What the Heart Desires (Contemporary Erotic Romance) (12 page)

BOOK: What the Heart Desires (Contemporary Erotic Romance)
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“You heard me.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes you can.  Spread your legs.”

“No.”  Even as Kimberly protested, she found herself doing as she was told.  She spread her bent knees wide until the entire plane of her pink, slick sex was exposed to Garrett’s lustful gaze. 

“Good girl.  Now take your middle finger and touch your slit.”

“I can’t,” Kimberly objected, tears welling up in her eyes.  What Garrett was asking her to do was so shameful.  Yet she still found herself obeying Garrett’s commands, almost as though he had some kind of strange mind control powers over her.

Or maybe it was just that deep down, she
to obey him.

Kimberly gasped aloud as her finger slid up and down her slippery slit, caressing her delicate pink sex.  Her eyes remained locked with
Garrett’s.  When he unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing erection, her heart skipped a beat.

She’d always imagined
Garrett to be well endowed.  She wasn’t sure why.  By her estimate, Felix’s was slightly larger than average and it was plenty big for her.  Garrett’s, however, was even thicker than Felix’s. 

He wrapped his hand around his shaft and began to pump his fist up and down.  Kimberly stared at his member, entranced.  She’d only ever seen a man masturbate in the naughty videos she occasionally accessed online.  To see it in person was different…better.  Especially when she knew he was masturbating to

“Rub your clit,”
Garrett ordered as his hand moved more quickly over his rigid tool.  She could tell he was desperate for relief and it wouldn’t be long before he obtained it.  To know he was so aroused because of her wasn’t just flattering; it was empowering.

Kimberly located her engorged bud quickly and stroked it.  The tender button was as hard as a tiny pebble and every time her finger brushed against it, Kimberly had to resist the urge to moan aloud.  Her hips began to buck in time with her movements.

She eased the middle finger of her free hand into her tight, wet orifice.  The penetration felt good.  She wished it was Garrett’s erection in there instead of her finger!

’s eyes were glued to her spread, wet, pink pussy.  The hand pumping up and down the shaft of his erection was moving so quickly that it was merely a blur.  She loved that she’d gotten him so worked up.

“I’m close!” Kimberly mewled, hoping
Garrett would allow her to climax this time.  Although being punished by him had actually been quite pleasurable, now she felt a strong desire to please him.  She wanted to do as he said.

Thankfully, his next order was, “Cum for me!”

It was as though his words were the cue her body had been waiting for.  Kimberly’s second orgasm of the night tore through her, causing her to cry out in pleasure.  Her back arched and her hips pumped at the air as her orifice clamped down on her finger.

For a moment, she was uninhibited.  After all, she was simply following orders.

Apparently the sight of Kimberly’s climax was more than Garrett could take, for a moment later he let out a deep, guttural groan.  Then a jet of hot, ropey semen spurted from his member, coating Kimberly’s gorgeous breasts.

Because she was caught up in the moment and the delicious sensations surging through her body, Kimberly barely paid attention.  Once her post-orgasmic afterglow began to subside, however, she looked down at the sticky mess oozing down her pink nipples in confusion.

She couldn’t decide whether she was annoyed that Garrett had cum on her.  Shouldn’t he have at least asked permission before…
her in that way?  Felix certainly would have.  No, actually, scratch that.  Felix never would have dreamed of doing such a disrespectful thing to her in the first place. 

Kimberly couldn’t help but feel like she was a tree and
Garrett was a dog that had urinated on her to claim her.  It was an uncomfortable realization.

After his climax,
Garrett had thrown himself down on the bed beside Kimberly.  Then, without so much as a single word to her, he’d rolled over, turning his back on her.  She looked over at him.  His face was buried in the pillows and he was snoring lightly, dead to the world.

She missed the post-coital cuddling she’d come to take for granted with Felix.

But that was different, she reminded herself sternly.  What she’d had with Felix was a
.  This…arrangement with Garrett wasn’t.  Garrett had made that much clear.  Kimberly wasn’t sure what to call it.  Was Garrett a friend with benefits?  Was he a fling?  Whatever he was, she guessed it wasn’t a title that included cuddling in the job description.

With a sigh, she grabbed a handful of tissues from the box on the nightstand and cleaned herself up.  Then she curled up next to
Garrett and drifted off to an uneasy, dream-filled sleep.

Chapter Sixteen

Hindsight was a funny thing.

When Kimberly had been with Felix, she’d been generally content, but a part of her had subconsciously been craving something more.  She’d wanted passion and electricity.  She’d wanted excitement and unpredictability.  She’d wanted to be with someone who kept her guessing, who wasn’t afraid to fight with her and who was a bit less

In retrospect, Kimberly didn’t know why she’d faulted Felix for being too nice.  Maybe she secretly associated it with him being a pushover or a doormat.  Maybe she just wanted someone to stand up to her so that there’d be fire in the relationship.  Was it wrong to long for conflict? 

At least with Felix, Kimberly had always known where she stood.  He made sure to let her know how important she was to him.  He never took her for granted.  He always respected, cherished and cared for her.

It was as though
Garrett was Felix’s polar opposite.  Garrett was fun and exciting and dangerous.  He lived life on the edge and had just a hint of a bad boy streak that gave Kimberly a thrill.  He was dark and mysterious, cynical and aloof. 

She felt like
Garrett was an onion with multiple layers to peel back; there was definitely more to him than met the eye.  But he wouldn’t let her in.  She’d tried to ask questions and steer the conversation in ways that would allow her to know him better, but he always deflected.

It left her frustrated…and curious.  In some ways,
Garrett was intriguing.  He was like a puzzle Kimberly couldn’t quite solve.  But it also made her wonder what he was hiding.  Sometimes at night she tossed and turned, dreaming up wild possibilities.  She figured he was probably an ex-con or maybe a fugitive.  Of course, that was her wild imagination talking…but was her theory really so wild?

There was never a dull moment with
Garrett, but there was also rarely any true intimacy.

Their BDSM play
had been intimate in a strange, twisted, kinky sort of way.  But as soon as the sexual encounter had been over, Garrett had rolled over and gone to sleep.  There had been no talking, touching or affirmation of any kind whatsoever.  It had left Kimberly feeling empty inside.

Even so, she couldn’t stop fantasizing about their next sexual encounter.  Since that night at the hotel, Kimberly had masturbated countless times to the memories of what they’d done.  She couldn’t believe she’d allowed
Garrett to spank her, tie her up and stare at her naked, exposed body.  It had been so uncharacteristic of her – but it had also been so incredibly hot.  She could hardly wait to do it again.

The fact that she hadn’t been able to experience
Garrett inside her made her want him even more.

Jane was quite interested in Kimberly’s dilemma.  For years, Kimberly had listened to Jane go on and on about her sex life.  Kimberly’s love life had been non-existent until Felix
had come into the picture, so the “girl talk” had never been reciprocated.  Now, Jane couldn’t get enough of Kimberly’s love triangle.

“It’s like a soap opera!” she crowed one night as they talked on the phone.

“I’m glad you’re so amused,” Kimberly sighed, toying with a lock of long, dark hair as she stared out the bedroom window of her apartment.  She cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder and bit her lip contemplatively.  “I don’t know what to do.”

“So let me get this straight,” Jane summarized.  “One guy is stable and kind and dependable and nerdy
and, well…kind of boring.  Your sex life is meh – I still can’t believe you have a sex life, oh my

Kimberly rolled her eyes
at the comment.  “Yeah,” she said, “that about sums up Felix.”

“Okay.  And the other guy drinks too much and parties all night and has an exciting life and is fantastic in bed and you have amazing chemistry…except he doesn’t want a girlfriend and he won’t open up to you.”

“Unfortunately,” Kimberly said, “I think you’re pretty dead on with that analysis.”

Jane sighed.  “Have you ever considered that maybe neither one of them is the perfect guy for you?  I mean, it sounds like they both have great – and not-so-great
– qualities.  Why not chalk it up as a learning experience and move on?  Maybe you’ll meet someone better than either of them.”

“Maybe,” Kimberly replied, unconvinced.  “Hey Jane, I’ve got to go.  Thanks for listening.  Goodnight.”

Truthfully, Kimberly had nowhere to be.  She just hadn’t wanted to continue to conversation.  Maybe Jane was right.  Maybe neither Felix nor Garrett was right for her…but Kimberly didn’t want to accept that.  The thought of being alone again was dreadful, but it was more than that. 

As she climbed into bed, Kimberly wondered if it was possible to be in love with two people at once.  She never would have believed it was possible in the past, but now…well now she just wasn’t sure. 

Felix was steady and reliable.  He was careful with her heart. 

was reckless and wild and made her heart beat a mile a minute.

Ugh.  Why did love have to be so confusing?


The first time Kimberly and
Garrett actually had sex, it felt like fireworks should be going off overhead.  Their chemistry was undeniable. 

Maybe the buildup contributed to it.  After that night when
Garrett hadn’t had a condom, Kimberly had found herself even more desperate than usual to have him inside her.  Unfortunately, he’d had to leave the country on business for three weeks.  Waiting for him to return was sweet agony.

But it was well worth the wait.

Garrett wasn’t pleased that he had to wear a condom, but Kimberly insisted and he didn’t put up much of an argument.  She’d secretly gone back on birth control but she didn’t tell him.  She figured it was none of his business considering he’d made it perfectly clear that they weren’t in a relationship.

Sex with
Garrett was forceful and passionate.  It reminded her of the fantasies she secretly harbored of being ravaged by pirates.  In fact, at one point she even closed her eyes and pretended he was one of the pirates and she was a damsel in distress, captured and stripped onboard a ship drifting at sea.

wasn’t necessarily rough with her, but he certainly wasn’t gentle the way Felix was.  He threw her down on the bed, ripped off her clothes and licked every inch of her wet, pink sex.  Then he thrust himself inside of her without warning and took her fast and hard, with long, deep strokes.

He pinned Kimberly’s hands down with his own as he took her.  She wasn’t sure if he intended for it to be an extension of their BDSM play or not.  Maybe he did it without even realizing – he certainly seemed to be caught up in the moment, his eyes glazed over with primal desire.

She loved every second of their encounter.  The way he pinned her down and drove himself into her made her feel vulnerable and a little scared.  Those weren’t necessarily bad feelings; they actually heightened her arousal.  Sex with Garrett was definitely not boring.

Kimberly normally couldn’t orgasm from penetration alone.  Usually she required additional stimulation to achieve climax, which was why Felix would dutifully rub her swollen clitoris until she gasped in pleasure. 

This time was different.  Maybe it was something about the angle at which Garrett was driving himself into her, or maybe it was the fact she was with Garrett Strong.  Whatever the cause, Kimberly surprised herself by crying out in orgasmic bliss in the midst of penetrative sex. 

Her climax was intense.

“Fuck!” Garrett groaned, as vulgar as ever.  “Your pussy is squeezing my cock so tight!”

Kimberly blushed at the crude language even as she thrust her hips against
Garrett’s in the throes of her climax.  He always seemed to know exactly what to say to embarrass and thrill her.  He seemed to enjoy making her uncomfortable, grinning as she averted her eyes and her face reddened.

He gripped her hips and pumped his hips against hers with urgent need.  The penetration was so rough that it bordered on hurting, but she didn’t mind.  She knew she’d ache down there for hours after he’d finished with her, but it would be a nice reminder of what they’d done.

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