Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (29 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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“You can speak now,” he said. His tone was more relaxed, more normal.

“Um, you are going to leave me with an aching pussy and you with a rock-hard cock and not finish the job?” He grabbed my face and pulled me on top of him.

“Make no mistake. I am not finished with you yet. I am building on this anticipation because when we get to my place, you’ll be begging me to stop. And when you do beg, I won’t.” He whispered those delectable words in my ear, driving me to want him more. I relished in his breath and licked my lips with desire.

“Okay,” I whispered back. The energy between us was making me melt. I took my place on the opposite side of him where we rode, staring at each other, without a word between us. The passion between us building deeper and deeper.

“Mr. Hansen, we are nearing the exit, shall I continue?” Dimitri said on the intercom.

“Go ahead, Dimitri, take the exit,” Nicholas replied. He picked up my sandals and placed them on my feet, gently stroking them as he buckled the straps. He handed me my clip for my hair as I pulled it back up in the style it was. He gave me my clutch as Dimitri pulled into the parking garage. The door was opened and Nicholas and I got out of the car.

“Good night,” I said to Dimitri as I exited. We entered the building and the security guard was standing by the private elevator.

“Stay right here, Maya. I need to speak with Sam for a minute.” Nicholas walked over toward Sam and I wished I could make out what was being said. That meeting with Rick, as we left the restaurant, had him frazzled and now he was speaking with security? I shook my head to dismiss any thoughts that were trying to form in my mind. Instead, I wanted to focus on what he said to me in the car. It was delicious and my body began to ache thinking about it. I watched him walk back toward me and my breathing was becoming heavier. It was like watching sex walk toward you in slow motion. I was getting light-headed at the thought of what he was thinking and nearly fainted.

“Are you okay, Maya?” Nicholas said as he helped me gain my balance.

“Um, yes. It must be the alcohol trying to catch up with me,” I explained.

“Let me escort you to the elevator,” he said as he entwined our arms. I stepped on the elevator and he followed. We stood there staring at each other, the tension mounting between us. When the doors opened, we were in the foyer. He held the door and stepped to the side to allow me to get off the elevator.

“After you,” he said as he opened the door to his place. I walked in and there were candles lit everywhere. They aligned the walkway to his bedroom and the floor had rose petals strewn everywhere. I stopped and turned to look at him.

“Nicholas, how? When?”

“I had Rick call ahead and Sam was kind enough to see it completed. Go ahead. Go to the room.” Out of pure excitement and curiosity, I walked into his bedroom. He had Gabrielle’s mix from the islands playing on the sound system and candles lit in the most romantic scheme.

“Nicholas, this is beautiful.” He stood behind me with a bottle of champagne in his hand and two champagne flutes. He had pulled off his jacket and was walking toward me with the refreshments. He put the glasses down on the nightstand and poured us a drink. He handed me a glass and he took a glass.

“To us,” he toasted.

“To us.” We clinked glasses and took a sip. Well, a long sip for me. He removed the clip from my hair; he loved watching my curls run free.

“You know I love your hair down, why do you always put it up?”

“I like the way my hair looks when it is pinned up or pulled back. It makes me feel sexy.”

“Well, you are sexy, exquisite in fact.” He took my glass from me and leaned in toward me. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he leaned into my ear.

“Stand up.”


“Stand up.” Not one to question his motives, I stood as requested. He leaned back up on his arms. He looked absolutely amazing. He still had on his black slacks from dinner, his white button-down shirt that was partially unbuttoned, exposing part of his immaculate chest, and his belt was still buckled, but I could see his bulge wanting to be released. His gaze upon my body was making me feel hot. He has always had a stare that could melt me where I was. Even in my dreams, he had me waking up sweaty. I grabbed a few strands of my hair and began twirling it as I was uncertain what to do. This appealed to him as a smile graced his face.

“Slowly turn around, as if you were modeling that dress for me.” That’s easy, I thought to myself. I stopped playing with my hair and began to turn slowly in front of him as he requested. When my back was to him, he requested me to stop. I could hear him get up from the bed and walk toward me. My skin had goose bumps in anticipation. He slowly unzipped the back of my dress and let the straps fall to the side. He stepped up closer to me. His breath on my neck was an aphrodisiac. I was in a trance controlled by him.

“Turn around,” he whispered. I turned around brown eyes to green. My arms crossed over my breasts to hold my dress in place. He uncrossed my arms and my dress fell to the floor. I looked up at him and he took me, holding me tight so I wouldn’t fall backward while lustfully kissing me. He walked us over to his dresser and, with one sweep of his hand, he cleared the top of the dresser and leaned me against it. He was fumbling with his belt and I reached down to help him. He pulled his belt out of the loops and used it to bind hands together behind my back. He then grabbed his tie from his jacket pocket and blindfolded me again. He turned me toward the mirror and leaned me against the dresser. He reached between my legs and began to play with my pussy.

You could hear the slurping sounds my pussy was making as he continued to finger fuck me. Nicholas was good at controlling my body. It was complete pleasure each time we were together. I began to ride back against his fingers, trying to bring on my orgasm, but he pulled his fingers out. I could hear his pants drop to the floor, but if the sound wasn’t good enough, I felt his hard cock against my ass cheek. He rammed deep inside me. I wanted to grab something for support, but my hands were bound.

“Mmm, Nicholas,” I moaned

“No talking!” He rammed inside me again. I threw my head back in pleasure and he grabbed my hair, holding my head back exposing my neck. He began to lick me on my neck, biting me on the back of my neck with each thrust.

He pounded harder and deeper. You could hear him grunt and groan with each thrust, causing my desire for him to increase.

“Oh my. Fuck, Nick.” I couldn’t help but moan aloud. The aching and throbbing of my clit was too much to handle and I needed a release. He pulled the blindfold off my eyes and held my face in the direction of the mirror.

“Don’t close your eyes. I want you to see what I see when you come,” he said. I was watching as he continued to pound my pussy. We stared at each other through the reflection of the mirror. He fucked me seven shades of Sunday.

“Nicholas, baby, I’m coming!” My breathing increased as my orgasm was near. He gently slid his pinky into my ass as I was coming, increasing the intensity of the orgasm.

“Fuck, Nicholas!” He was holding my bound hands and he carefully removed his pinky and continued to fuck me. He released the tie that bound me and I reached my hands around his neck, pulling him into my face. I turned to face him. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and backed us into a wall. He pinned me against the wall, my hands held above my head as he continued to drive his cock deep within me.

“Christ, Maya! Fuck! Baby!” I leaned in and took his mouth, as he was coming. The intensity of his orgasm was still ongoing. He buried his head in my neck, as we stood there calming down from an incredible high. I took a deep breath and he looked up at me. He carried me into the bathroom, started the shower, and stepped into the water. The cool water was relaxing. He sat us down on the floor of the shower and I lay in his arms. We spoke no more. When we finished in the shower, he wrapped us in bath towels and led us back to the bed where we climbed in between the sheets and fell asleep in each other’s arms.



Monday morning came without warning. After a week of waking up whenever I wanted, which was usually with Nicholas tenderly caressing my face, I was now back to the hustle and bustle of the work schedule. Nicholas dropped me off at work this morning on his way to a few sites and the office. We discussed evening plans, rather if we were going to have any. Tentatively, we were going to meet at his place in the city and have dinner and unwind. We couldn’t have sex, although he tried to convince me, but I allow Mother Nature to do what she does. Rough sex can make her appear out of thin air and this morning she was there with her bags packed.

“Good morning, Ms. Davis,” Samantha said with a smile and a wicked smile at that. She must be getting it on with Jason often.

“Good morning, Ms. Adams. How are you?” I replied

“I am fabulous! I am floating on cloud infinity.”

“Hmm, I see. Does Jason have anything to do with this by chance?” I replied with the same look that she gave me.

“Mmm, yes, he does. Maya, you were right. I let go of my inhibitions and he took me to places I did not know existed. It was awesome.” Her face was getting flushed as she was thinking about what she and Jason did.

“Calm down, Red, before I have to call the janitor to clean up after you.” I laughed as she realized the extent of her gushing.

“Not everyone gets it like you.” Her tone was clipped and a little agitated.

“Samantha, I was joking with you. It’s been a while since I have seen you with anybody or since you have had sex. If I hurt or offended you, I am sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry for the way I reacted. Surely drought jokes were bound to appear.” I looked at her and smiled, giving her the reassurance that we were good.

“Hey, is Mr. Anderson in yet?” I asked. He was usually at work before I arrive, which is anywhere between eight and eight thirty, but today he was not around.

“No, and Susan said that he did not call to say he was not coming in either.”

“That’s odd. Let me know if you hear anything. I was going to go down to his office, discuss the NFL contract for the new stadium, and see how he wanted to spin it. I guess I can wait.”

“I’ll see what I can find out and let you know,” Samantha replied. I was a little concerned. It was not like Mr. Anderson not to be at work. I shook it off went to my office. Mail on top of mail was on my desk. I was gone a week and the mail seemed to have doubled from I would usually get. I had letters requesting services, promotional deals from local venues, and sponsorship replies and offers. It was a lot to go through and categorize, then sort again, and it was only Monday.

I lost track of time until Samantha knocked on my door.

“It’s open,” I replied. I leaned back in my chair with my pencil in my mouth and my hands resting on my head.

“Mr. Anderson is not coming in today. Susan sent me an instant message,” Samantha informed me.

“Any reason why or simply not coming in?” I questioned.

“Apparently, he pulled a muscle in his back while golfing yesterday. Susan said he will be out all week, but available via email for urgent matters. Did you have lunch plans? Because I was going to go to lunch with Jason. He was able to steal away for the rest of the afternoon, and I wanted to take the rest of the day off if that’s okay.” She had a puppy dog look about her that said, “Please let me go. I promise to be a bad girl.”

“Sure, Samantha, you can have the rest of the day off. What time is it anyway?” I looked over at the time on the computer and it read 1:30 p.m. “I must have spaced out during my day somewhere.”

“You have been working nonstop. You must be putting things together.” Samantha said. I looked at my cell phone to see if there were any missed messages or calls. Nothing, not even one from Nicholas. I knew he was busy today so I figured it was a case of Monday’s victim. I sent him a text message letting him know that I was thinking of him.


Me: Hello Mr. Hansen. Hope your day is going well. Can't wait to see you tonight. I will go grab my car and head over to your place.

I attached a picture of me blowing kisses. He replied back.

Nicholas: I needed to see that picture. It's been a long day. Not sure what time I will be home, but I want you there so don't try to back out. Love you

He attached a picture of us from the vacation. It was a morning after selfie. We looked relaxed, peaceful, untamed. He was pretending to bite me and I was looking sleepily at the camera, hair all over my head, lying on his shoulder. It was a cute picture of us. I replied back.

Me: thanks for the picture. I forgot about this one. It's a great picture.

Nicholas: I have more. A few of when you were sleeping. Beautiful.

Me: Creepy. Stalk much?

Nicholas: ha-ha. Can't stalk what's mine.

I didn't know how to reply. As he stated, I was his and he was mine.

Nicholas: Maya?

Me: Sorry Nicholas I, was distracted. I will see you when you get home. Love you

Nicholas: Okay. Love you too.

My mind drifted to our vacation in Turks and Caicos, the multiple times we fucked, and the multiple times we made love. We were nearly inseparable. The way he took his time pleasing me, driving my mind to an elevation I have never experienced.

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