9781631050497EldridgesReleaseArcher (6 page)

BOOK: 9781631050497EldridgesReleaseArcher
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Eldridge was suddenly
overwhelmed at the vastness that was Dalton Peters. He knew the man was wealthy
but, oh holy shit, he had no idea how wealthy. After Eldridge’s latest
brokered- merger he was able to add a substantial amount of money to his nest
egg, but never in his wildest dreams would he be able to afford this. Eldridge
put most of his previously earned savings into buying his loft apartment which,
technically, the bank still owned. He couldn’t wait for the tour, but right now
he only had one thing on his mind-submitting to his Dom, Dalton Peters.

As Dalton released
hand to lock the door and set the alarm, Eldridge
lightly allowed his hand to caress the swell of Dalton’s ass. “Please, Sir.” He
couldn’t believe he used the word sir, but it fit. That was how he felt, as if
Dalton Peters was already his Master and Sir. He was sure that was how life was
supposed to be. Eldridge wanted it all. He wanted a life with Dalton. He wanted
to submit to Dalton. He wanted a collar from Dalton. Damn, he wanted Dalton,
and tonight he would allow Dalton to do unimaginable things to him that made
them both feel

“El, baby, once I take
you through my closed door, I need you to know this is it. I’m not talking
about safe words and
I’m saying you’re mine. No
other. I am your Sir, your Master to command your body as I see fit. Do you
completely understand what I am asking of you?”

Eldridge stared at
their joined hands while biting his lower lip. He didn’t hesitate in his
answer. His heart already belonged to Dalton Peters, and now so would his body
and soul. “I’m ready, Sir.”


* * * *


Dalton knew that he was
taking a chance. A big fucking chance, but it was now or never. Eldridge was
his and he would know it by the end of tonight. As a Dominant, Dalton was always
so sure of himself, but he had never given his heart to another before in this
manner. Eldridge
stolen his heart
and what Master
had said all those years ago
came back to him. When a Dom collars a sub, he wears the key to the collar, so
the submissive will always know that his or her life is guarded and in safe
hands. But a submissive also holds a key. If it is a mutually loving D/s
relationship; he holds the most important key in life, the key to the Dom’s

Dalton had lost that
battle, Eldridge held that key and tonight he would be rewarded by Dalton’s
loving dominance. After locking the door he slowly turned and asked Eldridge if
he was sure if he was ready to take the next step. Once Eldridge said yes, that
was all the go-ahead Dalton needed.

He led him through the
kitchen toward the back staircase up to the second floor. This side of the
house was closest to his play room. Everything they needed was in there. Dalton
caressed Eldridge’s knuckles while leading him to the room. He turned on the
lights and the low-lit overhead shined, giving the room a surreal feeling of
warmth. As Dalton reached behind Eldridge to lock the door, he pecked the man
softly on the lips.

“Okay?” He asked
placing the bag down near the door. “You won’t need this bag for a while.”
Eldridge nodded and smiled.

“I am going to give you
instructions and I want you to follow them to the letter, understand?” Dalton
was now in Dom-mode and there would be no going back.

“First of all I need
your safe word.
Something that you would not shout in the
heat of passion.”

‘Goat, Sir. I hate

“Then, goat it is.”

“Now, I want you to
take off all of your clothes and fold them neatly on the chair.” Dalton pointed
to a specific chair in the room. “Then, I want you to stand in the middle of
the room with your hands folded behind your back and feet shoulder-width apart.
Keep your knees slightly bent, so as to not lock them and lose circulation. No
talking until I say so, unless I ask you a specific question. Do you understand?”

Eldridge nodded.

Dalton prepared a few
items as Eldridge removed all his clothing and placed them in the designated
chair. Once Dalton had the items he needed for round one, he stood in front of

“Little One, you can’t
even imagine how I feel right now. You have stolen my heart, you realize that
don’t you?”

Dalton reached out and
touched the single tear that fell from the corner of Eldridge’s eye and wiped
it away, bringing it to his mouth and licking it with his tongue.

“I love you, Sir. I
know that it’s soon, but I can’t…” Dalton pulled El toward him and kissed him
firmly on the lips. “I know,” was all he could say.

Dalton released him and
walked around his body and checked for any marking. Eldridge was smooth like a
baby. No hair on his chest, which would be perfect for wax play. He ran his
finger down one arm, and then the other, eliciting a shiver from Eldridge. He
ran his hands along the smooth expanse of his chest, tweaking each nipple.
Dalton could not wait to eventually get the rosy nubs pierced. He ran his hand
down toward the man’s beautiful cock. What his cock would look like bound,
Dalton was about to find out.

He reached around
Eldridge on the table where the items were and grabbed a leather strap and cock
ring. He explained to Eldridge what he was about to do to him. Eldridge’s cock
stood at full mast, already leaking
begging to be touched. Soon enough, though.

Dalton placed the cock
ring on
dick and clicked it into place. He then
took the leather strap and lifted his balls wrapping the strap around and then
tying it off in the front. The strap looped through the ring so Dalton could
pull the strap and release the entire contraption at once if he wanted to. He
loved the feel of
heavy balls in his hand. The
man was full of seed and ready to bust, but the night was young. Dalton planned
to make him wait to come for a little while, then when he finally allowed it,
he planned to make him come many, many times.

Dalton leaned down and
kissed the tip of
cock, dipping his tongue into
the slit and drawing out the salty liquid. Damn, the man tasted good. Eldridge
was putty in his hands or mouth. Now, Eldridge couldn’t come until he said so.

“I think first we’ll
start with a light spanking, just to warm up the body. I am going to place you
on the spanking bench and you tell me if I need to adjust the height in any
way. Any Dom worth his salt would never purposely hurt his submissive. Got it?”


Dalton laid Eldridge
across the brown leather bench, securing his hands and ankles into the straps
and making sure his dick was tucked underneath him.

Dalton caressed the
beautiful back and buttocks. A rear that was made to be
spanked and fucked. In due time, he thought.

word, Little One?”
“Goat, Sir.”

Dalton lightly tapped
the right cheek with his hand and then went to the left. Each tap became harder
and harder as he went through with the ritual. After ten swats, he rubbed the
reddened mounds and retrieved his flogger. He admired
ability to control himself, but this was only the beginning. He told El not to
come and he didn’t.
Now to take the next step and push the
self-control some more.
He wanted to teach El everything and also make
him fly.

“I want to hear you
now, Eldridge. I want to hear every moan and sound that you make. No one can
hear us in here, so shout away if you need to.”

Eldridge perspired and
the sweat trickled down his back and into his ass crack. Dalton could tell that
his ass was on fire, but not enough, yet, to allow him to come.

Dalton moved to the
front of the bench and leaned down and kissed
lips, top lip stoked in sweat. Pushing back the wet coiled curls, he showed him
the flogger. Eldridge’s eyes got wide.

“Do you trust me,
Little One?”

“Yes, Sir,” Eldridge breathed,
trying to get more words out, but to no avail.

“Good,” was Dalton’s

“Count them, Little
One. Ten with the flogger, and then maybe I will let you come.”

One by one Dalton
delivered the sting of the leather as Eldridge counted out. By the eighth one
he was shouting as he attempted to rock with the strikes. The cuffs left him
little room for moving. By the tenth, the only thing that came from those lips,
was a
, “Ten.”

Eldridge was a limp
noodle on the bench. Dalton released his ankles rubbing the circulation back
into each one and then did the same thing to his wrists. He lifted Eldridge
into his arms, and sat on the lounge chair cradling the spent man in his arms,
still wound from not coming. Eldridge curled into him as Dalton carefully
ribbed the abused flesh.

“Please, Sir. Please…”

“You were wonderful,
Little One. I think that deserves a reward, don’t you?”

Eldridge nodded as
Dalton released the leather strap that held his balls and cock from coming.
One, two
and Eldridge spilled his seed all
over Dalton’s hand and shirt. Dalton watched his face as pure ecstasy washed
over the man. His curls, soaked and sprung tight like coils of a rope, draped
over his brow. His lips parted as soft moans escaped.
A thing
of beauty.
Now that the man was good and warmed up from his first
orgasm, Dalton planned to move forward.

He placed Eldridge on
the long table and pushed his hair from his face. Eldridge looked up and smiled
at him. A goofy, loopy smile of a man well satisfied. He strapped
arms and legs down, so the man would not move and hurt

what about you?
I came, but…” Dalton leaned down and
kissed his lips letting him know that this was about Eldridge and not him, at
the moment. Dalton would have to teach Eldridge that part of his satisfaction
was seeing the look of pure bliss on his sub.

Dalton held a tapered
candle in one hand and showed it to Eldridge. He tilted the candle and a
dribble of wax found its way to the center of
chest. Dalton watched as El shivered from the heat, but then soon a moan of
bliss erupted from his lips. Dalton immediately placed an ice cube on the
heated flesh and rubbed it in a circular pattern. The dual sensation was both
erotic and stimulating. Little by little, Dalton trailed wax then ice down
Eldridge’s chest, and then on each hip bone. He then took the ice and ventured
near the cleft of each inner thigh, never nearing the man’s balls or cock.
Eldridge’s cock was ramrod straight and
hard again. Damn, but was he a thing of beauty.

Once Dalton completed
his play, he moved to the left side of the bench and slowly removed his
clothing, placing them on the pile with his partner’s. Eldridge had the look of
a man that was about to be well satisfied.

“The beauty about this table,”
Dalton explained, “is that it unhinges so I can fuck you right here and never
have to move you.” Eldridge’s eyes became large like saucers, but the amount of
liquid coming from his erect dick told another story.

“Word, Love?”

“Goat, Sir.”

Dalton smiled as he
cranked the bottom of the table to separate
legs. Now they were spread eagle. He then cranked another nob and El found his
legs lifted up and toward his chest, ass at the end of the table. Dalton
chuckled as this must be what women felt like going to the gynecologist. He
lifted the top so that El could watch as Dalton fucked him. The last thing that
he did was unstrap the hands of his beautiful sub, so El was free to touch him
as well.

Dalton reached for the
lube and placed a dollop on his finger. He leaned over El and kissed his lips
as he circled the rosy pucker just waiting to be invaded.


* * * *


Eldridge trembled from
the stimulation to his nether region. The nerve endings were firing and he felt
as if his brain was about to short circuit and Dalton hadn’t even entered him
yet. He was a bundle of emotions, raw and needy. He had no idea anything could
be this good. The spanking, the flogging, everything that Dalton had and would
do to him was a new sensation, causing his senses to go into overdrive. Never
had he experienced something so personal, and earth shattering, before. Dalton
made him fell as if he was the only one in the world that mattered.
The center of the man’s universe.

A tiny quake spiked
through his body as Dalton circled his pucker. He should have felt exposed by
the trussing he received, but he only felt love and compassion. Being naked had
taken on a whole new meaning. Eldridge couldn’t wait to find out what more
Dalton had in store for him. Eldridge was so lost in his own head that he never
realized Dalton had inserted a third finger. He shouted as his prostrate was
stimulated and pressed upon. Fingers
in and
out of his ass, opening him to take Dalton’s monstrous dick. It wasn’t just
that Dalton was long, but Eldridge barely was able to get his fingers around
it, it had such girth.
was it gorgeous. A smile
crossed Eldridge’s face as he thought to himself, if a dick could be gorgeous.
Yes, he knew the answer to that. Everything concerning Dalton was gorgeous.

BOOK: 9781631050497EldridgesReleaseArcher
10.69Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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