Total LockDown (LockDown #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Total LockDown (LockDown #2)
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I awake to
crying screams coming through the baby monitor. My eyes shoot open; my motherly
instincts already back in full force. The month apart from Melissa has done nothing
to dampen my reactions.

I sit up from
the curled position I currently possess on Leighton’s lap. He is sound asleep,
completely wiped out. The clock on the lounge wall reads 20:13. I have been
asleep for nearly three hours, our little foursome having completely knocked me

Antonio and
Debbie had left over three hours ago, leaving Leighton and I to sleep.

I wiggle myself
from Leighton’s embrace and onto the floor, grabbing the baby monitor and
running up to her room to see her. I feel excited to be near her once again, to
change her stinky nappy, dress her and hold her.

She is kicking
her little legs, and waving her arms all over the place, the little tears
flooding her face break my heart. Her little lip quivers violently as she begs
me to pick her up. My hands find themselves under her, lifting her to me and
snuggling her into my embrace.

“Shhh, it’s
okay. Mummy’s got you baby girl. Everything is okay now, sweetie.” I rock her
against my chest, kissing her wispy soft hair. It feels so good to be back
here, healthy and me again.

“Let’s get this
stinky nappy off, hey.” I lay her down on top of the changing table, stripping
her of her clothes and dirty nappy, cleaning her bottom and powdering it. I
place a clean one on, then a new sleep suite to make her comfortable. “Want to
come and wake daddy up with me?” I ask her, brushing her little nose with my
finger. She begins to smile wide, kicking her legs again.

I pick her up
once more, disposing of the nappy in the bin and then take the stairs down to the

Leighton has
already made a bottle up, heated it and is waiting on the sofa for his
daughter. “Do you want to feed her?” he asks me, holding the bottle out to me.

“Definitely, I
missed this.” I take the warm milk from him and sit myself down next to him. He
offers his arm for me and I snuggle into it. I get Melissa into a good position
for feeding, lying her down with her head resting against the crook of my
elbow, her hair tickling Leighton’s bare arms.

“You are so
perfect, Abigail. God I love you so much.” He whispers in my ear as he kisses
the top of my head. His hand gently brushes up and down my sides as our
daughter guzzles her milk. I am sure she will end up with wind if she carries
on drinking at this speed, but I don't mind burping her for hours if that’s
what she wants to do.

“Look at her
go.” Leighton brushes Melissa’s cheek, smiling down at his daughter. “This is
so meant to be, we are so good together baby.” He says to me, his heat
enveloping me. It just feels so natural, so normal and perfect.

“It is,
Leighton, it definitely is.” I breathe in a breath of relief and contentment as
I relax in my home. I am enjoying my first evening back with my family knowing
we are set for life, we are happy and so god damn lucky it’s ridiculous.




“Come on baby,
let’s get ourselves to bed, I want to snuggle with my woman, and maybe some
other things.” He winks to me as he stands and takes a sleeping Melissa from my

I pull myself
from the cosy confinements of the couch to my feet. I stretch my arms above my
head, my fatigue returning full force. I yawn loudly, my eyes tearing up as I

“Poor baby, did
we wear you out earlier?” I bite my lip, remembering everything. It had happened;
Antonio and I finally got to fuck each other. He is more than I ever imagined
him to be, so bloody passionate and loving. Then I remember Leighton’s
incredible hand, how it had made me collapse through his phenomenal skills. I
had passed out from the pleasure of squirting on him, only to wake up an hour

“Ah-ha, you
definitely did, big boy.” I walk past him, wiggling my arse as I go. I stroke
my hand over his groin, feeling his dick harden instantly.

“Abigail, do not
go there angel, we will never sleep.” He says as he gently rocks our baby to
keep her sleeping.

“I’ll meet you
upstairs, Leighton, should I take some ice cream for dessert. After all, I do
recall last time, you saying it would be my turn to be a sundae.” I wink at
him, walking into the kitchen.

I hear him
through the hallway as he takes the stairs to Mel’s room, “Abbi, definitely
bring the ice-cream.” Then he disappears up the stairs out of sight but
definitely not out of mind.

I giggle to
myself as I already begin to develop images in my head of tonight’s impending
cold playtime.

I open the giant
freezer, collecting some Ben and Jerry’s, “Hmm, cookie dough, how I’ve missed
you.” I kiss the side of the carton like a crazy woman, glad that my lips don't
get stuck to the icy exterior of the cardboard.

I skip the
length of the kitchen and hallways, like a little girl, taking the stairs two
at a time as my arousal starts to escalate. The cold of the tub freezes my
fingers, igniting my body for what will happen in approximately three minutes.

I reach my
daughters room as Leighton lays her motionless body in the cot, wrapping the
blankets around her.

“Night Princess,
I love you. I promise to always be here, I will never leave you.” He tells her,
kissing his fingertips and placing them on her head. His words almost sound
desperate and sadden me a little, but I decide to let them go, I know he would
never leave her, or anyone he loved, for that matter.

I don't know if
he has his own insecurities, or what, because the way he spoke those words is
kind of heartbreaking. Maybe one day he can tell me what’s on his mind, but I’m
not going to pressure him, we are finally at a good place and that’s where I
want to stay.

“Abigail, I want
you naked, kneeling like you’ve been taught, in the centre of the bed, ready
for me when I get there.” He instructs me, his voice clipped, almost angry. He
must have sensed me behind him, knowing I had overheard his little display of
fear to his daughter. “We continue training tonight.” He continues, turning
around and walking past me out of the room and to another room down the hall.

I am far too
eager to continue this D/s stuff, my body humming with arousal and excitement
at the thought of his hands on me.

I leave the
room, after kissing Melissa goodnight. Once in the hallway, I run the short
distance to the next room, our bedroom. I open the big double doors and skid to
a halt inside.

The room has
changed completely, the walls and bed still the same, but attached to the bed on
each corner lay chains with leather cuffs on the ends, the wall laden with
different types of whips, floggers, paddles and even a cane. The very idea of
any of these on my skin makes me nervous and sick. I have felt the flogger used
on me by Antonio just a few hours earlier, but that wasn’t punishment, it was
for pleasure, and it felt fucking pleasurable to me.

I swallow down
my nerves as they build rapidly inside, churning the butterflies in the pit of
my stomach to mush. I strip down to my naked form, shuffling off the dressing
gown I had shoved on earlier after our sex fest. I let it pool to my feet, the
satin flowing in the slight breeze the wind blows in.

I place the
carton of slowly melting ice cream on the bedside table, the ice outside
thawing and collecting in a little pool of water at the bottom of the tub.

“Right, okay,
kneel on the bed.” I talk to myself, trying to work out each step perfectly in
my mind. I climb atop the huge mattress, trying to find the exact middle of it.
I shuffle on my knees ‘til I am confident I am there. “Knees apart, hands on
thighs, head down.” I tell myself, remembering the perfect position Debbie has
shown me.

“Ready.” I
whisper to myself as I take in a huge breath, of contentment or fear I don't
know which.

“I hope so.” I
hear Leighton say as the door creaks open a little and light filters in from
the outside hallway. Only the little lamp beside the bed lights the room.

I ignore his
deep, rough tone, his emotional state obviously still affecting him. I want to
stop this, to hold him and tell him whatever is wrong it will be okay, because,
clearly something is getting to him and changing his behaviour.

“God, you look
so perfect like this.” His voice drops an octave, the needy dangerous tone
penetrating my body, causing every little hair to stand upon end.

Do I say
something back to him? Or do I just stay quiet? I go with the latter, knowing I
need his permission to do anything.

“You can answer
me, Abigail, I won't bite. Not yet anyway.” He speaks again, the same tone
permeating the air around me, the sound waves of his voice travelling straight
to my throbbing pussy.

“Thank you,
Sir.” I answer him, nothing more, nothing less.

“Right, let’s
get to it. Firstly, you are knelt perfectly, well done. Secondly, I want to go
through what we will do tonight in regards to your training. Sit yourself
down.” I slip from my knees to my backside, the cool sheets hitting my heating

He shuffles onto
the bed next to me, turning to face me. “Abigail, you please me very much,
today was incredible. You have taken to all of this extremely well and very
fast. How are you feeling about earlier?” I think back to my reactions to
everything, the punishment spanking, the sensual flogging, the sex with
Antonio, the threesome, the foursome! I feel fucking fantastic, on top of the
world. I just hope he feels the same and that isn’t the reason he is so off.

“Good, very
good, Sir.” I reply, trying to alleviate the pounding of my heart as I think of
the time, only hours ago, that I was impaled on a cock. My thighs are becoming
damp with need, the juices seeping from within my cunt.

“That’s good to
hear, pet, now tonight. I can be assured you’ve seen the cuffs?” he asks me,
looking to the top of the bed where each corner possesses a leather band
attached to a chain.

“Yes, sir.” I
answer him, fiddling with my fingers.

“I would also
like to blindfold you, is this okay?” he asks me again.

“Yes, that’s
fine, Sir, I want to please you.” I look to him, biting my lip as my pussy
contracts at the thought of being restrained, blindfolded and turned into an
ice-cream sundae.

“Good, okay,
let’s get started. Lie down please, Abigail.” I fall back from my seat
position, my head hitting the pillow and welcoming me. God they are so soft.
Leighton raises each of my arms one at a time, attaching the cuffs around my
wrists before locking them with the little padlocks attached. “Does that feel
okay?” he asks me, slipping his finger into the band to see how tight it is.

“Perfect.” I
answer as I relax back into the mattress and wallow in the feeling that is
building from this type of intimacy, a newfound pleasure I am experiencing and
wishing I had done sooner.

He nods once and
moves down the bed, trailing his fingers down my body as he goes. When he
reaches my sex, he slides his fingers through my lips and quickly rubs my clit,
causing my body to arch into his enigmatic touch.

“So responsive,
angel, we’ll work on that.” He tickles his fingertips down my thighs, over my
knees and down my calves to my ankles. He clips a cuff around each one and then
fastened again with a padlock.

“Fuck, you look
so God damn sexy like this. I'm going to have so much fun with this body,
Princess.” He tells me, standing from the bed. I’m spread eagled on the duvet,
my arms and legs stretched out, a slight pull in the muscles. It doesn’t hurt,
but it does send delicious warmth through me.

He stands beside
my head, by the pillows. He brings a piece of material over my eyes, the
darkness hitting me straight away. There is no leeway for light to sneak
through the barrier. My entire body is strumming to life, my senses spiking. I
can smell his arousal more, hear his deep breathing and taste his intoxicating
sweat in the air.

“If at any time
you want me to stop, you need a safe work, Abigail. Something you wouldn’t
usually say to me during sex.” I know what a safe word is, of course I do, I
have read fifty shades, although that hasn’t come close to how my ‘inner
goddess’ is feeling right now. I think hard about my work, needing something
easily remembered but not so easily that it would slip out without thinking
about it.

“Bazinga.” I
won't forget it easily, it is from the Big Bang Theory, my favourite show.

Leighton asks me, “You want your safe word to be, Bazinga?”

“Yes, big bang,
I won't forget it.” I smile widely, unable to gage his reaction due to the
darkness surrounding me.

sweetheart, if that’s what you want.” I hear his feet move beside me, then
padding across the carpeted floor to the opposite side of the room. I have
never known my ears to be so sensitive to the sounds around me, but with my
sight completely gone, the sensors in my eardrums have tweaked themselves and
adapted to the environment.

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