Unraveled (Love in Salem, book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Unraveled (Love in Salem, book 2)
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Aidan cursed harshly and took off after her.  She knew he was close behind her by his shouted “Atayla!”  Tearing through the door, she paid no heed to the surprised looks of Aidan’s employees or of their customers and continued on her path through the shop and out the door. 

She didn’t stop running and until she reached her car a block away.  She jerked the door open, jumped inside and started the ignition before slamming the door closed behind.  She didn’t know where she was going to go, only knew that Aidan was a half a block behind her and sprinting towards her at a dead run.

She peeled away from the curb when Aidan was about ten feet from her car.  Luckily there was no traffic because she didn’t take the time to check in her haste to escape.  She didn’t make it far before the first gut wrenching sob shook her entire body. 

She knew better than to give her heart to another man, but in her ignorance she handed it to him on a silver platter.  And he destroyed it right before her eyes.









Chapter Fifteen








The week moved by at a snail’s pace, and Atayla lived on autopilot.  She got up in the morning and went to work.  If she was lucky she found time to eat lunch, but most days she drowned herself in client files so she wouldn’t wallow in the misery of her personal affairs.

Aidan had called her cell phone several times, had even called the office on occasion, and though she never spoke to him she couldn’t stop herself from listening to his messages.  He sounded as miserable as she felt. 

The sincerity in his apologies and the adamancy that this was all a colossal misunderstanding chipped away at her resolve.  Of course, it could just be wishful thinking on her part.  She longed to be near him, to feel his arms around her.

The truth was that she loved Aidan, heart and soul, and she didn’t want this to be the end.  The only problem was, she had witnessed his infidelity with her own eyes and the image was impossible to erase.  As much as she’d like to, she couldn’t deny what she saw.  Was it possible that there was something else going on like Aidan said?

Considering that this was only the second relationship she had ever been in, she didn’t have a whole lot of experience with this stuff.  Sure her ex cheated on her, but he threw that in her face every chance he got.  Plus she had never actually witnessed it.  Would seeing Randall kissing one of his conquests have ripped her in two the way it had with Aidan? 


But then again, she hadn’t actually witnessed infidelity had she?  No. Was she foolish enough to let it pass and pretend it didn’t happen just so she could have the only man who ever made her feel special?  She didn’t have an answer to that question.

She would like to think that she was strong enough to stand up for herself and what was right as hard as that may be.  Atayla didn’t have that deep of faith in herself though.  Already she felt her walls crumbling down.  Maybe she should answer the next time he calls just to give him the chance to explain.

God, this hurt.  Why did this have to happen with Aidan?  She really thought he was the one.  The one who loved her for her, flaws and all.  Could his actions have all been a ploy to use her?  If so what would he have gained?  It wasn’t like she had a lot to offer.

No, after all the time she spent with him, getting to know him, she knew without a doubt that his intentions were honorable.  So if she could believe that, could she believe that kiss was something else entirely?

Atayla rubbed her forehead.  A pounding began to grow behind her eyes.  Be it from all her internal debate or all the crying she had done didn’t matter.  It wasn’t going to end any time soon.

A knock at the door drew her out of her ruminations.  She was surprised and concerned by the presence of the man that filled her doorway.

“Paxton?  Is everything okay?  Please tell me that horrible woman hasn’t done anything stupid!”

His laugh was tense, uneasy.  “I’m sure she has, but I don’t know what.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “I’m actually here to see how you are doing.”

“I’m doing just fine.”

His brow raised, he took in her puffy eyes, red nose, and the scattering of tissues lying on her desk.

Waving him away, she insisted.  “I’m fine.  Obviously still upset, but I’ll survive.”

“I’m glad you are upset.  It means you still care.”

Laughing at the look she shot him, he explained, “I know what happened, and it’s not what you think.”

“How do you know he isn’t lying to you?”

“Because I know my brother.  Listen, I need to tell you something and then maybe it will help you understand some things.”

Sighing, she motioned for him to close the door and take a seat.  After he was settled the chair he continued.

“Out of all my siblings, Aidan has always been the most…I don’t know.  Emotionally needy, maybe?  Anyway, he
to love and take care of the people around him.  It’s just how he is.  He also
to have a partner so he can love and protect her.

“Until recently it didn’t matter that women never loved him in return.  Now that you have, you fulfill the other half of that
that was always missing before and he knows it.  He would never do anything to jeopardize it.  He is a sentimental, emotional, romantic fool and he is yours, Atayla, heart and soul and that is how I know he was telling me the truth.”

Atayla covered her face as she began to sob.  Yeah, that sounded like the Aidan she knew too.  The question now was:  What was she going to do with this information?

“Aw, hell, sugar.  I didn’t mean to make you cry.”  He scooped her up in a hug and rocked her slightly side to side.

“It’s inevitable right now, just thinking about that man makes me cry.”  She sniffed then asked, “What really happened in the office?”

She could feel his chin brush the top of her head as he shook his.  “Aidan needs to tell you that don’t you think?”  He kissed the top of her head before releasing her.


Atayla returned home Saturday afternoon after spending the day at the office catching up on paperwork that had accrued during her week of unproductivity.  She had waited up last night hoping that Aidan would call, but he never did.  She hadn’t heard from him since Paxton’s impromptu visit yesterday.

Perhaps he had grown tired of being ignored, which is essentially what she did – ignored him.  All she had to do was return his call to open up a line of communication, and she would if she had to, but face to face seemed like the better option.

Decision made, she grabbed up her keys and ran to her car.  It was only two in the afternoon so he might still be at the shop.  She pulled out of the driveway and headed in that direction.

It was a twenty minute drive, so she took the time to plan out everything she wanted to say to him and every question she wanted answers to.  She had a lot of time to think since talking with Paxton, and she knew Aidan deserved the benefit of the doubt. 

It wasn’t in his character to stray, but old wounds festered, and she couldn’t get past the feeling that she wasn’t enough to hold onto a man like Aidan.  Not long ago she thought she was finally past it all, but seeing him with that woman – who was thin and beautiful and everything Atayla wasn’t. 

All the things he’s said to her, all his whispered words of love, began streaming through her mind.  He was sincere with his praises, meant every compliment.  But did that mean he would desire her above all others? 

He found her attractive that was for certain; however, that didn’t mean he didn’t prefer something more, something other than what she could give him.

She stopped at a red light and asked herself a very important question:  Was she enough for herself?  She had worked hard to improve her life and make herself a better person.  Could she accept herself for who she was, and if not then how could she expect Aidan to?

This had the potential to turn into a big sloppy mess, and therefore she had no business airing their problems at his shop.  Driving up to the next block, she turned right to circle around and head for Aidan’s house. 

She would wait for him there, maybe call and tell him where she was and that she wanted to talk.  That way he wouldn’t dally at the shop like he did sometimes when he knew he was going to be alone at home for any length of time.

Ten minutes later she pulled into his drive and noticed an unfamiliar car parked in her usual spot.  She frowned.  He must already be home with company.  She contemplated leaving and coming back at a more appropriate time, but then decided to stay.  They had waited long enough to deal with this.  She could stay and wait out whoever was visiting.  She backed out and parked along the street.

Atayla let herself in the front door with the key Aidan had given her.  Setting her purse down on the entryway table she noticed how quiet the house was.  Where was he?  Maybe they were out back on the patio.

She walked to the patio doors and looked outside.  No, there was no one out there.  Confounded, she grabbed the phone off of the counter and began dialing his cell phone number.  Maybe he went somewhere with someone.  That would explain why there was a car parked in the drive when there was nobody here.

“It’s about time you came home.  I was getting very lonely.”

Atayla startled, dropping the phone to the floor.  It wasn’t Aidan’s voice that said that.  Whipping around, she saw that woman from the shop leaning against the doorway with a shocked look on her face.  She was as naked as the day she was born and made no move to cover herself.

Her look of shock changed to cold and calculating. 

“You’re that woman Aidan was seeing?”  It wasn’t actually a question, more a statement.

“Was?”  Atayla responded suspiciously.

The woman smiled, mostly a baring of teeth.  She waved her hand to encompass her naked form before answering.

“Obviously he hasn’t given you much thought in the last few days has he?  No, he’s been pretty busy here with me.”

Her laughter trilled when Atayla was unable to mask the devastation she felt at knowing Aidan had been with her.

“Oh, you poor little thing.”  She pouted mockingly.  “You didn’t really think that Aidan would stick with you now that I’m back in the picture did you?”

when Atayla remained silent, watching her wearily.

“You did, didn’t you?”  She lost all semblance of pity, turning malicious.  “You idiot, look at me.  How could you possibly think that he would choose you over me?  You are a fat nobody as where I am beautiful.  I have money and connections as where you have nothing!  Of course he chose me.  Now save yourself any further embarrassment and leave before he comes home and finds you here!”

Not knowing what else to do, Atayla fled.  Running through the living room and out the front door, she could hear the woman’s derisive laughter.  She all but jumped down the front steps and sprinted across the lawn to her car.

She barely heard Aidan’s shouted “Atayla!” as he was getting out of his SUV.  Jumping into her car, she slammed the door and went for the locks.  She wasn’t quite quick enough, though.  Aidan wrenched the door open, leaned in and ripped the keys out of her hand.

“You are not leaving!  Not again!  I don’t know why she is here, but we are going to settle this once and for all!”  He reached in and pulled her from the car.

“Stop it!”  Atayla slapped at him, trying to get free.  “Let me go!”

“NO!  I won’t lose you because of her, now come on!”

Having no other choice, it was either follow or be dragged, Atayla walked with him as he stormed into the house.  When he saw her, he stopped and gawked at her.  His mouth moved, but no words came out.  Finally, after a moment he seemed to collect himself.

“Good God, woman, put your clothes back on!”  He snapped.

The woman lifted her brow, taunting.  “If I knew you wanted a threesome, my love, I would have brought a friend.”

“I’m about five seconds away from calling the police.”  Aidan stated too calmly for Atayla’s comfort.  A clear sign he was beyond pissed.

Storming to the bedroom and huffing a “fine” over her shoulder, she slammed the door as hard as she could.  Or at least it sounded like it.

Aidan turned to Atayla, but before he could say anything she asked, “Who is she?”

Sighing, he ran his hands over his face.  He looked tired, mentally and physically.

“My ex, Brittney.  Apparently she didn’t get it the other day when I told her I didn’t want to see her again.”

“Why is she here and how did she get into the house?”

“I don’t know why she is here unless she thought to try her hand one more time.  I guess she still has a key to the house and let herself in hoping to surprise me.”

“And if it were you, not me, who walked in and found her like that what would you have done?”

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