The Sweetest Seduction (The Kelly Brothers, Book 1) (20 page)

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Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Sweetest Seduction (The Kelly Brothers, Book 1)
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She strolled to one of the massive columns supporting the barn and leaned against it, her back to him. “I didn’t know you owned me.”

“Damn it, Lia.” He was behind her faster than she realized. “What kind of game are you playing? There I was, trying to comfort you after your loss, and then you up and disappeared without a word.”

She spun around, her gut churning like Lake Michigan on a windy day. “You’re the one who told me give up my restaurant and move in with you.”

His brows drew together. “No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did. I distinctly remember you telling me to move in with you and let you take care of me. Well, here’s a newsflash, Adam. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”

“That’s not what I meant at all.” A spark of anger flared in his deep blue eyes, and his shoulders formed a stubborn line. “I was merely trying to relieve you of the burden of dealing with the fire damage.”

“By forcing me to give up the restaurant.”

“Ugh, I can’t believe you’d think that.” He turned away from her and paced the length of the barn several times before remembering the folder in his hand. “Just take a look at this.”

She opened the folder and skimmed the first page. Her chest tightened, and a warm glow ignited in the pit of her stomach. “You’re renewing my lease?”


“B-but what about Schlittler and that man threatening to sue you?”

His eyes narrowed. “How did you know about that?”

She let the contract dangle from her fingers. As much as she still wanted it, she didn’t want to have Adam deal with the repercussions. “I’m sorry, Adam, I can’t sign this.”

He took the papers and heaved a deep breath. “Let’s start from the beginning, Lia. It seems we’ve both fallen victim to yet another misunderstanding, and I’m not leaving until we lay everything out on the table. Let’s start with this. I want to renew your lease.”

“I don’t want to cause any trouble for you.” She lowered her eyes, staring at the terra-cotta-colored dust on the ground. If he wanted honesty, then she at least owed him that. “I accidentally saw that e-mail about the lawsuit thing.”

“And you were willing to give up your restaurant for me?” A brief glimpse of shock flashed across his face before he composed himself. “Don’t worry about Ray. He’s full of hot air. I’ve already taken care of that matter.”


“Let’s just say he has several high-end call girls on his speed dial and doesn’t want that information, or anything else my private investigator found on him that will jeopardize his reelection campaign, leaking out to the press.” He waved the contract in front of her again. “Now that you know that, will you sign your lease?”

“I—” She licked her lips, her mouth dry with indecision. “Why would you want me over Schlittler?”

“Besides the fact you’re an amazing chef and he’s an ass?” He closed the space between them. The contract disappeared into his briefcase, which fell to the ground when his hands found her hips. “Let’s just say I have a little thing for you.”

The erection hardening inside his pants was anything but little. She circled her arms around his neck and leaned into him. Her lips found his with instinctual ease. Desire flooded her veins as the kiss deepened, making her forget about all the reasons why they’d never work out as a couple. All she cared about was here and now.

When the kiss ended, Adam asked in a raw voice, “Why did you leave me, Lia?”

“I was scared.” Those three little words slipped out before she could form a more appropriate reply, but they summed up the confusing turmoil of feelings she had whenever she came near him.

“Why?” He ran his hands up and down her spine in slow, steady strokes while he waited for her answer, his gaze never wavering.

She drew in a shaky breath. “When I heard you say you wanted me to move in with you and let you take care of everything, all I could think about was the last time I found myself in that situation. I know I don’t fit the mold of the perfect little housewife you deserve—”

“Who said anything about you becoming a housewife?” He placed a quick peck on the tip of her nose. “When I invited you to move in with me, I did so because I want you in my bed every night. And when I offered to make sure you’ll never worry about a thing, I meant that I would handle the insurance adjusters and paperwork and permits and everything else that needed to be done to get La Arietta open once again.”

He released her long enough to pull out his iPad and tap on a folder. Images of the half-repaired restaurant filled the screen. One by one, he scrolled through them for her. The plaster that had been ruined by the water had been torn down and replaced. The scorched tables and chairs had been cleared out to make room for plush seats with real leather upholstery. In the kitchen, top-of-the-line appliances gleamed under the lights. La Arietta was like a phoenix rising from the ashes, more beautiful that it had been before.

The last image was the sign that greeted people when they got off the elevator. Underneath it was a smaller sign that said “Under repair, but reopening soon.”

Her throat choked up, and her eyes burned. Now it was her turn to ask why.

“Because I want you to enjoy your passion.” He kissed her again, his tongue seeking confirmation of her feelings with every pleading swirl, every timid flick. “I love you, Lia.”

The tears she’d been fighting to hold back spilled over. “I love you, too, Adam.”

A grin flashed on his face before he pulled her back into his arms and covered her mouth with his again. All restraint vanished. It was the hallway all over again. Desperate kisses. Tugs on clothing. Roaming hands that yearned to feel flesh. Desire that overwhelmed common sense.

The straps of her sundress fell off her shoulders. Adam was tasting the newly exposed skin when the barn door opened with a bang. They flew apart like they had the night on the boat, half-naked and flushed.

Giovanni stood in the doorway, his mouth hanging open. Then a sly smile curled his lips. “What is that American saying? A roll in the hay?”

Lia pressed her burning cheeks into Adam’s back. Her mother would definitely hear about this before the night was over.

Adam reached around for her hand, placing a chaste kiss on it as he pulled her strap back up. “Perhaps we should hold off until we get someplace where we won’t be interrupted.”

“Good idea. You know how large families can be.”

“Without a doubt.” A twinkle appeared in his eyes, one that spoke of many sensuous nights tangled in the sheets. “I hope you’re up for the challenge.”

She grinned back, running her fingers through his hair to smooth it back into place. “Absolutely. You’ve become my new passion.”

His breath caught. A look of surprise flickered across his face, followed by an intense emotion that made her heart swell. “Then I will do all I can to keep that passion alive.”

Hand in hand, they strolled back to the manor house, oblivious to the people around them. Tomorrow, they would talk business. Tomorrow, they would go over the repairs to La Arietta and the terms of the lease. Tomorrow, they would make plans to move her things into his condo.

But tonight, they would enjoy the simple pleasures of each other under the warm summer moon.


A Note to Readers

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The Sweetest Seduction
. I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to Ben’s story,
Breakaway Hearts
. If you did, please leave a review on
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Don’t miss the next book in the Kelly Brothers series....

Breakaway Hearts


Hockey star Ben Kelly retreats to his mountain cabin in the ski town of Cascade, BC, to recuperate from a season-ending knee injury and contemplate his future in the NHL. He never expects to run into the one woman who got away. Nine years may have passed, but nothing has dulled the explosive chemistry between them. Now he wants more than just one night.

Hailey Eriksson had Olympic-sized dreams until an accidental pregnancy from a one-night stand halted her ambitions. Her life was shattered when her son died. Nothing will keep her from fulfilling her promise to him to make the Olympic team, especially not the charming Ben Kelly. Unfortunately, he’s out to sweep her off her feet this time, and she finds him harder and harder to resist with each passionate kiss. But when he learns about the child he never knew, will their rekindled romance be on thin ice?


Coming February 3, 2014

Excerpt from
Breakaway Hearts


The ice called to him.

After he’d torn up his knee, Ben had sworn he’d never go near a hockey rink again.

And yet there he stood in the shadows, holding on to his cane with white knuckles while he watched some teenagers scrimmage, wishing he could go out there and join them.

“Come on, guys,” the coach barked. “Erikson’s tearing you to shreds out there.”

He followed the coach’s finger to the player with the puck. The kid was tall and thin, probably a junior member of the team judging by his lack of muscle mass. But what he lacked in size, he made up for with speed and skill. He handled the puck as well as any player Ben had faced in the NHL, shifting left and then right, throwing his opponent off guard with a deke and slipping past him into the breakaway. One slap shot later, the puck was in the net.

A groan came up from the team as Erikson raised his hands in the air and skated a small victory lap around the rink.

The coach mumbled something under his breath and stared at his clipboard before scribbling a note on it. “That’s six, guys. You’re embarrassing me.”

It wasn’t until Erikson came closer that Ben knew the reason why.

Erikson was girl.

The helmet had concealed her hair, but there was no mistaking the feminine curve of her lips or the thick fringe of her lashes. A pair of matching dimples cut into her cheeks as she gave one of the guys a playful hip check, and an odd feeling of déjà vu washed over him. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember why.

His curiosity propelled him from the shadows and down the stairs toward the coach, his knee no longer protesting each step. He waited until the coach finished calling the next play before he asked, “Local team?”

The coach jumped, then gave him a narrow-eyed once over. “I haven’t seen you before.”

Ben smothered a laugh. After years of being recognized everywhere he went, the anonymity was nice for a change. Amazing what losing a playoff beard and getting a haircut could do. He hadn’t worn his hair this short since before he was drafted. “I’m new in town.”

The coach peered closer, and for a second, Ben feared his secret was out. “I know I’ve seen you before. Ever play hockey?”

Ben grinned. “Yeah, just a bit.”

“I thought so. You’re built like a power forward.”

He wasn’t the first coach who’d said that. At six-four and two hundred and forty pounds, he’d always been one of the biggest players on the team, but he lacked the aggressive nature to play that position. Instead, he’d made a successful career of playing goalie. All-Pro teams, Olympic medals, even trips to the Stanley Cup finals.

Until one bad collision twelve weeks ago had ended all that.

He’d retreated to the resort town of Cascade, British Columbia, to lick his wounds, but after a week stuck in his home, the solitude became unbearable. He came down the mountain and drove through the small town where most of the locals lived, winding up at the only thing he knew.

The ice rink.

He stood quietly by the coach and observed the next play. Erikson was on the defensive now. She bit her blades into the ice, catching up to the player with the puck and passing him. With a quick half turn, she was in front, skating backward, and she snatched the puck away as the player stumbled and skidded into the boards. She took it coast to coast, and the puck soared through the biggest five-hole he’d ever seen on a goalie.

The coach threw his clipboard on the bench. “Aw, come on, Watson! You can’t leave a hole like that, especially with her. You want to make amateur league or not?”

Erikson plowed to a stop and helped the goalie up. “Give him a break, Gus. I caught him off guard.”

“You caught him sleeping in his skates.” He paced back and forth, running his fingers through his sparse hair. “All right, that’s enough. Hit the showers.”

“You’re letting them off lightly,” Ben murmured. “My old coach would have had us skating sprints after practice.”

“Yeah, but my boys just took on Erikson, so they’ve been punished enough.”

Ben watched her joke with the boys and give them a few words of encouragement as they skated toward the bench. But when her gaze zeroed in on him, her smile faded, and her blue eyes turned frigid.

His heart thudded from the palpable tension in the air. He racked his mind, trying to remember where he knew her, but drew a blank. Frustration knotted his gut. The docs had warned him that the number of concussions he’d sustained over the years could affect his memory, and this was proof of it.

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