Unstuck (29 page)

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Authors: Liliana Camarena

BOOK: Unstuck
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“Don’t take too long,” he said and left. Ugh! I felt like the wife in this scenario it was really weird. That is why I was freaking out.

“Miss Stuart?” Oh! That fucking name. I turned to look at Jane that was already in the kitchen.

“You should go ahead, I’ll take care of everything in here,” she said and I nodded. I didn’t want to go out there. I wanted to spend the rest of the night giving orders in the kitchen. I couldn’t. Out I went to the living room.

“Lucy,” the moment I stepped out I heard Regina’s voice and then felt her hugging me. She grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me directly in the eyes.

“Everything is beautiful. You have nothing to worry about,” she whispered and I smiled “She looks beautiful doesn’t she, mom?”said Regina, “As always,” said Elaine as she stood up to greet me.

“Hello Elaine,” I said extending my hand and she hugged.

“Hello, Dear. Everything looks marvelous,” I smiled and she patted me my hand. I shook hands with Mr. Maynard that was as sweet as the only other time I had met him.

“This is Jameson,” said Patrick introducing me to his younger brother “Jameson this is Lucinda, or Lucy, my assistant,” he said and Jameson and I shook hands.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said I am sure I was blushing furiously. Jameson had a kind smile; he was dressed very casual in jeans and a t-shirt with something written in Russian. Since he was the traveler I guess it was ok. He had brown hair and his eyes were just like Patrick’s: green and with a kindness that I’ve found Patrick showed for me on certain occasions.

“All good things, Lucy,” said Regina and I smiled at her.

“And this is Stuart,” said Patrick introducing me to his other brother. He was everything I imagined he was going to be. A very serious face, black hair, brown eyes and lots of facial hair. He was dressed in a dark suit with an orange tie.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Stuart,” I cringed a little at the mention of that horrible name.

“Lucy,” I heard Patrick, Regina and his mom said at the same time and I just laughed.

“Lucy, then,” said Stuart with a small smile that looked exactly as one of Patrick’s smiles. Yeah, he has several smiles.

“Nice to meet you too,” I said smiling back.

I sat next to Regina and the night began everyone had a couple of drinks and go’s to the cheese platter before taking our seats in the table. I realized that my name had been moved from the far corner of the table, next to Regina to the opposite corner next to Patrick and his mother who asked his kids and husband to say what they were thankful for before eating.

“Me first,” said Regina, of course. “Well, I’m thankful for my family, of course, you are amazing. I am thankful for my friends, I am thankful for school and I am thankful for Lucy who is planning along Tracy the most amazing 18
party that there has ever been,” she said and everyone nodded.

“Ok, then,” said Jameson “I am thankful for the opportunity of being here,” everyone nodded “I am thankful for being able to experience nature first hand. I am thankful for being able to make a living out of what I love the most,” Patrick rolled his eyes and I pinch him in the arm “and, of course, I am thankful for you all.”

“I’m thankful for my family,” said Patrick’s father “I’m thankful for my wife, and without her I would go mad, I’m thankful for my kids. And I hope soon to be thankful for my grand kids,” everyone grunted “grand kids from my sons. Not my daughter,” he corrected and everyone laughed.

“I’m thankful for my family and my job,” said Stuart and they all looked at him expecting more but no, he was done.

“I am thankful for my kids, I am thankful for the charities I have been part of this year, I am thankful for the job my kids and husband have because it allows them to be free to do what they love. I am thankful for my husband who is the light in my darkness and I am thankful for you Lucy because you take care of the oldest of my kids,” Patrick’s mother held my hand and I felt so at home. It was overwhelming.

“Lucy, your turn, the host, Patrick, goes at the end,” said Regina and I shook my head.

“Oh, no... I couldn’t,” I said a bit choked up because of the overwhelming wave of feelings I was still having.

“I’m pretty sure you are thankful for something, Pepper,” he said grabbing my hand.

“I am thankful for a LOT,” I said looking down at my legs.

“Then go ahead,” he said and I took a big breath. There I went.

“I’m thankful for my fish,” I said and I heard Patrick chuckle “I’m thankful for my friend Nick, he was my rock for so long. I’m thankful for Stacy, she is a great friend. I’m thankful for Miranda she’s the closest thing I have to a mother.” I took a big breath because I was getting emotional “I’m thankful for my job. My job has given me a life, a chance to live, a chance to experience friendship and it has opened me up to sea of opportunities that I wasn’t aware of. I’m thankful for my boss,” everyone laughed “he has taught me so much in every aspect of my life,” I turned to look at him and he grabbed my hand. “And I’m thankful for you all because if it wasn’t for you I would probably be in my room watching T.V and petting my fish,” I nodded and everyone nodded. Maybe I went a bit overboard with my speech but, really, I held back. I had so much more to say. Like I was thankful for Brian that didn’t gave up on our friendship after I gave him blue balls for like a month. And I was thankful for Patrick because he had given me the best kiss(as) ever without demanding anything from me because he knew of my feelings phobia. I definitely held back

“Me,” said Patrick still holding my hand. I didn’t let go of his hand. I didn’t want to.

“I have a lot to be thankful for this year,” he said and in that moment I knew this was going to be emotional as hell I think I held his hand harder if that was possible “I am thankful for the new project we are starting,” I nodded “Thankful for my assistant who came up with the genius idea. Thankful for my job, of course. Thankful for my family. Thankful for Brian because he is an incredible friend. Thankful for sorbets, thankful for midnight munchies, thankful for galas, thankful for my library, thankful for coffee. Thankful for my best friend in the entire world,” he shut up and I was already wanting to run away.

“You already said you were thankful for Brian,” said Regina and Patrick shook his head.

“No, my best friend in the entire world. Lucinda,” I looked up to meet his eyes and he had tears in them. Of course, and obviously, I had tears in mine because why not?

“I’m going to check on diner,” I said and went to the kitchen. I stood there for a couple of minutes getting my shit together. And when I finally heard laughter and that they had moved on from the giving thanks of Thanksgiving I went out.

“Dinner,” I said as the waiters came with the soup.


The food was amazing and everyone said so. I was so excited about how everything went perfectly. Everyone seemed quite pleased and I even noticed Stuart laughing out loud a couple of times. Patrick seemed happier than ever and I felt that I belonged somewhere.

Everyone left around 10 that night and all of them made sure to tell me that they wanted me to be with them at Christmas I just nodded every time I heard that. It all depended on Patrick. He was my boss.

“We got to see each other soon so we can go over the party details and start looking for dresses,” Regina said holding my hands.

“Sure, give me a call and we’ll go for lunch or something,” I said smiling and she hugged me “Regina!”I heard Patrick’s father’s voice calling her from the car. Patrick got that from him. The way he yelled someone’s name. Regina went to the car. Patrick was with all of his family outside saying his goodbyes so I went to check the kitchen. They were all cleaning and leaving everything ready because the day after the company was sending a truck to pick up everything but the decorations. They let us keep those. Where the hell would I keep those? I went over the window that overlooked the rest of the property and sighed. I was content, happy even. I had an amazing night with an amazing family. It made me long for my own family.

“Everything was perfect. Thank you,” I heard Patrick as he put both his hands on my waist and his chin on my shoulder. This was in no way something that boss and employee do but I felt so at ease and happy that I didn’t too much of it.

“Thank you, Patrick. I had the best time “I said taking his hands on my waist. It was wrong but I needed to hold on to the feeling I was having.

“Everything was perfect because you were here with me,” he said next to my ear and I just nodded.

“Have you decided what you want to do about the kiss?”I froze in the exact spot. I wasn’t expecting that question, at all. He made me turn and look at him. I shook my head.

“No,” I whispered.

“Do you need me to remind you about that kiss? I have the feeling you are starting to forget,” he smiled.

“Yes,” I whispered. What? What was on the cake? Did fondant made you stupid as a side effect? “Ok,” he said and he kissed me. I think we kissed for a long time but I really wouldn’t know because while kissing Patrick time stops. I kissed him and I have no idea at what point I began to cry. But they were not tears of sadness I was just overwhelmed by everything. The night I had, the words he had said, the way we acted throughout the day. Everything.  I wanted to kiss him forever because when his lips were in mine everything seemed to be in the exact place where they belonged. I felt him pull apart but it took me a couple of seconds to be able to breathe again and open my eyes.

“Was that a good reminder?” he asked smiling I just nodded.

“Good,” he grabbed my hands and kissed them. “We should go to sleep,” “yes,” I managed to let out of my mouth.

“Good night, Lucinda,” he said walking towards the foyer.

“Good night, Patrick,” I said walking towards the pool house. What the hell just happened? Again? I was in deep shit and I was not about to allow my feelings to ruin the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was holding on to this job with everything I had and these feelings were making me losing grip. I was in deep shit indeed.




























Next morning I was up early, took a shower and after that I just sat in my bed thinking about what had happened the night before. It had been an amazing night, that much was true but I didn’t know what was going on between me and Patrick. Did I hate it? No, not at all. Was I happy about it? No, I wasn’t. I wanted Patrick to be in my life for as long as it could be possible and I didn’t know if being romantically involved with him would guarantee me that. Also, I still had no idea what he wanted. What if he was looking for a friends with benefits kind of thing? I was not up for that because we would be putting everything at risk. My job, our friendship… most of all our friendship and, of course, my heart. I didn’t think I could fall in love with him but what if I did? This attraction we were feeling couldn’t be acted on and I was trying to make sure of that. I was going to be the assistant that I needed to be.

This conviction of mine flew out the window the moment I saw him in the kitchen waiting for me. He was still smiling and waiting for me to cook breakfast, or at least make coffee. He seemed so happy and I couldn’t help but smile back. How could I think that it would be possible to step back and just be an assistant? He was already my best friend and I wouldn’t give up that, so my relationship with him wasn’t going to change, all I had to do, and in that moment I made that decision, was to control my attraction to him and avoid having feelings for him. That wouldn’t be too difficult I had been avoiding feelings for the past 15 years so I had it all figured out.

“Good Morning,” I said smiling and he nodded.

“Good Morning. How did you sleep, Pepper?” he asked smiling.

“Good, I had a good night’s sleep,” I said while preparing the coffee machine.

“Breakfast?” I asked and he jumped from the stool he was sitting on.

“Yes! I want Thanksgiving leftovers,” he said really excited.

“For breakfast?” I asked and he nodded.

“Ok, what exactly do you want?” I went to open the fridge “The soup! God, the soup was so good, Lucinda,” he said leaning on the counter “I know, right? It was amazing,” I said taking the soup container out “And cake,” he smiled.

“Cake,” I said while getting it from the fridge. I hated the cake. It was delicious but I still believed that it was the fondant that made me act the way I had the night before. Fondant and its side effects. I was about to conduct an experiment.

“Where do you want to eat it?” I asked as I put the soup in the microwave.

“Here,” he sat on the floor and I nodded. When the soup was warm I took two plates to the floor and I sat next to him while we ate. How did we manage to have zero awkwardness between us?

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