The Earl's Scandalous Wife (4 page)

Read The Earl's Scandalous Wife Online

Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical romance

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“I can handle this,” Perry told Agatha then turned to Paula’s brother. 
“Mister Leighton, it’s not my intention to do any damage to your sister’s reputation.  I will marry her.”

Her brother grunted.  “Her reputation?  Don’t you know who she is?”

Perry glanced at her.  “She’s your sister.”

“That’s enough,” Paula told her brother, knowing exactly what he was getting at.  “
Lord Clement, I’ll be very happy to marry you,” and she meant that in ways that didn’t have anything to do with the duke.

stepped back out onto the veranda, a wide smile on his face.  “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to my cousin.  I’m so glad I could be here to witness it.”

“And what’s so great about it?” her brother demanded, turning to him.

“Everything,” Christopher replied as if the answer was obvious.  “This is the happiest day of my life.” He glanced at Agatha and winked.  “Besides the day we got married, of course.”

Agatha sighed.

“I must talk to my sister.” Her brother shot Paula a pointed look.  “Alone.”

“There’s nothing to say,” Paula replied, edging closer to Perry.  “Nothing
can be undone.  Besides, Lord Clement was just suggesting he take me to Gretna Green at once.”

“He what?” her brother demanded.

“I what?” Perry asked in shock.

“Bravo!” Christopher clapped his hands.  “Quick on her feet and beautiful. 
Perry has done well this time, wouldn’t you agree, dear?” he asked Agatha who rolled her eyes.

Her brother’s jaw clenched for a moment before he forced a smile in
Perry’s direction.  “Will you and,” he glanced at Christopher and Agatha, “your friends please excuse us for a moment?”

Perry shifted from one foot to the other, tapping his fingers on the tip of his cane.  “Since I’m going to be her husband, I believe it’s my right to stay here and address any concerns you have.”

Paula was so relieved—and happy—that Perry decided not to leave her alone with her brother that she almost kissed him again.  The only reason she didn’t was because a group of onlookers had gathered onto the veranda. She’d already created enough gossip for the busybodies.  There was no sense in adding to it.

Her brother closed his eyes for a moment then opened them in a way that indicated he wished he could get what he wanted but didn’t know how.  Finally, he relented.  “I suppose my concerns can wait.  We’ll discuss them another time.”

Perry nodded, his expression void of any emotions as her brother headed back into the ballroom.

much as she wanted to ask what he thought of her brother, she didn’t dare.  She’d done enough damage already.  So far, everything was going much better than she expected.  If she could do her part to ease him into the marriage from this point forward, that would be all the better.

“Perhaps we should go back into the ballroom,” Agatha suggested.  “There’s no sense in staying out here all night when we can enjoy our time inside.”

“I agree.” Perry turned to Paula, his arm extended to her.  “I might not be able to dance, but we can discuss the details of our wedding while reclining in two chairs.”

“Why not recline with her on your lap, cousin?” Christopher asked, a wry grin crossing his face.

“You’ve done enough for one night,” Agatha muttered to her husband.  “Miss Leighton, I wish to be the first to welcome you to the family.  The gentlemen might have their quirks, but they are honorable and well-deserving of a lady’s love.”

“Ah, thank you,” Christopher replied.  “I’m flattered you speak so openly about your love for me.”

“I was referring to Lord Clement as well.”

“Yes, I know.  He was the quirky one.  I was the one who was honorable and deserving of your love.”

“As you can tell,” Agatha told Paula who was fighting the urge to laugh at their good-natured banter, “you are going to be a part of a very interesting family.”

“Thank you,” Paula said, already liking Agatha and Christopher immensely.
“We’ll have to have a dinner party so you can get better acquainted with everyone.”

Perry frowned
.  “By
, do you mean Lord Edon will be invited, too?”

“Of course. 
I’d like to find out what mischief Lord Edon’s up to these days.”

Paula felt Perry stiffen and glanced at him, surprised that his cousin’s statement should bother him, but she gathered from the amused expression on Christopher’s face that he enjoyed provoking Perry.

Agatha placed her hand on Christopher’s elbow and said, “We’ll send an invitation when you return from Gretna Green,” before she led Christopher back inside.

Perry offered her an apologetic smile.  “He used to be my ward before he married her.”

She slowed her pace to match his as he limped to the ballroom.  “He says things in hopes it’ll bother you.”

“I know.  I tell myself not to let him know when he bothers me, but that’s easier said than done.”

“Well, maybe one of these days, you’ll be able to do it.” Feeling the tension ease from his muscles, she smiled, very glad that Christopher had led her to such a wonderful gentleman.






Chapter Four


Perry knew Christopher had something to do with the scandal that just ensured he’d finally get married, but this was one time he didn’t mind Christopher’s mischievous
behavior.  Had this happened a year or two ago, he would’ve been appalled that his cousin had arranged for him to get married this way.  However, after going through many frustrating Seasons and a failed engagement, he was more than willing to go along with his cousin’s latest scheme.

And he had to hand it to his cousin.  He had a good eye for beauty.  Miss Leighton was breathtaking with her wavy dark brown hair that framed her
heart-shaped face.  Her cheeks were flushed at the moment, no doubt from all the activity.  Her full lips were slightly open, reminding him of how much he’d enjoyed the kiss she’d given him on the veranda.  Yes, his cousin had chosen well, and Perry decided he could forgive him for all of the grief he’d put him through as his ward.

As he led Miss Leighton to the side of the ballroom, Nate hurried over to them.  He figured his friend would want to talk to him as soon as he learned about the scandal, but he hoped to have a moment to talk to Miss Leighton first, to explain tha
t he meant it when he said he’d marry her and that he wouldn’t tell anyone she had initiated the kiss.

“My lady,” Nate greeted, quickly bowing to Miss Leighton.  Before she had time to utter a greeting in return, Nate turned to Perry.  “May I have a word with you in private?”

“I’m not sure now is a good time,” Perry slowly replied.  “I have to discuss some things with Miss Leighton first.”

“I won’t take long.”

Perry hesitated, glancing at Miss Leighton.  He really didn’t want to leave her alone, especially after watching the tense exchange between her and her brother.

“I’ll be fine,” she assured him and gestured to a nearby chair.  “In fact, I wouldn’t mind sitting over here for a few minutes.”

“I don’t know,” Perry murmured, scanning the ballroom for her brother.  He didn’t see him, but that didn’t mean her brother wasn’t still here.

“My wife can keep Miss Leighton company,” Nate offered as Claire
strolled over to them.

Perry guessed Nate had found Claire and asked her to talk to Miss Leighton so he’d be able to whisk Perry back to the veranda.

“I don’t mind,” Miss Leighton insisted, offering Perry a lovely smile.

He really couldn’t imagine how any lady could be more attractive
than the one standing before him.

“Well?” Nate pressed, bringing Perry’s attention back to him.

With a sigh, Perry nodded.  “All right.  Miss Leighton, I’ll return shortly.  If your brother returns—”

“We’ll deal with it
then,” Nate interrupted and patted his friend on the shoulder.  “I need to talk to you.  Now.”

Perry had time to nod to Claire before he felt himself nearly being pushed in the direction of the veranda by a very impatient Nate.  “My cane, Nate,” he muttered under his breath.


Nate slowed his steps so Perry could keep up with him as they walked to the veranda.  Whatever his friend wanted to talk about, Perry had a nagging suspicion that he didn’t want to hear it.  But to his credit,
Nate didn’t say anything in front of the other people and for that, Perry was relieved.

As soon as they were on the veran
da, Nate stood in front of him, looking like a gentleman who was preparing for some bad news.  “Are the rumors true?”

  Perry couldn’t help but wonder exactly what rumors were going around regarding him and Miss Leighton.  “The rumors?”

, the ones about you and Miss Leighton.”

“Exactly what are the rumors?”

With an exasperated sigh, he stared at his friend.  “You know very well what people are saying in there.  The fool who used to be your ward is going all over the ballroom spreading them.”

“Christopher is only explaining what happened.”

“So it’s true?  You lured Miss Leighton onto the veranda and thrust yourself upon her?”

The choice of words Nate used made Perry
laugh.  “Lured her out here?  Thrust myself upon her?”

He crossed his arms.  “I don’t see what’s so funny about any of it.”

“I know Christopher has a tendency to exaggerate, but even that one was unexpected.”

“All right.  He might not have used those exact words, but he made it clear that you were too friendly with Miss Leighton.”

“I’d say she was the one who was too friendly with me.”

released his breath.  “I knew it wasn’t your doing.”

“But I do
n’t mind that people think I instigated the kiss.”


Actually, it was rather flattering.  She could have chosen anyone to get caught in a scandal with and she chose me.”

“Are you daft?”

“Not at all.  My wits are still intact.”

just trapped you—intentionally—into marriage.”

“Yes, that about sums it up,” Perry agreed.

“And you don’t mind?”

Leaning on his cane, he shrugged.  “Why should I mind?  Did you see how beautiful she is?”

“A beautiful lady doesn’t come up to you and kiss you unless she’s after something.”

“Granted, that’s true.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Nate,” he began, wondering how he might explain it so that his friend would understand, “I’m tired of going from one Season to another without finding a wife.  I’m tired of people snickering behind my back and saying I’m the earl who’ll never get married, no matter how hard I try.”

“And now they’re all going to say you created a scandal so you would get married.”

“That’s fine.”

“But it’s a scandal.”

“Just about everything we do can become a scandal.”

Nate gasped, stepping back.  “You’re not the same gentleman I’ve known since childhood.  The thought of being caught in a scandal used to frighten you.”

“And look at how well that worked for me,” Perry pointed out
then gestured to him.  “You were caught in a scandal with Claire, and you’re happily married.  Not only that, but you have an heir.  Lord Edon made up a lie about him and Lady Catherine being engaged and the next thing we all know, they’re married, too, and he has a child on the way.  It seems to me that playing by the rules has gotten me absolutely nowhere.  Then suddenly something unexpected happens, and I’m finally engaged, and not only am I engaged, but because of the rumors, Miss Leighton won’t be able to end the engagement like Agatha’s sister did.”

Not every marriage begins with a scandal.  Christopher wasn’t involved with one when he married Agatha.”

For some reason, Perry still found that one hard to believe, especially since Christopher delighted in causing mischief.  “He might not have been caught in something, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a little bit on the rakish side in order to secure Agatha’s hand in marriage.”

Nate opened his mouth to protest but then relented.  “Probably.  Otherwise, someone as refined as her would never have agreed to marry him.”

Perry smiled at his friend.  “It’s nice to know I have a friend who will do everything he can to help me avoid scandal or marriage to a lady I don’t want.”

“Marriage is one of those things that will make you miserable if you don’t have the right lady.”

“And lucky for me, I have the right lady waiting for me in the ballroom.”

“I hope so.”

“It wouldn’t hurt you to look at events from a
more optimistic perspective.”

“You might be an idealist, Perry, but I will always be a realist.”

Unable to resist the urge to joke, Perry said, “I often wonder how Claire can bear with your constant need to seek out the bad in every situation.”

“That’s not fair.  I seek out plenty of good when the situation warrants it.”

Perry chuckled and shifted to his other foot.  “Are you done panicking over my future?”

After brief p
ause, he nodded.  “I suppose so.”

” Anxious to return to Miss Leighton, he headed back into the ballroom.




Paula shifted in the chair, trying her hardest to pay attention to what Lady Roderick was saying even though she kept scanning the ballroom for Perry.  She hoped he didn’t slip away like Lord Holloway had right before they reached Gretna Green.  She shoved the reminder aside.  Perry wasn’t Lord Holloway.  And besides, she had witnesses who would testify to the kiss they shared on the veranda.  Even so, the longer he took to return, the more anxious she became.

“But of course, not everyone enjoys riding a horse,” Lady Roderick rambled.  “I, for one, don’t.  I’ve been on them, but I don’t like the lack of control I fee
l when I’m on one.  Sometimes I worry I’ll slip and fall off.  What do you think about horses?”

Paula forced her gaze to her and
smiled.  “I love riding them, but I prefer to walk.”

Lady Roderick let out a cry of delight and clasped her hands together.  “That’s wonderf
ul!  Lord Clement adores horses.”

Interest piqued, she leaned toward her.  “Does he?”

“Yes.  He even has a couple he keeps in London so he can ride at Hyde Park.”

“What else does he enjoy?”

“He hosts a lot of dinner parties but only invites those closest to him.  He’s very sociable once you get to know him.  He enjoys chess and politics when he’s with my husband.  The two have known each other since childhood, and they spend a lot of time together at White’s but not so much that you’ll feel neglected.  Oh, and he has a wonderful sense of humor and has a good heart.”

“Does he also easily forgive?”

“He’s one of the most forgiving people I know.” Lady Roderick paused then offered a reassuring smile.  “You have no need to worry.  Unlike some gentlemen, he’s not the kind who holds a grudge.”

That was good to hear.  She hated to think he might resent her for their entire lives because she trapped him into a marriage.  With a glance at the room, she sa
w him walking in her direction.

Lady Roderick rose from her seat.  “We’ll talk again soon.”

Paula nodded and smiled her thanks before she walked away.  A cautious scan around the room assured her that her brother wasn’t anywhere in sight.  Good.  She had enough to worry about without dragging Perry into the unsavory situation with her brother.

“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,”
Perry said as he settled into the seat next to her.

“No.” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart.  So far, he seemed amiable.  That was good.  “Lady Roderick kept me company.”

“She’s a good friend.” With a grin, he added, “She’s the better part of her husband.”

Returning his smile, she said, “I understand you and Lord Roderick are good friends, too.”

“Yes.  I keep him from getting too serious and he admires me for it.”

She chuckled at his joke.  Lady Roderick was right.  He had a wonderful sense of humor, and that was very refreshing.

He rubbed his thumb along the handle of his cane, a thoughtful expression on his face.  “I suppose since we are to be married, then I have your permission to ask what your name is?”


“That’s a lovely name.”

“Thank you.”

“I gather you caught my name since my cousin referred to it often enough?”

“Yes.  You’re Perry.”

He nodded then asked, “About your brother, am I safe to assume he doesn’t have your best interest at heart?”

How much did she dare tell him? 
If she told him too much, would he still be willing to marry her?  “Well,” she began, testing each word in her mind before she spoke, “my brother and I don’t agree on some things.” She held her breath, wondering if he’d expect her to explain further.

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