A Blessing & A Curse: A Angel (2 page)

BOOK: A Blessing & A Curse: A Angel
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Plopping onto the sofa, I reached for the remote. Then it happened. My stomach made this urging noise. I was so hungry and I never had to eat before. I ran to the bathroom, put on the clothes I had on before and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the gift card, bus pass, cell, and a few bucks to stuff in my new purse. I was going to the market. The keys hanging by the door went into my purse too, then right out the door I went.


I looked right toward the elevator and realized, I have no idea where the market was. The door where Kayla lived opened and a tall broad man walked out holding her hand. That must be her dad I thought to myself. "Ummm, excuse me? I'm new to the area and I need to go to the market
Any ideas?"











4) Welcome to the building...... Tony


My God she was gorgeous. Kayla described her perfectly, but she left out that her voice sounded like angels singing with every word. This petite woman was definitely a sight for lonely eyes. "Hi, I'm Tony and this is Kayla." I stuck out my hand and when she shook it, I felt warmth. I didn't want to let go but I didn't want to be weird.

She smiled, "I'm Mayice. Nice to meet you. Kayla and I met earlier. She is adorable by the way. You and her mom must be proud of how smart she is as well." The last part brought me back to reality from her gorgeous smile. Kayla's mom left when she was younger. It was just she and I since she was two.

“ I don't have a mom, Ms. Mayice. Me and my dad are happy though. Right dad?" I knew K was ok and understood why her mom left, but it didn't mean she was hurt by it. "Right kiddo!" I replied squeezing her hand.


When I looked up I noticed Mayice had a tear in her eye. It was strange to see someone we just met be upset by our story. Truth is woman usually thought it was a great reason to start flirting with me once they knew I was unattached. I was shocked. " Mayice are you alright?"


"Ummm yes, I just couldn't imagine. I'm okay really. I should be going" she turned to walk away but she was heading the wrong way. The elevators were the other way. She wasn't okay. She seemed saddened by our story and she seemed to honestly have a heart. Amazing. Rarely do you find an unselfish person with that amount of beauty.


I felt a tug on my jacket, "Dad can she come with us?" I wonder if she would want to.

"Why don't you join us for dinner? My treat of course." I asked her before she made a left down the hall, which would head to a dead end window. "We're having pizza, and then we can show you around. We'll even take you to the market. Our way of bringing out the welcome wagon."


"Say yes Ms. Mayice! I can tell you where I go to school and show where we go to church. You go to church don't you?" For a 3rd grader, Kayla could make you reevaluate your life. Even I had to look at her to hear her answer.


Her giggle was loud but it was nice to see she was interested." Oh I love church; the signing, the word, the people. I would love to go to dinner with you both. Plus I've never had pizza before."


Never had pizza? Where did she come from where pizza wasn't around? Before I could even ask, K ran and grabbed her hand pulling her to the elevators. Suddenly I felt like I was just along for the ride.


                      * * * * * * * * *

By the time we reached Pizza Place, Kayla had talked Mayice's ear off. I couldn't help but laugh and walk behind them. She never took to anyone like this before. I could see why though, Mayice seemed to really like her. I was hoping I would get to know her too.


"Table for three?" the skinny blond boy named Ian asked us. We saw him every Friday night. This was our little tradition, plus the place had an arcade that K loved. Just like her dad she was a gamer, and she was good! I shook my head yes and followed him to our table.

Immediately K asked for money to play the games. With $10 bucks, a kiss on the cheek and a sip of water, she was gone. “Where is she running off to?" Mayice asked looking puzzled.

“Kayla loves the arcade here
" I replied, and noticed her expression. "Arcade.
A place with games? "


"Oh okay. That sounds cool. I've never played a game before. Do you play?" She asked me like she never heard of guys and games going hand in hand.




"Ice is fine. Just call me Ice"


"Okay? Ice, where you from?"


She paused. I hope she isn't in some sort of trouble or is illegally here. That would suck and wouldn't be good for her to be around Kayla. "I'm from all over. I moved around a lot and never really get a chance to get comfortable. My job takes me all around. But I got a new job I start tomorrow at a cafe, and I hope it works out.” Me and you both, I thought.


"Oh well that's great! What cafe?" She pulled out a card from her pants pocket and placed it on the table. 'Cup of Joe' "wow. Really? I love that place! I go there every morning before I take Kayla to school and I go to work."


"Where do you work?" There goes that great smile again. I wonder if she knows her smile is breathtaking? Probably not.

"I work at a hospital as a RN." I looked up to spot our pan pizzas coming. "Excuse me, I'm going to try and pull K off the games to come eat. Be right back."










5) Deep in thought..... Mayice


I couldn't sleep. By the time on my phone, it was 10:00pm. 
I stood in the kitchen trying to put things away I had gotten from the market. Tony was nice enough to invite me to dinner, and show me around. When we made it to the market, I had no idea what to get. Once again they helped me out.


I couldn't help noticing all the women looking at Tony. I mean he was handsome. A natural red head, green hazel eyes, and tan skin. I could see that Kayla had his complexion and had to have her mother’s eyes. But he was tall and broad, with a great smile. She definitely had her dad’s smile. I understood why they were looking, but I don't think Kayla liked it. Tony himself didn't seem fazed at all. He didn't even notice when the cashier tried to grab his hand at check out.


Him and Kayla helped me with the bags to my apartment. She offered to stay and help me put them away, but I told them I was okay. Plus Tony said it was past her bedtime and she just wanted an excuse to stay up late. They were funny. That was probably why I couldn't see why a mother could leave her child. Kayla was amazing and sweet. She even liked school.


I gave Tony my number in case he needed someone to watch Kayla after school. He mentioned at dinner that he sometimes have to take her to work with him. I mean I could help him out. Maybe that's why I'm here.


I changed into my pjs and got in bed with my new cell phone. I figured I would play around with it till I fell asleep. Tony says it's an iPhone, whatever that means. I set my alarm for 6:00 AM since I had to be at work at 8. That should give me time to get dressed, eat, and get lost. I still had no idea where the cafe was from my apartment building but Tony said him and Kayla would walk me in the morning. He even gave me some linen to put on my bed when K pointed out there was none. I giggled to myself. That little girl was a piece of work.


Before I knew it, I was asleep.



Beep, Beep, Beep!


"Ughhhhh" what is that awful noise?" Oh it's 6 already," I say to myself as I turn off the repeating noise coming from my phone. I get up and head to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and realize I look like a tornado attacked me in my sleep.


“ I've never seen an angel with bed head"


I turn around to find Aussy leaning on the bathroom door frame laughing. "Aussy I'm not in the mood for your jokes. It's too early."


"Boy someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I give him a glare, and he continues, "Well I'm here to give you good news. Eritrea wants me to tell you how proud she is of you. Also she wants you to ...."


I quickly face him "
ome back?" I replied with a huge smile.

"No! Only God makes that call." My smile immediately drops to a frown, "But she wants to give you this."  He reached into his pocket retrieving a card.


"She wants me to have a card?" I was confused. My care package already had a card for food, and I already had cash. $2,000 bucks to be exact. What else was there?


"She wants you to go shopping with it. You know get clothes, get stuff for your new home. I told her the place was a little plain." He smirked as he looked around.


"Oh well tell her thanks. That was nice of her." I really was thankful about the gift, but I still didn't know why I was here. "Wanna go shopping with me?" I asked him. 
Yet no response. Of course he disappeared when I looked down at the card. Oh well, I'll just go by myself.



It didn't take me long to get dressed. My only clean outfit I could wear was black jeans, black tennis, and a black top. That was the uniform for the cafe and it was comfy. I brushed my teeth and pinned my hair up into a bun so it was out of my face and neck. It never bothered me before but now it seemed to itch my neck. Not to mention my deodorant smells amazing. Dove. They even made soap, lotion, and hair stuff. Kayla helped me pick it out last night at the market. I have to say she has good taste.


Once I was satisfied with my look, I went in the kitchen to wait on Tony and Kayla. Since I woke up so early, it was only 7:15. I played on my phone again, until Tony knocked on the door. "Coming," I yelled while hopping off the counter that seemed to have become a seat since I had no chairs.  I opened the door to find him wearing his own uniform, all burgundy scrubs and Kayla in her own, white blouse and blue shorts. They looked so cute.


"Good morning Ice! You ready?" Tony asked flashing his pearly whites.

"Yes, just need to grab my purse and keys," I turned to do just that and lock up. Kayla grabbed my hand again and we walked to the elevators. She wasn't talking much, “Kayla are you okay?"


Tony laughed as if my question was silly, "She's not a morning person, plus she was up late. She's always quiet in the morning. "I understood how she felt but it was like she was different person from last night. "Are you excited about your first day?"

"Yes!" and no. The truth was I was nervous and with every step closer I was scared I wouldn't do well. Once again fear. How did humans do anything with that emotion just hanging about?

















6) Emotional energy...... Tony


We walked three blocks, and then turned right. We're almost there and I could feel the nervousness rolling off Ice. She was even biting her top lip. Before we walk in to the busy place, I should say something, but what? “Hey Ice, you'll do fine. Focus on one task at a time. Before you know it you'll have this down pact!" I took her hands that she was fiddling with and gave them a gentle squeeze. "You'll do great. Plus it's your first day. Give it your best." She smiled and I knew she would be fine.


"Thanks." She looked up to the sky and said, "
t's now or never," that made Kayla giggle a little. Then she threw her shoulders back, held her head high and walked right into the loud cafe. I was amazed. Even K copied which was funny seeing as she was still groggy.

I followed them in and took K to a seat by the window. We could still see Ice talking to the manager Rell. He, like every man she walked past, gave her all his attention. I wasn't sure at first but of course, Helen his wife was jealous. Though Helen herself was pretty, she paled in comparison to Ice.


"Daddy, are you going to ask her?" Oh great Kayla was waking up now that her tea and bagel was half gone. I figured if I ignored her and sipped my coffee she would leave well enough alone. I knew better."
Just ask her out. Plus I really like her. "

BOOK: A Blessing & A Curse: A Angel
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