The Mayor's Daughter: Draft Pony (15 page)

BOOK: The Mayor's Daughter: Draft Pony
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Chapter Fifteen
The Final Test

stumbled ahead of him in the moonlight, each forward step of the hoof boots
drawing the chain between her ankles taut. Her entire body quivered in the
aftermath of that terrifying moment in the coffin. Passing back through
the door and into the mill, her hooves clattering on the hard floor once more,
she could not hold back her hopeless tears as the place seemed to close in
around her again. She turned slightly to watch him close the door behind
him through her tear-blurred eyes as she shook with the force of her desperate

“You look so
tired, princess,” he spoke as he finished with the door. “But think of the
positive side. One more try at the test, and then you can just lie down
and sleep. Pass or fail, you’ll be lying down after this attempt.”

Trying not to
think about his words as he took hold of her arm and began to lead her across
the interior of the mill once more, Jessica struggled to get a hold of herself. Her
exhausted body was shaking and trembling as she walked awkwardly in her bonds. She
needed to find strength somewhere or she would fail again, and then it would be
back to the coffin. She cut off that line of thinking as quickly as it came
up. She would pass.

“You know the
rules, of course, princess,” he spoke as they arrived at the three copper
bars. “Of course, it’s just one try this time. Once chance to save your

Jessica took
long, deep breaths through her clenched teeth, biting down on the metal bit
between them. He got her into place, removing the cuffs on her ankles. She
had one chance instead of three. She wanted to look at him, to find
strength in her hatred for him, but the rigid collar on her neck forced her to
look straight ahead. She gasped, her body spasming, as he abruptly pulled
the hook from her ass, and then felt him threading the rope back out of her

“No need to
make this any harder for you than it has to be,” he chuckled as he worked.

And then she
saw the image, and her tiny spark of rage blossomed into a fury within
her. There, on the wall across the mill from her, was the picture of her
father’s face. Frozen with his mouth open in the middle of his press
conference on the flickering television monitor above the stone wheel, he
seemed to mock her, to laugh at the torment that he had caused her. She
focused on him, her mind swimming in a sea of the fury that filled her,
forgetting her pain and exhaustion for a moment.

“And, go,” her
captor spoke.

Clinging to
that anger like a safety line, Jessica surged forward at the sound of his
voice. Each high step brought her hoof boots down with a loud clatter
against the hard floor as she strode forward quickly and confidently. With
every downward stroke of her leg, Jessica expected the sudden jolt of the
electrical current, but none came.  

work, princess!” her captor cried out, and suddenly Jessica realized that
she was at the end of the pole. “I guess you just needed proper motivation.”

As he came to
her and led her away from the end of the testing pole, Jessica staggered, her
legs buckling beneath her. Were it not for his hold on her body, she would
have fallen. Her eyes closed, she felt him wrap an arm around her waist as
he held her while she sobbed. Her body shook against him as he slowly,
gently, began to move her again. She felt utterly spent as he half-led and
half-carried her across the room, unable to find the strength to do anything
more than barely support herself.

“You get to
be a show pony now, princess,” he spoke softly. She moaned with relief as
he released the tension of the bit between her lips. “I’m so proud of you.”

Jessica felt
the texture of the floor change beneath her feet and the clopping of her hoof
boots ended. She opened her heavy-lidded eyes enough to see that she was
in the pale pink room that she’d been show so long ago now. New sobs, born
of relief, wracked her body as he led her to the bed and then turned her and
helped her sit down on the soft comforter. Sinking slightly into the soft
bed, she took long, deep breaths as she felt him carefully removing the harness
from around her head.

“Life is
going to be much better for you now,” he spoke softly to her as he dropped the
harness to the floor and then turned his attention to the stiff collar on her
“For both of us.”

Jessica could
still feel the imprint of the harness’s straps on her flesh, but it felt so
good just for it to be gone, never to be worn again. She rotated her stiff
neck slowly as he removed the heavy collar, feeling how sore her muscles were
there. Her whole body ached, and she yearned to just lie back on the bed
and sink into oblivion.

“You’re quite
a mess right now, but I think we’ll wait until the morning for your bath,” he
spoke as he leaned past her to grab the pink leather collar from where it
rested on the bed. “You need your rest now, don’t you?”

please,” she croaked softly in response, her voice hoarse, “I just w-want to

swallowed as he closed the supple leather collar around her neck. It was
much softer and thinner than the rough black one she’d been wearing, and she
was grateful for the change, though the rattle of the chain that connected it
to the headboard offered her no reassurance.  

“You can
sleep in just a little while, princess,” he spoke softly.

A soft whine
escaped her as she felt him release her arms behind her back. Shoulders
and arms throbbed as they were freed from the difficult position, and she
quickly drew her mittened hands in front of her. She rubbed her upper arms with
the soft leather that confined her hands. She sat limply as he removed the
harness from her upper body, finally dropping it to the floor with the head harness.

“Lie back,
princess,” he told her as he pressed back lightly on her chest.

Lying back on
the soft bed, she closed her eyes and ran her mittens over the rough lines in
her upper body left by the leather straps that had enwrapped it. He turned
her on the bed as he knelt next to it, lifting her booted feet up onto the
mattress. She could feel her mind beginning to drift away as he unlaced
the first boot and then slowly drew it from her foot. She wiggled her toes
in the cool air, for the first time in a seeming eternity. She could feel the
arch of her foot threatening to cramp up on her. She brought her mittened
hands up under her cheek as he gently turned her onto her side while he removed
the other boot.  

Some small
part of her mind felt the vulnerability of her position, naked now save for the
mittens and collar, as she lay on the bed, but the rest of her was too grateful
to have the horrific implements removed. She was nearly asleep, drifting
toward oblivion as her exhaustion overwhelmed her.

The feel of
something soft wrapping around her ankle brought her back from the edge of
oblivion. Heavy eyes fluttering open, she looked down over the length of
her ravaged body to see him close a pink leather cuff around her ankle, a chain
leading from it to the corner of the bed’s footboard. She tried to pull
her other ankle away, feebly, as he took hold of it and drew it toward the
other corner of the bed.

“Please, no,” she
whimpered softly as he wrapped another cuff around that ankle, her bare foot
twitching nervously. “I just want to sleep.”

Turning to
face her as he rose to sit on the bed next to her, he grinned as he ran a hand along
the inside of her thigh. She quickly tried to bring her legs together, but
the chains on her ankles prevented her from fully achieving contact, and the
look on his face sent a new shiver of dread down her spine.

“You’ll sleep
soon enough, princess,” he practically purred, his hand continuing to
glide upward, “but first, it’s time for me to put this body to use.”

“No!” she
cried out, bolting upright as a surge of adrenaline energized her, the chains
to her ankles suddenly growing taut as she pulled at them. “Get away from me!”

Jessica cried
out as he thrust her back down onto the bed with his weight. She flailed
at him with her mittened hands, feeling them bounce off his hard body as she
fought him. She screamed hysterically as he moved onto the bed to straddle
her, shifting forward until his knees pressed into her shoulders. Hot
tears stung her eyes as he grabbed her right hand and yanked it forcefully up
to the bed’s headboard. Her spent muscles quivered as he pulled hard, stretching
her and then attaching a ring on the mitten to a chain that waited there. She
barely fought him as he took hold of her left hand and drew it up to its corner
to lock it to the waiting chain there.

“D-don’t. P-please. Pleeeaaasee,
don’t rape me,” she sobbed, pulling at the bonds that held her spread as
he rose from the bed again.

“I’m not
going to rape you, princess,” he smiled as he took hold of the hem of his
shirt and then lifted it up and over his head in one smooth motion.

not?” she asked, looking up at him with wide eyes, her voice cracking.

“No, I’m
going to fuck you.” He narrowed his eyes as he unbuttoned his pants and
let them fall down his legs, his member standing out long and hard from his
crotch. “I own you, so it’s not rape.”

“No! Get
away from me!” Jessica screamed as he moved forward to climb onto the bed
again. “I’ll kill you! I swear I’ll kill you, you fucking son of a bitch!”

hysterically, Jessica pulled desperately at the bonds that held her body wide.
She felt the touch of his flesh against her calf as he climbed into place with
her. Her back arched, every muscle in her body tense, she thrashed on the
bed as he leaned into her, the tip of his cock against her belly. Squeezing
her eyes shut, she turned her head away as she felt his hot breath on her

crying out, she felt his cock glide slowly down over her body toward her nether
lips, and then felt it playing lightly across them. She felt his hands
move into place, rough fingers grabbing and spreading those lips as he began to
slowly enter her. Above her own cries, she heard his loud groan of
satisfaction as he pressed himself into her.  

Panting for
air on the verge of hyperventilating, she felt him drive slowly inside her as his
body came to lie atop hers. His musky scent filled her nostrils as she
breathed raggedly, feeling the strain as he gradually pressed his way fully
inside her. A shudder ran through his body, translating through him and
into her as he stopped, the full length of his member now within her. She
kept her eyes squeezed shut as she felt his hot breath on her face again, and
then felt his tongue lap out along her cheek.

“Do you know
how hard it’s been to hold back from fucking this delicious little body all
this time?” he hissed softly at her. “Do you have any idea how much I have
yearned to bury myself in you?”

struggled to send her mind far away from this place as she felt him slowly draw
back from inside her. She tried to tell herself that, after all he’d done
to her here, this was neither a surprise nor her worst moment. But she was
filled with revulsion and hatred for him as he plunged back into her helplessly
spread and bound body again, and she cried out softly as he drove inside her.

“But I needed
you to earn it first, princess,” he hissed, his breathing growing faster
as he continued to rape her. “I wanted to save it as your reward for all the
hard work you put into ... passing... that... test..”

She bit her
lower lip hard as he rammed inside her to punctuate his last three words with
the driving of his body against hers and his cock within her. He was
fucking her hard and fast now as she squirmed beneath him, lifting himself off
the bed slightly with each driving plunge into her.

“Oh, yes!” he
cried out, and she felt his body tense against hers, pushing himself up onto
the bed as he pressed hard against her.

She opened
her eyes to see him straining above her, his face contorted as he came within
her. Jerking in her bonds as he spurted into her, she yearned to reach up
and claw the expression from his features as he shuddered. She saw him
breathing hard as he remained there, poised over her.

“That was
incredible, princess,” he finally spoke, his voice thick as his eyes
slowly opened.

Biting her
lower lip, Jessica whimpered softly as he withdrew from inside her and then
rose from the bed, his wet member hanging limply between his legs now. She
looked away from him as he moved, focusing on a spot on the wall as she burned
with hatred for him.

“Have a good
night’s sleep, princess,” he growled, and she cried out as he grabbed her
chin roughly, yanking her face around to look up at him again as he grinned. “I’ll
be back for round two in the morning. We have so much lost time to make up for.”

glared up at him, shaking in her bonds as he held her face and held her gaze
for a moment longer. And then his eyes swept down over her body, and she
could feel his gaze on the wet spot between her legs, from which his cum slowly
dripped. Chuckling softly, he released her chin and then walked away,
flipping off the light on the way out the door to leave her alone in darkness.

The weight of
her exhaustion hung over Jessica like a physical thing in the dark room. Still,
she struggled to stay awake at least long enough to process what this new
change had brought her. She felt as though this change had signaled something
to her, a sign of weakness perhaps. The pony-play was obviously something quite
real to him, causing him to actually feel she wasn’t worthy of him until she
became a show pony.
There had to be some
way she could use his instability against him.

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