Wrath (10 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Song

BOOK: Wrath
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As he drew me closer with the length of that finger, I jerked, gasping into his mouth, wanting more.  A finger would never be enough. 

“Please,” I shuddered.  “Please, help me forget.”

“I can do that, baby girl,” he promised, his voice a growl.  “But just for now.  This is not over.”


Chapter Five






Straddling his hand, feeling dirty and utterly delighted by it, I looked down at him, taking in the way his shirt stretched across the well-defined stretch of his chest, noting just how the cloth tugged against the breadth of his shoulders.  Every inch of his body seemed hard to the touch, the muscle only lightly cushioned by the barest lining of flesh and warm skin.  He was obviously at the peak of some workout regimen. 

So I did the one thing I’d been dying to do, I reached up and pulled off his shirt, the landscape of muscles enthralling me.

His finger was still inside me and I tightened my body around it just for the shits and giggles of watching his jaw tighten.

He was trying to control himself.

I liked trying to make him lose control. And I liked looking down at him.

The sight of him, like this, that strong body pinned beneath me, was delicious.

“Emma,” he started, but I leaned down and shut him up with a kiss.  I wanted him, and I didn’t want to hear reasons to stop.

When he pushed me up and moved out from under me, my mouth opened in shock.  He didn’t leave though.  Instead, he came up behind me, bending me onto my elbows and knees. 

He didn’t let me down, though.  He kissed down my back and pulled my hips up into the air, exposing my pussy to his gaze.  But he wasn’t ready to take it yet.

I tried to crawl forward, to turn over.  I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with this, but he held me in place with one arm. 

“Stay,” he said, his voice quiet but adamant. 

I had the sudden realization that if I truly wanted to get away from him, he would back off.  He’d be pissed and that would be that, but he’d back off. 

This awareness relaxed me, made me compliant. 

I’d seen my mother treated like a dog.  I was terrified of becoming a slave to anything the way she had.  But this?  Aidan wasn’t trying to break me or own me or trap.  Not like Samuel had tried to own my mother.  No, Aidan was trying to convince me to stay. 

I was willing to let him. 

“What is it that you want?” he asked, sliding his free hand around my hips, down between my lips.  I could feel the hard length of his cock against the back of my thigh and gasped.  Dear god, he was huge.

“All of you.”  I replied.

I had avoided men since Samuel started harassing me.  I had been so careful, and I didn’t regret that.  But my skin ached for the comfort of touch and the strength of a man’s body.

I had been able to ignore it for so long.  But I hadn’t been able to ignore Aidan.  I didn’t want to.

That stray thumb wandered down over the skin just above my clit, while the rest of his fingers lingered so close to my nether-lips, teasing me. 

“Baby, what is it that you really want?”

I searched for an honest answer to that and replied, “I want to

My breath came out raw.  It was the truth.  I’d spent so long being numb to everything.

Whether we were on his bike, or writhing around together, the only time I felt free was when I was with him.  Misery was like a sickness.  You could play in it or drown in it.  The hard part was escaping it.  And sometimes, escaping it just left me feeling numb. 

With Aidan, I could feel it, ride it through the waves of hurt, and come out on the other side, feeling glorious.

He couldn’t make it all go away, but he had proven he could get me through it.  That he’d ride that wave with me – and on me.

He leaned down, caressing my back.

I smiled faintly, glancing back over my shoulder.

His free hand slipped around to my breast, his thumb pressing into the outer curve.  The hot palm of his hand against my nipple felt like silk and heaven.

I sucked in a breath as he bit my shoulder just at the nape of my neck.  Between those teeth and the way he licked my skin, I shuddered, feeling feverish – too hot and yet chilled at once. 

Suddenly he chuckled and mumbled.  “Told you I’d make you flush in other places.” 

He sucked on me hard enough that my back arched and I laughed. 

Well, he’d been right, now hadn’t he?

He slipped his finger between my legs and slid it along the folds – along and through and around.  I was soaking wet, the slickness making it easy for him to trace those skilled fingers over all of me.

“Oh, baby girl, you do want me.”   He flicked my clit with his thumb, just a little bit.  I squirmed, wriggling closer, every bit of me was begging him to do

I nodded and let out a small mew.  I wanted him very, very badly. 

That restrained cock fit perfectly between my ass cheeks, begging to be let in.  But still, he waited, his fingers stroking now, taunting my clit as he murmured into my ear, telling me what I wanted him to do.

It didn’t matter if he was right or wrong.  I groaned, wanting to hear more.

When he drew back, I sucked in breath after breath, trying to get my wits about me. 

If he looked proud of himself, he had every right to be.  And if his grin was just a little too broad, I’d allow it.

“Keep that up and I’ll let you do just about anything you want.”

let me
?” he teased, sliding his fingers into me suddenly, dragging a growl from me.

Before I could smart off, he bent down and put his mouth on my pussy from behind.

I squeaked, surprised, my hand grabbing his against my thigh, but he didn’t stop and I was amazed with how quickly he aroused me.  I arched my back to give him greater access, my fingers digging into the sheets.  I was so wet, shuddering as he sucked on me, and finally cried out, begging him for something.  What had I said?  Did I care?

I needed more.

I rose up on his hand, sitting in his lap, soaking his hand.  He pulled my hair over my shoulder, freeing his hands and kissing me, before turning me around into his arms. 

Before I could catch my breath, he pushed me down on the bed, pinning both my wrists with one hand. 

“Stay down,” he warned me. 

For a long moment, I stared up at him wide-eyed while he fingers slowly began to circle again. 

“I’m going to make you cum first, and then I am going to do it again.  And only then am I going to take mine.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to hold still, because he was getting it just right, just in the right spot.  When I heard his fingers slip in the wetness of my pussy, that vivid sound of a man doing it right, I cried out again, trying to push him deeper. 

This time he took his hand away, pinning me with his leg instead.  He took ahold of my face then – gentle but frighteningly firm. 

“When I say so.”

I nodded.  That didn’t mean I would obey, but I did nod.  What I wanted was to grind against him, to make him do what I wanted, but part of me remembered the swollen stump, and I restrained myself.  I didn’t want to hurt him.

That was when it occurred to me.  If I held myself still like he wanted me to – like he was making me do – I could savor the sensations of his stroking fingers.  I could feel every flick and slip and nuance. 

“That’s it, baby.  Do what I say.  You know I do it right.”  And he dove back in, his tongue teasing and tormenting me.

He did this until I parted my legs brazenly, straining to meet that tongue, to let him flick and rub and suck away that itch. 

His juices mingling with mine as he bore down on me and started lapping at me, hitting my clit over and over, as his finger began working in and out of my slit.

The combination was explosive.  It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. 

I raised my hips, baring it all, begging him without words to take me.  I was panting, my hands dragging him up and onto me.

When I groaned and soaked his hand, we both knew that his threat to “do it again” wasn’t likely.  I didn’t have to look down to see that he was hard.  It was in his face, in those eyes.  He wanted me.  He wanted to fuck me as much as I needed him to do it.  But he was holding back.  He was restraining himself. 

He started again slow, licking softly, the warmth of his mouth melting into my own heat.  His tongue gently teased my body out of the numbness that came of overly sensitized flesh.  I didn’t last long.

I cried out, screaming and shaking until it was over.  He collapsed on top of me cursing while I tried to catch my breath.

That was when I realized that he was still hard.  Not fully, but enough that I was baffled he had stopped.

He didn’t explain either, just kissed below my breasts and rolled beside me.  That was when I realized that my belly and thigh were soaked, and not just with my own juices.

“Fuck,” I breathed, unsure whether to laugh or cry.

Instead I rubbed my cheeks and was amazed to discover I had been crying.  Embarrassed, I wiped them away, trying to hide the dampness, but Aidan caught on and pushed my hair out of the way.

He looked at me a moment, as if he was testing a thought, turning it over and over again in his mind before he spoke.  When he did, I blushed.

“Has a man ever done that to you before?”  He meant what he had done with his mouth. 

Embarrassed, I shook my head no.  I could barely breathe.  This was incredible.  I’d heard about this, knew men could and probably should have done it.  But none of the guys I’d known had the balls to try. 

Sex could be amazing even without tongues and fingers, but I’d learned fast that I had to tease and taunt if I was going to get anything from it all.  When they just stuck it in…  There wasn’t much to enjoy if you depended on the lazy man’s way.

So I’d never depended on them.  Until now.

Aidan certainly had not been lazy.

For a man to just do that…

I shivered a bit, relishing the way my body was throbbing still

In spite of the mess on my belly, he didn’t ruin the moment by demanding a fair trade, either.  I’d dealt with that too. 
You want yours, give me mine
.  The problem wasn’t the exchange.  It was the fact that those shits had always wanted theirs first.  Never mind that men got off faster, and that once they had what they wanted, that sort rarely cared what you got after. 

I touched my thigh, marveling at this feeling.  Never mind that a little extra effort on their part would have been worth the work.

I reached over to make it worth his while, to let him know I actually liked that I’d made him come watching me, but he stopped my hand.

“I’m fine.”

“I – What?” I had never gotten that response before.  I was almost offended, but he kissed me briefly and breathed against my hair a moment.

“Seriously.  Just… let me breathe.  It’s not like it’s gonna stay down.” 


His grin was crooked enough that I relaxed and laid back. 

Honestly, I felt like a wrung out rag, as if all the poison had been squeezed out of me.  My fears were vague ghosts, nearly lost on the outskirts of my mind.  Nothing to be afraid of here.

I felt clean… Good… Like I’d just had a hot shower instead of needing one.

The thought made me grin a little, but I sobered under Aidan’s gaze.

He had settled his chin on his arms, and those incredible arms were crossed over my hips, allowing him to use my belly as a sort of cushion for his weight.  It was nice. 

He pushed a strand of hair out of my face.  “Come here.”  He pulled me down by my hips so that our faces were closer.  I was always amazed when he did things like that.  The man was strong, but he knew how to use leverage to his advantage, too.

People might assume that his missing leg would undermine his strength.  I’d done the research.  His specific disability made things harder, but not impossible.  And he had adapted and trained his body to overcome most limitations.  It was impressive as hell.

What I felt wasn’t pity.  It was amazement, and a funny kind of camaraderie.  Like I was part of the challenge.  Part of his adventure.  He certainly seemed like he was part of mine. 

Something was bothering him though.  I could tell by the way his face had closed down.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Just let me hold you.  It doesn’t have to be about that, baby.  It doesn’t have to be about anything but you and me right now, you feel me?  I want to take our time, you hear?  I want it to be right.” 

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but I’d take it in a heartbeat.  Patience paid out well with this man.

We laid like that for a long while.  We didn’t talk.  He just held me, his cock hard against my thigh until his breathing changed, his deep slow breaths indicating that he was asleep.

The adrenaline had worn down, and my body was too wracked to try and entice him into another round, so I nuzzled into him and let my own exhaustion take over. 

To hell with the rest of the world.  All I wanted to do was exist in his.

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