The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (74 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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So, are you ready for school to start?

she asks around her mouthful of croissant.

I am! It

s going to be a busy semester, but I

m looking forward to it.

Have you and your man decided where you

ll be applying to grad school?


I say with a nod and a smile. Just thinking about Sonny and the plans we

re making together for
future always makes my stomach tingle. After talking it over with my parents, I decided that I
want to continue my studies. I know that going to grad school isn

t the only option available, in terms of staying close to Grayson, but after doing a little research, I decided it was the
plan for
. In fact, I consider it a blessing that my relationship pushed me in a direction I should have been considering anyway. Choosing where I wanted to go and aligning my choices with nearby schools that Sonny could apply to was just a bonus.


ve narrowed it down to a few schools in Chicago, New York, or Boston. There are also a couple here Colorado, of course. So, we

ll see what happens.

That sounds exciting. I

ll be crossing my fingers for Chicago.

Are you getting sick of me already?

I gasp teasingly.


she laughs.

But if

there, it

ll give me an excuse to go visit.

Good point,

I concede before taking a bite of my treat.

What about you? Is it weird that everyone is going back to school and you don

t have to?

Yeah. A little
weird, actually. I mean, I was pretty sure that I needed a break; but now that I

ve got one, I

m not sure what the hell I'm going to do with it.

You could always start a band,

I say with a wink.

She rolls her eyes at me before she sips at her coffee. Something I learned about Daphne: she has absolutely
music ability. She

s got rhythm, and that

s about it.

I don

t know, maybe I

ll write a novel or something. Isn

t that what people with English degrees do while they

re slaving away at coffee shops all over the world?

she says with a chuckle.


ve also considered starting the application process for grad school. I just haven

t decided yet.

With a shrug, she changes the subject. I follow along as she fills me in on the band we

re about to see. Apparently, they

re a folk group known mostly for their lead singer. Daphne describes his voice as smoky and tried, but beautiful. I love listening to her talk about what she hears as she describes it in a way I know no one else ever could. As the band takes the stage, before a single note is even played, I know that I

ll enjoy them.
How could I not? They

ve got a violinist and a cellist right alongside their electric guitar and bass players.
When the lead singer sets himself up behind his keys, I

m transfixed for the next forty minutes. I barely even notice as the rain picks up.


s not until after they

re done that I realize that the temperature has dropped and my clothes are completely damp. Daphne

s pink undergarment is definitely now fully on display but she laughs it off. My stomach growls, reminding me that I haven

t had an actual meal in hours, and I suggest we grab something for dinner.

Well, I sort of made plans to eat with Logan. You

re more than welcome to come, but

Oh, that

s okay,

I say politely.


ll just head home. This was fun! Thanks for inviting me.


she says, bending down to give me a hug farewell.


ll see you Saturday.

Yes you will!

Saturday is Sonny

s birthday and I can hardly wait. I plan on spoiling him
. While it took a lot for me to convince him to go out with all of our friends in celebration, he finally gave in. I had to make a compromise; he got to pick the place. He chose Cooper

s, and I know it

s because it

s a familiar setting and it

ll almost feel like any other night we spend out with our friends, but I

ll take it!
Baby steps
, I keep reminding myself.

By the time I get to my car, the rain is really coming down. I

m grateful that the sky saw fit to open up
the concert, but now I

m freezing. I blast the heat in my car all the way home, but I

m still damp when I pull into the parking lot

and now it

s pouring. I don

t have an umbrella with me, so I take a deep breath in preparation for the sprint I

ll be making to seek shelter. I think of a pair of sweatpants I

d like to be wearing right now, which makes me think of snuggling, which makes me think of Sonny

A grin spreads across my face as I hop out of my car and race my way through the rain. I

m shivering when I knock on their door and I hope and pray that he

s home. I don

t have to wait long before my prayers are answered. Sonny opens the door, looking so delicious I could jump him. He

s in a CSU t-shirt, the sleeves ripped off, leaving his muscular arms on display. His legs are covered up in pair of sweatpants that hang low around his hips; and when he reaches up to run his fingers through his damp hair, the elastic waist band of his briefs is revealed. He

s freshly showered, I can tell by the overwhelming scent of his body wash, and I know he hasn

t been home from football practice long.

When my eyes finally reach his face, I can tell by the smirk on his lips that he just watched me check him out. I get caught
the time. He

s got a lot less stature to cover! It

s so unfair. The blush that follows can

t be helped.

Hey, sweetheart. Were you playing in the rain?


I manage. Hearing him call me sweetheart, even after a summer of getting used to it, still makes me weak at the knees.

I thought I

d come see if you could warm me up.

He all but
as he takes a step toward me, effectively eliminating the distance between us, and decisively grips his hands around my face. His lips are pressed against mine before I can take a breath

which is unfortunate for my lungs, as I could really use a big gulp of air just now

but there isn

t another part of me that can complain. The heat that radiates from his body seems to engulf me and the warmth from his hands makes me forget that I

m cold. When his tongue seeks permission to enter my mouth, my shiver turns to one of desire. Our kiss deepens, I grow light headed, and I have to remind myself to

which is nearly impossible to do as I can barely
when he starts gliding his hands down my body. They move from my cheeks to my neck; from my neck, across my shoulders; from my shoulders down my back. He slips my purse off of me and blindly tosses it behind him into the apartment. When his fingertips lift the edge of my shirt and graze my bare skin, I feel like I might catch on fire.


he whispers between kisses.




He chuckles as he flattens his palms against my back, drawing me closer. I circle my arms around his neck as I'm forced onto my tiptoes.


re freezing,

he mumbles, trailing open mouth kisses along my neck.

My head falls back on its own accord, granting him easier access to what he wants.

No. I

m not,

I practically pant.
Seeking shelter in Sonny

s arms is the
idea I

ve had all day.
I also know that there is no way I can be cold, seeing as how I feel like I might burst into flames any second now.

Yes, Shorty, you are.

He pulls his hands from underneath my shirt and I mourn the loss of his skin pressed against mine. That is, until his fingers graze their way over my backside. My breath hitches in my throat as he hoists me up. My legs circle around his waist instinctively and he brings his mouth to mine, kissing me hungrily before dragging his lips to my ear.

We need to get you out of these wet clothes.

My eyes grow wide and I feel a blush I

covers every inch of my body.


are you trying to

I tease. Well, I meant to sound playful, but the quiver in my voice is anything but


the one who came to my door in a wet t-shirt. If anyone is seducing anyone, it


he tells me as he shuts us inside. I can

t help the nervous giggle that bubbles out of me as I bury my face in his neck.
Me? Seductive? Yeah, right!
With one arm underneath me, he reaches up to pull my hair out of his way. I can feel the smile on his lips as he presses them against my exposed neck.
Grayson, on the other hand...

All too soon, he

s setting me down in his room. He pulls away from me and begins digging through his clothes. After a minute, he hands me a long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of cut-off sweats.

Put these on before I lose the tiny bit of self-control I have left,

he orders, kissing my forehead on his way out.

I don't fight the grin that pulls at my lips as his words take on meaning.

I love him. God, I love him

I know that I live upstairs and I could have just as easily sought out a change of clothes that belonged to me and come right back, but I relish in the opportunity to wear something that is his. Even though I

in what he has given me, I

m warm and engulfed in his smell and it

s almost just as good as being wrapped in his arms.
Emphasis on almost.
I pull the draw string in his sweats as tight as it will go and then roll the top over itself until the crotch is where it belongs. Even still, the shorts hang past my knees. I then roll up the sleeves of the shirt until the fabric rests just above my hands. No telling what my hair looks like at this point, damp and all, so I take the hair tie from my wrist and pull it up into a messy bun. A
messy bun, since I usually need two hair ties to make my long, thick hair stay up. I could braid it, but I

m feeling far too impatient for that. I give this bun twenty minutes. Tops. I

m sure I look ridiculous, but I don

t care. I hurry out of the room to find the man who has undoubtedly been the
part of my entire summer.

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