A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (6 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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He stops his thrusting and tenses further, “Marie?”

Without responding I start humping back onto him, my hand covers his as a way of saying… keep up the good work stud. Now don’t stop.

“Babe,” he groans and
works me faster. I thrust back as he thrusts forward until every inch of him is sheathed in me to the hilt. “Fuck. So tight.”

“Don’t stop,” I beg through my sleepy lust filled haze. He presses into me and grinds in a clockwise motion before pulling out and repeating the same action. While his finger forever
flicks at my clit. “Oh my god. Oh my god!” Nearly there, so close. It’s building. “Don’t stop.”

“Ugh,” he grunts and I feel a bead of sweat from his face land on the curve of my ass. “Damn it. Need more.” He presses even further into me, his dick seems to keep on growing until I feel him reach farther back than any other guy ever has. There’s a bit of pain with his relentless pounding and grinding but the other ninety percent is pleasure so potent
, I’m scared I’ll combust.

Suddenly I’m being flipped onto my back and my leg is up straight against my chest, hooked over his shoulder. His eyes squeeze tightly shut as he pounds even faster into me. I watch hi
s face contort with pleasure as mine does the same.

As soon as his startling blue eyes find mine I’m lost. My back arches and my legs tighten as heat erupts from my stomach and again, like my last orgasm, spreads through every single inch of me.

“Jake!” I cry out and wrap my arms around his neck, wanting him further in me.

He slams home two more times before releasing a feral cry and burying himself deep. His thickening length pulses and throbs before his hips begin to jerk rapidly and uncontrollably, like they did in the cab when I swallowed him whole. “Fuck, baby, fuck.” He grunts with each thrust. “Ah.” And then with a trembling body to
match my own he releases my leg from his shoulder and collapses on top of me.

My thoughts take me to only one thing as I come down from my climatic high.

Best. Orgasm. Ever.




Thank god she’s not pissed at me. Shit I got worried when she woke up. Although now I’m looking at the smile on her face it’s safe to say I have to wake her up like this more often.

That was insane. What can I even say about that? She fits
me perfectly, like her pussy is made for me. It’s a soppy notion but it’s all I could think when I was fucking her rougher than I’ve ever fucked anyone, for fear of hurting them. Not Marie, she took it all in her stride and pounded me back, just as hard. Our first time together was not like this, not at all. Sure it was amazing but it was more controlled. I think we both had worries and reservations though, due to being friends and not wanting to ruin that. This time… we both have a plan, we have eight more nights. And I’ll get eight more chances to wake her up like this. Fucking yes.

Best. Orgasm. Ever.



Chapter Five

Feeling Violated




When I awake I quickly shower and dress. I’m not shocked to find Jacob gone. I’m not particularly bothered either. I have work to do, so I head into my
study where I work on my photos and inwardly curse. All of my shit is at the store. Great.

Ah well, I am kind of hungry. I can get breakfast on the way. 
When I grab my bag from the ground in the hall I check my phone.


: I’ll see you tonight.


Quick and to the point. This is why I like our arrangement. There are no holds, no ties. We’re friends that have amazing sex. Jacob is out doing his own thing, I’m going to go and do mine. So with a skip in my step, a smile on my face and an ache between my legs from a rough morning sexual work out, I head to my car and drive to work.


The salon is shut when I arrive as it should be. We don’t open for a couple of weeks yet. Not until we release the finished photos of Jacob. Next week we’re doing some family shots of Maya, James and Evelyn and another family who are friends of Lucas’. It’s just to expand our portfolio so more people come.

It’s nice, warm and quiet inside the studio where my equipment is set up and ready to use. After grabbing the memory stick from the cash register I pad to my laptop and start editing my work. Damn I’m a great fucking photographer. Jacob looks hot with a capital H!

My phone notifies me of another text, I pick it up.


Did you get laid?


Forever subtle is our Maya.


Hell yeah I did!


On my way.


I’m in the studio, working.


Oki dokes, be there in ten. Food?


Shit, I forgot about breakfast. I should eat.


Something sweet.





“I’ve got it,” I say with a firm nod to my agent who is… let’s be honest… pissing me the hell off. “Would you stop? It’s fine.” She’s currently ranting about a release of photos of me and my group of friends from last night. “You’re overreacting, who cares if I’m seen partying with my friends? I left at eleven.”

“She’s bad for your image,” my agent, known as Kerry, practically snarls. She’s talking about Marie. There’s one photo of us leaving together, I was far too absorbed in my own lust to check for photographers. Not that I care, this is my life and I’ll fuck who I want.

I hang up because it’s too early to deal with this shit and I’ve got a radio show to get to. Why anyone would
want to listen to me droning on? I have no idea!

On the way to said show my driver whips us round to a pastry store not too far from Marie’s studio. I grin when I see Maya two cars ahead of me in the drive through, waiting for her order. I send her a quick text.


I’m watching you.


Of course you are… what am I doing then?


I watch her shake her head in amusement, I assume, through the driver’s window which is open as she waits for food.


Shaking your head.


I see her spin around in her seat before sticking her head out of the driver’s side window. She scans the row of cars behind her, clocks me and sticks her middle finger up at me. I return the gesture with a smile and quickly order as my driver reaches the order window.

“Pull over up here,” I say as Maya stops not too far ahead of us, once I’ve gotten my food.

We pull up alongside of her. “Hey Jacob,” she smiles sweetly, I notice a bag of food and a holder which contains two coffees on the seat beside her. “Where are you going?”

“Radio interview.”

She nods thoughtfully. “I’m going to see Marie. She’s in the studio.”

“Great to know,” why’s she telling me?

“Seeing as somebody fucked her and left her before feeding her,” Maya sighs with humor. “Or, at least, I assume that’s the case seeing as I’m here and you’re here and she’s there.”

I shrug, “I had to leave at seven. She’d fallen asleep. I figured I’d let her sleep.”

“Such a gentleman.”

With a roll of my eyes I explain, even though I don’t need to. “What Marie and I have, it’s good. But it’
s not serious. She gets it and so do I.”

“If you say so,” Maya giggles and gives me a finger wave. “I better go.”

“Me too, catch you later,” my window closes as we pull away.

What did Maya mean? Is Marie pissed off
that I left her without breakfast?

Those were her terms, friends… but friends do buy their friends breakfast. Shit.  I hope I haven’t hurt her feelings, which
would suck.

Nah, this is Marie I’m thinking about. She’s tough. She’ll be fine. I guarantee she was probably relieved to see me out of her house. Marie likes her space.

I should do something tonight, just in case.


: I’ll bring dinner to your place tonight… Chinese?


: Sounds like a plan.


See? She’s not pissed with me, if she was she’d tell me. I can rely on her for that. Her bluntness knows no bounds at times. When she’s pissed at you, she lets you know about it.

Now I just have to decide whether or not I want to use one of my eight remaining nights to sink into her tonight… or if we should just hang out and watch shit on TV.
Christ, that’s a hard decision. Literally hard. I want to screw her, I really do… but I don’t want to use all of my nights up in the next week. That would suck because then I wouldn’t have much to look forward to when I’m in England.

Unfortunately, as it always does when I think of Marie, my bulge comes back. Fuck. This is going to be a long day.




Maya comes into the studio with a paper bag under her arm and two cups of coffee in her hands. I smile and pat the seat beside me,
she takes it and hands me my coffee before digging into the bag. Whistling the entire time.

“And where is my chubby little goddaughter?” I ask without looking up from my computer.

Maya gasps, “Oh my god I’ve left her in the car!”

WHAT? “WHAT?” I shriek and jump to my feet. Then Maya laughs, “I’m shitting you, she’s with James at work.”

With a glare I clutch my throbbing chest, “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

“You hate kids,” she laughs harder.

“I love that kid, and Amelia. I still don’t do diapers or saliva though, or snot,” I respond and sip my coffee.

The conversation quickly changes, “Guess who I saw.” I don’t like the singsong voice behind her words.

“Do tell,” I’m not actually interested but I’ll pretend I am.

“Jacob,” she bounces in her seat a little. “Getting breakfast…”

Sigh. “That’s nice.”

She goes quiet for a moment, I can see out of the corner of my eye she’s bursting at the seams with questions. So I answer for her, “Yes we screwed, yes it was fabulous and yes we’re doing it again, eight more times.”

Her hands go up as she thanks the Lord. What is it with her obsession over Jacob and me? “Is he taking you to England with him?”


“Has he asked?”

Sigh. “No.”

“And if he does?”

“I’d say no, we’re about to open this joint remember? I can’t leave!”

“You’re leaving for my wedding,” she states.

“But we aren’t taking any bookings for that week,” I bite into a croissant and sigh as it hits my stomach. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” My stomach growls in agreement.

Maya flips her phone open.

“So,” my own curiosity peaks. “What’s wrong with you and James? Things seem a little tense between you t
wo lately.”

“He’s the same old jealous and possessive James,” she shrugs like nothing’s changed
and isn’t actually that bothered. “As you probably already know, I have a new assistant and he is soooo hot. Like really amazingly hot. Nowhere near as hot as James, or Lucas or Jacob but he’s still fucking hot.”

“He’s hot?” I just want to hear her say it again.

“So, so, very, extremely hot,” with a hand fanning her face she turns her phone towards me.

I look at the tanned skinned, black haired Italian looking beauty and murmur my agreement, “Shit babe… he is hot.”

“Yeah, James hates him.”

I snort, “No kidding.”

“But he’s amazing, and his references are excellent. He doesn’t mind travelling. He’s a proper PA, Margie was great but she’s just had a kid and she likes working with Oliver,” Maya shrugs. Oliver is the guy who took over Maya’s office when she left James and moved to LA. Margie is… or was… her assistant for a few years and also a preacher’s wife. Introductions over. “He’s the same age as Lucas. He dresses well, he’s intelligent, funny, and great to talk to, makes you comfortable and knows the ins and outs of my business, so I don’t have to run everything by him. It was either pick him or pick someone who could barely tie their shoes… the people who I interviewed were terrible. It was almost like watching the bad auditions for the X-Factor. Minus the singing and the laughter.”


“What would you have done?” I notice a vulnerability to her tone and reassure her like an honest and good friend, “I would have hired him and fucked him.” Because the guy is hot… and I tend to bonk hot guys.

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