Wyne and Song (16 page)

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Authors: Donna Michaels

BOOK: Wyne and Song
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In an attempt to calm her nerves, she sucked in four slow breaths, releasing them just as slow.

It worked, until the door swung open and she stood face to face with a bare-chested Ethan.

Chapter Fourteen


is hair was wet as if he’d just gotten out of the shower, and,
oh Lordy
, he wore a pair of gray sweatpants low on his hips.


One hundred and one words popped in her mind, including things she’d rehearsed, but the sight of him, ruffled, warm, and hurting wreaked havoc on her vocal chords. Her first instinct was to pull him close and cradle him until the haunted look clouding his gaze disappeared. But she held back, unsure if she was welcomed.

She cleared her throat. “May I come in?”

“Oh, yeah, sure. Sorry.” He stepped back to allow her passage, then shut the door behind her.

She glanced around the living room, noting big, comfy furniture, board games stacked on shelves in a large entertainment center filled with game systems and a sound system equivalent to the big screen TV. A gorgeous stone fireplace, beamed ceilings and an open kitchen with granite counters completed the homey, practical, warm atmosphere.

It felt like him. It felt like Tyler. It felt…


“Why are you here?”

She met his gaze, her heart clutching at the sadness pinching his face. “I know Keiffer left. I came to see how you’re doing.”

He cocked his head and narrowed his gaze, disbelief mixing with the pain. “You came to see me? Why?”

God, was it so hard for him to believe someone could actually care about him?

Tears sprang to her eyes while anger vibrated deep for the damn woman who killed his self-worth.

She stepped close and cupped his jaw. “Because I…” It was on the tip of her tongue to say
love you
, but since that was the first she realized just how strong her feelings ran for the incredible man, and it scared the crap out of her, she thought she’d better go slow. “…care about you, Ethan. Why is that so hard to believe?”

He blinked at her. Hope and longing gave way to a deep need that stole her breath.

“Because you’re beautiful, and famous, and incredible.”

“I’m a human being, like you,” she replied, running her other hand up his chest to set over his heart. His thudding heart that leapt under her palm. “With the same wants and needs…for you. I’m here for you, Ethan.”

His body shook with her words and seemed to break his resolve because he thrust his hands in her hair and backed her up against the wall. “I need you, Phoebe,” he said into her mouth before kissing her long and deep and so utterly thorough they were both gasping for breath when he pulled back to set his forehead to hers. “God, I need you.”

“I’m yours.”
. She cupped the back of his head, and drew circles on his neck and scalp with her thumbs. “I’m not going anywhere.”

And to prove it, she pressed her lips to his, and he made a sexy sound in his throat as he took over, sweeping his tongue into her mouth in an erotic caress. He rocked into her and she moaned, her insides fluttering at the feel of him, hot and hard everywhere.

Then his fingers were untying her dress, and the air-conditioned air was cool on her exposed breasts as the halter fell to her waist. He grasped her wrists and lifted her arms above her head, then broke the kiss to glance down. His gaze smoldered with the very need shuddering through her body.

“So perfect,” he whispered, and still holding her wrists, he bent down to lick one of her nipples.

She gasped and arched toward him, wanting, needing…more. “Ethan.”

He straightened, brushing her chest with his, and she didn’t think she’d ever felt anything so perfect.

“Keep your arms raised.” He waited for her to nod before releasing her wrists, his eyes deliciously dark and wicked.

Her body shook from the sheer force of his gaze. His hands brushed the sides of her breasts, the curve of her waist and then he grasped her dress and tugged it all the way down to the floor. He helped her step out, then ran his deliciously rough palms up her legs and hips, over her quivering belly, and lightly skimmed her breasts before he stepped back.

He sucked in a breath. “God, Phoebe. You’re so beautiful.”

She nearly came at the look of raw pleasure on his face as he stared at her. “Ethan,” she breathed, unable to stand him not touching her.

“What, Phoebe? Tell me,” he prompted, brushing his lips over hers, teasing her with the feel of his chest scraping her nipples while the erection tenting his sweatpants pressed against her, making her moan. “Tell me what you want.”

“You,” she choke out, arching and rocking in an attempt to feel him.

“You’ve got me.” He kissed her then, one of his deep, drugging, desperate kisses that had her right on the edge.

Then his calloused palm cupped her breast while he captured the peak between his thumb and forefinger. She went weak, dropping her arms, her knees shaking, and would’ve slipped to the floor, but he shove his thigh between her legs and held her in place.

“Easy. I’ve got you,” he breathed, placing open mouthed kisses across her chest, closing his warm lips around her other nipple and sucking her hard into his mouth.

Her head thunked the wall while she thrust her finger into his hair and held him there, lost in the rush only Ethan could bring. And he brought more, gliding his other palm over her belly, his fingers sliding under her thong, hesitating a moment, building the anticipation before descending to slip inside where she ached for him most.

She cried out, vaguely aware of her voice echoing off the walls. But she didn’t care, only that he continued to touch her. “Don’t stop.”

Don’t ever stop.

He released her nipple to brush his lips over her throat and sink his teeth into her neck. “I won’t,” he promised, licking the curve as his finger continued to slide in and out of her in mind drugging strokes.

“Yeah…Ethan…” she bucked against him, her world exploding as he drew out her orgasm until she had no more to give.

Body shaking with aftershocks, she slumped against him. He lifted her into his arms, and she was vaguely aware of him carrying her down the hall and through a door before he set her on a bed. She kicked off her sandals and worked to catch her breath, but watching him strip down did just the opposite.

A sheen of sweat glistened over his skin, and his eyes,
sweet heaven
, so dark they were black and full of the same need weighing his heavy erection. He was magnificent, and giving, and he made her insides catch. Especially her heart.

Chapter Fifteen


than fished a condom out of his nightstand and rolled it on, his gaze never leaving Phoebe. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Touching her. Needing her. She was beautiful, amazing, and so giving, he could barely wrap his mind around the fact she wanted him. Needed him.

And God, if that wasn’t the most incredible feeling in the world.

“Ethan, hurry. I need you again,” she said, staring up at him with heat smoldering in her eyes.

He could get lost in them. Lost in her, and that’s exactly what he wanted. What he needed. Bending over her, he slid his hands up her legs, hooked his fingers under her thong and yanked off the scrap of sexy pink silk. Then he spread her legs, climbed on the bed, and positioning his tip at her center, he shove inside her.

A cry of shared pleasure left her lips, and he closed his eyes, lost in the feel of her surrounding him. Hugging him. Accepting him.

This is what he wanted. What he needed. Where he wanted to be. Needed to be.


She grounded him. Fulfilled him. And he wasn’t going to ever let her go.

“Ethan,” she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes.

He leaned over her and gently kissed her lips. “I know.”

Then he shoved his arms underneath her and gripped her shoulders, bringing her body closer to his. “This is what I needed, Phoebe. You, me, together,” he said, sliding in and nearly all the way out. The slow, sure, pull of their bodies was all he’d ever need. Or want.

Her hands trailed down his spine, then back up while her lips brushed his. “You’ve got me, Ethan. All of me. All of me,” she repeated, then kissed him, sweet and giving, her gaze holding his, open and full of the same strong emotions squeezing his chest.

And as he held her gaze, he increased the pace, upping their pleasure, watching her enjoy more than just his body. She enjoyed him, pleasing him, watching him enjoy her. That realization was powerful and warming. And when she burst, tightening around him, connecting with him on some incredible, new level, he followed her over, giving her everything as he emptied all he had, buried deep in the woman he loved.


hoebe awoke the next morning wrapped around the warm breathing inferno, Ethan. Despite the sadness that led her to him last night, the night had been incredible, magical and damn, she felt like singing.

“Morning,” he said against the arm she had wrapped around him.

Before she could respond, he tugged, and she found herself underneath him, gazing up into his smiling face. “Mmm…I like the way you say good morning.”

He leaned down and kissed near her ear. “That was just morning. This is our

His teeth skimmed her jaw, then he kissed and licked, caressed and possessed, as he slowly crawled down her body, and he indeed made every bit of her feel good.

By the time he was buried deep inside her and they cried out each other’s names, she changed her opinion.

the way he said good morning.


or two weeks, Ethan walked around, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was too happy. Life was too good, and that never ended well.

But being with Phoebe, spending their free time together made him start to believe he finally found someone who wanted to share their life with him. And yeah, so she had an unconventional schedule. He was also beginning to see it didn’t matter. As long as she wanted to make it work, they’d make it work.

So, when her mother and agent suddenly both showed up out of the blue, while they were eating at Timbers with his family members, Ethan’s heart squeezed.

This was it. This was stay or go time.

Because he would never stand in her way. Or give an ultimatum. He’d support or quietly bow out.

God, he wasn’t ready.

But he had no say in the matter.

“Mom! Niles?” She shot to her feet. “What a surprise. What’s going on?”

By the smile on her mother’s face, and satisfaction gleaming in her agent’s eyes, Ethan knew this was the beginning of the end.

“The news was too good to tell you on the phone,” her mom said, rushing close to grab her daughter’s hands. “You’re going to Hollywood!”

Chapter Sixteen


hoebe’s brows rose as she glanced from her mom to her agent. “They upped the date of the screen test?”

Niles shook his head. “No. This is something new. The producers backing that musical going to big screen? They want you for the lead. No screen test needed.”

Her heart pounded so loud in her chest, she thought she’d heart Niles wrong. But his grin and her mom’s smile didn’t support it. “They want me without a screen test? Seriously?”

“Yes!” Tears streamed down her mother’s face as she pulled her in for a hug. “You did it, Phoebe. You had a dream and you worked hard and now your dream is coming true. I’m so proud of you.”

Then everyone was on their feet hugging and shaking hands and congratulating. And Phoebe was happy and confused and worried. Ethan smiled and hugged her, but she didn’t know if he was going to tell her to go or tell her goodbye.

And she wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready to leave him. Hell, she’d never be ready to do that, she couldn’t, wouldn’t walk away from him.

“When do you leave?” Jill asked.

Phoebe looked at Niles for the answer. “I hope it’s not too soon. I still have three weeks left of
.” And, she honestly wasn’t sure she was going to go anyway.

“Not until the end of August,” her agent replied. “Shooting starts the beginning of September.”

Her mom grabbed her and squeezed. “So, you get to finish
and wrap things up here.”

Catching her mother’s meaning, Phoebe’s heart literally cracked in two. It was as if she was being forced to make a choice on who to hurt, her mom or Ethan. Both meant the world to her. Both had her back. Neither deserved to get hurt.

Her gaze drifted to the silent man standing out of the way. The man who doubted his self-worth and right to be happy. The man who held her heart. The man who’d done nothing but give of himself and ask for nothing in return.

The man she loved.

Phoebe turned back to her mother and pulled her in for a hug. “I love you, Mom. You’ve sacrificed everything for me, and I hope you know how much I appreciate it. You’ve worked just as hard for this as I have.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart.” Her mother drew back to cup her face. “I love you and just wanted you to be happy.”

A tear slid down Phoebe’s face. “That’s what makes this so hard.” She drew in a ragged breath. “But…I don’t want to wrap up things here.”

Her mother frowned while Niles’ shocked gasp filled the air. “I don’t understand. What are you saying? You don’t want to do the movie?”

A small squeak exited her agent’s throat, and he reached out to grab a nearby chair and sank onto it.

“Not exactly. It depends.”

Her mother’s frown deepened. “On what?”

She released her and walked to Ethan, stopping in front of him, very aware that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch them. His family. Their friends. Her mom and agent. The patrons and servers in the restaurant. Everyone. And she didn’t care. She tuned them out, focusing on the man in front of her.

“On Ethan.”

“I don’t think he’d stand in your way,” her mother said, her voice not as sure as her words.

“I wouldn’t,” he said, lifting a hand to cup her face. “I only want you to be happy. I want you to do what you want. Not what you think I want or anyone else. Do what makes Phoebe Weston happy.”

Joy too immense for words washed through her, making her shake. She smiled and turned her head to kiss his palm. “Good,” she said, placing a hand on his chest. “Because
are what makes me happy Ethan Wyne. You and Tyler.”

Disbelief whispered across his face. He clenched his jaw and swallowed.

“I love you, Ethan. You’re my—”

He cut her off with the sweetest, deepest, heartwarming kiss that had her toes tingling and pulse racing.

“I love you, too, Phoebe,” he said when they broke for air and he hugged her close, burying his head in her neck. “So damn much.”

Tears were streaming down her face now and she couldn’t stop her body from shaking. It was great. Wonderful. Worth singing about. She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. “I’m in love with you, and your little boy. I know I’m not his real mom, but I want to mother him.”

He crushed her close again and he squeezed her so tight she could barely breathe. “You’re more of a mother to Tyler than Erika ever was. We’re so damn blessed you want to be in our lives.”

“I’m the one who’s blessed, Ethan,” she said, drawing back. “Thank you for letting me in. That’s why I won’t do this movie if you think it’s bad for Tyler.”

He blinked at her, wonder and love funneling for top position in his warm gaze. “I think you should do it.”

“Even though the paparazzi might show up?”

He nodded. “Yes, we’ll get used to it.”

Her heart wanted to soar, but she still had a few more things to iron out. “And even though I’ll be away for…how many weeks, Niles?” she asked, gaze never leaving Ethan’s.

“Four,” her agent responded. “They want to shoot it in twenty-eight days starting September second.”

Bless him, his voice sounded hopeful.

“I’ve got your back if you want to do this.” Ethan insisted.

She nodded and turned to reach for her mother’s hand, surprised to see tears spilling down the woman’s face. And Jill’s. And Lea’s. While Ben and his father cleared their throats, and Mason scratched the bridge of his nose.

“I didn’t know,” her mom said, wrapping them both in a tight hug. “I had no idea.”

When Phoebe drew back, she held Ethan’s hand and her mother’s as she spoke. “I love you both. And I want you to know I want to keep performing on stage, while staying here with Ethan and Tyler. So, this is the only movie I’m doing.”

“Unless there’s a sequel in this contract,” her agent piped up.

“Unless there’s a sequel in this contract,” she repeated. “Because I’ll tell you what I want to do with the money.”

Her mother cocked her head, an excited smile tugging her lips. “What?”

“Most of the schools here don’t have a drama club, Mom. Nor are there many opportunities for children and adolescents to have access to acting lessons and voice lessons. So…” She paused to draw in a breath. “I want to open a theatrical company that not only puts on plays, it will have the facility to offer coaching to all age groups.”

“I love it!” Her mother hugged her quick then drew back. “Where?”

“I have a suggestion,” Ethan said with a grin.

“Me, too.” Mason stepped close.

Ben waved. “Me, three.”

She smiled. “Here, at the resort,” she replied, then glanced at Niles. “What do you think?”

“You’re on to something here, Phoebe.” He nodded, and she could see the gears spinning in his head. “We can get sponsors and big names. Yes, yes, I like it. Let me think on it, and we’ll put our heads together. In the meantime, can I tell them you’re a go for the movie?”

She glanced up at Ethan, and he answered for her. “Yes, Niles. She’s definitely a go for the movie.”

It wasn’t until later, after they celebrated with family and friends, Skyped with Tyler, and made the jumping ninja Jedi one happy boy, that Phoebe had the chance to enjoy alone time with Ethan. He sat on his couch and pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled her neck.

“Mmm…you always smell so good.” His breath was warm on her skin, sending goose bumps down her side.

She turned her head into him and inhaled. “Mmm…so do you.” Male and spicy and hot.

He nipped at her ear. “I didn’t think I’d ever get you alone.”

“Me, either,” she uttered on a hitched breath as his mouth continued its luscious exploration. “Do you really think your dad dropped my mom off at my cottage?”

His chuckle vibrated through her. “Not really.”

“Me, either,” she replied on another hitched breath. “But I don’t want to go there, just in case my mother stole my bed.”

His mouth curved into the sexiest damn grin she’d ever seen. “No worries.” He reached under her dress and ran his hand lightly up her leg, brushing her upper thigh with his thumb. “I happen to have a bed.”

She grinned, loving how he resurrected their banter from their first night together. “Do you, now?”

He nodded, and his gaze, while still heated, blazed with affection that warmed her heart. “I’d be happy to share…if you wanted.”


More than air.







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