Walk With Me (32 page)

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Authors: Annie Wald

BOOK: Walk With Me
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For a long while, neither Celeste nor Peter spoke. Each was thinking what a painful separation it would be if the King didn’t call them together and one of them had to stay behind.


They stood there silently, with the light of the King’s glory shining on them. Then they turned to each other—and for a brief moment saw each other whole and complete in the King’s love, as He had created them to be.


“This was always my favorite postcard,” Celeste said quietly.


“You and I were in the postcard?”


“It was another couple, though I dreamed that someday it would be me.” She took Peter’s hands. “But what a dim reflection my postcards were of what could be. We’ve gone through so many difficulties—some of our own choosing, some we had no control over—and so many times I lost all hope for our partnership. But the King gave us strength to save it. By His grace we are still partners, and by His grace I have experienced a love with you that is
so much richer and fuller than I ever imagined when we first set out.”


“Truly you have become heart of my heart and flesh of my flesh,” Peter said.


Holding hands, they turned again toward the far horizon, looking to that day when they would stand before the King and all their incompleteness would be made whole in the great Complete.


Then they looked around the Highlands and saw how the love of the King and His faithfulness reached all the way to the sky. Together they pledged to keep walking on the path of love, as the Servant had done. They would continue to teach the little travelers the way until it was time for them to set off on their own. They would keep praising the King and doing good, sharing with other travelers along the way.


They knew they would still face trials, but whatever happened, they would always find refuge in the shadow of the King. Through storms and droughts and floods, mudslides and swamps and canyons, He would never give up on them. He would always go with them, giving them everything they needed to follow His path home.


The last light of the sun was disappearing behind them. It was time for them to go back down to the Highlands.


Peter faced Celeste. Taking her hands, he asked her, “Will you walk with me?”


And Celeste said, “Yes.”

Scripture References and Sources

1: O

“had sent the Servant, not to condemn them”: See John 3:17


“by giving them His very Breath”: See John 20:22


“my Robe of Righteousness”: See Isaiah 61:10


“the stains of your guilt”: See Jeremiah 2:22


“But she pressed on, working to strengthen her flabby muscles”: See Hebrews 12:12


“ask other travelers which direction to go”: See Proverbs 2:6–13


“travelers who no longer cared”: See 2 Peter 2:15–18


“not meant to be taken alone”: See 1 Corinthians 2:25–26


“how great was the love of the King”: See Ephesians 3:18


“She knew she would never go back”: See Hebrews 11:15–16


“to give those who followed Him life to the full”: See John 10:10


“streams of living water would flow from within”: See John 7:37


“his real life was on the Servant’s path”: See Colossians 2:20–3:4


“The Roaring Lion prowls around”: See 1 Peter 5:8


“the Weights of Decrees and Regulations”: See Matthew 23:4


“the Servant died to free the prisoners from their chains”: See Luke 4:18


“the Knife of Grace can cut through your chains”: See Romans 3:21–26


“tell the King he was sorry”: See 1 John 1:9


“Anyone who cuts the cords, except for unfaithfulness”: See Matthew 19:8–9


“there is no partnership in the King’s City”: See Matthew 22:30


“He created the first partners in the Great Garden”: See Genesis 2:21–24


“You could put every mountain into the ocean”: See 1 Corinthians 13:2b


“your songs will sound like rusty hinges”: See 1 Corinthians 13:1


“Make allowance for each other’s faults”: Colossians 3:13


“the King’s love never gives up and never loses faith”: See 1 Corinthians 13:7


“Place me like a seal over your heart”: Song of Solomon 8:6–7

2: I

“Printed in large letters”: See Genesis 2:15–17


“they hid behind some trees”: See Genesis 3:8–11


“use your freedom to serve one another in love”: See Galatians 5:13–14


“If you have never disobeyed a sign, go ahead and judge her”: See John 8:7


“Garments of Praise”: See Isaiah 61:3


“remember what the King has done for us”: See Psalm 77:11–12


“to encourage each other daily”: See Hebrews 3:13


“do not let the sun set on your anger”: See Ephesians 4:26


“be careful not to turn away”: 1 Peter 1:14–18


“Do everything without complaining or arguing”: Philippians 2:14


“Do not let any unwholesome talk”: Ephesians 4:29


“pay attention to each other’s weaknesses and troubles”: See Philippians 2:4


“If you feel a little twinge”: See James 1:14–15


“Serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul”: See Deuteronomy 10:12–13


“be careful not to turn away”: See 1 Peter 1:14–18


“some travelers have been tortured and stoned”: See Hebrews 11:35–38


“courage to walk on water”: See Matthew 14:29


“not brave enough”: See Luke 22:56–60


“For this reason a man will leave”: Matthew 19:4–6


“store up my treasures in the King’s City”: See Matthew 6:19


“I gave up my citizenship”: See 1 Peter 2:11


“The logs, dear mother”: See Matthew 7:3–5


“Get rid of all bitterness”: Ephesians 4:31–32

3. A

“the Course of Testing”: See James 1:2–4


“guides disguised as harmless sheep”: See Matthew 7:15


“thinking only about their own comfort”: See Philippians 2:3–4


“All day, the rain poured down”: See Matthew 7:24–27


“not give up until we get to the King’s City”: See Philippians 3:12–14


“he sang to the King”: See Colossians 3:16


“Turn your ear to listen to me”: Psalm 31:2–3


“Oh, that my steps might be steady”: Psalm 119:5–6


“My sad life’s dilapidated”: Psalm 119:28–30


“The King knows your weakness”: See Isaiah 40:27–31


“Self-Control in front, followed by Patient Endurance”: See 2 Peter 1:5–7


“For a moment Celeste thought he looked like a wolf”: See Matthew 7:15


“there should be a stream of living water”: See John 7:37–39


“These people come near to me with their mouth”: Isaiah 29:13


“strain out a gnat from their cup”: See Matthew 23:24


“cares more about the regulations”: See John 5:39–40


“The inside was as dirty as the outside was clean”: See Matthew 23:25–26


“listen to the rules but don’t put them into practice”: See James 1:22–25


“like clanging gongs, screeching hinges”: See 1 Corinthians 13:1


“I don’t see any fruit here”: See Galatians 5:22–23


“a rule that says you should sing”: See Psalm 47:6–7


“The King’s truth will set me free”: See John 8:32


“I have my Guidebook to light my way:” See Psalm 119:105


“Wives, submit to your husbands”: paraphrase of Ephesians 5:22–24


“Yes, just like the one hundredth sheep”: See Luke 15:3–7


“Husbands, love your wives”: paraphrase of Ephesians 5:25–30


“You know that the rulers”: paraphrase of Mark 10:42–45


“to love your neighbor as yourself”: Matthew 22:39


“a story of mercy and compassion”: See Luke 10:25–37

4. A

“Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”: See Genesis 3:16–19


“filled with all kinds of evil”: See 2 Timothy 3:2–5; Galatians 5:19–21


“don’t think the King’s path is supposed to be like this”: See Psalm 37:23


“show us a way out”: See 1 Corinthians 10:12–13


“each of us being quick to speak”: See James 1:19


“We are trying to be patient with each other”: See Ephesians 4:1–2


“If any of you wants to be my follower”: Luke 9:23–24


“You will need the same attitude”: paraphrase of Philippians 2:5–8


“I will be working in you as you go”: See Philippians 2:13


“important rules of the journey: travel light”: See Hebrews 12:1b


“He wants to give His travelers easy, light bags”: See Matthew 11:28–30


“The King asks sick people”: See John 5:6


“If anyone else thinks he has reasons”: See Philippians 3:4–6


“realize those credentials”: paraphrase of Philippians 3:7


“As they spoke the truth in love to one another”: See Ephesians 4:15


“I called to the King for help”: paraphrase of Psalm 40:1–2


The look of love had returned”: See 1 Peter 4:8


“You are co-heirs”: See 1 Peter 3:7


“The Servant laid down his life”: See John 10:17–18


“Iron sharpens iron”: See Proverbs 27:17


“washing their dirty feet”: See John 13: 4–5


“told them to follow His example”: See John 13:15


“remain attached to Him”: See John 15:4

5. U

“to meet together and encourage one another”: Hebrews 10:25


“Better is one day in your courts”: Psalm 84:10


“So here I am in the place of worship”: Psalm 63:2–4


“If you fall, remember that He is faithful”: See 2 Timothy 2:13


“These were given to train you”: See Hebrews 12:5–13


“He is also the King of comfort”: See 2 Corinthians 1:3–4


“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?”: Matthew 11:28–30


“if you are not loving your partner”: See 1 John 4:19–21


“Together you are one whole traveling body”: See 1 Corinthians 12:25–27


“love was not rude or easily angered”: See 1 Corinthians 13:5


“He went to bed angry”: See Ephesians 4:26–27


“spewing fiery sparks”: See James 3:5–6


“man with a smooth tongue came”: See Proverbs 6:24


“the King’s holy light that would cause a person to shield their eyes”: See Exodus 33:18–20


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