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Authors: Claire Ashgrove

A Christmas to Believe In (44 page)

BOOK: A Christmas to Believe In
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He glanced around the room as he helped Jesse out of her

coat. Tucked into the corner of the couch, Zoe and Alex

cuddled like all newlywed couples. But what surprised him

more than the odd inclusion of his new sister was the way

Heath turned to kiss Nicolette's temple.

"Uncle Clint!" Three dark heads shot across the carpeting

to tackle Clint's knees. He braced himself with a hand on the

wall, laughing as he struggled to get down to their level and

catch them all in a giant bear hug.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up," Alex teased as

he stood up.

"Merry Christmas, everyone." Releasing his nieces, Clint

crossed to the couch to embrace his brother. "Sorry I missed

the big event."

"You weren't the only one." Alex inclined his head toward



A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

"Hey, yeah, speaking of," Jesse interjected as she claimed

a seat on the floor in front of the fireplace. Within arms'

distance, Ethan rummaged under the tree. She gave him an

affectionate glance before she looked back to Heath. "Where'd

you run off to last night?"

"Ah..." Heath looked to Nicolette.

Clint's eyebrow arched. This ought to be interesting.

Evidently, last night he'd missed more than Alex's wedding.

"Clint, do I hear Jesse?" Amelia's voice called from the


"Yeah, Mom," he answered as he moved to Zoe to

congratulate her with a kiss on the cheek. "Good to have you

back with us, Zoe." He couldn't resist a smirk, or the

opportunity to deal his brother a much-deserved ration of

crap. "It's about time he realized that witch wasn't right for


As Amelia's awkward footsteps thumped closer to the

family room, Clint drifted to Jesse's side. He sat down, his

knee touching hers, and folded her left hand into his lap.

Alex gestured at Jesse. "You're one to talk."

"Yeah, well..." Clint gave in to a grin. He caught Jesse's

eye, gave her a teasing wink. Lifting her hand so everyone

could see, he continued, "Least I got it right the first time."

"Oh my good heavens, Jesse Saurs, get over here and hug

me," Amelia cried.

Jesse shot Clint a look that said he'd pay for her

embarrassment later, but she eased to her feet and embraced

his mother.

"Now you, Ethan," Amelia insisted.


A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

Muttering against the display Clint suspected Ethan

secretly treasured, the teen ambled over to do as requested.

"Welcome home. Both of you." His mother kissed their

cheeks. She looked to Clint, her approval vibrant in her aging

eyes. With a slow nod of her head, she congratulated him,

then clapped her hands. "Breakfast's ready. I need someone

to help me with the plates. We can't open presents until we


The girls jumped up, clambering to help. Clint looked on as

Keeley hugged Jesse, and the whole room bustled with the

murmur of congratulations and well wishes. As Ethan dropped

down on the floor beside him, he shared an eye roll with his

new son. They grinned, chuckled in unison.

Clint reached over to ruffle his hair, and drew him tight

against his side. He let go before Ethan could pull away, then

gave him a nod. Lowering his voice so no one else could hear,

he murmured, "It's a Christmas to believe in, Ethan. Welcome

to your family."

Ethan stiffened, but before the rock hard walls could make

it to his face, Ethan gave in to a smile.

In a stronger voice Clint teased, "Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to kiss your mom."

As Ethan made a gagging face, Clint stood up, dragged

Jesse away from Heath, and did just that.

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A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

A word about the author...

Claire has been writing since her early teens and

maintained the hobby for twenty years before deciding to leap

into the professional world. Her first contemporary novel,

Seduction's Stakes
, sold to The Wild Rose Press in 2008, and

she continues to write steamy, sexy stories for the

Champagne line.

Writing, however, isn't her only passion. When she's not

sitting at the computer ticking out plot lines, she raises and

trains Oldenburg, Thoroughbred and Arabian horses. Time

allowing, she competes in the sports of Show Jumping, 3-Day

Eventing, and Dressage. Many of her favorite barn friends

make cameo appearances in her horse-themed novels.

Claire lives on a small farm in Missouri with her two toddler

sons, fifteen horses, one goat, and five dogs. She credits her

success to her family's constant support and endless


Visit Claire at:

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A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

Turn the page

for an exciting preview of

Alex's King's Christmas homecoming

in the first
Three Kings
novel from

author Dyann Love Barr

* * * *

A Perfect Bride for Christmas

The Three Kings, Book I

* * * *

Available now from The Wild Rose Press

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A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

Chapter One

December 2005, Kansas City

Scrooge had it right. Bah, humbug! Christmas sucked long

and hard.

Lights twinkled on the tree, reflecting off the windows of

the darkened office. The smell of holiday spices wafted from

the potpourri dish on Zoe Hillman's desk, filling the room with

false cheer. It was Christmas Eve, and not even the large,

make that huge, bonus check lifted her spirits.

"Bah, humbug." She sniffed, wiped her tears for the

umpteenth time before she checked her resignation letter to

Cox, Zuckerman, Howe and Stanford. No matter that her

heart was shattered, her life over, it wouldn't do for her last

act as Alex King's personal assistant to be sloppy and


She reached into the candy dish on her desk,

absentmindedly unwrapped one of the truffles, and popped it

into her mouth. The chocolate melted in a creamy, dark

lushness designed to put a Band-Aid on her broken heart, but

tonight her drug of choice didn't work. Candy wrappers

littered the floor, along with half a box of used tissues. The

clock on her computer read seven p.m. Alex would be married

and on his way to Las Vegas by now. Bianca Freemont would

be his bride. Zoe's brain whipped up an X-rated vision of the

wedding night, and she grabbed another tissue to wipe her

red nose and puffy eyes.


A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

Her breath hitched, and she hit the SEND key before she

could change her mind.

God, she was so stupid.

She'd been in love with Alex from the first day he walked

through the door of the law firm. He winked at her as he

passed her desk. How could she not fall for all that dark hair,

startlingly blue eyes, and a smile designed to charm the

panties off any woman under the age seventy?

Not that Alex ever tried with her.

Another wrapper and tissue hit the floor.

Alex relied on her. She organized his office, his life—hell,

she even organized his house when he complained he never

could find his socks. Zoe became his best friend, his

confidant. She sent flowers to his women, found a

housekeeper to keep him from living in bachelor squalor. She

did everything a wife did for a man, except share his bed.

The hours they spent working together, alone at night in

the office, were the gems in her pathetic life. He'd drop by

her apartment after his Sunday jogs with Lamar's donuts.

They'd discuss various cases, the news and sometimes watch

a DVD. She had him to herself for those few brief hours. But

nothing she did could get him to see her as a woman, a

woman who'd walk over hot coals if it meant he would say he

loved her.

Instead, he told everyone she was his right hand, and

sometimes his left. His pal. Zoe blinked tears out of her eyes

and turned off her computer.


A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

Over the last three years, he'd risen in the firm from a new

hire to partner. Everyone loved him. The man could do no


Except marry the right woman.

Bianca Freemont was cold, calculating, and just plain

mean. Alex's life didn't have room for both Bianca and Zoe.

He couldn't see the two were like two cats in a bag. Hissing

and snarling at each other. But Alex saw Bianca as the perfect

wife for an attorney going places. So did the partners.

Zoe sniffed and reached for another truffle. She suffered in

silence, despising herself for being the stereotypical

secretary-falling-in-love-with-her-boss like the plots of many

of the romance novels she devoured, along with six thousand

calories a day. So, here she sat with a hundred and fifty extra

pounds of requited love.

How lame. All she got for her efforts for years of devotion

was a stuffy head, runny nose, and puffy eyes to go with a

broken heart.

A surge of anger replaced the hurt.

Let Alex find out who really watched over him, cared for

him, loved him. He wouldn't be able to function without her.

Bianca wouldn't know where his socks were, but then again,

there'd be no need for socks on the honeymoon.

She had to strike out on her own, find a new life that didn't

center on a man she could never have.

She opened the drawer of her desk where she stashed her

purse, grabbed up another tissue to stem the tears washing

over her cheeks. The clutter on the floor by her chair made

her stop. Her bulk made it impossible to bend down and pick


A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

up the evidence of her emotional tsunami. Zoe let out a sigh

and got on her hands and knees. Voices on the other side of

the door stopped her cold. Zoe's hand smothered her squeak

of surprise. Everyone had left for the Christmas holiday. She'd

thought she was alone in the office, maybe even the building.

The cleaners had already come and gone. Her heart

stammered in her chest, her breath came in short pants. Part

of her breathing problem came from the effort of getting to

the floor in the first place, but she didn't want to be caught

alone by some burglar...or worse. She couldn't get to her feet

and run, not with bad knees and ankles. She scooted under

the cubby of her large antique desk, hoping the small

enclosure would provide an adequate hiding space. Zoe held

her breath.

The door of Alex's office burst open, and she heard Tommy

Dunn's voice slur, "Why the hell do you want the tickets to

Vegas if the bitch dumped you at the altar?"

Relief washed over her. No rapist, just an asshole. What

had he said? Dumped at the altar? Alex hadn't married


"Because, my friend, I'm getting married tonight." Alex

sounded as drunk as his best man.

"You're full of crap, and booze. Who are you going to get

to marry you?" He paused. "At seven in the evening?"

"I'll marry the first single woman I see, "Alex snorted. "I'll

bet you a thousand dollars, no make that five thousand, I can

get someone to do it."

"I still say you're full of crap, but it's a bet."


A Christmas to Believe In

by Claire Ashgrove

"Just watch me. Bianca isn't the only one who can make a

point. I'm getting married on Christmas Eve, so screw her.

Family tradition and all that. Got to get married on Christmas

Eve. Mom and Dad got married on Christmas Eve, and they

have a perfect marriage." Anger wove through his voice.

"Bianca overreacted. A pretty girl smiles at me, I smile back.

I wasn't flirting with her bridesmaid. Damn it, I'm not going

to walk on eggshells just because I smile at a woman. I like

women, I can't help it. It's my nature."

"I noticed."

"S'not my fault she backed me up against the wall and

tried to kiss me."

"Not your fault at all."


"Right." Tommy Dunn's voice held a touch of disbelief.

"Honestagod," Alex slurred his words together.

Zoe leaned back against her desk, hoping they would go

into Alex's office so she could make a hasty and quiet escape.

No such luck.

"Where are the tickets?"

"Zoe's desk."

Oh, dear God, don't let them come over here
. She stuffed

her hand into her mouth. The tickets were in Alex's desk.

She'd put them there this morning and specifically told him

they were in the upper left drawer. How could he have

Oh yeah, she was talking about Alex.
If it didn't

involve jurisprudence, Alex was an organizational disaster

BOOK: A Christmas to Believe In
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