Wanting Her (Loving Her Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Wanting Her (Loving Her Series)
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I turn toward the door and watch as Preston closes it behind him. I look up, and Landon has a sad face. He opens his arms, and I walk into them. "SHHHH...We will be home all the time. It will be as if we never left. I promise." He gently kisses my lips as I lean away from his chest. I just nod. I know with him being a senior and preparing for Law School they won't be around as much as they think. The tears haven't stopped, so he wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs. "Let’s get this over with. My parents are meeting us there with a lot of my stuff." I nod again and follow him out the door, and possibly out of my life.


              School has started for the boys, so I throw myself into my work. I keep myself busy to keep my mind off the fact that I haven't seen either one in the last two months. I'm miserable, I miss them both for totally different reasons. Landon's texted and called a couple of times. He says that the classes he's chosen have kept him busy and that Preston drags him to a lot of the frat parties that Preston has pledged to this year.  I have a bad gut feeling that he will meet a new girl there. I know all too well what frat parties are like. I should be happy for him, because he needs to move on without me, but I can't be happy.

Dan called late this morning wanting to come by and maybe have lunch, but I know what he's thinking. He knows Preston's gone, so he may have a chance of “his alone time with me,” so he calls it when he just wants to fuck. I'm lying out by the pool, getting some much needed sun. It's late October, and it’s sunny and beautiful. I hear Dan approach as he comes from the house.

"There's my beautiful girl," he says as he pushes me over on my lounger so he has room to sit. I roll to my side, holding my top to me that I had untied to keep from having a tan line.

"Hey, Dan." I can't let go of my top to retie it, or he will get a peep of my boobs. Not that he has never seen them, because he has. He has this funny look on his face. I also notice a bulge in his trousers.

"You're so fucking hot, Brooklyn." His face is pained, or maybe it's just the desire I see there. "Let’s go in and up to your room." He reaches over and pulls my top away from my body.

I screech. "Stop, Dan." I cover myself with my arms.

"You can't tell me to stop. Preston's not here, and it's been like forever since we've been together. You knew this is what I was coming over for." He's about to reach toward me, and I slap his hand away.

"Stop, Dan. I mean it. I thought we were going to have lunch."

"Why not, Brooklyn? You been giving this pussy to someone else? Is that why I haven't had it in forever?"

"Please stop," I cry out. Moments later, I hear my lover.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Landon roars.


I haven't seen Brooklyn in almost two months. I can't seem to keep Preston away from parties. I understand he's excited about pledging and flirting with all the sorority sisters, but I'm not. I want to do my work and get out of there. This weekend was the first time that I was able to get away. Classes have been a beating too. I walk through Brooklyn's house, expecting to see her and Dan having lunch since I saw his car out front, but what I stumble upon on the patio was not lunch. I guess it could be if Dan eating Brooklyn was his idea of lunch.  At first, I figure it's a mutual thing, and my heart falls to my feet. I notice her top is hanging off, but her arms are covering her chest. It's when I hear her cry out to “stop” that I know she's not a willing player.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yell as I run over, shoving Dan off her. He falls to the ground with a thump. I look over at her, and she has tears streaming down her face. "He hurt you?" I choke out to her. She shakes her head in the negative. I grab a towel to cover her up, and then I pick her up off the lounger. She hides her head in my chest. I look at a stunned Dan. "GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! I WILL CALL THE COPS." My body is shaking from how pissed I am.

He scrambles to get up. Before I can do anything to him, he's rushing through the house. I take Brooklyn up to her room. I walk through it and head straight to the shower. I have to wash any type of touch from him off her. I reach in and turn the shower on. I toe each of my boots off before I step in the shower with her still in my arms. "SHHH, baby, I'm here. I'm so sorry I haven't been around.” I lower her to her feet. I untie her top, then pull my shirt over my head.

"I don't know what happened. He was supposed to come over to have lunch, and before I knew it, he was pulling my top off." She looks up with tears stuck in her eyes. I smile to try to comfort her.

"Did he hurt you?" I push her hair out of her face.

"No. He hadn't touched me yet. I want you to touch me to erase those thoughts of what he wanted to do." I lean down and kiss her. She first lowers her bikini bottoms, then she begins to unbutton my jeans. Within seconds, I'm completely naked with her. My dick is so happy to see Brooklyn. I move her over to the side seat that is a part of her shower. Once she is seated, I lower myself between her legs. I look at her for permission before proceeding. She nods. "Please." I lower my head at the same time I grab her from behind both thighs, opening her further. I kiss her freshly waxed pussy. I lick and suck at her core. Her hands go to my head as I begin devouring her with my mouth. I release my hands to open her lips as my tongue darts into her hot warmth. "Oh, Landon!" She screams.

"Baby, this is mine." I continue to eat away at her. I plunge a finger into her body and suck hard onto her clit. I feel her muscles clench around my finger, and with her final scream, she releases herself. I clean all her juices that flowed out of her body. I allow her a moment to even her breathing. I stand, pulling her with me. Once I lift her, she wraps her legs around me, and I immediately push into her warmth. I push her back against the wall, and we start to thrust against each other. I've missed her so much. This is my home. I've been away for two months too long. "Oh fuck," I groan as she continues to bounce against my thrust. Her tits are the most perfect things I've ever seen. I try to slow down to enjoy this feeling, but she won't hear of that. Her body is glistening with the water streaming down her.

"Fuck me harder, Landon." She moans. I start to thrust harder and faster into her fucking sexy body. I feel her orgasm about to erupt again just as I start to moan my own orgasm into her. We're both panting, and our chests are pumping up and down. I kiss her neck before I rest my face there. I love her. I'm too afraid to tell her yet though, so I just enjoy our passion of being together.


              After our shower, we lie on her bed completely naked, just touching and caressing each other. "Are you okay?" I ask, needing to know how she's dealing with what happened.

"Yeah, I just can't believe he tried that. I've always trusted him. I told him no, and he seemed upset I was turning him down." I know he didn't get far enough, but what I keep thinking in the back of my mind is what would’ve happened if I hadn't come when I did. NO. I can't think like that. I've never liked that douche to begin with.  Changing the subject, she asks. "Where's Preston?"

"He had some pledge thing tonight, and I used the excuse I was going home to see my parents and would be back tomorrow. I needed to see you so bad. I've really missed this." I twirl my finger around her pierced nipple. It instantly hardens under my touch.              

She moans. "Stop, I need to get dressed and run out to the grocery store. Want to come with me?"

"Yeah, but I have to grab some of Preston's clothes since mine are a little wet." She laughed, which is a good sign.

A couple of hours later we are heading out the door for the store. I grab her keys from her hand before opening the passenger door. Once she climbs in, I run around, jump in, and start her Escalade. 

              We browse the aisles together. I feel so domesticated as if we are really together as a couple. I'm just walking alongside of her until we go down an aisle that is unoccupied. I step behind her and trap her against the shopping cart. She giggles, and my dick wakes up once again. I rub it against her lower back as I kiss her neck. I kiss my way to her ear. "Can I stay all night with you?" I bite her lobe.

She moans. "Yes. I'd like that." We hear someone clear their throat, and we both look up to see Lacy smiling at us.

"Don't you both get enough of each other at home? What if someone recognizes you, Brooklyn? Because I know that this"--she points between Brooklyn and me--"is not public yet."

I step away. "You're right, Lacy. I just haven't seen her in nearly two months, and I can't seem to keep my hands to myself." I pinch Brooklyn's ass. She squeals, slapping my hand away.              

"Yeah, I can tell," Lacy comments before she and Brooklyn dive into a discussion about Lacy’s little sister who was married, recently had a baby, and lost her husband last month. I had met Hannah once or twice but didn't know she was now a widow. I can tell both of them are extremely sad, so I walk off, giving them time to chat with one another.

As I turn to walk up the cereal aisle, I run smack into Sydney, of all people. I haven't heard from her since the night we paid her off in return for her silence. She looks bad. She has lost a lot of weight and is not dressed in the same type of clothes that she did before. Her hair is not styled to its natural perfection, and she doesn't have a trace of makeup on. "Sorry," I mumble.

She seems surprised to see me. "If it isn't Landon. Where's your fucking bitch at?" she spits at me.

"Talking to a friend. Are you okay?" I question.

"Couldn't be any better. I've been thinking of calling you." She is definitely on some sort of drugs.

"Where's Sadie?" I ask, because Sadie and Preston didn't work out and remain only friends.

"I don't give a fuck, somewhere off at school.  You want to go somewhere and catch up?" she says, stumbling closer to me.

"I don't think so." I step away.

"I need more money, Landon. Uh…for my silence, remember?" She tries to threaten.

"We gave you what was agreed upon. I can't give anymore," I reply.

"You don't have to, but I know she can," she says, indicating Brooklyn.

"Fuck you, Sydney. I'll take my chances." I turn to walk away.

"Your funeral," she slurs.

I meet up with Brooklyn, not wanting to interrupt her, but needing to get out before Sydney finds her. "We need to go...like, now," I whisper to her.

She looks over, sees my expression, and nods. She quickly finishes her conversation with Lacy, promising to meet up soon for lunch. We check our food out and hurry home. I explain what Sydney said and wants. She doesn't seem as upset as I thought she would.

After we have eaten my favorite dinner she makes and the kitchen is cleaned up, we find ourselves in bed early, enjoying our time together. Our time that is slipping slowly away, since I have to head back to campus in the morning.  We undressed each other in silence the moment we got to her room. We have been lying here talking about nothing and everything all at once. She's on her back and looking over at me. I'm stretched out on my side, facing her with my arm snaked around her belly.

              "I need to ask. Have you seen anyone since you’ve been at school?" She seems embarrassed to ask.

I chuckle. "No one interests me but you. I promise I haven't so much as looked at another girl. Not when I have you." I kiss her lips, and I can feel her smile. "Brooklyn?"

"Yeah?" she whispers.

I hesitate before I respond. "I love you. But before you say anything, I don't expect you to say it back. But I do, I love you." I watch nervously as she takes my words in.

She whispers. "I know, but why me, Landon?"

"I think I've loved you from the first time I saw you. I remember the first time I saw you here in your little bikini playing poker with Toby, and then again at Preston's and my game. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on." I kiss her lips again.

"Well, I'll be honest, you were supposed to be just another friend of Preston's. But there is something about you. I know I shouldn't but I ...I love you too." She whispers the last few words. My shocked look must have been funny, because she giggles as she pulls me down on top of her. Her legs open, cradling me in. I push into her. I groan as I'm pushed as far as I can go, and it's still not far enough.  Her head falls back. She's so fucking sexy. I start to thrust in and out, as she moves with me. I'm officially in heaven.

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