himself but maybe he hired someone…” Nadiyya said and trailed off. There was a pit in her stomach. She didn’t want to believe Slade could actually do this but she had no choice
to believe it. Who else had it out for Lucian that badly? Who else would do something that could fuck them both over? She though their relationship was on the mend but apparently she was wrong.


“If it was him... Let’s just say you won’t be able to stop me from doing what I have to do. I’m sorry Nadiyya. I know how you feel about this, but he’s messing with my life’s work here. I have to take action. That’s just the world of business. I should find out the truth by tomorrow morning. My people are working on this,” Lucian said.


“I understand,” Nadiyya replied. She was scared of what Lucian could do to Slade but at this point she was sick of his betrayals. She could turn a blind eye to Lucian’s more savage ways if it meant saving her company. She’d worked too hard for this.


“Come here. Kiss me,” Lucian ordered. Nadiyya leaned over the table and kissed him on the lips. She grabbed his hand and began to lead him to her bedroom. In the dusky blue of her bedroom, Lucian lifted Nadiyya and threw her back onto the bed. She giggled as she bounced back on her plush pillows. Lucian scrambled between her legs, prepared to work off the stress from the terrible news he’d just received.


Giving Nadiyya a good hard pounding would work out all his kinks and tensions. Lucian stripped her down to nothing in seconds. Even if he’d experienced her body once before, her curves still enchanted him. He didn’t want to just give her the same old missionary experience as before. “Get on all fours,” Lucian said gruffly. Nadiyya didn’t want to know what would happen if she disobeyed him.


She got onto all fours and arched her back. Lucian felt heat rise in his pants as he became instantly hard. Her body was so immaculate. She was his Nubian goddess with the perfect body. He ran his hands over her thick ass before he stripped down naked himself. “Try not to scream too loud,” he said as he positioned his fat dick at her entrance.


Nadiyya was shivering with anticipation. Deprived of visual stimulation, all she had to predict Lucian’s next move was her sense of touch. He could feel his finger lingering outside her entrance, stroking her slit slowly to tease her into arousal. Then she felt the head of his dick press against her entrance, dripping precum into her pussy. She knew what they were about to do was risky but she didn’t care. She felt like she’d lost it all anyhow or at least she was about to.


Lucian began to slide into her. From this angle, her pussy felt much tighter. In a few seconds his cock was fully inserted Nadiyya’s pussy. It hurt more than she expected. This wasn’t her first time anymore, but Lucian’s dick was hitting her deep. Nadiyya cried out when he started to thrust inside her hard. Nadiyya was starting to get more comfortable with Lucian and as pleasure built inside her her moans and screams became louder and louder.


She felt truly stretched out by his cock and as he rammed deep inside her she could barely contain herself. Orgasm after orgasm blazed through her body. “Yes Lucian! Fuck me Lucian!” she cried out.


“Yeah you like that, you little slut?” Lucian grunted.


While she would have abhorred it in a non-sexual context, in bed, being called a slut really turned her on. Nadiyya felt like she could unleash her inner sex goddess and be free to really fuck like a bad girl.


“Oh yes! Please fuck me harder!” she begged. Lucian was happy to oblige. He gripped the willing woman’s hips and plunged into her hard and fast. The feeling of slipping in and out of her without protection was almost more than he could handle. Her warm sheath gripped his cock like a vice and with each thrust he felt like her pussy was drawing the cum out of him.


After Nadiyya had been more than satisfied, Lucian finally came. He groaned as his hot sperm shot into her pussy. The sensation of his sticky cum landing deep inside her as his cock twitched to release even more of the liquid felt amazing to Nadiyya. She didn’t understand why, but she knew that she enjoyed it.


Although they were still worried about the troubles the day ahead would bring, Lucian and Nadiyya were beyond satisfied. They curled up together under Nadiyya’s blankets, siphoning the heat off of each other so they could stay warm through the cold winter night.



Chapter 7


Slade was pleased when he received word that his plan was working. He’d actually managed to thwart that wealthy bastard. His day was getting even better when he found out that he was to be released from the hospital that day. Slade still had a few purplish bruises, but overall he felt better than ever. He was eager to get back on his feet where he could really work on taking down that asshole Lucian. His side still ached and he had a slight limp, but he didn’t need a strong body to do damage when he had his mind.


Slade knew Lucian had underestimated him and now he would continue to pay. Jake got in touch with Slade the afternoon he was released and confessed something to Slade that turned his world around and made him tremble with glee.

“Jake, how on earth did you find this out?” Slade asked, trying to make sure he’d heard his friend correctly.


“The accounts were in both their names. I thought you might want to know,” Jake said, taking a loud slurp of some beverage on the other end of the line.


“I can’t believe dude has a wife! Are you sure Jake?” Slade asked. His hands were so shaky he nearly dropped his phone.


“Slade… I just shut down roughly ten bank accounts from a Macbook Pro and you’re asking me if I’m sure about this?” Jake said, taking another loud slurp and a huge bite out of something crunchy.


When Slade hung up he let out a big whoop. This was the best he’d felt in a long time. This was news he could use against Lucian. If Nadiyya found out about this, she would be furious with Lucian for his betrayal. Finally she would see that the guy she’d chosen was no better than Slade. “At least I wouldn’t cheat on her!” Slade thought to himself. He knew there was no way Nadiyya would allow him to get close to her again, at least until she saw for herself what scum Lucian was.


Slade texted Jake, asking him for the full name and phone number of Lucian’s wife. He had every intention of luring her to Vermont so she could see exactly what her husband was up to.


Martine Wynter, nee Dubois,  was eager to go out to Vermont when she received a strange message that her husband was desperate to see her. She couldn’t see why Lucian had insisted on filing for a divorce. She figured that he was just a little upset, but eventually he would come around. And here he was, inviting her to Vermont for the winter. Perhaps Lucian would make it up to her by taking her skiing or having them jet over to Canada. Apparently, her husband had made friends in Vermont and one of these friends had offered to come pick her up from the airport. She reluctantly accepted his offer. Of course, it was no limousine but Martine thought that it was so wonderful of Lucian to make friends with these earthy people.


When the Wynter jet landed at the Burlington airport, Martine was escorted with her designer luggage to the baggage claim area where regular people were bustling about to find their cheap, polyester suitcases. She pursed her lips together tightly and waited in the corner for Lucian’s friend to come find her.


When Slade entered the waiting area, it was easy for him to recognize Martine Wynter. She had a haughty look on her face, like she considered herself too good to be around the average Vermonter. She was probably right, Slade thought. She looked like a model, albeit a bit older than your average model. She had deeply tanned skin and long blond hair that was pulled back to highlight the high cheekbones on her heart shaped face. Martine had plump lips with matte red lipstick on them. She was dressed in all black with a white peacoat and stilettos. For a woman in her mid thirties, she was absolutely gorgeous.


Slade approached her politely and said, “You must be Mrs. Wynter.”


“Please, call me Martine,” she replied. Her accent sounded like a bizarre blend of a posh British and Southern accent.


“Martine, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Slade.  I’ll take you to Lucian’s hotel. You’ve booked your own suite, I presume,” Slade said.


Martine nodded. She knew better than to encroach upon Lucian’s space, especially when he was on a work trip.


“I think it would be nice if you surprised your husband tomorrow. Here’s the address to where he works,” Slade said, handing her his business card.


“Thank you for your kindness Slade,” she replied. Martine was excessively formal. Her rigid posture caused Slade to wonder if she was that rigid in other ways. Women so uptight were sometimes surprising by being real animals in bed. Slade led Martine to his car and drove her to the hotel where Lucian was staying.


Once Martine was settled in, Slade said good evening to her and left her to her own devices. He’d done his part and now he just had to let the shit hit the fan. Martine would obviously turn to him once she discovered what Lucian was up to and he would have his hand in the pot once again. That night, Slade had the best night’s sleep he’d had since he’d landed in the hospital.


Lucian and Nadiyya started work early the day after Martine arrived in Vermont. Lucian was working hard to get all of his accounts online. He’d managed to work things out with his European banks a lot faster. They were better equipped to handle incidents like that than American or Canadian banks. Nadiyya was still involved in market research and product development so the two were hardly speaking. The strange tension between them had evaporated but the line between lover and co-worker was wearing thin.


Martine walked up to the door of the “office” that Slade said her husband was working in. This couldn’t be right. Lucian had billions to his name. What could he possibly be doing in such a run down place like this? Martine knocked on the door, gingerly, hoping that some deranged murderer wouldn’t jump out and attack her. She was wearing couture after all.


Nadiyya opened the door to see an out of place white woman standing there. “Hello, is Lucian here?” Martine asked.


“Yes he is. Come inside out of the cold,” Nadiyya said warmly. She had no idea who this woman was, but she wasn’t going to expose her to the Vermont elements.


When Lucian saw Martine, his face went white. His throat suddenly felt extremely dry. What on earth was Martine doing here?


“Lucian, I’m here!” Martine said in a sing-songy voice.


“I can see that,” Lucian said sternly. Martine noticed that her husband didn’t look very thrilled to see her. “He’ll warm up,” she thought to herself.


“Hi, I’m Nadiyya. Can we help you miss?” Nadiyya said. If she weren’t so naive, she might have been able to put two and two together.


“I’m Lucian’s wife! I presume you’re his helper?” Martine asked, equally oblivious to what was going on. Nadiyya was dumbstruck.  How on earth could Lucian not mention that he had a wife?


“Martine, I’ll meet you for lunch. Could you stay occupied until then?” Lucian said coolly. He knew he was in for a firestorm the moment Martine left the room. He wanted to get that hell over with as soon as possible. Why was that damned woman always making his life a living hell.


, dear. Ta ta!” Martine said. She left with a smile on her face but once the door slammed behind her that smile became replaced with a malignant expression. How dare Lucian dismiss her like this?! He didn’t even kiss her! Martine stormed away, hoping she could find somewhere to go shopping in this impoverished town.


Nadiyya had nothing to say to Lucian. She was so furious, she feared the words that would come out of her mouth would be so poisonous she would never be able to take them back. Lucian knew he had a lot of explaining to do. But how could he tell the story of Lucian and Martine in only a few minutes?

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