The Velvet Promise (6 page)

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Authors: Jude Deveraux

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Velvet Promise
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She would know in a short while. She straightened her shoulders again.

She would give him a chance, Judith vowed silently. She would be a mirror of him. If he were kind, she would be kind. But if he were like her father, then she would give as good as she got. No man had ever ruled her and none ever would. Judith made that a vow also.

"My lady!" Joan called excitedly as she burst into the room. "Sir Raine and his brother Sir Miles are outside. They've come to see you." Joan gave her mistress a look of exasperation when Judith stared at her maid blankly. "They are your husband's brothers. Sir Raine wants to meet you before the wedding."

Judith nodded and stood to greet the visitors. The man she was to marry showed no interest in her; even the betrothal was done by proxy, and now it was not him but his brothers who came to greet her. She took a deep breath and forced herself to stop trembling. She was more scared than she realized.

Raine and Miles walked down the broad spiral stairs of the Revedoune house side by side. They had arrived only last night; Gavin had postponed facing his forthcoming marriage for as long as possible. Raine tried to get his older brother to meet his bride, but he refused. He said he would see her for years to come—why start the curse early?

When Miles had returned from his duty of proxy at the engagement, Raine had been the one to question him about the heiress. As usual, Miles said little, but Raine knew he was hiding something. Now that Raine had seen Judith, he knew what it was.

"Why didn't you tell Gavin?" Raine asked. "You know he's dreaded what he calls his ugly heiress."

Miles did not smile, but his eyes glowed in memory of the vision of his sister-in-law. "I thought perhaps it would do him some good to be wrong for once."

Raine smothered his laughter. Gavin sometimes treated his youngest brother as if he were a boy instead of a twenty-year-old man. Miles's silence in not telling Gavin of his fiancée's beauty was one small punishment for all the times Gavin had ordered his little brother about.

Raine gave a short laugh. "To think Gavin offered her to me and I didn't even try! If I had seen her, I would have fought him for her. Do you think it's too late?"

If Miles answered, Raine didn't hear him. His thoughts were elsewhere as he remembered his first sight of his little sister-in-law, whose head hardly reached his shoulder. He saw that only before he was close enough to see her face. After one look at her eyes, as pure and rich a gold as any from the Holy Land, he saw nothing else. Judith Revedoune had looked up at him with intelligence, evenly, as if she were assessing him. Raine had merely stared, unable to speak as he felt himself being pulled under by the current of those eyes. She did not simper or giggle like most young maidens, she met him as an equal. He found the sensation heady. Miles had to nudge Raine to make him speak to her. Raine never heard a word anyone said, but merely stood and stared. He had a vision of carrying her away from this house and these people, of making her his. He knew he must leave before he had other such indecent thoughts of his brother's wife.

"Miles," he said now, his dimples cutting deeply into his cheeks, as they always did when he tried not to laugh aloud, "perhaps we can both repay our elder brother for demanding too many hours on the training field."

"What do you plan?" Miles's eyes burned with interest.

"If I remember correctly, I just saw a hideous dwarf of a woman with rotted teeth and an incredibly fat backside."

Miles began to smile. Truthfully, they had seen just such a hag on the staircase. "I see what you mean. We must not lie, but neither need we tell all the truth."

"My idea exactly."

It was still early morning when Judith followed her maids down the wooden stairs to the great hall on the second floor. There were fresh rushes on the floor, the tapestries had been taken from storage and hung, and running from the door to the far side of the room was a thick path of rose petals and lilies. These she would walk on when she returned from the church—a married woman.

Maud walked behind her mistress, holding aloft the long train of the fragile gold dress and the ermine-lined mantle. Judith paused just before she left the house, taking a deep breath to steel herself.

It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the bright sunlight and see the long line of people who had come to attend the celebration of the marriage of an earl's daughter. She was unprepared for the cheer that greeted her; a cheer of welcome and of pleasure at the sight of the splendid young woman.

Judith smiled in return, nodding her head toward the mounted guests and at the serfs and merchants who also had come to the festivities.

The procession to the church would be like a parade, meant to show the wealth and importance of the king's earl, Robert Revedoune. Later he could claim so many earls, so many barons, came to honor his daughter's wedding. The jongleurs headed the procession, heralding the way enthusiastically for the beautiful bride. Judith was lifted onto a white horse by her father, who nodded approval at her dress and bearing. She rode sidesaddle for this auspicious occasion; the unaccustomed position felt awkward, but she did not show it. Her mother rode behind her, flanked by Miles and Raine. The multitude of guests followed in order of importance.

With a great clash of cymbals, the jongleurs began singing and the procession started. They progressed slowly, following the music makers and Robert Revedoune who walked, leading the reins of his daughter's horse.

In spite of all her vows and promises, Judith found herself growing more nervous with each step. Now her curiosity about her new husband began to eat at her. She sat erect, but her eyes strained toward the church door where two figures stood; the priest and the stranger who was to be her husband.

Gavin was not so curious. His stomach was still uneasy after the description that Raine had given him. It seemed the girl was simpleminded as well as ugly. He tried not to look at the rapidly approaching procession but the noise of the jongleurs and the deafening cheers of the thousands of serfs and merchants who lined the way to watch, kept him from hearing his own thoughts. In spite of himself, his eyes were drawn to the procession. He had not realized they were so close!

When Gavin looked up and saw the auburn-haired girl on the white horse, he had no idea who she was. It was a full minute before he realized that she was his bride. The sun flashed off her as if she were a pagan goddess come to life. He stared, his mouth slightly open. Then he broke into a grin.

Raine! Of course Raine would lie. Gavin was so relieved, so happy, that he did not notice that he was leaving the church portal, taking the steps two and three at a time. Custom dictated that the groom wait for the bride's father to lift her from her horse, escort her up the steps, then present her to her new master. But Gavin wanted to get a better look at her. He did not hear the laughter and cheers of the onlookers as he shouldered his father-in-law aside and put his hands on his bride's waist to swing her off her mount.

At close view, she was even more striking. His eyes feasted on her lips, soft, full and inviting. Her skin was creamy and pure, smoother than the finest satin. He nearly gasped when he finally gazed into her eyes.

Gavin smiled at her in pure pleasure, and she smiled back at him, exposing white, even teeth. The roar of the crowd brought him back to reality. Reluctantly, Gavin set her on the ground and offered his arm to her, clasping his hand over hers as if she might try to flee. He had every intention of keeping this new possession.

The onlookers were thoroughly pleased by Gavin Montgomery's impetuous behavior, and they gave voice to their approval. Robert scowled at being pushed aside then saw that each of the guests was laughing.

The marriage ceremony was performed outside the church so all could witness the joining, rather than the few who could squeeze inside the church. The priest asked Gavin if he would take Judith Revedoune for his wife. Gavin stared at the woman beside him, her hair unbound, flowing in thick, soft waves to her waist where it curled under perfectly. "I will," he replied.

Then the priest asked Judith as she stared just as openly at Gavin. He wore gray from head to foot. The doublet and the broad-shouldered jacket were of soft Italian velvet. The jacket was fully lined with a dark mink that formed a wide collar, the fur narrowly edging the front of the garment. His only ornament was the sword slung low about his hips, its hilt embedded with a large diamond that flashed in the sunlight.

Her maids had said Gavin was handsome, but Judith had no idea that she would see a man with such an air of strength about him. She had expected some blond and delicate young man. Instead, she looked at his thick black hair curling along his neck, saw the lips that smiled at her and then the eyes that suddenly made chills run along her spine.

To the joy of the crowd, the priest had to repeat his question. Judith felt her cheeks burning as she said, "Yes." Most definitely, she would take Gavin Montgomery.

They gave promises to love, honor and obey, and when the rings were exchanged, the temporarily silent crowd let out another roar that threatened the church roof. As Judith's dowry was read to the guests and onlookers, it could hardly be heard. Judith and Gavin, a beautiful young woman and handsome young man, were a great favorite with them. The bride and groom were handed baskets of silver coins which they tossed to the people at the foot of the steps. Then the couple followed the priest into a quiet and relatively dark cathedral.

Gavin and Judith were given places of honor in the choir, above the press of the guests below. The two were like children, stealing glances at one another throughout the long, solemn mass. The guests watched adoringly, enchanted by this marriage with its fairytale beginning. The jongleurs were already composing songs to be sung at the banquet later.

The serfs and middle class were outside the church, comparing observations on the exquisite clothes of the guests and most of all on the beauty of the bride.

But there was one person who was not happy. Alice Valence sat beside the fat, dozing figure of her husband-to-be, Edmund Chatworth, and stared at the bride with all the hatred in her soul. Gavin had made a fool of himself! Even the serfs had laughed at him when he bounded down the stairs after that woman like a boy running toward his first horse.

How could anyone think that red-haired bitch was beautiful? Alice knew that freckles always accompanied red hair.

She looked away from Judith to Gavin. Gavin was the one who made her angry. Alice knew him better than he knew himself. For all that a pretty face could send him somersaulting like a clown, she knew that his emotions ran deep. When he said he loved her, he did. And she would remind him of that as soon as possible. She would not allow him to forget her when he was bedded with that red-haired devil.

Alice looked at her hands and smiled. There was a ring… Yes, she had it with her. She felt a little more secure as she looked back at the bride and groom, a plan forming in her mind.

She saw Gavin take Judith's hand and kiss it, ignoring Raine who reminded him that they were in church. Alice shook her head. The silly woman didn't even know how to react. She should have lowered her lashes and blushed; Alice's blush was quite becoming. But Judith Revedoune merely stared at her husband, watching his every move as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand. Most unfeminine, Alice thought.

At that moment Alice was not unobserved. Raine glanced down from the choir loft at Alice and saw the scowl that creased her perfect brow. He was sure she had no idea she was doing so; Alice was so careful to show only what she wanted to be seen.

Fire and ice, he thought. Judith's beauty was like fire to Alice's icy blondeness. He smiled as he thought how easily fire melted ice, but then remembered that it all depended on the heat of the fire and the greatness of the block of ice. His brother was a sane and sensible man, rational in every aspect except one—Alice Valence. Gavin adored her; he was insane when anyone even hinted at her flaws. His new wife held an attraction for him, but for how long? Could she overcome the fact that Alice held his heart? Raine hoped so. As he looked from one woman to the other, he realized that Alice might be a woman to worship, but Judith was a woman to

Chapter Five


At the end of the long wedding mass, Gavin took Judith's hand and led her down the steps to the altar where they knelt before the priest as he blessed them. The holy man gave Gavin the kiss of peace, which he then transmitted to his wife. It should have been a kiss of duty; but though it was over quickly, Gavin's lips were lingering, causing Judith to gaze at him, her golden eyes mirroring her pleasure as well as surprise. Gavin grinned widely with pure joy, took her hand in his and led her at a half-run from the church. Once outside, the crowd threw a shower of grains that by sheer volume was almost lethal. He lifted Judith onto her horse, her waist tiny even when swathed in layers of fabric. He would have liked to put her onto his mount with him, but he'd committed enough of a
faux pas
when he'd first seen her. He started to take the reins of her horse, but Judith led her own animal and he was pleased; his wife would need to be a good horsewoman.

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