Treasured Lies (29 page)

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Authors: Kendall Talbot

BOOK: Treasured Lies
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Her mind instantly jumped to him naked, above her, his rippling muscles licked with a fine sheen of sweat. But she forced the lust down before she acted on it by refocusing on the food. ‘Mmm. There's quite a selection. We could be here all day.'

‘Sounds like a grand plan to me.'

She settled her champagne glass on the table. ‘In that case, I think we should start with savoury and work our way through until we're exhausted.' With both hands on Archer's magnificent pectoral muscles, she guided him to the oversized sun lounges.

‘I'm at your mercy.'

She smiled at that idea as she nudged him to lie down. He obliged, lying back with his free arm nestled in behind his neck. He looked relaxed, yet every defined muscle in his torso remained rock hard. His eyes sparkled with desire. And just to tease her that little bit more, he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, making his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed.

The urge to tear his pants from his body was so strong that she very nearly did it. She wanted to see him in all his glory, naked and exposed for the whole world to enjoy. But she dug her fingernails into her palms to resist the temptation, wanting instead to savour this precious time together. It'd been a long time since they were alone together and she speculated that maybe it was why she was questioning her life with Archer. She loved him. He was her gravitational pull of love and lust and everything beautiful. He was the promise of an amazing future that she couldn't possibly have without him. Surely, once they get back home everything will be back to normal.

‘You stay right there,' she said.

He blinked slowly and when he inhaled his chest rose and fell. ‘Okey dokey.'

Tearing her eyes away from him, she returned to the food. She swallowed a large sip of champagne as she surveyed the ample selection again.

She picked up a plate and chose some olives. The bowl contained three types, all marinated with a dash of chilli. Perfect for getting the taste buds going. She smiled as she glanced back towards him. As he'd been told, Archer hadn't moved. In the midday sun, his small patch of chest hair glistened like it had been dusted in gold flakes. His eyes followed her as she walked back to him, making her aware of her own body's escalating arousal.

‘We start with an aperitif of olives.' Standing at his side, she plucked a Verdale olive from the bowl. The large green fruit briefly gleamed in the sun before she popped it into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around her finger as she slowly removed it from his mouth. She watched him chew as she chose one for herself and bit into it. The olive was meaty and sweet and showed no bitterness at all. ‘And?'

‘It's nice.'

She cocked her head at him. ‘Nice. Is that all you've got?'

He simply nodded and rolled his eyes as if unimpressed.

She spread his legs, stepped up to kneel between his knees, unbuttoned his pants and slowly rolled down the zipper to reveal the top elastic of his underpants. His breathing was deeper, slower, and his pendant, the solid finger of gold that he never removed from his neck, scintillated in the sunshine.

This time she chose the Kalamata olive and popped it into his perfectly formed belly button and the bulge in his pants grew before her eyes. She loved having this effect on him, but she wasn't ready to release him just yet. He'll have to play along with her little game first. She leant forward and started licking from the nest of curls at his pants line and followed the thread of hairs upwards. At his belly button, she circled a few times before she sucked the olive into her mouth with an audible pop. As she chewed on the Kalamata, savouring its robust salty flavour, he took a large swallow of his champagne.

‘Did you enjoy that one?' By the hard bulge, now threatening to burst from his pants, she knew he did.

‘It was … nicer.'

She gasped. ‘Is that all? You're a hard man to please, Mr Mahoney.' As she climbed out from between his legs, she deliberately ran her hand over his groin. Just looking at his erection, strained beneath the fabric, was enough to set her pulse racing. She reminded herself to take it easy, they had all afternoon to enjoy each other.

At the table again Rosalina took a large sip of her champagne, allowing the delicious bubbles to tingle her throat as she selected her next temptation. She peeled off a slice of cured meat, took another drink of champagne and turned to Archer. ‘Let's see if this is better.'

As she resumed her position between his legs, he gulped down the last of his drink and set his glass aside. Rosalina rolled up the finely sliced Culatello, put one end into her mouth and leant forward so she was directly above him. As his hands cupped her breasts, he obliged by opening his mouth and allowing her to dip the end of the meat roll onto his tongue. He chewed. She chewed. And soon they met in the middle. Rosalina pictured this ending with them delighting each other with a lovely sensual kiss but it wasn't possible without choking. She pulled back, laughing as she finished her half of the sliced meat.

‘That wasn't as sexy as I thought it would be.'

He slid his warm hands up under the skirt of her dress and placed them on her hips. ‘Mmm.' The intensity of his eyes had grown. The golden flecks dazzled, both with the afternoon sun and burning desire. And his lips, sensual full lips that always fascinated her, were as plump as the cherries on the table.

With her hands on his chiselled chest she leant forward and brushed her lips against his, closing her eyes to listen to his deep breathing and her own beating heart. When he opened his mouth she ran her tongue over his lips, tasting the saltiness of the meat and the sweetness of the champagne. His hands glided up her stomach and she nipped at his lower lip when he caressed her breasts through her bra. She wanted to free herself from the lacy constraint and although she shuddered with anticipation, she mentally forced herself to slow down.

She slipped her tongue into his mouth to tango with his. A moan tumbled from the back of his throat, and with each flick of her tongue he matched it with his own delectable strokes. He tasted so good. He felt even better. She could spend the entire afternoon just kissing him. Archer managed to slip one of her breasts over the top of her bra and was teasing her nipple between his thumb and finger. She gasped as the sensation filled her with more want.

She sat up and playfully slapped his hand away. ‘What do you think you're doing?'

He grinned that sexy sassy smile of his, highlighting his dimples. ‘What?'

‘I'm the one in charge here.' She lifted her dress up over her head and in the brief second the fabric covered her eyes he grabbed her exposed nipple again and pinched it delicately between his fingers. With the dress off she could see what he was doing and although his touch sent ripples through her body, and she wanted nothing more than to let him carry on, she flicked his hand away again.

‘I said I'm in charge. You just have to lie there and take it. Like a man.' She chewed on her bottom lip, trying not to laugh.

He swallowed. ‘Right. Sorry.' His voice was a throaty whisper and his eyes; well, they were making love to her right now.

Rosalina slipped off the sun lounge again, and as she walked to the table she lifted her other breast out so they both bulged over her lacy bra. It was slightly uncomfortable but at the same time, out on this terrace, exposed for the whole world to see, it felt incredibly sexy. With her back to Archer, she cut a small slice of soft cheese and with no idea if this was a good plan or not, she stifled a giggle and wedged it between her breasts.

She topped up her glass, took a large sip and watched for the look in his eyes as she turned with the bottle in her hand. It was the reaction she wanted, his eyes snapped straight to her breasts and he pushed up on his seat, angling towards her.

‘Oh, baby, you're killing me here.'

She strode towards him. ‘Mmm. Are you complaining?'

He held his glass forward, ready to top up. ‘I no complain.'

She filled his glass to the top until the bubbles threatened to overflow. He quickly captured them in his mouth avoiding a spill and this gave her another idea. But first the cheese.

She placed the bottle on the table beside the sun lounge. ‘Your next menu delight is hidden. You have to find it. With your tongue.'

The instant she said it, his tongue slipped over his luscious lips and the bulge in his pants grew to a full throbbing pole. She allowed him to gulp back half his drink before she straddled him, this time so her legs were either side of his hips.

His smile drilled the cutest dimples into each cheek and his eyes literally devoured her with his gaze. ‘Let's see.' He rested his hands on her hips. ‘There are so many places to hide things.'

She placed her hand on his pecs, so his nipples poked through her fingers. At the same time she squeezed her breasts together. ‘Don't get too excited.' She could only imagine what the cheese would be doing squashed between them.

He cocked his head at her. ‘Honey, I think it's too late for that.'

Rosalina giggled as Archer wrapped his lips around her hardened nipple. She gasped as the sensation sent her into overdrive. He sucked her, flicked his tongue across the sensitive tip and then sucked some more. Then he showed her other breast the same faithful attention. She wanted to keep her eyes open to watch him savour her, but it was impossible. The muscles on her insides tightened and tingled and the pulsing between her legs had her rocking back and forward to tease his erection through the fabric constraint.

‘You're not looking hard enough.' Her voice was barely a whisper.

He fell back on the lounge. ‘Are you complaining?'

She opened her eyes with a laugh tumbling from her throat. ‘I no complain.'

‘I think you should come a little closer.' He nudged her forward so her breasts fell right above his face. She closed her eyes and let him work his magic on her bosoms. He sucked, nibbled, caressed and then sucked some more. Finally he licked his tongue up between her breasts.

‘Mmm, I think I may have found what I was looking for.'

She arched her breast towards his lips. ‘You need to dig a little further.'

Archer obliged by caressing her breasts and running his tongue up and down between them.

‘Tastes great,' he said as he licked his lips.

‘Aha, so we've moved from nice to great. Now we're making progress.' She sat back and resisted looking at her chest, certain the cheesy mess wouldn't look very appealing.

‘I think you deserve a little reward.' She wriggled back between his knees and climbed off the lounge again. She gripped onto the ankles of his pants and tugged until they came off. As she tossed them aside she couldn't take her eyes off his manhood, now literally bursting from his underpants.

‘I think someone is happy.'

His eyes travelled from his own impressive rod, to her eyes. ‘I think you're right.'

Rosalina couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to see him. To see it. To see his glorious erection in full light. The underpants were off in a flash and she wasn't disappointed. Right now she was in voyeuristic heaven and it was her turn to make love to him with her eyes. He was more mouth-watering than any food could ever be.

‘So, chef.' Archer cleared his throat. ‘What's next on the menu?'

‘Oh.' She had planned on climbing on top and taking him right now. It was her turn to clear her throat. ‘I, um—,' her voice was as shaky as her legs, ‘—I think it's dessert time.'

She wasn't sure if her limbs could carry her but she forged on, taking unsteady steps to the table. She gulped back her champagne and placed the glass on the table before reaching around to unclip her bra and toss it aside. Using a napkin, she cringed as she wiped the cheesy residue from between her breasts.

Scanning over the food selection, she wondered what she should use next. The little chocolate cups caught her eye. For what she was planning, she hoped they were filled with liqueur.

She carried her glass back to the table and allowed Archer to fill it. After another quick sip, she resumed her position between his knees. She couldn't help but smile at the glorious view before her. Archer had an Adonis body, abs as solid as any fighter, sun-kissed skin and a tantalising line of hair that said ‘follow me' as it ran from his belly button to his dark nest of curls. His erection burst from those curls large, proud and ready for action. And he certainly had her attention.

With the chocolate cup between her fingers, she nibbled off a tiny corner, but instead of just dribbling out, the entire cup crumbled and the liquid and chocolate fell all over Archer's groin. ‘Woops.' She laughed and he laughed with her.

‘I hope you're planning on cleaning that up.' His eyes were full of suggestion.

‘Of course.' She leant forward and with long, slow, seductive strokes, she licked every drop of that delicious, sweet liqueur from his body.

Archer ran his hands through her hair. ‘Oh, Rosa.'

The way he said her name was like a soft caress and the throb between her legs had her close to imploding. As she helped herself to dessert, his moans of pleasure sent the sweetest of sensations rippling through her body.

She wanted him inside her. Now. She eased back, stepped off the sun lounge, slipped out of her lacy knickers and went to climb back on top.

‘Hang on, baby.' Archer pushed himself further up the chair. ‘It's my turn.'

She stared, open-mouthed. He had to be joking. How could he wait? She was practically bursting at the seams. He must have seen her indecision, because he quickly slipped off the lounge and with his hands on her waist, guided her to lie down.

‘You stay right there.' As he walked to the table she watched his perfectly round butt cheeks rise and fall as his muscles flexed.

The warmth of the sun on her skin was as heavenly as the champagne enchanting her insides. She reached for Archer's glass and drained the bubbles from it. Rosalina had never sunbaked naked before and she couldn't decide if it was the alcohol, the golden sun or the anticipation of red hot sex that was driving the tingles through her body, inside and out.

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