Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
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Violet struggled to her feet as the images faded. “It really seemed like I was going under the water then. Those holograms or whatever they are are spookily real. Were there octopuses in the time of the dinosaurs?”

“I don’t think so, but there definitely weren’t cell phones to Google it and find out.”

Violet laughed harder and then gasped as the snake wrapped its body around Raff. She ran forward and tried to pull on the image to free him but the bell rang again. “Two more lives have been lost.”

“Hot damn. How long does each session last, Raff? At this rate I’m not going to make it to the next level.”

Before he could answer a wolf raced toward her. His tail was held high and his jaws were open wide. Violet stared into his eyes almost mesmerized. Whereas before, she’d screamed and run, this time there was something about the wolf. It wasn’t an illusion. It was real. His eyes. His eyes were the answer. “Goddamn it, Darcy, are you trying to scare the shit out of me?”

The wolf skidded to a stop in front of her, tongue lolling out of his mouth. Violet realized Raff hadn’t run away either. He was still standing beside her. All around them the illusions played on. Hills forming and moving, flowers blooming and disappearing. A forest appeared in front of her, behind the wolf, but Violet remained still staring at him.

She was convinced her first impression was correct. Her naming him Darcy had been instinctive, but she knew she was correct. Her brain was working now and it was making the connections her instinct had jumped to. Those dark brown eyes were Darcy’s and the wolf’s dark brown fur was the exact color of his hair. He was bigger than she might have assumed. A lot bigger than even a big dog. Almost the size of a small pony. But it was him, She had no doubts whatsoever about that.

“Did you stage this whole scene just to see if I was frightened of you? And when did you tell Raff?” she asked, hurt that Raff had known his secret when she didn’t.

“He has never told me, but I knew the first time we met. I could smell it on him.”

The wolf disappeared and the scene faded away as the regular lights came back on. Then Darcy returned wearing very short leather boy shorts.

The mechanism to make the illusion must have been in Darcy’s cubicle. “Was it all done on a computer?” asked Violet.

“Yes. It’s a scenario The Dom’s Dungeon uses sometimes for parties.”

“It’s very realistic. That damn dinosaur scared me the first time. Although octopuses—”

“I think they do that on purpose. Include things that aren’t really part of the scene as talking points, tension breakers,” said Raff.

“Speaking about talking points, Darcy Nelson, you have some explaining to do. Why didn’t you tell me you were a wolf?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew all about them?”

* * * *

Darcy watched Violet’s expression change from annoyed to thoughtful. His challenge had worked. He’d always known she was damn smart, and once again she’d proven that to him.

Then she shook her head. “No, Darcy, that excuse won’t fly. I didn’t say anything about shape-shifters because it’s not my story to tell. You want me to say I kept quiet because shifters are secretive having been maltreated in the past by some ignorant folk. That’s true but it’s not the reason. The reason is because I’ve been reared to be polite and not stick my nose into other people’s business.”

“However, you’ve just admitted you know why I didn’t talk about it. No shifter ever forgets that the world can be a cruel and harsh place for anyone who isn’t considered normal.”

“Moving right along, why tell me today? Why now?”

“Because it’s time. I want us all to be together as a family, and I think that’s what you both want as well. But to do that, there can’t be secrets between us.”

He looked nervously from Violet to Raff, and back to Violet. He was reasonably sure that they wanted it, too, but until they actually said the words he didn’t know for sure. People’s ideas could change. Especially when confronted with a large wolf.

“About fucking time. I thought you’d never get around to suggesting we move in together.”

“You know, you’re one hell of a pushy woman.” Darcy frowned at Violet, but she was grinning from ear to ear and almost bouncing up and down with excitement. Raff looked pleased as well. But he still needed to clear the air further.

“Raff, what do you mean you could smell I was a wolf? Was I wearing the wrong deodorant or something?”

Violet giggled and Raff smiled, but Raff answered seriously. “It’s just a skill I realized I had when I was traveling around. A lot of shape-shifters stay out of cities, so as I traveled through rural areas I guess I was more likely to meet up with them. Some people, usually men, just smell different from most people, and over time I understood they were shape-shifters. That’s why I knew it about you. I didn’t say anything because it was none of my business, as Violet so eloquently phrased it.”

Violet giggled again and Darcy glared at her. “When did you learn about shape-shifters?”

“I think I’ve always known. You’ve seen our family brunches. It’s always like that. My grandfather does business with several companies that are mostly shifters and a couple of werewolves are more or less family now. I think all the kids grow up understanding that shape-shifters are part of the family and we don’t talk about family business in public.”

“Violet, Raff, are you ready for us to be a family?”

“Hell, yes.”

“Yes, please. Violet, I love you so much. I always want to be with you. And, Darcy, thank you for giving me a job and supporting me through this time of transition.”

Darcy punched Raff on the arm. “If your new game takes off, maybe you’ll be the one supporting us all.”

“You’ll be able to furnish rooms for yourself in the house how you want them. Upstairs or downstairs, whatever suits you. I’m going to use that small room off the kitchen as my workroom for when I become a virtual assistant.”

Darcy stared at her. “I thought I made it plain that it’s not good for you to be home alone all day?”

“But I won’t be alone. You’ll be able to build yourself a storage barn for your equipment, with an office and whatever else you need, and then you and your crew will be in and out all day collecting things. From my new office at the back of the house, I’ll be able to see the trucks coming and going while I work, and I’ll be close to the horses as well.”

Raff laughed and Darcy shook his head. “Fucking hell you’re a pushy woman, Violet.”

“That’s not going to change. But you can spank my ass if you want to.”

And right now, that’s what he wanted to do. It was a shame to waste that tiny little dress.

He hurried back into his cubicle and turned the lighting up to the brightest setting and then flicked a few more switches. One brought some chains rattling down from the ceiling and another one opened up a hidden closet in the rear wall so the counter and drawers of toys appeared.

“Raff, why don’t you tie her up to the chains?” he said as he hurried to the rear of the room. It was amazing how much smaller it appeared once the lighting was up full. It wasn’t a small room at all, but with dim lighting and the holograms everywhere, reflecting off the walls as well as in the open part of the room, it’d seemed huge. Now it was revealed as a party room for maybe one hundred people. Spacious, but by no means unusually large.

Darcy took out the heaviest whip and cracked it through the air, making sure Violet turned around to watch him as he cracked it a second time. He wouldn’t be using such a heavy toy on her, but there was no reason for her to know that yet. His pushy, impatient woman could still be made to wait and ponder even if she didn’t realize what his techniques were at the time.

He handed Raff a blindfold to put on her, and then he went back and collected the items he would be using on her. A paddle and a much lighter whip for her ass.

“Raff, why don’t you remove her panties? She doesn’t need them anymore.”

He wiggled his fingers at Raff, knowing that the highly perceptive man would understand he should touch and tease her as he did it. Raff was an amazing partner. They understood each other so well, hardly even needing words most of the time. On the job he was always standing there to hold the end of a piece of lumber or to balance something they were working on, without being asked. Here in the dungeon he always seemed to know instinctively how far to go, how much to tempt and arouse Violet.

Yet in both arenas he allowed Darcy to be in control. Darcy’s Dom side needed that. He needed the knowledge that he was the one organizing and planning everything, that it was he who would arrange life so that everyone else would be fulfilled and happy. Of course he got enormous pleasure from fucking Violet. But he also received a huge amount of joy from knowing his plans had resulted in other people’s pleasure. And Raff both understood and respected that.

Right now he was still almost in shock at how well his little scene, including the wolf, had played out. He’d had a sense that everything would be all right. He’d even had the feeling that perhaps Raff knew about him. But he’d had no certainty and had also thought that it might all be wishful thinking on his behalf. To know that Raff had already accepted him as a wolf, and that Violet’s family already included wolves and she knew this, was the most amazing affirmation he could ever have received. Finally they were able to bond forever. Nothing could separate them now even if Violet did intend him to move his business onto the farm and use that as an excuse for working from home.

If he was honest with himself, someone or other from his crew went back to base several times a day, and it was never at a set hour. It was when they needed something or had to replace something. In construction the unexpected was a way of life and it was much easier to just deal with things as they happened than to try to imagine every possible situation that might go wrong and cater for it. Besides, the spare gear was safer locked up in his warehouse than on the back of his truck. And likely it’d be even safer locked up in a barn on the farm where strangers driving unknown vehicles would be far more highly visible than in the warehouse district around town.

He stared over at the chains where Raff had kneeled at Violet’s feet.

* * * *

Love for Violet was almost overwhelming Raff. He’d been so incredibly lucky to find this woman, and then to meet up with Darcy. Working at the horse shelter had just been another job until he’d seen her befriending Pedro and Princess. They were lovely animals, deserving of a good home, but no one knew better than Raff that those characteristics weren’t enough to gain a horse a forever home.

The rich little bitch who’d dumped them at the shelter could easily have continued to care for them. Hell, a small monthly payment from her, one that likely she wouldn’t even notice coming out of her bank account, would have guaranteed them lifelong care. But instead, she’d left them and gone. So much for the years of devoted service they’d given her. And worse still, the horses had pined for her, grieved for her, until Violet had come and started talking to them, loving them.

Raff would have appreciated her just for her connection with the beautiful animals alone, except that her loving nature and beautiful body had also caught his attention.

The horses had led him to Violet and then to Darcy and his new career. Violet and Darcy between them had given him the strength and motivation to wind up his old life, and concentrate on his new life. However, in doing that, he’d learned about his game being a success, and found the plans for his new game. Already his mind was full of scenes to write into the game of events through time and the kind of difficulties the players needed to overcome.

He’d already decided this would be called “Time Traveler to the Past.” He could make an entire third game out of “Time Traveler to the Future.” The past was a matter of historical research but with the future he could let his imagination run completely wild.

But his days and nights would be spent with Darcy and Violet. He loved her so much. She meant everything to him. Darcy was a man he could respect and one who was becoming a close friend. But Violet. Ah, Violet was a joy and a delight.

He kneeled at her feet, breathing her essence deep into his lungs. Damn, she was sexy. He licked across one kneecap, and then licked a line up her leg. She whimpered and thrust her hips toward him but he refused to be diverted as yet. He rubbed his cheek on her thigh, gradually getting closer and closer to her pussy, until his nose was pressed against her tiny green panties.

She tried to rub herself against him but he withdrew and waited until she was standing still again. This time he used his head to lift her minute skirt up and gripped the elastic waist of the underwear in his teeth and pulled it down.

Quite deliberately he dragged his teeth over her skin, knowing she’d enjoy the tiny pain of his movements down her belly. Once her panties were at her thighs, he stopped and licked over her clit and dragged his tongue along the seam of her cunt.

“Dammit, touch me properly damn you,” she said.

Instantly Darcy was there, holding the tiny skirt up with one hand as he paddled her ass hard. He then walked away. Raff waited, unmoving, for Darcy’s sign to begin removing her panties again. She was incredibly wet and her scent was very strong. She was indeed desperate to be fucked, but Darcy would have a purpose in making her wait.

She was quite impatient. Teaching her patience was a useful skill. But it was more than that, Raff knew. Every time her orgasm was postponed, the excitement in her body would begun to rise again from a slightly higher plateau. When Darcy finally let her climax it would be truly worth waiting for.

Darcy nodded to him and slowly Raff began again with dragging her panties down her leg with his teeth.

* * * *

Violet was ready to scream with suppressed desire. Being blindfolded didn’t bother her. She knew which of the men was which. It was Raff driving her insane by his miniscule touches instead of sticking his tongue in her pussy and fucking her properly. And it was Darcy who paddled her ass delightfully hard but who stopped too soon. If he’d kept going that would have sent her over the brink into release, too. But no. Both of them were determined that she would die of frustration.

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