Vampire Lords of Blacknall: Trinity (8 page)

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Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #Vampire

BOOK: Vampire Lords of Blacknall: Trinity
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“Come, lay her down, Lord Winslow,” Doctor Latham said.

As Adam laid Beth down, she made a whimpering sound and he nearly did fall to his knees with relief. Her unconsciousness had scared him. “Beth,” he murmured brushing his lips to her temple.

“If you don’t mind waiting outside, my lord,” Doctor Latham said.

“Of course.” Adam straightened, scraping a hand through his hair. “Please keep me advised.” As he turned to leave, he saw the doctor’s medical tools lying on a side table with a porcelain bowl of steaming water, and he appreciated the fact that they seemed to be proficient.

Once the door clicked shut behind Lord Winslow, Trinity stepped out of the shadows from the corner of the room. The scant shadows in the corner wouldn’t have been enough for a normal man to go undetected in.

“You’ll not want to stay. There’s fresh blood,” Doctor Latham advised him without turning from his task of unwrapping the cloak from around Lady Beth Winslow.

“I can withstand my baser inclinations,” Trinity muttered, and Doctor Latham glanced at him with one raised eyebrow. “With her,” Trinity finished lowly.

If he’d not gotten a fair look at Lady Beth before, he did now. She had black hair so dark it appeared as flowing ink against her ivory flesh. Her face was riveting to him with a slender nose, pretty lips, and a cup-shaped chin. Even the intensity of his interest to look at her face was certainly overcome by the tug of his brazen gaze to her large bare breasts and the thatch of ebony hair between her pale shapely thighs. She had on what he could only imagine women called a half-corset with black lace and ruffles setting off her firm breasts and framing her soft sex.

Doctor Latham and his matronly helper lifted the lady onto her side and he saw the ragged claw mark slashed across her back. Blood oozed from the wound and his body tensed further than it had at the sight of her naked body by firelight, until he assured himself he
stronger than the urge for her blood. His tongue scoured over one of his fangs as he wondered if he was stronger than the lust that cackled at him while looking at her.

“It’s deep enough for stitches,” Doctor Latham said. “Yet I’d not want to give her laudanum for the pain as I believe she’s in shock.”

Trinity’s gaze rose in agitation.
He didn’t want her hurt.
He stepped back a pace. He was staggered by the blast of emotions. Bloody hell, where had it come from? More shockingly, Lady Beth whimpered the intimacy of his first name. His gaze spun to her red lips as if he could see her still forming his name in her delirium.

“Is she awake?” he asked with a harsh growl in his voice.

Doctor Latham lifted a needle to the candlelight with thicker thread looped through it. “No, but she will be as soon as we set the first stitch.”

“I will hold her.” Trinity wondered at his eagerness and his sanity.

Doctor Latham straightened, giving him a dubious scowl, while shaking his head, but he said nothing. Latham knew better than to question him. Trinity was more than capable of questioning himself over his motives. Why he was there in the first place? Because his little virgin was hurt.

He nearly shouted a curse, digging his hand through his long dark blond hair. He’d not have her tied to the bed and that was the only other way. Tied, she’d still move and tear the flesh at her wrists and ankles. It was possible he had a way to calm her if it became necessary.

It was an extreme idea. Although with Beth … and he caressed the intimacy of her given name in his mind, it might not work as some of his vampire ways seemed not to affect her like other humans. It would take more willpower than he’d used thus far trying it, and if his “trying” didn’t work she could be in deeper trouble. Yet, Baptiste’s experiments with vampire traits and human reactions had shown the anomaly.

He pushed the thoughts aside. He would decide if the time came. He reached to button the jacket Christian had given him. He didn’t need his bare flesh pressed to her bare flesh, he thought, watching the woman helper remove Beth’s half-corset. Beth’s long, dark eyelashes fluttered, but she remained with her eyes closed and he wondered what color her eyes were as his gaze trailed down the full curves of her nude body.

He wanted to be on top of her, spread over the soft curves of her body, and he wondered if it had the most to do with sensing and smelling the heady vapors of her virgin’s blood. Is that what made him hunger to thrust his hard shaft deep inside her and hope she would clamp her legs high on his back, while crying his name with hot tempests of passion.

He hissed through his fangs, trying to shake the vivid image taunting him, and he said curtly to Latham, “Warn her brother about her screams.”

Ten minutes later, everything was ready and Trinity climbed onto the bed. There was no graceful way to accomplish holding Beth down to receive the stitches that her frail human body needed. Nevertheless, he was strong — inhumanly strong.

They turned Beth onto her stomach. Doctor Latham’s servant sat on Beth’s legs, while Trinity took Beth’s wrists above her head, holding them immobile with one hand. Beth’s long hair was twisted and tied on top of her head and he pressed his other hand onto her shoulders and the back of her neck.

Beth awoke screaming, feeling the pain of an animal slashing her back again. Only she couldn’t run away this time.
She couldn’t move.

“Maiden, be strong.” Lord Trinity’s voice urged her, and the strong, growling sound of it caught her attention. She wailed as another stab of pain lanced across her back.

“Trinity, help me!” she cried, trying desperately to thrash her body away from the pain. Yet, she was unable to move more than a few inches.

her still,” a voice ordered sharply.

“Beth, you must stay still.” Trinity’s voice rumbled close to her ear.

With her face turned to the side, she unclenched her eyes seeing one of Trinity’s yellow-stamped eyes gazing close to hers. The pain stabbed again and she flinched with more tears pooling, as he uttered, “Breathe through it, maiden.”

What were they doing to her
? she wondered, and desperation had her gasping a hard breath.

“Stitching closed the animal’s claw mark across your back,” Trinity’s voice sounded next to her ear.

She was startled that he answered her unvoiced question, but then the pain bit into her back again and she mewled bitterly against it.
No, no, no
, she screamed in her mind as she struggled and begged with whimpers to escape the pain.

“Hellfire,” Trinity cursed with a snarl, then she heard him harshly order, “Hold, Dr. Latham.”

“But, I’m halfway through,” the doctor’s voice sounded with tension.

All Beth heard through the staggering pain was, “
through.” She panicked, losing any courage she possessed. She wrenched her wrists against the unyielding hand holding them as she jerked her hips trying to throw the weight off, holding her down.

Trinity realized he could have the strength of ten men, but he would easily break Beth’s fragile flesh and bones if he used it.

give her my blood,” he hissed, trying to hold Beth’s thrashing body down without hurting her. His voice, which normally sounded with conviction, this time, rang with doubt as he glared at Doctor Latham.

Latham nodded his head, saying, “All of Baptiste’s experiments with the feeders we’ve managed to save, those poor souls, have shown an overwhelming calming effect.”

“With no harm?” Trinity demanded through the chunkiness of his fangs fully extended. The beast inside him was perversely interested.

“None has been recorded to date,” Latham answered. “And she’s going to pull the stitches out if we don’t do —”

Trinity cut him off with a growl and his arm extended. He flipped his wrist upward. “Cut it!”

He would have done it himself, but he needed at least one hand to hold Beth from struggling off the bed. Doctor Latham cut his wrist and unnaturally dark blood began to pool.

Beth was struggling so much he had to force his wrist to her panting mouth. “Drink it, maiden,” he commanded with a strident voice, leaving little choice.



Chapter Nine



eth smelled a scent she’d never encountered before and the overpowering strength of it halted her thrashing head. Quickly, cold, thick liquid pressed to her lips. Her scattered thoughts held no reason, and then she heard the voice she’d learned to trust commanding her … and she drank.

Heat seeped into the tissues of her mouth, then down her throat. She moaned … and without her immediate knowledge, her body began to relax as she sucked more of the intoxicating liquid into her mouth. Her emotional and deranged thoughts began to sharpen into sanity. All at once, she knew where she was. She knew what was happening and she knew why. The miracle was she was no longer afraid.

“Finish it, Doctor,” Trinity’s voice sounded above her, and she smiled … drinking his essence.

She never felt another stab of pain as other things became important to her. She could hear the breathing of each person in the room. Trinity’s sounded hollow, but the other two were shallow and strained. Their heartbeats ran fast in the woman and slower in the man. Beth could feel their blood flowing and she could hear her brother’s pacing at the front of the mansion. His shoes tapped the marble. His heartbeat was strong.

But then, Trinity pulled his wrist from her sucking mouth. “It’s enough,” he warned.

She mewled with loss, finding herself pleading, “Please, more!” She felt as if she might do anything to have more of the euphoric heat that was spreading through her body.

“It’s done,” Doctor Latham announced. “Thank god,” he added with a tired voice.

Beth was ready to lurch upward to try to convince Trinity to give her more of the tempting liquid, but his hands held her down.

Trinity’s hair fell forward as he looked down at the small stitches across the paleness of Beth’s back. He’d heard her plea for more of his blood and it disturbed him.

“Tell the brother it’s gone well and his sister is sleeping. He shouldn’t disturb her. You will return in the morning to check on her,” Trinity ordered.

He knew Latham had a questioning look for him, but he didn’t glance upward to accept it. He heard Beth sigh at his proclamation. She turned her head to the side trying to look up at him, kneeling beside her. He held her wrists prisoner with his other hand pressed into her shoulder blades.

Latham’s helper rose off Beth’s thighs, then she fastidiously gathered the bed linen to pull up over Beth’s lower torso.

“Will you let me go?” Beth’s voice turned sensual, tempting him.

He didn’t answer, he just laid his hands more firmly and held unearthly still, until the doctor was packed and ready to leave.

“I will return in the morning,” Doctor Latham said. Then they were gone with the door clicking shut in the quietness behind them.

“I can feel you,” Beth whispered.

“I can feel you,” he responded. He could feel her body flowing with the desire for more of his blood as his body flowed to give it to her.

“What’s happening to me?” Her plea sounded as lost as he felt.

He could tell her he didn’t know, because he didn’t, but he couldn’t frighten her. “The affects will wear off.” He grimaced at the lie, even when he was such a good liar.

“No!” The word was a small cry from her plush lips as she twisted her wrists beneath his hand. “Please, Lord Trinity, please let me taste more. I will do anything.” Her breath panted with temptation.

Trinity could feel her craving like a live thing skittering in his mind. The innocent Lady Beth Winslow was gone, and he knew …
knew all he had to do was to release her and she would curl and press her naked body against his. Her body would move with driving lust for more of his essence, but not of her own conscience. It would be his blood’s fake allure.

All he had to do was release his hold. “Maiden, you must be stronger than your urges, you
regret them,” his voice rasped low over the pain in his fangs.

Beth mewled in disappointment and he could feel the battle she waged internally. She wanted him. He wanted her. Why must they deny it?

“You want my blood,
me,” he charged harshly.

“That’s not true,” she cried. “I-I …”

“You are too innocent to know the consequences.”

“You are so cruel,” Beth sobbed. “I hate you!” she cried.

“You would tempt the beast?” he asked with a harsh snarl as he pushed away from her, releasing his hold.

“Trinity!” Beth implored, rising upward. She turned to sit, clutching the bed linens to her chest as her gaze frantically shifted over the room looking for him.
He was gone.

“No!” she cried tragically. “You cannot leave me like this.”

Large tears fell hot on her cheeks as she whimpered with loss. Her desire was to feel the heat of Trinity’s blood again. It held the most exquisite feelings she’d ever felt. It made her feel worldly and mature. She thought with the essence of it flowing through her she understood the desires of men and women, something she was innocent of before. She’d also felt the dark demons that lurked in Trinity’s soul. Things that drove him, but he feared to look at too closely.

Then tingling began in the far reaches of her limbs, like the sparks from fire, moving up her arms and legs. Haunting intuition told her the amazing effects of Trinity’s blood were leaving, and she moaned in denial, falling on her side, unconscious.




Adam closed the door on the doctor’s carriage and stepped back. The driver up top set the conveyance into motion and Adam turned back to his step uncle’s mansion.

“She’s going to be all right,” he muttered to himself, still feeling bone-deep relief. Yet he walked to the door in conflict. The doctor had said not to bother Beth until morning, but he worried about leaving her alone … at night. So vulnerable. At the same time, he wanted to tell the authorities about the woman in the woods and he was uncommonly nervous about Lady Ariel and what she might be doing.

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