Touched (29 page)

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Authors: Lilly Wilde

BOOK: Touched
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He grabbed my cheeks and spread me open, groaning as he spread me wider. He removed one hand I knew what was next. I felt the head of his cock sliding up and down my soaked slit. He pushed into me and I nearly came undone from just the one stroke. He eased out of me and slammed back into me, my entire body bucking forward.  He grabbed my hips and started the deep repetitious drives into me. 

“Oh fuck. You feel so good. I’ve missed this pussy,” he groaned, as he slapped my ass.

I screamed out as he continued the delicious blows into me, slapping my ass harder and harder as he fucked me into oblivion. I was lost. I was somewhere above the clouds as this gorgeous man violently fucked my weeping pussy.

I couldn’t take anymore. I came ... hard, my body quavering as he drove his hardness into me. “Shit, shit, shit,” I breathed, as he continued pounding my pussy. Fuck, he was really making it hurt but it was the best kind of hurt.

“Are you ready? Do you want my cum, Aria?”

“Yes baby, give it to me. I want it all.”

He pulled his dick from my greedy pussy and I turned to face him. He pushed his cock into my open and eager mouth. “Ah fuck. I’m cumming baby,” he grunted, as his cock pulsed repeatedly in my mouth releasing his thick hot semen and I greedily swallowed it, every bit. Fuck – he was delicious. I sucked the head; milking him. I wanted it all. I looked up at him as I siphoned his cock, hoping for more. He was smiling at me.  I pulled his cock from my mouth. “What? Why are you smiling at me like that?”

“You can stop sucking now; I think you’ve pretty much sucked me dry,” he said, grinning.

“But I want more,” I said, sliding my tongue over my lips capturing any of the essence that had escaped. He reached down and rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip. “You missed a spot,” he said, sliding his thumb into my mouth. I gently sucked the pad of his thumb.

“Why are you smiling now?” I asked, removing his thumb from my mouth.

“Because I think I’ve created a monster,” he said, grinning at me.

“Whatever. You love it.”

“Damn right I do,” he replied, leaning down to kiss me.

“I have your gift. I want to give it to you now – in private,” I said.

“You realize that you didn’t need to buy me anything. Having you here, celebrating this day with me is gift enough.”

“I’m excited to share today with you too but I
to get you something, even though you have everything.”

“I didn’t have everything until I found you. You know that, right?”

“I feel the same way. You’ve completed me in a way that continues to astound me. You’ve brought so much to my life,” I said.

I was quiet for a few moments. “Now look what you’ve done. You’re making me all sappy. Back to your gift,” I said, walking over to my purse.

I pulled the golden box from my bag and walked over to give it to him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was smiling at me like I was giving him the first gift he’d ever received.

He looked up at me with shiny green eyes that were a-flicker with curiosity. I placed the box in his hand and he removed the ribbon and the lid. “I hope you like it,” I said.


“What? Do you not like it?” I asked.

“Quite the opposite. I love it.” He lifted the Omega watch from the box. It was the Speedmaster Moonwatch Chronograph Black Dial.

“Look at the back,” I said.

It was inscribed with
Let’s make time stand still, Love Aria
. It was inspired by the words he’d spoken and the same words I’d been thinking when we were lying in bed after the first time he’d made love to me.

He removed the watch he was currently wearing and replaced it with my gift.

“I’ll treasure this always,” he said, standing and reaching for me. He cupped my face and slowly lowered his lips to mine.

“Happy birthday baby,” I said.

“Thank you, Princess.”

“And you say I’m full of surprises. I didn’t expect this,” he said.

“What did you expect exactly?”

“I’m not sure but this is perfect. Just like you.”

“I’m not perfect by any means,” I said.

“Yeah I know but I had to say that ... it kinda fit the moment,” he said, grinning.

“You ass,” I replied, laughing.  “Your mother expected me to bring you downstairs a long time ago. Let me clean up and we can join them.”

I walked to the bathroom and he followed. We grabbed a couple of towels and wiped away the signs of sex, both of us looking at the other as we did, neither of us saying a word. I don’t know why but watching him clean up after having fucked me was so freaking hot.

We finished our quick clean-up and headed downstairs. More guests had obviously arrived because the house was much noisier than it had been when I went upstairs.


The room had been slightly transformed within the short span of time that I’d been upstairs. The party was in full swing, even with the absence of the guest of honor, which confirmed my suspicions that this party was more of a Raine
than a celebration of Aiden’s birth.  It was very distinguished and elegant; low lights and a band adding another layer to the festive atmosphere. Aiden grabbed me and pulled me to an area that had been designated for dancing and we were instantly lost in the revelry of the music.

The room was filled with the most elite society members. Aiden introduced me to several Raine Industries executives, a few of his friends from college and some old family friends … which was code for
. Aiden had applied his
and fit right in. I too, was able to blend in with the majority of the crowd. His mask volleyed from CEO to Raine elite to my Aiden. I didn’t know how he did it. But as he’d said, everyone does it to a certain extent. He fell into conversation about a game of golf with a college buddy and I excused myself to go in search of my sisters.

There were just too many people; finding them was proving to be difficult. I walked out to the terrace and pulled out my phone to send them a text. The chance of them checking it was slight due to the noise level but since they were teenagers who practically lived on their phones, the chances of them replying were higher than they would have been otherwise. I slid my phone back into my pocket and turned around bumping right into the one bitch I was hoping to avoid … Nadia Lane.

“Oh jeez,” I said, irked simply by her appearance.

“Hello to you too Aria,” she said, a feigned smile on her plastic face.

“Hello Nadia,” I said. “If you’ll excuse me,” I said, stepping past her.

“Aria, don’t rush off. I was hoping to have a chance alone with you – to truly apologize for the rather unfortunate mishap last year.”

Mishap? Bitch please! “You were lying on Aiden’s bed butt ass naked. How the hell was that a mishap?”

She waved my question away as if it were some silly joke. “I don’t get caught up in terminology. But I really wanted to apologize and I hope you’ll forgive me,” she said, oozing of insincerity.

“I’ll accept your apology in the same spirit in which it was delivered,” I said, returning her acerbic smile.

She was all smiles and caught me totally off guard when she hugged me. “I’m so relieved. Thank you, Aria. I was so worried you’d say no,” she gushed.

What the hell? Was this bitch insane? I stepped back from her and watched as she continued her ramblings. I looked at the glass in her hand, making a mental note to avoid whatever she was drinking.

“I know how important it is to Aiden that we get along. I don’t quite understand it but one never does quite understand things like this with Aiden; he’s such a complex person. I suppose that’s why my relationship with him has always been such an oddity … always so complicated.”

“Nadia, give it a rest. If one more person describes your relationship with Aiden as complicated, I think I’ll scream.”

She looked as if I had slapped her across the face but she quickly recovered, reapplying the plastic that accompanied the evil glint in her eyes. “When you carry a man’s child, it does complicate things, don’t you think?” she asked.

I looked at her not knowing how to reply. And she looked at me as though she had just thrown the winning punch.

“I’ve spotted someone that I simply must say hello to. It was delightful seeing you again, Aria,” she said. She smirked and walked past me, leaving me in a tailspin as I tried to interpret what the hell she meant.

What the fuck was she saying? Was she pregnant? I thought back to the last time I was here and Aiden had reluctantly revealed that he’d had sex with Nadia the night of the gala. That had been a one-time thing though; he wouldn’t still be fucking her. I was sure that she was trying to get a rise out of me but why
particular lie? Something was off.

I left the terrace in search of Aiden. Unlike my fruitless search for Lia and Bianca, I easily found Aiden; he was laughing with Nicholas near the bar. Nicholas saw me approaching and his facial expression changed from one of merriment to one of misperception, which cued Aided to look over his shoulder.

He smiled as I approached but that smile quickly morphed as his eyes darted my face. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure. Can we speak in private?” I asked.

“Sure. Nick, can you have the bartender bring over Cles des Ducs for me and a vodka cranberry for Aria.”

“No problem,” Nicholas replied, as Aiden and I stepped away.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I’m hoping you can tell me. I just had a rather strange exchange with your ex.”

“Who are you talking about?” he asked, his brows furrowed.

“Damn. How many of your exes are here tonight?”

“Aria, please don’t start with this.”

“I’m referring to Nadia. Who the fuck else?”

His temples began flexing immediately.

“Sir, your drinks,” came the voice of the waiter behind us. Aiden took both glasses and passed one to me. He took a sip, his eyes not leaving mine. It was easy to determine that he was already frustrated by the subject of this conversation.

I took a larger sip of the drink than I should have. It burned going down.

“Okay, so let’s hear it. What’s going on now?” he asked.

I started to feel silly for even considering this but I needed to ask.

“Is Nadia pregnant with your child?”

He almost heaved at the question.

“What? Hell no. Why would you think something like that?” he asked.

“In the midst of other useless conversation with her she mentioned it was complicated with the two of you because carrying your child complicated things.”

A look of awareness crossed his face and he sighed deeply, shoving his hand through his hair.

“What is it? Am I missing something here?” I asked.

“Fuck. Why can’t Nadia just keep her fucking mouth shut? This situation with her is really starting to piss me off.”

“Wait. So, what are you saying?  I don’t think I follow you.”

“I’m leaving town soon, we barely have any time to spend together so let’s forget the Nadia bullshit and make the most of the time we have, Aria.”

He was right but I wasn’t letting this go. “What was she talking about?”

“This isn’t the place to discuss this Aria. I’ll tell you everything later.”

So there was something to what Nadia had said. Something wasn’t right. There was something he wasn’t saying. Something I needed to know.

“Aiden, I think I need to know whatever this is

“I can’t have one night? One fucking night without trying to convince you that you have nothing and no one to worry about? That it’s
that I want!”

“First off I suggest you take that tone out of your voice when you speak to me. I’m not one of your sycophants who buckle every time you so much as frown at them and secondly, I don’t question if you want me because I know that you do. What I do question is if you want someone else also. There’s a difference asshole.”

“So this is about jealousy?” he asked.

“Don’t you dare spin this around like that. This has far less to do with me and more to do with all of your fucking secrets that continue seeping out!”

“So are you telling me that you don’t have any secrets?” he asked.

“I’m not saying anything. This is not about me. We’re talking about you and another fact about yourself that you’ve chosen to conceal.”

“And there’s absolutely nothing that you’ve done in your past that you’re ashamed of? I think we both know that isn’t true,” he spit out bitterly.

“Have any of my supposed secrets come back to bite you in the butt? No they haven’t so in response to your previous question, I would have to say no.”

“Oh really? And the shit storm with Dane Patrick? What exactly was that if not a secret and how the hell do you think it was extinguished? Me! Your little secret could have denigrated the career you’ve worked so diligently for, not to mention causing a PR nightmare for Raine Industries.  So don’t judge me for my past indiscretions when you have several of your own!” he exclaimed, taking a swig of the dark liquor.

I recoiled from his accusation and tone.  He was being cruel and his temper, which he had somehow managed to rein in until now, was flaring.

“Indiscretion? How can you reduce this to something as simple as that? We’re talking about a life Aiden, not some innocent slip of your dick into the wrong woman.”

“I do not wish to fight with you Aria,” he stated. I could see the anger rising.

“This does not have to be a fight Aiden, I just want to understand.”

“You won’t necessarily understand everything about me nor will I with you.
I have a past just as you do but do I behave as you do regarding your past? No. The people from your past are not here with you.  I am, so basically they are of no consequence; the same applies to Nadia. She is of no consequence.  Just let this go.”

“But Aiden –”

“Enough Aria! I’m not wasting any more time with this nonsense

I could see that he wasn’t about to go any further and it pissed me off.

He took another sip of his drink. “And another thing, I certainly hope you don’t plan on using this as yet another obstacle for us because that shit is getting old.”

He turned and walked away, not caring if I rejoined the party with him. Quite frankly I didn’t care very much myself at that moment. I downed the drink and quickly decided that Lia, Bianca and I were leaving.  I left the terrace to search of them. People were everywhere. How would I find them in this mass? I glanced around the room and didn’t see them anywhere. Maybe I couldn’t find them because I needed to stay here. I needed to stop running. Running is the primary reason I lost so many years with my mother. I needed another drink. Hopefully it would soothe my anger and possibly pull me back into party mode.

I imagined Aiden saw me as insecure but that wasn’t it. I was secure in who I was and in my ability to get just about any man I wanted but did I have what it took to make the man stay? Especially when there were such monumental obstacles in the way?

I later spotted Aiden with Nicholas and some guy that I didn’t recognize. They each had a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other. I didn’t know Aiden smoked cigars.

I walked over toward them. “Nicholas, have you seen Lia and Bianca,” I asked.  The tension between his brother and me didn’t go unnoticed. Aiden was aloof, as if I wasn’t even there.

He looked at Aiden before answering. “I think they were over near the auction table with Allison” he said, looking from me to his brother.

“Nick, where are your manners? Introduce me to this beautiful lady,” said the guy standing between Nicholas and Aiden.

Nicholas looked at Aiden and back towards me. “Grayson Miller, this is Aria Cason,” Nicholas said, awkwardly.

“It’s nice to meet you Aria. What a beautiful name. Would you care to dance?”

“No, thank you. I’m actually looking for my sisters. We’re about to head out,” I replied.

Aiden looked at me over the rim of his glass as he took a drink. He didn’t say anything. He turned and walked off.

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