Read A Handful of Wolf Online

Authors: Sofia Grey

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Contemporary

A Handful of Wolf (11 page)

BOOK: A Handful of Wolf
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Megan’s lips tightened. “I’ll kill him,” she muttered. “He’s gone too far this time.” She paused, her eyes staring into the distance for a moment, and then snapped her attention to Phillip. “Thanks for the help with Mahmoud. I’m going now, so he’s all yours.” She was? Sasha’s wolf pushed at him but he stood still. “Sasha.” She gave him a glimmer of a smile. “I need to go tell my dad that I’m done for tonight, then I’ll come find you.” He opened his mouth to tell her he’d stay right there, and she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you don’t need to say it. Stay here, and I’ll be right back. Okay?”

Sasha nodded, not taking his eyes off the asshole. The guy must have had a death wish, for when Megan slipped back into the dining room, he waited too, and spoke as soon as she was out of earshot. “I don’t know who you are, Welshy, or what hole you’ve crawled out of, but Megan is
girlfriend. I don’t plan on giving up quite so easily. You get me?”

Sasha knew he was being baited. He could have said a dozen things, reminded the asshole that Megan had dumped him, or told him to keep the fuck away from his girl, but for once, he kept his mouth shut.


Megan knew she gave her father a flimsy excuse for leaving early. Last-minute concert tickets with the girls. In truth, the dinner party was under control and they’d cope without her, and he’d been fine. When she caught up with Alex, he’d find out just how much he’d pissed her off. It’d been Alex pushing for her to date Phillip, Alex getting Dad on his side, and Megan was over it. She might end up with Mr. Safe-but-boring one day, but it would be
decision. Right now, she wanted Sasha. It tore at her what he must have thought. He’d seen her talking to Phillip, knew she’d made the seating plans and must have assumed she was taking advantage of his good nature. Apologies made, she nodded to Phillip—now re-seated at the table—and headed for Sasha.

He leaned with his back to the wall, apron removed and crumpled in his fist. His face was shuttered and her heart lurched. This wasn’t how she’d hoped the evening would play out and she needed to fix things. “I’m sorry.” She gazed into his blue eyes and saw the doubt there. “I couldn’t get away after the first course, and I really didn’t know Phillip was going to be here.”

“Your brother set it up?”

“He did. And believe me, he’s going to regret it.”

Her words hung in the air, and for a long moment there was silence. Sasha was the first to move. He gathered her into his arms; his expression was fierce and hungry, but the tilt of his lips reassured her. “Are we leaving,

Megan squeezed him back, wrapping herself around him and thrilling at the hard bulge she felt in his jeans. His voice alone sent shivers down her spine. Add in his hands and the sweetness of his kisses, and she was in heaven. Nobody had ever had this effect on her, the ability to turn her on and drive her crazy. She needed the reassurance they were fine and she sought his lips. At the same time his roaming hands slid up her thighs and then under the hem of her dress, rising to her butt. Her very naked butt. Sasha’s breath hissed and his eyes darkened impossibly. “Christ,” he whispered. “You really have no panties on.”

“Uh-huh.” Warm palms cupped the cheeks of her ass and removed her ability to speak. Moisture pooled between her legs. If he shifted his fingers a little higher, he’d feel it, and she squirmed in anticipation. Sasha inhaled deeply, his eyes half-closed.

“Baby, I have to be inside you. Now.”

? Not here.
Her bedroom
? No. Anyone could see them going in.
Sasha’s van?
Maybe, but not parked up her father’s drive. It came to her and she released a puff of breath. “I know where to go. Can you hold on a couple of minutes?”

“I’ll let you know.”

Her laugh felt slightly hysterical and her limbs were slow to respond, but she untangled herself, grabbed Sasha’s hand and hurried toward the front door, snagging her tiny handbag on the way.

Sasha opened the passenger door and helped her into the van, his hand lingering on her bare ass. “You’re killing me here,
. Just so you know.” He raced to the driver’s door, scrambled behind the wheel and started the engine, then clutched her hand, placing it over his hard-on. It bucked against her touch. “Where to?”

“Down the drive, take the left turn just after the gate.” He shot off, the engine grumbling at the speed, and followed her directions to park beside a paddock, a minute’s drive away. She glanced out of the window at the familiar environment, wondering how he saw it. Sprawling meadows, neat fences and a copse of trees that provided the wind-break to the orchard, and the tree house.

It was the perfect hiding place, and one she hadn’t been to in years. Not since…Ryan. She’d retreated here to lick her wounds and to sob in private. Bringing Sasha here would give her a happy memory to replace the painful ones. They stood at the base of the oak tree and she showed him the knotted rope ladder they needed to climb.

“Are you okay with having sex outdoors?” She was confident the answer would be yes, but he hesitated a moment.

“Did you bring Phillip here?”

Her face warmed. “I’ve never brought anyone here. The whole outdoors thing is a total first for me. And we didn’t get that far, me and Phillip. You know, we didn’t sleep together.” She shrugged and tried to look nonchalant. “That’s a stupid expression, I’ve always thought.
together. Most of the time you just shag and go. I’ve never actually
with a guy before. You’ll be the first for that too.” Dear God, there she went again, babbling like an idiot. He’d think she was simple-minded.

Chapter 14

Sasha held onto his control by the finest of threads. He had to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth otherwise he’d have been light-headed, as every drop of blood shot straight to his cock. Harder than he ever thought possible, walking was suddenly difficult and his zipper dug painfully into the erect flesh. How he managed to follow Megan up the short ladder without taking a bite out of her ass was a mystery. His wolf was little more than a panting, desperate mess, and Sasha was driven by one basic need. To fuck the ever-living daylights out of Megan until she screamed his name, and then some more. He knew there was a condom in his back pocket and he reached for and opened it, as he ascended to the simple wooden platform.

Dust and dried leaves covered the floor and the two reclining chairs, but there was enough room to stand freely and the wooden planked walls looked smooth. “
.” He drew her into a frenzied kiss, delighted that she kissed him back just as hard.

“Sasha, I want you.” She sounded as hungry as he was and he could hold back no longer. He turned her to face the wall and eased out of his jeans, pushing them down his thighs before fitting the condom. He could smell her arousal, musky and rich, and when he pushed up her skirt he saw the moisture glistening. He traced a hand across her pussy and she whimpered. “Please, Sasha. Don’t make me wait.”

Christ, she was beautiful. “You’re so wet, baby. So hot, Megan.” He shucked up behind her and nudged her legs a little wider. This was going to be one hell of a ride. She steadied herself with her hands on the wall and pushed her gorgeous ass against his dick. His growl was playful, but he was taking charge. With one hand tangled in her hair, he used the other to guide his cock into position, before taking a firm hold of her hipbone. A distant part of his mind marveled at the contrasting textures: hair like silk and skin smooth as satin.

“Hurry,” she moaned, a heartbeat before he buried himself to the hilt. Her moan dissolved into a breathy cry that almost unhinged him. It took another couple of deep breaths and staying absolutely still before he dared to move. He’d never had a hair trigger on his cock before, but he’d never met anyone like Megan before. He forced himself to think of something else, a way to stop from going into meltdown. The dusty aroma of the dried leaves. The cicadas rattling their mating call. He groaned. Everything came back to Megan, the feel of her joined to his body. Sasha eased out, slammed back in and made them both gasp. “Again,” she whispered.

Megan was his dream fuck. Hot, wet and needy, her pussy gripped his dick like an iron fist and she urged him on harder, faster,
. Lust took over and he pounded into her, deep and unrelenting, the fist in her hair tightening as he drew closer to the edge. He tilted her head and kissed her eager lips, tried to slow down, but it was no use. He felt her clench around him, spasms wracking her as she came and he covered her mouth with his own to muffle her cries. Any moment and he’d join her, but there was something he had to do first. With shaking fingers he tugged down her scarf and sank his teeth into her neck. Another Claiming mark right over the first.
. He came in a surge of heat, his wolf dizzy with lust. He could never get tired of this, of her. His Mate, Megan.


Megan’s knees shook and if it hadn’t been for Sasha wrapping his arms around her waist, she’d have collapsed to the floor. Her heart raced and every part of her felt weak, but at the same time, she wanted to fly. What was it about Sasha? How did he turn her into this dribbling, begging mess? He eased out of her and she instantly felt bereft, but then he snuggled closer, smoothing her hair, stroking her neck. Petting her like a cat. Hot lips pressed against her nape.

“You should know,” his whisper like a caress. “Next time, we’re taking it slow, if I have to tie you to the bed first.” Unbidden, the image of herself bound and naked flooded her mind. She trembled with sudden need and Sasha chuckled. “Would you like that,
? You ever done that before?”

“Not done that,” she managed.

“Mm-hmm.” He’d begun to lick a moist trail around her ear. “Another first, huh? God, you’re so hot, baby. You’re perfect.” His hands dropped to cup her breasts and flick her nipples, and just like that, she was on the edge of another climax.

“Again?” It was an effort to speak.

“I wish, but Dion needs the van back.” He nuzzled her ear and gave it the tiniest of nips, sending another course of shivers through her body. “And besides, you promised me a dance.”

* * * *

They’d arrived back in Wellington and parked in a city side street when Megan, tucked securely into Sasha’s side on the bench seat, realized something. “I forgot my overnight bag.” She’d been floating in a haze of post-sex euphoria. It was a miracle she remembered her own name, let alone any details of the night ahead. She wanted to hug herself and squeal aloud in glee at the prospect of spending an entire night in bed with Sasha.

“Can you manage without?” He gave her a quick squeeze. “Not sure you’ll need your pajamas. I can keep you warm.” Oh boy, could he ever. He could warm her on a mid-winter night without any need for a blanket.

“I need to buy a toothbrush. And I didn’t bring a jacket.”

It was ridiculous how just his dimpled smile made her go gooey inside. “I have a spare toothbrush. Still wrapped. And you look beyond hot in my leather jacket.” He glanced up and nodded to someone outside. “Come and meet the BB’s. They’re gonna love you.”

Megan smiled and said hello to Dion, Jesse, Baz, and Neil, while Sasha helped them load an incredible amount of gear into the back of the van. Speaker after speaker, huge and heavy cabinets, guitar cases and then finally, a drum kit that took every last inch of space. It was a quicker job than she expected and while she waited, she sent texts to Lou and Nessa. They instantly wanted to know details of the band members. Beside Sasha, they all looked dull, but she supposed anyone would pale in comparison to her lover. He was just so…delicious. All the same, she tapped out a reply:

Dion, bass player, short dark hair, dark tan and muscled. Talks a lot. The joker of the band

Jesse, drums, cropped sandy hair, big brown eyes, quiet and shy

Baz and Neil—brothers—guitar & vocals, long dark hair, noisy and lively

PS–I’m staying at Sasha’s place 2nite. Gotta go, later xx

She giggled as she put away her cell phone. Nothing was guaranteed to get their attention like
. They’d be quizzing her later at the club. Minutes later, they all clambered back into Bessie, but this time with Jesse behind the wheel and Megan squashed between Sasha and Dion on the bench seat.

Of all the band members, Dion seemed the most interested to meet her; he’d shaken her hand and winked at Sasha. “I don’t know how you do it, dude.”

Sasha had replied by draping his arm over Megan’s shoulder and rolling his eyes. “Ignore him,” he murmured to her in an exaggerated whisper. “He never knows when to quit. I think he was dropped on his head as a baby.” Their banter continued for the journey across town, but Megan tuned it out. Every place her body met Sasha’s felt on fire, scorched by his touch. She was so screwed.

* * * *

Two hours later and the club was buzzing. To Sasha’s relief there’d been a service lift at the back of the building, and even though it took four journeys to move all the gear it was better than lugging it up the stairs. The same doorman had nodded and slipped him a fresh set of earplugs. He resolved to talk to the guy later, ready to give Jake an update on the rumors about the wolves being careless and letting themselves be seen. For now though, he intended to hang out with Megan.

A smoky voiced jazz singer crooned her way through half a dozen songs while the BB’s waited to go on and Sasha slow-danced with Megan. It was the closest thing he could imagine to sex in public. Even though her dress more than covered her ass, he knew she wore no panties and he itched to stroke her bare skin. She teased him right back, pressing against his groin and brushing her breasts against his chest. Slow torture and he loved every minute of it. It was the longest foreplay session he could imagine and he was almost disappointed when the BB’s finally took to the stage.

They kicked off their first set with a raucous driving rock number that caused a surge onto the dance floor, but Sasha and Megan were out of the way. Megan had gone to greet her friends, and Sasha planned to use the opportunity to talk to one of the many wolves lurking in the shadows.

BOOK: A Handful of Wolf
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