Until the Stars Fall From the Sky (26 page)

BOOK: Until the Stars Fall From the Sky
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I study him for a bit and I decide to lay between his legs and drape his thighs over my shoulders if needed. After I position myself, I look up at him through my hair, which is wild by now, and ask, “Is this okay for you?”

“Pip baby, it’s all good,” he instructs. “Go for it. Just be prepared for unscheduled eruptions. I’ve been hanging on by a thread for a while now.”

I know the feeling. I feel like Jeff has created a craving for just his touch and nothing else works to sooth the need. I know the addiction is going to be so much worse after tonight. I pull the covers away and
I’m surprised by how large Jeff looks. It’s a little unnerving from this angle. It’s dark purple and red with bulging veins. When I reach out to touch it, it twitches violently. I jump in reaction to the movement.

“Does it hurt?” I ask, afraid I have already done something wrong. I knew there was a reason I’ve never done this. “I’m sorry. I totally suck at this.”

“Pip, my love, you do not suck at this. That was merely my body’s response to your touch. I love you so much that my body goes a little berserk whenever I’m even in the same room with you, let alone having you touch me. So, if my Johnson gets a little over enthused at your presence, you’ll have to pardon his bad manners.”

I grin at his nickname as I respond, “Okay, that’s good to know. Let me know if I ever hurt Johnson.”

I reach out and grab the shaft of his penis. Much to my amazement, I can almost fit my other hand around the shaft as well. I know that my body will shift and change when I’m aroused, but Holy Hershey Bars he’s big. The texture is different than I imagined too. His skin is soft like velvet but the flesh is hot, hard and throbbing. As I pump his shaft with my hands, alternately squeezing and letting go, a drop of pre-cum appears. Without much thought I dart my tongue out to clean it off. This action provokes an immediate reaction from Jeff as he shudders and grits his teeth.
Hmm, this may be fun
. I swirl my tongue around the tip like an ice cream cone. Jeff gasps.

Jeff bends his knee and plants his foot near my head. As I draw the throbbing head into my mouth and lightly suck, his toes curl and his hips arch off of the bed. “Oh Pip, you
’re killing me here,” he hisses. “There’s no way I’m keeping a lid on it tonight.”

I arch an eyebrow at him as I say, “Well, I’m really new to this, so I may be missing the fundamentals, but isn’t that kind of the point?” I take in as much as possible as I rhythmically suck while I use the other hand to st
roke his scrotum.

Jeff’s nostrils flare and he takes a deep breath as his abdominal muscles tighten, he reflexively buries his hands in my hair. “So perfect,” he groans.

I can tell by the way his hands are massaging my scalp that he isn’t getting quite what he needs from me so I press his hands to my head and murmur, “Show me what you need, please.”

Jeff’s dark chocolate eyes shoot open as he nails me with an intense glance. “Trust me?” he asks softly.

“Always, implicitly,” I answer without a second’s trepidation.

Jeff nods and gives me a small tight smile. “Pip, hold your fist around me at the base and don’t let go, okay?”

I nod, sending my hair cascading in all directions.

Jeff guides my mouth over him and I notice that with my hand there, he can’t go deep enough to gag me. He gently moves my head up and down gradually increasing the speed until he finds the rhythm that suits him. I could feel the tension building in his body as he he
ld his muscles so taut they begin to tremble. Suddenly, he groans and half sits up to grab a t-shirt off the bed. I’d never seen a guy come before; it was an interesting mix of mechanics and emotion. Jeff looked more relaxed and comfortable than I think I’ve ever seen him. All the tension seems to have melted away. Jeff cleans himself up with a t-shirt and then he laughs at me when I chuck him a box of flushable wipes to finish the job.

“I’m sorry about that.” Jeff says regretfully, “I should have taken care of you first. That was disrespectful, I’m really embarrassed.”

I scoff as I ask. “Do I look unhappy to you? It was a very erotic experience to please you. I can use my Bob anytime.”

The tips of Jeff’s ears turn red as if he’s embarrassed that I’ve seen him so undone. He shakes his head and runs his hand through his short hair, “Bob?” he asks, full of wary curiosity.

“You know,” I explain with a casual shrug, “my battery operated boyfriend.”

“I hope your first aid credentials are up to date,” he croaks, “because just contemplating that visual is enough to raise my blood pressure to unhealthy levels.

“Oh, my poor PC, it’s a good thing I’ll be around to help you in your old age because your stress levels are entirely too high,” I say as I curl up against him and lay my head on his chest.

Chapter 25: Jeff

I wake up in stages. The first thing I notice is that I feel anchored. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true. Kiera is tucked under my chin with her arm slung across my chest. Her hair covering us like a striking, fiery blanket in the morning sun. I can’t move without disturbing her, but I’m fine spending time gazing at her exquisite beauty. Perhaps the biggest difference Kiera has made in my life has been emotional. Before I met her, I hadn’t really given myself permission to feel anything at all since my dad died. I know life at our house was a living nightmare and I did my best to be the perfect kid so that no one was on the receiving end of my step-dad’s verbal torching. He roughed me up as a kid, but he convinced me that it was normal and what real men do.

Even as a kid, I knew this was wrong and I was fiercely protective of my mom and Donda. I used to beg my mom to leave Kevin. After so many years of denial, I gradually started believing the front that my mom and Donda had erected, even though I knew better. I’m sick that I fell into his trap and wasn’t more insistent. The fact that the abuse was so much worse than I had even imagined is the stuff of nightmares.

Seeing my life through the prism of Pip has encouraged me to reexamine everything I thought to be true about my life. I am not worthless, I am not the cause of my father’s death and no matter how perfect I tried to be, I wasn’t ever going to win my stepfather’s approval because it was never a winnable commodity and in the end it was not even worth having. Learning all of this frees me to be the real person I’m meant to be, anchored in Pip’s unconditional love. I love that I don’t have to put on a false front with her. She knows about my protective streak and my analytical, super-nerd side, my epic jerk-wad tendencies and she knows I’ve got a crazy soft spot for those girls, but it hasn’t seemed to scare her off yet.

Kiera stirs and stretches like a sleepy cat. She rolls to her side and the sheet slips to her waist exposing her pale breasts. In the morning light, her freckles look like a dusting of spice and I can’t resist a taste. Very gently, I kiss the side of her breast and watch as her nipples pucker. I proceed to randomly kiss several locations on her torso and neck. As I reach the delicate hollow of her collarbone, she gasps and her pulse starts to flutter.

“Mornin’ Pip,” I murmur in her ear as I kiss her earlobe.

She stretches languidly as she says in a husky, sleep-roughened voice, “Mmm, I was having the most incredible dream.” She pops an eye open as she recoils from me and hisses, “Jeff! Get away from me. I’m gross. I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”

I kiss the end of her nose. “Well, fine. Have it your way and go beautify yourself,” I tease, “I’ll meet you back here in 10 minutes. Just to be clear though, under no circumstances do I find you gross.” To make my point, I plant a kiss on her lips as I help her sit up.

She shakes her head as she replies, “You’re incorrigible. To think I once thought you were a Boy Scout. A Boy Scout would never misbehave in such a manner.”

I chuckle as I lightly nip at her shoulder as I growl, “Pip, you have no idea how capable I am of misbehaving around you. Now, scoot before I forget my good intentions and make good my threat to not let you out of bed all day.”

“PC, your inner cav
eman is showing,” she responds. “But never fear, I will return shortly.”

“I’m counting on it,” I reply, as I watch her leave the room.

After I do a little freshening of my own in the basement, I make myself some coffee and brew some tea for Kiera. I toast a few English muffins and butter them. I grab the little plastic honey bear and find a small decorative tray. I spot the bouquet my mom brought over last night and fish out a red tulip and lay it across the tray. I smile at my mom’s thoughtfulness. Even before knowing the full extent of my plans, she knew my intentions. I find Kiera’s Post-it notes and I’m delighted to find some with golden retriever puppies. I write her a short note.

s I carry the tray back to our room, I snag my backpack. I settle on the bed with my coffee. I decide against Secured Transactions and Banking Law on a Saturday morning, electing Administrative Law even though I’m sure the reading for my Human Rights Law class would keep me much more engaged. I dig through my backpack for a highlighter and try to get down to the business of concentrating. It’s exceptionally hard to do though, because I can hear the water running and all I can envision is helping her get very, very clean. The intoxicating smell of her soap lingers in the air, teasing my senses. I sigh as I open my casebook. I have a feeling this won’t be the last time I face this dilemma. For at least this moment, studying wins.

By the time Kiera emerges from the bathroom, I’m caught up in the nuances of the case law and not even looking in her direction. Suddenly, she is at my shoulder wrapped in a towel, peering at my book with its complex highlighting. “I bet you need me to find something else to do,” she speculates.

“Not, at all, Pip,” I contend, “I just need a second to finish this case and we’re back in business. I brought you a bite to eat.”

Kiera gasps when she se
es the breakfast tray. “Oh wow!” She picks up the note card and reads it with some hesitation.

In honor of our newfound love.

Your blissfully happy PC

Her eyes mist over as she reads it.
You’re so sweet. This is so much better than the last Post-It note I got from you.”

I flush with embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that last one
. I don’t know where my head was that day. I clearly lost my mind to think that we’d be better apart,” I explain.

Kiera examines the delicate red
bloom and traces the soft petals with her fingertips as she remarks, “I’m going to take a not-so-wild guess and assume that there is a hidden meaning why you’ve chosen this flower.”

I quirk my mouth up in a sloppy g
rin as I reply, “Great! You’re already starting to ‘talk’ in the second language of the Whitakers. Most people don’t even notice this stuff.”

Kiera giggles at my response. “Well, I’m glad I’ll fit in
. But you still didn’t answer my question. What do red tulips mean?” she asks again.

“The red tulips are my open declaration of love to you, my Pip
.” I explain. “I will love you always.”

Kiera grabs the cords on my
sweatshirt, pulls me close, and rewards me with a deep plundering kiss. I shiver and groan with pleasure. “Mmm, Pip, maybe I don’t have to study this very second,” I murmur, quickly losing focus.

“No, you need to study. I’m just going to sit here quietly and eat my breakfast while you read, before I find any more trouble,” she responds primly.

“Oh Pip, don’t let the pencil box and highlighters fool you, my inner caveman isn’t far away and we’ll find plenty of trouble soon enough. In the meantime I picked up a couple of books on parenting if you want to cram with me,” I tease with a grin.

Kiera’s face lights up as she exclaims, “That’s a great idea because I feel like what I don’t know, far outweighs what I do.”

I hand her a parenting handbook and a spare highlighter and settle back into studying. For about twenty minutes, the only sounds in the room are the sound of pages turning, occasional squeak of highlighters and beverages being sipped. It occurs to me that this may be the last time it
will be this quiet around here for a really long time. Secretly, I hope, it never gets truly quiet in our household again. I know that Kiera has cautioned against getting attached, but it’s far too late for me. Those girls own my heart and there has to be some way for us to work it all out.

I finish the case I’
m reading and replace the notecard I am using as a bookmark–as if the four colors of highlighting isn’t enough of a visual clue. I glance over at Kiera, and she has a wrinkle of concentration between her brows and she’s gnawing on her bottom lip. I reach out and stroke it with the pad of my thumb as I gently tease, “What’s wrong Pip? I’m the only one that get’s to nibble on that.”

“Did you know that you’re not supposed to introduce solid foods now until six months
— and for some foods like peanuts, strawberries and honey — they tell you to wait even longer?” she explains, raking her hands through her hair. “I remember my grandmother telling my dad that my mom was feeding me cereal at three weeks to help me sleep through the night. I don’t know how I’m going to figure it all out. There’s so much to know.”

I gather her into an embrace and kiss her tenderly as I reply, “Clearly, it’s time for a study break. We are never going to have all the answers. I think that comes with being a parent. When we don’t know
, we call in the experts, trust our guts, and pray. On some days, we may do a combination of all three, but we’ll get the job done because we love those girls and we won’t accept less for them.”

Kiera smiles up at me through misty eyes, her lashes spiked with tears as she says, “Well, I’m going to put my worries in my back pocket for now, because I promised you my undivided attention.”

“Pip, I think you have it a bit backward, because it was me that promised to make up for my boorish behavior last night,” I reply as I lay her back on the bed. “Hmm, I don’t see any pockets here,” I tease as I unwind her strategically placed towel.

Kiera grins as
she unzips my sweatshirt and pulls it down over my arms; she begins kissing my kanji. “Nope, no pockets. What are you going to do now, Mr. Boy Scout?” she asks with a grin.

I growl a little before I kiss her deeply, savoring the hint of honey and orange tea on her lips and the scent of her soap as I delve my tongue into the sweet recesses of her mouth. As I pull away, I suck lightly on
her bottom lip that she had been worrying moments before. “If you’re not going to treat these lips properly, I might have to do it for you,” I murmur.

Kiera moans and runs her hand down my rib cage and over my hip as she responds, “Okay that sounds good to me. You watch out for my body and I’ll be in charge of yours. Deal?”

I don’t know if she meant that to sound as erotic as it does, but my body reacts immediately growing instantly hard at the thought. “Oh, Pip, you have a lifelong deal,” I breathe, as I kiss the hollow of her neck. I trace the delicate line of her brow and jaw with my fingers and then follow the path with a trail of feather light kisses. When, I get close to her mouth, Kiera clutches me tighter and captures my lips with hers, and runs her fingers through my hair. She gives a purr of contentment and it’s all I can do to control myself. A look or a shiver from Kiera elicits a primal response in me that makes me want to beat my chest and shout “mine” at the same time that I want to conquer kingdoms and slay dragons.

I tenderly kiss the three freckles behind her ear stopping to whisper words of love after each kiss. I can feel her pulse quicken and I breathe in the intoxicating mix of her spicy perfume and the light sheen o
f sweat forming on her temple. I brush her hair aside, letting it glide through my fingers like silk and move down to the sensitive area where her graceful neck meets her shoulder. I give her a playful nip. She shudders and bucks her hips as she gasps. I smile at her reaction and kiss away any residual sting.

“More please,” she pleads in a low moan, rolling her hips and grabbing my hips to pull them closer. Thank God, I had the foresight to put on some old workout shorts before I made breakfast because had I been naked, I’m not sure that I could have withstood the temptation. Even so, my hips slam into hers as we desperately try to find the rhythm only our souls can hear. I groan as I murmur, “Pip, you and I are made for each other. We fit together perfectly. I can’t wait until we belong to each other forever.”

Kiera kisses me deeply and then nips my bottom lip as she softly says in a husky voice, “PC, I couldn’t agree more. Though, I’m really hoping you’re planning to distract me to the point where I’m incapable of conscious thought.”

Well, that’s a challenge
I’m more than happy to rise to in more ways than one. “Let me see what I can do about that, my sexy Pip,” I reply as I kiss her stroking her tongue with mine then sucking rhythmically while I massage her scalp with my fingers. I anchor my fists in her hair while I tilt her chin up so that I can kiss the underside of her jaw and the hollow of her neck. Her heart is racing and her chest is heaving. We both are breathing as if we’ve run a marathon. I notice that my hands are trembling and I’m not sure if it’s from nerves, adrenaline or desire. I suspect it’s a weird combination of all three. I want this to be amazing for her.

Kiera moans and arches h
er back, bringing my head back into the game. Her beautiful summer peach nipples are tight with desire and I draw one into my mouth while lightly massaging the other with the pads of my fingers. Kiera’s breath catches and her respiration increases. Her face flushes and a fine sheen of sweat breaks out on her upper lip. Her hips are twitching. “Jeff! I can’t believe this is happening…” she moans.

“It’s okay, Pip,” I whisper as I switch breasts, “Let go, I’ve got you.”

As I take her nipple further in my mouth and increase the pressure, suddenly she gasps and moans. I feel all of her muscles stiffen and then jerk with violent quakes. I can smell the unmistakable scent of desire in the air and I can hear her heart pound under my ear. She is drawing deep breaths as if she has just swum a 5,000-meter race.

She is right.
It’s a very sensual experience to watch your partner reach climax. That’s not to say there aren’t some very cold showers on the agenda for me today if I want to be able to focus on anything else. I have some big plans today, but this was a spectacular way to get started.

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