Wanting Her (Loving Her Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Wanting Her (Loving Her Series)
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Chapter 16-

The next several weeks fly by. I put in a lot of hours catching up at work, since the boys are never around due to school. I talk to them but haven't seen them since the weekend after the week I was home sick. It's now April, and my cousin, Gavin, and his new wife are in town. They have things planned to do while here, and I am going to have a small dinner out at the pool. His wife, Paige, has a daughter that I figured would love to eat out by the pool. Preston and Landon are heading over soon. Gavin is grilling the burgers while Paige and I lie out by the pool. Her daughter is playing and begging Gavin to swim with her after dinner. I hear the door open and in walks both boys. Gavin and Preston haven't seen each other in several years. Preston walks over, shaking Gavin's hand while introducing Landon to him. The three of them walk over, and Gavin introduces Paige and Addy to the boys.  Soon after, we sit to eat by the pool, and Addy is so excited we are having a picnic. Once dinner is cleared, we all change to swim. Paige is adorable with her belly bump, expecting a baby in August. I rub her belly several times throughout the evening.

We swim for awhile, playing around until Preston gets out to get his phone that is ringing. He goes into the house, and soon Paige goes to lie on the lounger to relax. Addy starts to get fussy so Gavin takes her in to get changed and lie her down.  I look over and Landon is staring at me. "What?" I whisper.

He looks back over to Paige, who seems to be asleep since her eyes are closed. He crooks his finger at me to come closer. As I approach, he pulls us against the pool wall, hiding us somewhat. "I've missed you. School's been brutal, especially with finals coming next month. I'm going to be so glad summer's here, and I can see you more." He kisses my lips.

"Me too. I've been lonely." I wrap my legs around his waist while peeking over the edge to see Paige hasn't moved. He pushes my bottoms over at my sex and dips his finger into my body. I groan as I lightly bite his neck.

"Fuck, I want this right now." He licks up my neck. He pushes his finger in and out a couple times while rubbing my clit with his thumb.

"It wants you too." I half moan into his neck.

"I know." He peeks over again. "Tonight? Can I sneak in?" he whispers. I just nod as he has begun kissing my neck.  I bite into his shoulder to keep my moans of pleasure quiet while he pumps his fingers into me. He looks up, pleased with himself.  He fixes my bottoms and pats my ass while pushing me away from him. He climbs out, and I notice his swim trunks tented in the front. I giggle, and he looks over with a smirk on his face.

We all watch movies until late, and then everyone heads to bed.  Within the hour I hear my door creak open, and Landon is standing there in his boxers. I have only my panties and tank top on. I've been reading, waiting on him to come up. It's already three o'clock so I whip my top off as he lowers his boxers and climbs up the bed toward me. Once he gets to me he immediately pulls my panties down.  We crash into each other. It's been forever. It doesn't take long before he's moving inside me. Our movements together are so perfect and always feel so right. It's afterwards that I close my eyes and once again curse myself for my stupidity. We've never used condoms except last month, and any sane woman would know that antibiotics and birth control don't mix. What I fear now is that I just messed with not only my life but Landon's as well. I just lose all logical thoughts where Landon is concerned.

Gavin and his new family return home after a week here, and the boys are already back at school. I have one more month until the boys are around more, and this lonely feeling I have will be over.

The month of May creeps by, willing the boys to be home more. Though before I know it, I am sitting in the family section of graduation, watching Landon get his degree. I'm so proud of him and thrilled that he starts law school in the fall, but I can't seem to stop crying. Preston looks over at me when I try to hide a sniffle. "What's wrong with you?" he asks, and I just smile and partly lie to him.

"This will be you before I know it." I hug him tightly, and a couple more tears roll down my cheeks. This isn't my first bout of tears lately either. I'm just emotional lately and once again fear creeps into my mind.

"You should be excited, not crying." He hugs me back. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too baby." We manage to make it through a tortuous list of graduates until they make it to Landon. When they announce Landon Thomas, our whole group stands and cheers. He turns toward us and puts both arms in the air, and everyone goes crazy.

After graduation is over, we are invited over to Landon's parents’ house for his celebration. I had met his parents on a few occasions and was able to meet his little sister who isn't so little. She is a beautiful sixteen year old that will blow guys away soon if she doesn't already. She has a lot of the same features that Landon does, and she's just stunning. I met his grandparents and aunts and uncles. I feel guilty knowing that their baby boy is messed up with a much older woman that he has no busy being with.

I duck into the guest bathroom for a few quiet moments when I hear a soft knock on the door. I walk over, prepared to leave to let the next person in, and when I open the door, Landon is standing there. He looks great. His dirty blond hair is a bit messy, and he's got a pair of faded jeans on with a button down white shirt. He quickly slips in and locks the door behind him. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

"I needed to see you." He wraps both arms around my waist.

"We can't be in here." I try to move away, but he simply places small open mouth kisses down the side of my neck. I can feel the slide of his tongue, and it instantly stops my body from fleeing. He reaches over and turns on the faucet. He lifts me up, placing me on the sink counter. "I'm so proud of you today." I quietly moan out as he pulls my skirt up to my waist. I start to fumble with the belt and button on his jeans. Once I've pulled him free, I continue to stroke his manhood. He gently thrust with my hand strokes.

"I need in. Please." I just nod and direct him toward my damp panties. He pulls them to the side and pushes into me. He always feels amazing. I lean back against the mirror when he grabs my hips pulling me on the sink's edge. I wrap my legs around him tighter when his thrusts begin to deepen. "Play with your tits while I fuck my graduation present." He pants. I pull my shirt up over my breast and swirl my fingers around my right nipple before pinching as I grab my left breast and squeeze. He moves one hand from my hip and presses against my clit with his thumb before rubbing it. I begin to tremble, and he knows I'm close so he leans over and muffles my moans with a deep kiss.  Several hits later, and he finishes behind me with his own release. He stays there a minute panting. "I love you." He kisses me softly on my lips before pulling himself free of me. I'm about to respond with my own 'I love you' when there's a knock on the door. We both scramble to fix our clothes.

"Yeah?" Landon hollers.

"Dude, you fall in?" Preston chuckles.

"Be right out." Landon hollers back. I turn off the faucet. He has a panicked Iook. I wink before climbing into the shower to hide in case Preston or anyone else is there waiting on the bathroom. I hear the door open and shut, signaling Landon’s departure. I breathe a sigh of relief.




              That was close. I feel almost panicked until Brooklyn winks before slipping into the shower to allow me to escape. I took the stairs two at a time down and found Preston chatting with Ariel. She was trying her hardest to get her flirt on, but luckily Preston knew not to or simply wasn't interested. I stand there making small talk for a bit until Brooklyn walks up behind us. She looks beautiful in a knee-length summer skirt and matching top.

"There ya'll are. Congratulations, Landon!" She leans over and kisses my cheek. She looks over at Preston. "You about ready to go?" He nods. "Ariel, it's so nice to finally meet you. You will have to come over, swim, and bar-be-que with us soon. Landon practically lives over at the house with Preston."

"That would be great. Thanks," Ariel says as Brooklyn hugs her. Everyone says his or her goodbyes, and Brooklyn and Preston leave shortly after. I continue to mingle with the family until everyone else decides to head out. I officially have the summer now before starting Law School, and it's kind of exhilarating.




              Summer starts great; we spend most of our time with Brooklyn. We're never been alone, but it's enough for now just to see her almost daily. Preston told me how she cried at the graduation and how he has seen her cry several other times. I think she is just happy that we are around more now. That is the only part I dread , being gone a lot again in the fall. She hasn't cried when I've been around though.

She has put on a surprise party for Preston's twenty first birthday. She enlisted me in getting the guys here. Most of the team is coming, and a few are bringing dates. She also insisted I bring Ariel too. I was unsure about that because she has no business partying with college people, but Brooklyn promised to hang around her as much as possible. She has me drag Preston out to the new blockbuster hit at the theater so she can have everything set up, and everyone can get there for the surprise. She even has Lacy in on it, so everyone can park down the street and walk down so Preston wouldn't be suspicious of all the cars.

When we walk through the house, it’s pretty quiet because I had texted Brooklyn that we were pulling up. As Preston slides the back door open, everyone yells 'Surprise!' Preston is shocked and starts laughing as he hugs or shakes hands with everyone. He runs up to Brooklyn, grabs her in a huge bear hug, and starts spinning her around. She laughs when he sets her down with a huge, loud, wet kiss on her forehead. "Thanks, Mom."

"Happy Birthday, Baby! I love You," she says as tears starts to flow down her beautiful face. This is what Preston's been talking about, that she cries so easily. He laughs and shakes his head at her as he walks off to talk to some of the guys.

I walk up to her and of course Ariel is hugging her, trying also to console her. "I don't know, I guess it's starting to hit me that my baby isn't a baby anymore." She sniffles.

"We understand." I wipe a tear from under her eye with my thumb. Ariel looks up with a strange look at my action, and I feel a nudge from behind and see Toby giving me a knowing look also. "What? She's upset." Toby chuckles and Ariel giggles, then turns to walk away toward the food. "Dude, it's nothing," I tell Toby.

"Yeah, looks like nothing. You're lucky that Preston is used to his buddies flirting with her or he would notice too." He takes a bite of his hot dog that he's been holding.

"Whatever, man, just don't say anything." I head toward the food when Toby stops me with his words.

"Who's the chick hanging with Brooklyn? She's hot." He chuckles.

"Stay away from her. That's my baby sister. She just turned seventeen, so she's jailbait if you know what I mean," I warn.

"Fuck, sorry, man. I didn't know, plus, she looks older." Toby shrugs.

"No big deal." We both go to fill a plate of food. Preston seems to be having fun. A new girl that came with Derek and his date catches Preston's attention. I notice Ariel pouting alone, and I can imagine that's the reason. Brooklyn stays close to Ariel throughout the evening. A couple hours into the party, I'm talking with Sam, a guy from the team, and notice Toby sitting on the lounger next to Ariel. She's laughing at something he's said. I roll my eyes. He’d better know not to expect anything but a nice conversation. I see Brooklyn wheel out a huge cake for Preston, and we sing 'Happy Birthday' to him before everyone jumps in to get a slice.

The evening is about over, and a lot of people have left. I walk over to get Ariel to see her to her car. I over hear Toby and her. I hear her ask 'if she will see him around again?' He chuckles and tells her 'probably'. "Ready to go, Air?" I ask.

"Uh....yeah, I guess." She smiles over at Toby. "Bye, Toby, it was great meeting you."

"Yeah, you too. Take it easy." He cuts his eyes to me and gives me an apologetic look. I just jerk my chin at him and grab Ariel to head toward the house.

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