To Eternity (14 page)

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Authors: Daisy Banks

BOOK: To Eternity
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Chapter 18

Franklyn reread the text from Sian, and the brutality of it punched into his gut again. Despite the drink, he'd dreamed about the words last night until he roused sweating. He'd forced himself to calm down and go back to sleep. When he woke to bright light pouring through the drapes, he'd half hoped the message might be part of his nightmare, but no. The screen proclaimed it true.


have a



He closed the text. She'd burned her bridges and left him with ashes. The sheer audacity of the girl! Being madam at Darnwell had gone to her head completely. Damn waiting another week to return to work—he'd go to the office today to find out what damage she'd done in the time he'd been ill.

How much did she expect him to take? Disbelief rolled through him that she could leave him in such a way after all he'd done for her. He'd never realized until now how selfish and thoughtless she could be. For years, he'd treasured her, cosseted her, but all the time he'd cared, she'd given nothing back. His illness had led to more than one discovery.

The desire for her would never vanish, but it didn't matter anymore. He'd lived with it so long, the need felt like a piece of jewelry he always wore, its weight a part of himself. Today, she'd broken the chains binding him to her. Still, he'd fuck her stupid given the chance, any chance at all, in the dreams or reality. But she wouldn't be the only one he'd want from today. Never again

When Johansson dumped her, which no doubt he would as soon as he'd gotten bored, she'd come running back to the city. She would beg to return to Gorsewell Productions. But she'd have to wait her turn for his attention and be on her best behavior to get anything except the lowest filing job. Somehow, he'd force himself to stay away from her no matter how sorry she seemed.

A fresh wave of anger savaged him at the heartless text. She would never make a fool of him again. If she was too dumb to see what she could have had, instead of burying herself in the country with a thug, it wasn't his fault. She had the chance for the kind of relationship most women screamed for, and turned it down in favor of a reclusive freak with more personality problems than a psych ward.

Thumping the stick with each step, he paced back and forth in his hotel room as though in a cage. The need to move, a demand to be active, raced through him despite the limp. He wanted the taste of fresh air. Though each time he'd ventured out, he could hardly call the air fresh. The thick soup of scents tantalized him. Every breath brought all kinds of information he'd never known existed. Like a boy with his first taste of girl flesh, he wanted more. The impact of Sian's message galvanized his need.

He'd get a cab over to the office, call in and say hi to Evie. Yes, he would go now.

Grabbing his jacket, keys, wallet, and phone, he hurried out of his hotel room. He took the elevator down to the lobby where the concierge beckoned to a waiting taxi.

The cab driver eyed him through the rear view mirror as the taxi made its way through late lunchtime traffic to the office. Admittedly, most of the cabbie's clients wouldn't sit with the window all the way down, but he couldn't resist taking repeated gulps of the odor-laden air. He smiled at a dog in the backseat of a car in the opposite lane doing the same thing. People didn't know what they were missing.

The taxi slowed in front of the office block. He yanked a couple of notes from his wallet and thrust them to the driver. “Keep the change.”

He made his way slowly up the steps, but not as slow as he would have been moving three days ago. Somehow, the healing process continued. He sucked in a deep breath of city-rich air, then walked into the lobby where he took the elevator to the twelfth floor. The doors swished open. The logo of Gorsewell Productions emblazoned in eighteen inch gold lettering welcomed him back. Nothing had changed, except for one empty office across the hall from his own. He wrenched his gaze from the small section of the door that showed through the greeting glass panel. Sian wasn't coming back.

The doors to the reception area opened at his approach. He glowered at the empty reception desk. Where the hell was Evie?

The clatter of a book hitting the floor made him turn. Evie stood in the doorway of one of the offices, open-mouthed. She flicked at the droopy mass of spiked fair hair on her forehead. “Mr. Gorsewell. Oh, my, we didn't expect to see you for months.”

“You know I don't like the reception desk left empty. You've got an assistant to do the menial tasks.”

She bent to retrieve the dropped sign-in book, looked up from where she crouched, and flashed her baby blues. She stood, paced across to the desk on teetering glossy pink heels, and took her place. “Yes, sir. I know. Jess is out of the office at a medical appointment, sir. Mr. Astle wanted to see the desk book for a few moments.”

“Then he should have dragged his sorry ass out here and not called you into his office.”

“Yes, Mr. Gorsewell. I do apologize. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.”

He studied her raspberry-red cashmere sweater where it clung skin-tight to her rounded breasts. Were those silicone or not? Whilst mulling on that, he counted four links in the chunky necklace she wore. When her neck grew flushed, he raised his gaze. Her face, filled with such abject sincerity above the offering of her tightly swathed breasts, held a certain charm. He gave her a small smile. “I understand, Evie. I've been away and things have gotten sloppy. I'll have you back to your best performance by the end of the day. You can count on it.”

Her peachy-glossed lips curved in a half-smile as she nodded. She took a very deep breath.

He fixed his gaze on the rise of her peaked nipples beneath the fine weave mesh of her sweater. “Good. Is Richard in my office or his own?”

“His office, sir. He's taking a call from the client in Chicago.”

“I'll go in now. I want you to have all the information on the
stats, plus initial identified post production concerns, and all you have on the next project ready in one file and emailed to me in half an hour. Right?”

“Yes, sir.”

That lower lip of hers appealed, was cute in the way it trembled after she spoke. “Good. I've missed you, cherub.”

She batted the mass of her mascara-coated lashes. “We've all missed you, too, sir.”

“I bet you have. Coffee in fifteen minutes in my office. I'll have finished my discussion with Mr. Astle by then.” He limped across to Richard's office. Not too much damage seemed to have occurred in his absence. Evie could be licked back into shape quickly.


“Franklyn!” Richard came around from behind his desk with a smile and offered his hand. “I didn't know you'd be back today. How are you?”

“Improved.” He shook Richard's hand. “How are things here?” Rather than use the stick for support he leaned against the set of drawers by the door.

“Ticking along. You know the
project is complete. I've not long gotten back here from the hotel outside Darnwell.”

“Yes. What's happening with the next?”

“I've, this minute, finished speaking with Karl. Everything is going to plan other than the exact venue for the shoot. I've been waiting in the hope of talking to you to finalize the arrangements.”

“I know.” He frowned.

“There wasn't much we could do about it, sir. The Darnwell house is unavailable for any more photo shoots. I'm afraid Mr. Johansson is implacable. I've managed to find another country house, and I hope you'll agree it's suitable. It's an unusual property, but it has the water features you wanted plus some mature woodland for the animal shots.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Somewhere new?”

Richard grinned. “Oh, yes. It's in commuting distance, too, so we won't have the expense of hotels for the crew. The owner is very amenable. I think you'll like the place.”

“If I do, then I'll say well done and you'll get your bonus a few weeks early.”

“Thanks, Franklyn. I've got some still shots of the house and grounds in my files. Shall I mail them through to you?”

“Yes. I'll take a look at them today.”

“Are you staying the rest of the day with us?”

“I'll be here till four. I've decided I'm returning but I'll take things steady the first ten days. Ten till four the rest of this week. I'll get in a little earlier next.”

Richard shook his head with a smile. “There's no stopping you.”

“I think you might be right there.”

“I'll e-mail the images through to you now.”

Franklyn stood upright from leaning on the top of the set of drawers and moved to the door. “I want the details of the advertising you've set up since I've been gone and the responses we've had. The company needs more work.”

“Sure. I can get it all together for you before the end of the day. We've a very hopeful enquiry for a big project next summer, one I know you'll enjoy. The date would be within two weeks of Karl's shoot, a sharp turn about, but we could manage it, I'm sure. It's good to see you back.”

“Fine. Thanks, Richard.” He ambled back out to where Evie sat peering into her computer screen. “Oh, cherub.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You're to make sure Ms. Armstrong is taken off the payroll as of the end of last week. When Jess turns up, get her to clear Ms. Armstrong's desk if there's anything in it. Ms. Armstrong won't be back.”

Evie's lips parted on a soft intake of breath. “Sian isn't coming back?”


“I have to say, I'm relieved at the news, sir. Ms. Armstrong seemed to think she was my boss for a while. There is only one boss here I've ever wanted to work for.” The tip of her pink tongue skimmed her lower lip. The little tremble appeared again.


He inhaled her fragrance and relished the scent of her arousal rising to him. “It's good to know I inspire some loyalty around this place.” He would have leaned down to caress one of those pink cheeks, but with the stick and his sense of balance still off, he couldn't. “You've made my return sweet, cherub.”

Her smile grew, and she sucked in a breath so her breasts swelled beneath the smooth sweater. “Yes, Mr. Gorsewell. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Just coffee”—he glanced at his wristwatch then back to her—“in precisely eight minutes.”

He didn't wait for her reply, but made his way into his office where he opened one of the closed blinds, sat, and turned on the computer. Being behind his desk settled his earlier tension. The discovery of Evie's ample attractions proved an added bonus. Odd, he'd never noticed her until today. All he needed to do was tell her to wear red lipstick instead of the peachy gloss, and she'd look ten times more attractive. She'd never match the beauty of Sian, but her generous assets offered some compensation. This time there'd be no mistakes, no waiting on the whim of a teenage girl, no need to coax or wine and dine. Evie was all grown up, and from the adoring look in her blue eyes, she'd not be too coy to start or end her working day with a screw in the boss's office.

Things were improving by the minute.

Chapter 19

Magnus turned off the taps on the step-down bath. He refilled the two champagne flutes, lit three large scented candles, then stripped off his clothes as he waited for Sian to join him. He called through to the turret bedroom. “The bath is ready.”

She came in from the bedroom, her eyes widening at the sunken tub. The candlelight flickered in the gilt-framed mirrors and cast soft shadows over the stuccowork decorations on the ceiling and cornice. “This is wonderful.”

“As are you.”

Sian swept her hair up and shoved in a couple of twig-like things to hold it in place.


He could never have enough of her. Eager to touch all the porcelain beauty she offered, he reached out for her. Smooth, supple, and warm, her hip graced his palm. She looked up, angling her head to receive his kiss. An electric jolt flashed through him at the touch of her tongue on his, the pressure of her breasts against his chest, and the little whimper she made as he caressed her thigh. He lifted his mouth from hers. “My woman, you are perfect.”

Her moist lips promised more delight as she smiled. “Are we going to bathe?”

“Oh, yes. I want to talk to you.”


The expression she wore would rob a saint of chastity. “Yes.” He took her hand, undid the belt at her waist, and slipped the silky robe from her shoulders. “Allow me to help you in.”

She stepped down into the foamy water and sat amidst the bubbles in the huge bath. “Well?”

He draped her robe on a chair before he handed over her glass “I will keep my vow. We shall talk of nothing but us.”

Her eyes shone glossy bright. “You've decided, haven't you? I will be your mate.”

The innocence and enthusiasm shook him again. Tonight, he couldn't deny his need. This woman, his woman, she was the only one he'd ever wanted in this way. He pushed aside the fear of her recriminations a hundred years hence, the concern should they create another poor wretch such as he, and greedy to see her smile, he nodded. “Yes.”


“While we are here.”

“How?” Her voice wavered.

His gaze lingered on her tight nipples peeking through the foamy water. “There is only one way I can make you like me.”


“I will bite you.” He lifted his gaze to hers. “I will become the…” He couldn't say anymore and reached for her hand.

“You will become the wolf here? No cage? No chains?”


She'd grown pale.

“I have much more control than I've ever achieved before. I truly believe I won't do more than make you mine.” The promise rang hollow in the tall-ceilinged room.

“You've always been so insistent I chain you, cage you when you change.”

His stomach rolled with the edge of fear in her voice. “That is at the full moon when the creature is at its strongest, and my control until now was minimal. With my new alpha strength, I'm close to peak condition and I feel certain I could manage the beast. I shall force it to obey my wishes.”

Sian took a sip from the glass and then set it down. Her gaze returned to him and held his, flickers of light from the candles reflected in her eyes. “I'm not afraid.”

How he wished she didn't look it, but her courage had captured him in the beginning and it conquered him again. “We will stay here a few days. There is so much to tell you, a great deal to show you while we are in the mountains. We have lots of time.”

“If we do this here, will I change straight away?”

“Not immediately, perhaps this forthcoming full moon or maybe the next. The changes may make you feel a little ill at first.”

“I don't care, Magnus. I want to be with you, like you. I want us to be together as we should be, in the same way your parents were.”

“And so you will. But if we are a bonded pair, we will make a better job of leading a pack than my parents ever did.”

“I don't want to hear anything like that, you promised.”

He nodded. “Indeed I did, forgive me.”

Her delicious low laugh echoed around the room. “You are offering me life near eternal, youth, love…and you ask me to forgive

A sudden desire to do it now, to give her all of what she wanted, blasted through him, but he shoved the temptation away. “Yes, I ask you with all my heart to forgive me.”

She got up onto her knees in the sudsy water, moved onto all fours at the other end of the bath, her eyes shimmering. “Hold me?” She crept toward him, smoothing her palms over his legs and up his thighs as she moved closer. Her water-warmed skin glistened pink. He had to touch her.

“Come to me.” He sought her moist skin, clasped his palms around her hips to pull her forward so her slick flesh slid against his. “I need you.”

The rigid nipple he sucked enticed him to taste more of her. Sian settled one thigh over his offering him easy access to her pussy. Her little groan at his light touch led him on. He traced his thumb against her clit and rubbed with a steady circular motion before slipping a finger into her heat where he probed slowly before returning his attention to her clit.

The moans and whimpers she gifted to him made him work twice as hard to pleasure her. Alternating feather light caresses with deep pressure inside her, he pushed for her responses. He so wanted her to enjoy this, and the next, every time they made love here, for this was where the first aspects of their true bonded link would be formed.

“Magnus, please.”

Her pleading moan moved him, and while he suckled deeply at one nipple, he worked her hard with his fingers, relishing the silkiness of her arousal. The spasms inside her came half a second after her pleasured cry. He waited until the muscular ripples subsided and her breathing eased. “Rest now, while I soap you.”

She still trembled as he lathered soap over her for the sheer, sensual pleasure of it. Little whimpers greeted his softest caresses during his tender massage of her neat row of nether curls. He glanced up to her closed eyes and smiled as he used the back of his hand to send a wave of water over her mons.

She opened her mouth with a gasp.

Delightful, and he would taste her later when he'd gotten her out of the water. Giving her nipple one last little nip, he moved up to her shoulder and tilted her head so he could kiss her. When he released her lips, he moved to her ear. “You are mine, Sian, all mine.”

“Yes, oh, God, yes.”

The heat in his erection throbbed again, but not yet. He'd not take her now. She'd be so much more responsive if he stoked the need.

* * * *

Nestled beside Magnus in the big brass bed, Sian studied his face in the dim light from the window. Starlight etched his strong features as he rested with his eyes closed. Their love making had left her satiated, filled with a blissful sense of weightlessness, as though both her body and mind had joined the constraint-free realms of the long lost gods. She watched his steady breathing for several minutes, mulling on her questions prompted by their earlier conversation. “Are you awake, Magnus?”

His eyelids rose, and he rolled onto his side to face her with a lazy half-smile. “Yes.”

“Tell me more please. Tell me about this place?”

“The roots of part of my ancestry lie in these mountains. Though this was never home to my parents, some of those in my mother's family were born here. The heritage from my mother means this place has a power and importance to me, but there is far more for the one who I choose as my mate.”

She walked her fingers over the wide expanse of his chest. “We both agree that's me.”

A low chuckle from him pleased her beyond measure.

“Yes, you.” He tightened his embrace about her. “My wild and wonderful woman, you are my perfect mate.”

She nodded. “And?”

“We we will climb Caer Howld. At the top there is a cairn from which you must take a stone.”

“Take a stone? Not add one?”

“Yes, take a stone. The alpha female of my pack has the right to take and wear a stone from the founding place of my mother's family. It will give you the right to dominance over the pack. Without such a sign, you would have to fight to maintain your place. I'll not have that happen if we can avoid it. “

A sigh she couldn't stop escaped her. “I'm not sure about the pack thing, Magnus. Not if it means Franklyn being around.”

“I know.” He angled his head and swept a kiss against her cheek. “But we will be strong together. You will discover your place with ease. You will be the source of power in our pack.”

“No,” she whispered, resting her head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. “You will lead.”

“I will, but not without you.”

“Tell me more, Magnus, please?”

“We will be one. We will hunt together, and we will have wonderful—”

“Wonderful what?” She pushed up from his chest to sit. “I don't want mysteries between us. I want to know.”


“Don't stop, there is more, I know there is.”

“I can't say for sure. I've never had a mate. I don't know everything.” He drew her down beside him and smoothed his palm over her hair. “Rest now. Tomorrow we will go into the local town. We'll pick up some climbing gear so we are both properly equipped to walk the hills and climb Caer Howld together. You can find out more about the mountains.”

She didn't want to know more about mountains. Right now, it seemed enough he had made the decision she'd longed for him to make. He'd brought her here to show her these things, and most important of all, to make her like him. She squashed the word
as it came into her mind. Enough for now. Her body still thrummed with the pleasure of loving with him, and for the first night since Franklyn's brutal invasion of her dreams, she understood there was a way to keep him from her. “Thank you.” She pressed a kiss to Magnus's jaw.

“For what?”

“Making me safe.”

“Ah, I will give everything I have, all that I am, to see you safe and happy.”

A lump formed in her throat. “I know.”

“Then sleep, together we will dream and love.”

She closed her eyes. The weightless state led her fast into the dream world where Magnus stood, his arms open, waiting for her to join him.

The sky held no clouds. She inhaled the fresh salt scent of the ocean. This beach, where she'd first dreamed with him, had powder fine, damp sand. She squeezed it through her toes as, arms linked around each other's waist, she and Magnus walked toward the rills of turquoise water washing up on the shore.

“Why here?”

Because here we are both happy and free

Yes, and we've already made some wonderful memories of this place

Magnus caressed her outer thigh with his palm as she strolled beside him. “
Indeed. Tonight we can make more.

No interruptions?”

He smiled. “
None. This place is entirely our own.

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