Trashy (8 page)

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Authors: Penny Lam

BOOK: Trashy
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Dang, my ass smarts. You could tell my heartbeat by putting your hand on it, because the hot skin there is, throbbing in time with the beats.

My pussy is wet, my mouth is full, and I’m feeling content despite the pain. When Lloyd tried to break in, I thought it might be the end. The park’s too small for him to just drag me back and put me to work. No, when he started kicking in that door, I needed to be scared for my life.

Buck and Shep came, though. They did what they said they would. They’ve made me safe.

Now I just want them to make me come. Shep’s having a hard time. His cock is twitching in my mouth, so thick I can barely take it in, and I know it’s because Buck’s touching him. Buck likes to push boundaries. I mean, I’ve only been in their house a little over a day and I can tell that already.

If only Shep could see what I see. That Buck isn’t just doing it to make him uncomfortable. He’s not trying to push a boundary for fun. Shep’s looking at me. He can’t tear those blue eyes away from his cock disappearing between my lips over and over. But Buck’s looking at Shep. He’s got eyes for the both of us, and they’re filled with lust.

They’re well suited for each other. Blond and black hair, bearded, tattooed. I think about the dueling bulls. Shep’s kidding himself if he thinks they’re fighting. Seeing them now, it makes the fierceness of those locked horns akin to foreplay.

Buck catches my gaze. He knows. It’s like we’re connected and he nods. Slurping up and down one more time, I release Shep’s cock from my mouth and stand up. My pussy is so wet and greedy now. This is for Shep, who needs help coming to terms with Buck, but it’s for me, too.

I was a good girl and took my spanking. This is my reward.

Straddling Shep, I sink down on his cock in one go. It stretches me and hurts for a moment. Not like when he took my cherry, but I probably still need to get used to his size. Shep’s hands grab my hips, his fingers digging into my sore backside, and this sound comes from my throat.

It’s like a mewl. Like I can’t tell him no and I can’t tell him yes.

Buck takes one hand off Shep and cups my face, bringing me close to his. Our lips are grazing each other, wet breath teasing. “Fuck him, baby girl. Bounce up and down on Shep’s cock.”

“I don’t have a condom on,” Shep gasps, but his hands are holding me tight on his big dick as it grinds into me.

My tits begin to ache and swell, a sense of yearning building in me. I want his come all in me. I want Buck’s, too. I want my belly to grow big with their babies.

What about college? Getting out of the park?

I want those things, too. My legs quiver as I lift myself up, feeling his thick length slide out, then slam back down. Shep’s groan is like fire on gasoline. I start riding him hard, loving the feel of controlling the speed. “Just tell me and I’ll climb off in time.”

“Fucking hell,” he curses, but his hips are lifting a little to meet my down thrusts and I know he won’t stop.

Buck kisses me. His hands are on my breasts, squeezing and kneading. He lifts one to Shep’s mouth, slowing my movements. “Shep, suck that titty into your mouth.” Shep’s gray eyes shut and he complies. He isn’t just sucking my nipple, he’s suckling from as much of my tit as he can fit. Buck’s holding it for him while tweaking my other nipple and the jolts of pleasure are zapping to my core.

Buck releases my breasts and I whine as Shep stops sucking. That is, until Buck’s hand fists in my hair. Leaning in, I expect him to start kissing me again, but he doesn’t. Instead, he guides my parted lips to Shep.

Shep kisses me. I realize that Buck’s grasping his hair, too, like we’re two puppets. He’s making us fuck and kiss and it is just…


He wrenches us apart and kisses me. Back and forth, I kiss them, until I’m lost in a sea of lips and tongues and Shep’s cock is moving faster and faster in me. His hands are gripping my bruised bottom and the pain provides just enough clarity that I’m completely in the moment.

Shep’s kissing me and yanks back rasping, “Shit, I’m gonna come--”

My pussy barely makes it off before I feel the hot splash of his seed on it, coating the lips and dripping down my thighs. A small part of me is disappointed I let him pull out, a part I’m not ready to think too hard on.

Buck gets off of Shep and storms over to me. I’ve barely crawled off Shep when Buck’s hands grab my waist and he throws me on the kitchen table. His face is fierce, handsome with determined lines cut into it. My back has barely connected with the wood of the table before he has my ankles on his shoulders and he’s sheathed in my pussy.

We cry out together. Buck keeps me pinned that way, my legs up, unable to hold onto anything. Just a sleeve for him to fuck. Which he does without mercy. “Your tight pussy is so sweet! How did you stay so tight when you just fucked Shep’s big dick?” Buck grunts as he pounds into me.

“The joys of youth, man,” Shep jokes as he stands beside Buck, tucking his cock back into his pants. He grabs one of my ankles and pulls my legs open further. I’m spread wide. Buck’s thrusting into me so hard my boobs are smacking my chin. Thank goodness my ass is hanging off the table, preventing a too-painful reminder of my punishment.

Buck and Shep are looking at each other again and the heat that passes between them makes my own pleasure ratchet up. There’s the sweet tightness, a small ball of heat forming in me, and I know I’m going to come.

“Please,” I beg, needing it so bad.

“Touch her,” Buck demands, and Shep’s fingers find my clit. He pinches it lightly, rubbing his fingers back and forth on it, and I scream, shattering. Buck pulls out and comes on my belly.

After, we take another shower together, each washing the other. There’s a harmony to the way we move. All the pieces have come together.

I don’t know if it’s wise to hope it’ll stay this way. After all, I have so little experience. And we don’t live in a place that would understand Buck and Shep. They need each other, but it’s like they need me to make them complete.

But as Buck moves his mattress into Shep’s room, pushing them together to make one bed large enough for the three of us, I can’t help but pray it’s like this forever.




Perfection. It’s a word that doesn’t get tossed around often, and it sure as hell isn’t something I deserve, but it’s what I’ve got.

We’re a family now. Each day Shep and I leave for work. Vickie stays at the trailer and keeps it tidy. It’s transformed under her guidance. She convinced us to put up a little cash. We have a bit in savings because we never buy anything new. Until her. Now we have a new couch and chairs, rug, and flat screen TV from the local Wally World. She managed to keep it looking manly-- no flowers and shit-- while also adding her own flair to the trailer.

It might not look like much from the outside, but with Vickie’s help, we feel like princes when we step through the front door. We cleaned out my old room and turned it into a little space for her. Shep and I have the living room for when we wanna watch a ball game, and she’s got a little office and reading room. I’ve never been one for reading, but Vickie’s been devouring books.

So I keep buying them for her. Shep paid the fee for her to enroll in an online school. It’s the local university and since she’s no longer under her Mama’s roof, she got a load of financial aid. She doesn’t have a car yet, so we agreed she’d do online classes for the first year. Shep and I have no interest in college, but it makes our hearts warm to see little Vickie so hopeful.

I haven’t thought about another woman in weeks. And the shit I used to need to get off, the ropes and the real kinky shit, I haven’t needed it. I mean, I still give Vickie a hard time. Like when she spilled cereal on the floor and I made her eat it without using her hands. Shep and I had fucked her on the kitchen floor, one after the other, calling her all sorts of filthy names.

She came hard and long.

It scares me a bit, how easy this domesticity is. Shit like this shouldn’t be easy. How many songs tell us that love is hell? This don’t feel like hell. It feels like, well, I’ll say it again. Perfection.

“Which one of you is it?” Joe’s stooping down, looking under the Ford Taurus I’m working on. Sliding out, I take the rag he offers me and grin.

“What’re you talking about?”

“Damn it, Buck, the whole town’s dying to know which one of you is sleeping with little Vickie Clark!”

“You’ll just have to keep wonderin’, Joe.”

He smiles. “I knew it. I knew it was you. You’ve been coasting on cloud nine for weeks now. Whistlin’ while you work and shit. She’s got you suckered, good. It’s you, right? God, what I wouldn’t give for some teenage pussy.”

“Joe, man, Sissy is gonna be sixteen in a few months. Wait a couple of years and bang one of her friends.” His face pales, like he never made that connection before. “But maybe it’s Shep and I’m just a naturally happy guy.”

“Bullshit. I don’t know how you stay friends with him, anyway.”

“It ain’t hard, he’s a good guy.”

Joe helps me up and hands me a soda. He really is easy to work with. “He isn’t. His mom and pop never did show up. Everyone knows he killed them. And the guys at the coal mines are sayin’ shit.”

This grabs my attention but I try not to look overly interested. Joe’s a friend, but he likes to make you work for gossip. It’s easier to force him to spill by ignoring him. “They’re always sayin’ shit over there. Shep works hard, what else matters?”

“They said he’s workin’ harder than ever. They think he’s gonna try and grab Bill’s supervisor position. Him and Stew have been exchanging words for a while now--”

“I know about that,” I cut him off, waving my hand. Shep had told me about Bill a while ago. Bill had been a friend of Shep’s father. They’d worked together until Shep’s dad disappeared. Bill is in charge now, and Shep said he thinks Bill never stopped blaming him for their disappearance. He’s been out to get Shep fired. Too bad for him that Shep’s an ace worker and doesn’t leave room for doubt.

“Well, it’s worse now that Bill thinks Shep’s out for his job.” Joe steps closer. “Look man, I know you’re close to the guy. But Bill’s been bragging at the bar, the boys at the mine are saying he might be planning something outside of work. If you’ve got that young girl, you need to take care of her. Ditch Shep before he drags you into his bullshit.”

I put a hand on Joe’s shoulder. He’s just trying to be a friend, I know. But shit like this drives me crazy. My muscles are bunching up, ready to fight. That’s because for Shep, I’d fight to the death. “I know you’re trying to help. But everyone’s wrong about Shep. I’m not gonna leave him just because some old fuckers think they know better.”

Joe sighs. “You’re loyal to a fault, Buck.”

“Well, you should be grateful I work for you, then.”

He presses a set of keys into my hand. Looks like an old Dodge Ram. Trucks are fun, so he’s playing nice. “I’m always grateful, Buck.”

He walks away, his head shaking, and I yell out after. “Thanks for the heads up, Joe.”

Shit. Shep’s been quiet about work for a while. I’d just assumed Bill was leaving him alone. He’s faced people’s animosity for years. When he was young he had his grandma to keep his chin up. Then there was me. I can’t make him ignore the looks people give him like his grandma could, but I can take some of the blows off him.

Joe’s right about one thing, though. If shit’s brewing over at the mines, I gotta look out for Vickie. Which means I need to consider confronting Shep about something we agreed to never talk about.

I need to ask him if he murdered his parents.






“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Bill’s just posted the schedule, and I’m seeing my name for seven shifts this week and next. Fourteen days. “I’m gonna have to talk to the union rep,” I grumble under my breath.

“Don’t bother.” An old timer, John, comes up and claps me on the shoulder. “Rep’s outta town next two weeks.”

My eyes narrow. Fucking Bill. “What a coincidence.”

John nods sympathetically. He’s not a bad guy. Easy to work with. Quick. Reliable. Safe. Most of all safe. The coal mine operates with a strict policy that keeps everyone working and alive. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have people we prefer to watch our backs-- and people we don’t. “Tell you what, Shep, I’ll take that last Saturday. I’ll tell Bill about it.”

“Naw, don’t worry about it. If you do, he’ll punish me more. Say I’m leaning on you to take my shifts. I’ll just get the OT.”

At least the money would be sweet. Buck and I are rarely short for cash, and I’ve been saving as much as I can the past decade in the mines. Youngest miner to start there. Now I have a real chance at getting out. Working hard for the bonuses has everyone watching me, but when have they not? I’ve had eyes on me since I was twelve.

I know what they think I did.

Let them. It gives me a free pass. No bullshit smalltalk. No backstabbing friends. I’ve got the truth, I’ve got Buck, and I’ve got Vickie. With another year of working balls to the wall like this, I’ll have enough money to tell Bill to eat his own dick. Buck and I might be able to admit our dreams could become reality.

Still, as I head down the shaft, I’m pissed. It fuels me, and I start working on the conveyer belt that hauls up the coal. I’m working fast, cleaning it up and testing some of the gears. Bill is a son of a bitch. I know he thinks I’m after his job. No amount of persuading would change his mind, either.

He’s had it out for me since day one. But I’m close to our Union reps, and that means he can’t touch me unless I really screw up. I don’t screw up.

Scrubbing harder, I get a grease stain off and let Hank know on the walkie that he can crank her down. It moves smoothly, and we’re in business.

This is the difference between Buck and me. I can shut up and do what I need to. It bothers me that no one trusts me, but I know they just don’t know better. It makes me mad, but I can turn that anger into motivation. Buck just pops off, wild and willful, until someone ends up in the hospital or the county’s holding cell to sleep it off.

With Vickie, I’ve had to change some of my plans. Hell, I’m finding my whole world changing. It’s the both of them. They’re taking over my thoughts and consuming me. When I’m home, more often than not, I’m naked and taking turns with Buck screwing Vickie blind. With her cooking and cleaning, we have time for beers, a game on TV, and then sex. So much sex.

My plans had always included giving Buck some space. Giving him the trailer and getting my own place. Maybe opening a business. But I pictured me alone, driving to his house for beers on the weekend. Now I’m picturing a cabin, built just for us. Near a lake or a river so we can fish and with land good for hunting. Somewhere Vickie can walk around naked all day, ready for us. Or get fat with babies.

Jesus. I always hoped to be family man, but now it feels like I
a family. Big and growing.

Work sloughs by, but I push through it, keeping the fantasy of the cabin alive. If I’m gonna get that for Buck and Vic, maybe I do need to look at taking Bill’s place…


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