Training the Warrior (12 page)

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Authors: Jaylee Davis

BOOK: Training the Warrior
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“Never forget, when they leave, they’re
sent out all over the empire to fight our enemies. The young warriors are only
allowed to leave the compound a few times during their two years of combat
training. The trainers accompany them on these excursions. Most of the females
they meet and have sex with in the free zone aren’t as skilled as the teachers
they remember.”

At that point, the head mistress had sent
Lydia’s teachers out of the room. Lydia had shivered beneath her robe as an
awkward silence had filled the room. Something unexpected had been about to
happen. She’d just known it since her teachers had seemed surprised by their
abrupt dismissal.

“Conner has been informed you’re an
initiate and an off-worlder,” the head mistress had informed her.

“Why?” Lydia had felt a brief surge of
betrayal rise, followed by a wave of panic.

“Calm,” the older woman had soothed. “Lydia,
I have my reasons for pairing you with him. He’s of royal blood. This past week
you must have noticed how self-assured he is with his teachers. Most warriors
like Conner behave in this manner. Knowing he must pleasure a female of a
different species shakes some of that royal confidence.” The head mistress had chuckled
happily. “You should have seen his face when he was informed.”

“I’m glad I didn’t,” Lydia had muttered.

What would he think when he saw her? He
might not find her attractive at all. Her own insecurities came welling up,
threatening to strangle her. She hadn’t been with a male since Kern. How could
she have been so stupid? She’d spent all her free time studying on her own in
the citadel’s massive library.

The histories were her passion. Relations
between Taurans and Tauran warriors hadn’t always been peaceful. There were
brutal stories of mass murder, torture, infanticide and slavery. Some of the
tales seemed familiar to her. They were as sickening as Earth’s past and
present atrocities. It seemed Taurans and humans had a great deal more in
common than just physical characteristics, but Lydia had avoided the Tauran
males. Now she wondered if she’d made a huge mistake.

The head mistress had reached out and
cupped Lydia’s cheeks gently between her soft palms. “Don’t worry. You’ll do
just fine, Lydia,” she’d assured. “Conner has been around off-worlders most of
his young life. He’ll be very pleased with you. Your duty to him is simple. Put
everything else out of your mind and think only about submitting. Once you’re
alone with him, let nothing exist outside the room. Release all your worries.”

Lydia had given her mentor a dutiful nod, “Yes,

 She’d moved closer and whispered into
Lydia’s ear, “There are no recording or listening devices in the testing room.
A few soft words whispered into a warrior’s ear out of visual observation can’t
be detected. This is our secret.”

The woman had backed away. She’d smiled
slyly and walked out of the room without another word or explanation, leaving
Lydia alone.

She was surprised by what the head mistress
had told her. Had all the other initiates been told the same thing? Did
mean just between her and the head mistress or did she mean it was a
secret of all the teachers? And had the older woman really told Conner that Lydia
was an off-worlder just to throw him off balance before they met? He would know
she wasn’t a Tauran just by looking at her wrist tattoo. And if he missed that,
her green eyes would definitely give her away. The eye coloring of Tauran
females was always some shade of brown, no exceptions.

 Tauran females could be way too mysterious
at times, she decided. It was frustrating. And Lydia didn’t have time to
contemplate the meaning anymore. Her teachers opened the door to a room where a
young warrior waited impatiently.

She sent up a silent prayer, begging for
the ability to dismiss the fact that at least a couple of the teachers and some
of the initiates were going to be observing her and Conner for the next six
hours. She reminded herself that nothing about what was happening resembled
voyeurism or exhibitionism in any way. The idea and shame associated with it
were all in her mind. When the feeble reassurance didn’t help, she called on
her anger. Her human mind and values could take a giant leap off the citadel
This is my job, dammit.
And she was determined to be good at it.
Conner just better be trained and ready for her. Lydia squared her shoulders
and followed her teachers into the room.

If there was any doubt in her mind about
Young Conner’s readiness it quickly vanished. She was so thankful she wore the
black hooded robe. As the teacher placed her hand on the warrior’s huge palm,
Lydia’s bowed head gave her a perfect opportunity to secretly gaze at his
erection. The material of his sarong stretched tight over the head of his
jutting shaft. Seen daily for a week from the safety of the observation room,
his erect penis had never seemed so…threatening to her. At close range, it
appeared massive.

A tremor of panic washed over her as Conner
closed strong fingers around her hand. The grasp was firm but not painful. His
cock jerked. His lips slid over the back of her hand, nipping tenderly before
he turned it over and kissed the inside of her wrist. Her pulse quickened,
sending a jolt of desire straight to her sex.
Oh my.
If she had any
panties on, they’d be soaked in no time at all. She had no idea when the teachers
had left them alone. He was the only thing that existed in her world at that

His tongue shot out and licked the surface
of her palm, then trailed down to linger over her wrist. Lydia knew without a
doubt he felt her pulse thumping against his tongue since her heart raced. She
forced air into her lungs, trying to take several deep breaths to calm down.

Conner drew her hand up to his broad chest,
pressing her palm directly above his heart. It pounded beneath her touch,
letting her know he was just as excited. The heat from his skin seemed to rush
through her entire body. He released her, but Lydia didn’t pull away from his
chest. She sensed he wanted to free his hands for some other reason. She was
right. One cupped her chin, lifting her head slightly as his other shoved her
hood back. She met his gaze. Copper eyes flecked with gold smoldered with
desire for her. All nervousness about her off-world status faded away.

Lydia took in the sight of him. In that
moment, the room was suddenly too warm and he was scorching hot. All she could
think was she might just melt if he touched her again. For one week, she’d
studied this giant warrior. From the very first, she thought his eyes were
entrancing. His body was massive with hard muscles that flowed effortlessly
under skin the color of rubbed bronze. Conner had a thick mane of wavy, light
brown hair streaked with dark brown and gold strands. She’d never seen a warrior
quite like him. His face was handsome in a rugged but noble way. His brows were
dark, his cheekbones proud above a chiseled, strong jaw line. His nose was
straight and ended with nostrils that flared just slightly. The only softness
he had to his face was his mouth. His smile was broad and generous. And his
lips appeared so smooth Lydia had yearned to taste him after the first day she’d
seen him.

Cool air swirled around her body. Conner
had shoved the robe off her shoulders. Never losing eye contact, Lydia shrugged
out of the sleeves, letting the black robe drop unhindered to the floor around
her feet. The chill of the room was immediately cancelled by him when he
enveloped her within his arms. His warmth was welcome. And as his head swooped
down so he could press his lips against hers, she completely surrendered to
him. She opened, letting his tongue invade and explore deep. She slid hers along
his and kissed him back. He growled—soft and low.

Lydia shivered, not just from the sound of
his sexy voice but from her own wanton passion. He tasted of desire. The teachers
had done an excellent job. His mouth was incredibly well-trained. Somehow she
remembered to inhale, taking in his scent. His body smelled clean, a hint of
soap and faint male muskiness. It wasn’t the sexual, overpowering, addictive
smell of a warrior’s claiming scent. Conner was a new blade, not capable of
taking a mate until he was at least thirty-two years old, but his kiss filled her
with a yearning she couldn’t deny. Her sex wept for him, needy and anxious to
welcome him deep inside.

Conner tightened his embrace. The
restraints on his forearms dug into her exposed skin. It wasn’t painful, but
Lydia instantly resented their presence, even though they were there for her
safety. The thick collar around his neck was also worn as a precaution. The teachers
observing them had the remote device just in case he lost control. She didn’t
want him to fail. She only wanted him. And his kiss swiftly erased all her

He ground his hips against her lower
abdomen, letting her feel his erection. Lydia moaned into his mouth. She
arched, pressing her breasts against him. Her nipples hardened to beads as they
grazed over his hot skin. In the next instant, Conner cupped his hands under
her bottom and lifted her off the floor, dragging her up his muscled form. She
mewled her approval as he suckled one of her breasts, lathing and tormenting
the pert nipple. She wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders and held on
tight, encouraging him to continue. When he gently chewed and tugged on the
hard nub, a jolting shock of raw pleasure ran from the tip of her breast all
the way to her womb. She clenched her thighs together from the sensation before
a wave of climactic pleasure washed over her. The orgasm took her completely by
surprise. She lost her hold around his shoulders. If it weren’t for the young warrior’s
quick action, she would have fallen away from him. Instead, he swept her up into
his arms safely and carried her to the bed.

On her back now, Lydia gazed up in
amazement at Conner. His copper-eyed gaze shimmered like liquid fire, devouring
He ripped off his sarong, releasing his cock.
Oh god.
giant hard-on was all hers. At that moment, she wanted to beg him to fuck her,
right now. Reluctantly, she came to her senses long enough to give him a
satisfied smile. He blinked. She sensed he tried to control his own raging
desires. He settled beside her on the bed and drew in a deep breath.

“Your scent is…”

Instead of finishing his thought, he
lowered his head and trailed a path all the way down her stomach with his lips
and tongue, licking and nipping her tender skin. His breathing was labored. After
stopping his descent at the top of her sex, he glanced up as if asking for
permission to continue. The hard length of his impatient cock twitched against
her leg.

“I think you’ll taste as good as you smell,”
he told her and then dove head first between her open thighs.

“Oh, Conner!” She gasped for a breath.

His mouth latched on to her clit, sucking
and chewing on the swollen nub. No longer in control of her own body, Lydia
whimpered his name over and over as she squirmed on the bed. Head thrown back
in wild abandon, she fisted the bed sheet, panting as his talented tongue sent
her spiraling up toward another climax.

His giant hands gripped her thighs and
spread them farther apart, opening her hungry pussy wider. Alternately sucking,
licking and grazing her clit with his teeth, he growled louder. The vibrations
shot her pleasure higher. Lydia shouted his name just as she reached the point
of no return. His tongue thrust deep inside her quivering channel before her
climax shattered through her. Her vaginal walls clamped tight around the
invader, releasing her juices for him to taste. His hot breath washed over her
exposed clit, soothing the raw nerves of the sensitive tissue.

Conner wasn’t done. He reclaimed his tongue
and lapped leisurely at his reward. An occasional swipe to her oversensitive
nub sent jolts of pleasure through her. Lydia moaned in appreciation as he
slipped two thick fingers into her and slowly moved them in and out. Once he
had her thrusting against his hand and begging for release again, he renewed
his assault on her clit. Using his lips, he caressed and kissed at the little
bundle of nerves until she thought for sure she’d die.

“Conner, please,” she pleaded.

He inserted a third finger and fucked her
with rapid strokes, entering and pulling out while his mouth clamped down. He
sucked hard, nipping and flicking his tongue across her swollen clit.
Oh god.

Lydia imagined he had the entire bundle of
nerves drawn into his hot mouth. Her orgasm hit hard. She screamed his name and
would have clamped her thighs together, but his broad shoulders held them
apart. She fisted her hands in his hair and pushed against his head, trying
halfheartedly to move him away. He easily ignored her efforts.

Conner forced her to endure this climax as
he drove her to the next one. It was a combination of intense pleasure laced
with exquisite pain. Just when Lydia thought she couldn’t take anymore, a
second orgasm hit her. The sensation was so overwhelming she barely held on to
consciousness. She stiffened, arching tight as a bow string as she tumbled into
a bottomless pit of ecstasy while moaning his name over and over again. Only then
did he let up on her.

They were both panting and covered in sweat
afterward. Lydia was satiated while Conner was eager to continue. He licked a
trail up her body, lingering momentarily to nip at each of her nipples as he
moved above her. He planted his palms near her head and pushed away,
straightening his arms to keep his chest from crushing against hers. His hips
settled between her thighs. She raised her head and peeked down between their
bodies. His cock was rock hard, bulging with his need. It pulsed with each beat
of his heart.

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