With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (26 page)

BOOK: With Cherry on Top [Loving in Silver 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Before she fucked him she moved where he could see her. Cherry played with her nipples, squeezing her breasts before running her hand down her flat stomach to the fake cock thrusting boldly from her groin. She played with it with one hand while playing with her pussy with the other. Cody groaned around the gag as he watched her every naughty, teasing move. Then she moved behind him and pulled the plug none too gently from his asshole before pushing the thick cock into him with one sure stroke. She fucked him over and over, waiting until the moment she knew he was about to come before withdrawing completely. He would groan a protest. His balls were drawn up close to his body. When he would relax she would begin to torment him again. She continued until she couldn’t take anymore herself. Cody shouted around the ball gag, his body jerking against the restraints as he jammed his ass back onto the cock. The impact with her pubis was intense, sending shockwaves to her clitoris and vagina. Grabbing his narrow hips she drove into him one last time, screaming her own raw pleasure.

If Cherry had thought that nothing the men wanted from her could surprise her at that point, she was wrong. Collin came to her last and what he wanted could potentially be discovered by anyone, not just someone on the ranch. While they were driving to town two days before the wedding he pulled off to the side of the road. It wasn’t a heavily traveled road but was access to three ranches and two farms. There was traffic, just not a lot of it. But it was broad daylight, the middle of the day, and she never would have guessed Collin was into danger sex, the kind where there was a very good chance of getting caught at it.

She didn’t even blink when he pulled out a leather duffel bag and took a strap-on dildo from it. Smiling when he looked at her uncertainly, she undressed and put it on without a word. She was surprised when he got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door, undressed quickly, and then helped her out. He lifted her into the back of the truck then went back for a folded blanket. She glanced around, looking up the slopes along the road. There didn’t seem to be anyone around. It was a remote area, but it wasn’t out of the range of possibilities that someone could be around to witness their activities in the back of the truck. With her senses on high alert, Cherry knew she was going to enjoy this as much as Collin. Hell, she might enjoy it even more than he did. Like Cody, Collin had prepared himself. She removed the butt plug as he kneeled in front of her, then lubed and finished stretching him. The dildo was almost twice the size of the one Jake had. She didn’t bother to ask if he was bi. These men wanted to be dominated by her, if only secretly. She could do that. She suspected there would come a day when they were comfortable enough with their own desires and fantasies that they would tell all to their brothers.

Knowing the danger of them getting caught increased with every passing second, Cherry finished preparing Collin before she fucked him hard and fast. When he whimpered his pleasure, she added a few phrases like “That’s it. Take my big, fat cock,” and “Who’s my bitch?” Collin moaned as if he were in agony and writhed against her. His growled “I am” sizzled over her. Oh, yeah, she loved her men and these games. “I should fuck you in the town square. Then everybody could see who you belong to.” She slapped his ass hard as he began fucking himself hard on the cock, obviously inflamed by the image of her dominating him in front of everyone he knew in Silver. If they ever really wanted that they could go to Colt Redford’s club. It was an idea she would suggest later on. “Don’t.
. Not the other way around. You’re my bitch. Now grab that cock and come for me. Do it. Jerk that cock off.” He did so eagerly, his fist pumping his cock vigorously.

That’s all it took for them both to lose it. They came hard together, collapsing onto the bed of the truck, panting as if they’d just run a mile and sweating in the hot noonday sun.

“Thank you, baby,” Collin said before righting himself. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed her long and hard and then pulled her out of the truck bed to help her get dressed. The harness and plug were stowed away and hidden beneath the seat. Less than five minutes later they were grinning like idiots and back on the road, heading for town.

They were planning on grocery shopping, but decided to wander around the charming downtown area first. It was a nice, late summer day and the park in the center of town was crowded with parents and their children. They stopped and talked to people on the sidewalk, Collin introducing her to them. They were all welcoming and congratulated them on their upcoming nuptials, all promising to attend the reception which would be held outside town at the new party center.

One thing she had learned was in Silver you just couldn’t invite a few. The residents in and around Silver would show up regardless of whether they were invited or not. When she had been told this Peaches had reassured her that they wouldn’t have to provide food and beverages for the huge crowd. They would bring their own covered dishes and it would end up being a picnic with music, dancing, and games afterward.

It was only after Cherry was given this reassurance she remembered that she had gone home before Peaches and her husbands had given a town reception after they had honeymooned in the middle of nowhere for several days. The family reception after the wedding had been terrific, though. That she remembered with some pleasure, because it was the first time she had gotten to dance with her men.

Cherry and Collin were on their way back to the truck when Sheila came out of the bakery. When she saw them she stopped in the center of the sidewalk. There was a smile on her lips, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Hi, Collin. I haven’t seen you in a while. How are your brothers and your parents?”

“Hi, Sheila,” Collin responded in a friendly manner. Obviously he didn’t see what Cherry did. The woman was just someone he had grown up with. “Everyone’s good.”

She and Gracie had not shared their encounter with Sheila with the brothers. Obviously that had been a mistake and would piss them off again. The men wouldn’t tolerate anyone verbally abusing either Gracie or her. They would want to take care of the matter, which was something she had been trying to avoid. She didn’t look forward to fessing up to the men.

“That’s good to hear.” Her gaze shifted to Cherry. There was a barely noticeable twitch to her upper lip. It was the beginning of a sneer. “Hi. I’m Sheila Peterson. I grew up with Collin and his brothers.”

Was the woman nuts? Did she think Cherry would forget about their last meeting?

“Cherry Malloy. It’s nice to meet you, Sheila.” She didn’t say more. She didn’t need to. The two women understood each other very well. “Well, we need to get going. Have a good day.”

“You, too.”

Since Collin seemed completely clueless, Cherry didn’t bring up the fact that Sheila didn’t mention the wedding or the reception like every person they had met since coming into town had done.

Cherry was very certain of two things. Sheila Peterson wasn’t nearly as indifferent as she had appeared for Collin’s sake. And she hated Cherry. She suspected the woman was behind the attacks and would let Gray know of her suspicions. Having grown up on a ranch the woman would likely be familiar with a rifle. The sheriff could check to see if she or someone on the ranch owned a truck matching the description of the one which had run Collin off the road.

And that was another thing, Cherry thought with a frown, the woman hadn’t mentioned the accident. Others had expressed their relief that he hadn’t been hurt. If Sheila hated Cherry because she was with the Preston brothers, how would she have felt when she learned about Gracie? The same. She would hate their sweet princess just as much because she had a coveted place in the brothers’ lives.

Sheila had believed Gracie was in the car, though Cherry didn’t think it really would have made a difference if she had realized it was Collin driving it. If she couldn’t have the men, no one would. If that meant killing them, then that’s the way it would be. The attack on Jake was proof of that. With a scope at that distance the woman would have been able to identify who was driving the truck.

Cherry didn’t say anything to Collin. She wanted to think about it some more then tell the others of her suspicions when they were together. They went to the grocery, filling up cart after cart, and then loaded it into the truck. She glanced around, seeing no sign of the other woman. Relaxing a little, she got in and buckled herself in.


* * * *


Mick knew something was wrong the moment he saw Cherry. Her expression was rather grim and he wondered what had happened while they were in town shopping. They had been gone a long time, much longer than expected, but though neither of them had called, he had spoken to the sheriff who was keeping an eye on them from a distance.

“What’s wrong?” he asked bluntly, not really one for beating around the bush.

Cherry looked at him in surprise, and then smiled thinly. “I’ve got an idea who is responsible for the vandalism and the attacks.”

“Who is it?” everyone asked at once, including Collin. So, she hadn’t shared her thoughts or suspicions with his brother on their drive home.

“Sheila Peterson. Gracie and I met her that day we went to the drug store. She wasn’t exactly pleasant.”

Mick scowled. He was far from pleased. So were his brothers. “You should have told us about it. But tell us what makes you think she’s behind the bullshit that’s been happening.”

“She didn’t behave like everyone else in town did today when they saw Collin.”

Collin nodded. “I guess Cherry and I were thinking along the same lines. She just didn’t act like everyone else. And she didn’t ask the same questions about my accident or Jake getting shot. It was really strange.”

“They were questions she should have asked. But she didn’t. And the look she gave me, well, if we had been alone in a dark alley she probably would have shown her true colors.”

“I don’t like her,” Gracie said tartly. “She used to pick on me when I was little.”

“When?” Mick asked, trying not to laugh at her when she poked her tongue out at him. “You’re still little, baby.”

Gracie huffed. “You know what I mean. Okay, so when I was

Those that had known Gracie as a little girl knew what she was talking about. She had been very small, much smaller than her sisters, and hadn’t experienced a growing spurt until she had been in her late teens. Now she was all of five feet tall and spunky as hell. Sexy, too. The men grinned at her, hugging her before they got back to talking about the suspicions concerning Sheila.

“I don’t think it would be a bad idea to call the sheriff,” Mick stated. “He can go out to the Peterson ranch and check to see if they have a truck there matching the one used to run Collin off the road.”

The call to the sheriff didn’t take long. Mick told him their suspicions, how the woman had acted when she met Collin and Cherry in town, and the very obvious things she didn’t address in her conversation with them. He also told him what Sheila had said to Gracie and Cherry when the two women had encountered her in the drug store.

The sheriff agreed that it was odd, considering the residents of Silver made it their business to know everything and to ask about friends who had experienced misfortune. He promised he would go out to the Peterson ranch immediately then let them know what he discovered.

Having to be satisfied with that, they fell into their routine of making supper together. It was a time they all enjoyed. He and his brothers made a point of getting home earlier than usual at least a couple days a week so they could help with preparations.

Once supper was over they went to the den to watch a movie together. Max and Lovey joined them, Max stretched out by the door, Lovey sitting on the floor and leaning against Gracie’s leg. The pair had really bonded since the pup’s arrival.

When the movie finally ended they were all more than ready to go to bed. With the wedding only just over a day away he knew they were going to need their rest. They didn’t have to work the ranch the next day, their fathers laughing when they gave them the next three days off.

Mick chuckled as he remembered how hard the three older men had laughed after they imparted their generous offer. They were funny as hell, but he’d never tell them that. They had thanked their dads for their generosity before coming home.

Gracie screamed as a bullet blasted through the window, hitting the wall just above his head. He pushed her to the floor as Cherry hit the light switch, plunging the room into darkness.

One shot after another was fired into the house. The other two windows in the room shattered. The rounds hit the wall. Then they heard more shots and more windows shattering. Built out of logs, the house’s most vulnerable points were the windows.

“Stay here. I’m going to let Max out.”

“I’ve got Daddy Matt on the phone. They’re on their way and they’ve called the sheriff.”

“No,” Cherry said. “Tell them to hold back. Max will only get distracted if there’s more than one person out there. Let him do what he was trained to do.”

Keeping low, they took the eager but silent Max to the rear door as the shooter continued to focus their assault on the front of the house. His training made him the perfect weapon for this situation.

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