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Authors: Debra Mullins

A Necessary Husband (12 page)

BOOK: A Necessary Husband
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He made a low, humming sound of approval and slowly released her nipple from between his lips. Looking into her eyes, he continued to stroke her woman’s parts, making her shiver as he leisurely drew circles over her damp, sensitive flesh with his fingers. She shifted her grip to his shoulders and clung, her nails digging into the firm muscles.

“Let go, Lucinda,” he whispered. “Let go.”

She shivered, then closed her eyes and moaned as he gently slipped one finger inside her. It felt so strange and yet so familiar to be touched this way, and her body seemed to know how to move, undulating against his hand in a basic rhythm. He stroked his thumb over that especially sensitive spot again, and she stared at him, open-mouthed, as pleasure streaked through her.

Good heavens, was
what all the fuss was about?

Another jolt shook her, and as he continued to caress her, she felt something building, a deep wave of pleasure that started where his skillful fingers played and spread through her whole body, stronger and stronger, making her tremble and shake. He bent his head forward and took her nipple in his teeth—and she cried out with the shuddering ecstasy of her very first climax.

One moment she was shuddering in his arms, and the next moment they lay tangled together on the sofa, his hands stroking her back as he murmured soothing words in her ear.

She was still shaking, and Lord help her, she couldn’t look at his face. She was panting, and she was sweating, and her limbs felt so heavy she didn’t want to move. She nuzzled her face into his throat, tears inexplicably stinging her eyes.

What had the man done to her?

“Are you all right?” he asked, stroking back a tendril of hair that had escaped from the braid she habitually wore to bed.

She couldn’t speak, only nodded.

“Good.” He shifted beneath her, working at the fastenings of his breeches. “Because I’m not done with you yet.”

She lifted her head at that, eyes wide in amazement. He chuckled, then gently reached out to flick an errant tear from the corner of her eye.

“It’s all right,” he said softly. “We can stop if you like.”

Wordlessly, she shook her head, then slowly shifted until she sat astride him. He lifted his hands to her breasts, watching her with inquisitive eyes as she reached into his unfastened garments and gently touched his erect shaft.

He jumped, his eyes closing halfway as she tentatively explored his male flesh. His reaction pleased her, and she giddily realized that she had the power to reduce him to mind-numbing rapture just as he had done to her.

The knowledge gave her courage.

She tugged his breeches and small clothes down over his hips far enough that his erection sprang free. Taking him in both hands, she explored the hard length of him, marveled at the silky smoothness of his skin, and wondered at the tiny drop of clear liquid that appeared at the tip.

“You’re killing me,” he groaned. He clenched his hands on her thighs, and his breath hissed from between his teeth as he let her explore.

“Do you like this?” she asked, amazed at her own brazenness.

“Can’t you tell?” His hips lifted off the sofa as she tentatively circled the tip of him with her finger.

“I think you do,” she murmured. “What else do you like?”

His hot blue gaze locked on hers. “I want to be inside you.”

The breath whooshed from her lungs, and her body surged with renewed desire. “Yes—please.”

He tugged her forward until the entrance to her body was directly over his straining flesh. “Take me inside you, Lucinda,” he whispered. “Take me as your lover.”

His bold words echoed through her, and with a deep breath, she slowly lowered herself, allowing him to guide her. The blunt tip of him rubbed against her damp folds, then suddenly he was inside her, stretching her inner walls with the unaccustomed size of him. Her eyes slid closed, and she let out a low cry as their bodies fused completely.

Her body protested, unused to such activity. He held her in place with his hands on her hips, and slowly she could feel herself adjusting. Never had she felt like this with a man inside her!

Though it wasn’t exactly comfortable, the pain she’d felt before was absent. Still, the longer she remained in her current position, the better it seemed to get. She could feel the little pulsations of adjustment deep inside her, and she shifted a little, to try and get a better fit. He groaned, and she realized that such a movement gave him pleasure.

Well, well, well.

She shifted again, squeezing inner muscles that she never knew she had, and was rewarded by a strangled sound of surprise and the clamping of his fingers on her hips.

His eyes were closed, and sweat beaded his forehead. His jaw clenched. She realized that he was trying to hold back his natural movements until she was ready for him, and a wave of tenderness swept over her.

“Garrett,” she whispered. He opened his eyes, revealing a smoldering heat that thrilled her. She reached out to cup his face. “Help me. I don’t know what to do.”

His nostrils flared at her words, and his eyes narrowed to slits, but then he took the hand that cupped his cheek and pressed a gentle kiss into the palm. He placed her hand flat against his chest. Then, holding her hips, he showed her how to move.

It started out as a gentle rhythm, and she braced her hands on his torso, lost in the amazing feel of making love to this man. She caressed his chest, tangling her fingers in the curling dark hair, brushing his flat male nipples. He surged upward at that, filling her to the limit, and she gave a cry of surprise followed by a sweep of desire. She began to experiment, running her hands over his body, discovering the places that made the breath hiss from between his teeth and made him thrust harder inside her. Every force
ful plunge excited her more and more. When she leaned forward and playfully licked one of his nipples, he lost all control.

With a fierce growl, he pulled her to him for a passionate, open-mouthed kiss. His other hand clasped her backside, her squeal of surprise swallowed up by his mouth. Harder and harder he thrust inside her, his tongue following the movement, tangling with hers. A keening noise rose in the back of her throat as her head spun and her climax rose up, slamming through her with a force that made her moan, low and loud and deep.

He followed a moment later, thrusting upward into her shuddering body, his hoarse groan lost in their kiss.

Minutes later, or maybe hours, he raised his head from where he’d buried it in her neck. Kissing her softly, he whispered, “Stay with me tonight.”

Just one night, she thought. “All right.”

Then she let him lead her once more down the road of sensual delights.

hat an excellent start to an affair

Garrett smiled as he thought back to the night before. After he and Lucinda had realized that the library door was unlocked, they had sneaked up to his room to continue in more private surroundings. When he had awakened early that morning she was gone, which he had expected. Had she been discovered in his bed, her reputation would have been ruined. But still, he had missed the feel of her in his arms.

Given their late night the evening before, the ladies had slept past noon, then dressed and gone out on their rounds of social calls. Garrett had bided his time, but now it was teatime, and he would at last see Lucinda. He wanted to look into her eyes and share a secret smile about their night together.

He wondered what shade of pink she would turn.

Chuckling, he went downstairs to the drawing room. Despite her initial reluctance, Lucinda had taken to carnal pleasures with a natural sensuality that had surprised her more than it had him. Her responses were so innocent that he suspected she’d never enjoyed lovemaking before. Obviously her husband hadn’t had the skill to bring out that side of her.

Unlike him, he thought with a smug smile.

He arrived in the drawing room, and there she was, looking good enough to eat in a pale green dress, her hair arranged in becoming curls. Meg was with her, happily regaling the duke with tales of their social calls. The old man smiled indulgently and sipped his tea.

“There you are, Kelton,” Lady Agatha called out. “We’ve started without you, and if there are no more of Cook’s berry tarts, you have only yourself to blame.”

“You would be right, Aunt Agatha, but I do hope you saved me some.” He smiled at Lucinda, but she wouldn’t look at him. Was she shy now, in the light of day?

“Oh, Garrett, there are plenty left,” Meg said with a giggle. “Come have tea, and I shall tell you everything we did today. Lucinda and I have secured invitations to Alexandra Bowen’s
come-out ball. It is the most sought-after invitation of the Season!”

“I’m happy for you, puss.” He sat down and smiled at Meg, then turned his attention to Lucinda. “And I’m certain Mrs. Devering is pleased with herself today, as well.”

Lucinda finally looked at him, but there was no answering spark in her dark eyes. “Indeed, Captain, I am most satisfied with the day’s accomplishments.”

“And what about last night?” Garrett asked, pushing for some glimmer of acknowledgment. “Were you not satisfied with the night’s entertainment?”

“Lady Renfrew’s ball was most enjoyable,” Lucinda replied coolly. “Meg was quite a success.”

“A stunning success,” Erasmus chimed in.

Garrett frowned at Lucinda. What was wrong with her? There was no shared smile of understanding, no knowing glint in her eye. There should have been
, but she acted as if she had not spent the night in his arms.

What the hell was going on?

Garrett sat through the rest of the interminable tea staring broodingly at Lucinda. He noticed how she refused to look at him. Did she regret last night?

Hell, was she going to stop the affair?

He wouldn’t allow that to happen. Never had he spent a more satisfying night in a woman’s arms. He had been enchanted by her hesitant touch, undone by her innocent blushes as she learned how to please him. They had made love three times altogether, and each time she had let herself go more and more until she had actually cried during her last climax, before collapsing into a deep sleep in his arms.

He had never had a woman so driven to passion that she’d cried in his arms. If Lucinda was just discovering this side of herself, he wanted to be there as she uncovered each new facet. He was certain it would be a fascinating journey.

He glanced at her closed expression and waited until tea was over. The duke excused himself, and the ladies followed him. Garrett pulled up the rear and laid a hand on Lucinda’s arm just before she followed Lady Agatha and Meg from the room. “A word with you, Mrs. Devering.”

She whirled to face him, taking a step back so they no longer touched. “Your sister—”

“My sister can do without you for a few moments.”

“Lucinda, are you coming?” Meg asked, poking her head back into the room.

“I want to ask Mrs. Devering some questions about tonight’s ball,” Garrett said to Meg. “I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, puss.”

“All right, I’ll see you upstairs, Lucinda.”

Lucinda nodded, and with a flash of dimples, Meg left them alone.

“What is it you want, Captain?” Lucinda asked, her expression coolly polite.

He gently touched her cheek, and she pulled away. He frowned. “Did I hurt you last night?” he asked. “Is that why you won’t look at me today?”

“Not at all, Captain.” She glanced away.

He took her by the shoulders, holding on when she tried to shrug him off. “Talk to me, Lucinda. Last night was one of the best experiences of my life, and I would like to continue that way.”

“Then I am sorry to disappoint you, Captain. Last night is over, and it will not be repeated.”

Garrett stared at her. Where was the passionate woman he had taken to his bed last night? He had thought that she had warmed to him. Hell, she had practically burned up in his arms!

“What do you mean, it will not be repeated?” he demanded. “I thought we were lovers.”

“Will you keep your voice down?” Flushing, she glanced toward the open door. “We
lovers, for one night only. Now we must both go on with our lives.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” He pulled her to him and pressed a kiss to her lips before she pushed him away. “Damn it, Lucinda!”

Lucinda took a step back, hiding her shaking
hands by folding her arms across her chest. Why was he making this so difficult? Didn’t he know how hard it was for her to look at him and resist touching him and kissing him?

“Garrett, don’t make this harder than it is,” she begged softly.

“Don’t make what harder? We started an affair, and now you are saying it is finished. Why?”

“It wasn’t an affair,” she said. “It was just one night, a gift to myself, because I wanted you so much. But we can’t continue this way. There is no future for us.”

“Of course there’s a future. What about all the nights ahead of us before I leave?”

“No, Garrett. I can’t look for a husband if I’m spending my nights in your bed.”

“Why are you so stuck on the matter of a husband? Can’t we just enjoy each other now, and you can find a husband after I leave?”

“An affair could ruin my chance at marriage! Oh, why can’t you be reasonable about this?”

“Why can’t you?” he shot back. “Damn it, woman, I can’t recall a more erotic night in my entire life, and I have no intention of giving that up!”

“Get used to disappointment,” she snapped, finally losing her temper. “You and I are from different worlds, Captain. My life is here, in a country you hate. The only honorable option for
a gently bred lady is marriage. You have already said that you are not interested in a wife.” She folded her arms and tilted her head, narrowing her eyes at him. “Of course, if you have changed your mind, then we might have something to discuss after all.”

“No, I haven’t changed my mind,” he retorted. “I have no desire for a wife holding me down.”

“And I have no desire for a casual lover,” she shot back. “I want security and companionship, and that means marriage.”

“Financial security, you mean.”

She jerked her head in a nod. “Exactly.”

“I didn’t think you were as mercenary as other women, Lucinda,” he said with a faint sneer. “I should have known better.”

“I have no choice, Garrett. It’s either marry, or I starve.”

“What about working?” he demanded. “Hasn’t anyone in this blasted country ever heard of doing a day’s work for a day’s wages?”

She tilted her chin proudly. “No Northcott has ever gone into trade, Captain. I don’t expect you to understand about duty to the family name, as you cannot bring yourself to accept your own responsibilities to your title. But I will do everything within my power to not damage my family’s reputation.”

“So rather than earning a living like any de
cent human being, you would marry some unsuspecting fellow and leech onto his money.”

She paled. “That is a crude and simplistic way of putting it. I would point out that he gains someone to run his household and give him an heir.”

“And what about passion, Lucinda?” His fingers tightened on her shoulders. “Where does passion fit into your nice, tidy little picture?”

“Maybe it doesn’t,” she said, jerking away from him. “But passion often fades, whereas good, solid companionship can last forever. I am not looking for a love match, Captain.”

“Maybe you should be.”

She laughed bitterly. “I learned my lesson about that years ago, Captain. I am not some green girl to fall for pretty words and a handsome face. A woman in my position has to be practical.”

“Some things just aren’t practical, Lucinda.” He pulled her back to him for a long, hard kiss. When he released her, her body roared its protest. “This isn’t over by a long shot,” he warned. “I haven’t had my fill of you yet, Lucinda Devering.”

As he stormed from the room, she raised a trembling hand to her lips, acknowledging a truth she had not wanted to face.

She hadn’t had enough of him yet, either.


Lady Westlake’s dinner dance was the entertainment for the evening, though Garrett found precious little reason to be entertained. Aside from his sister’s obvious delight in her many dance partners, he spent the evening pondering the difficult puzzle that was Lucinda.

He should just forget about her and move on. In a city like London, there was bound to be any number of hungry widows or seductive actresses to entertain him. Women who accepted sex for what it was and did not insist on putting the price tag of his freedom on it.

But none of them would be Lucinda.

Damn it all! What was it about the prickly Mrs. Devering that attracted him so?

Maybe before he had sampled her charms, he might’ve been able to walk away. He usually could even after seducing a woman into bed. But something about Lucinda made him linger. In his arms, she had turned from a proper English lady into a seductive woman with a voracious appetite for bed sport. The transformation fascinated him, especially since she was back to being the oh-so-correct Mrs. Devering today.

If he got her alone, how long would it take to turn her back into that lusty creature?

Looking at her, he pondered the idea.


Lucinda could feel Garrett’s eyes on her and tried to pay attention to what Lady Agatha was saying. Still, she found herself getting more and more distracted. She finally cast him a sidelong look of annoyance, but he simply gave her a slow, heated smile that brought forth an answering surge of need from her body.

She turned her back on him.

He placed his hand on her arm. “Mrs. Devering, may I have this dance?”

“No, Captain, you may not,” she replied without turning around.

“Now, Mrs. Devering,” Lady Agatha said. “Go ahead and dance with the boy. I shall watch out for Meg.”

“Good evening, all!” Knightsbridge caroled as he joined the group. “Grandmama, you are looking lovely this evening.”

“You young scalawag,” Lady Agatha said with an affectionate smile. “I’m surprised you’re not in the card rooms.”

“Headed there,” Knightsbridge declared. “Once I fetch Kelton, here.”

“Yes, my lord, why don’t you go to the card rooms,” Lucinda said with a sweet smile at Garrett.

“After our dance,” Garrett replied with easy determination.

Before Lucinda could refuse him, their group
was joined by a gray-haired mammoth of a woman with a dark yellow turban and an equally yellow evening dress. Lady Penelope accompanied the formidable dowager.

“Agatha, my dear!” trilled the older woman. “How wonderful to see you!”

“Sophia, you look wonderful,” Lady Agatha replied, returning a fond embrace. “Allow me to introduce you to my great-nephew, Lord Kelton. And of course you know my grandson Knightsbridge. My dears, this is the Countess of Farvendale, Lady Penelope’s grandmother.”

Knightsbridge immediately bowed over the countess’s hand. “Enchanted, my lady,” he drawled smoothly. He cast Penelope a less amiable glance. “Lady Penelope, lovely as always.”

“My lord,” she said with a cool nod.

“Sophia, let’s go off and have a coze,” Lady Agatha said. “The young people can dance while we talk.”

“Excellent notion, Agatha,” the countess approved. “Well, lads? Which one of you will lead out my Penelope?”

Lady Penelope looked at Garrett.

Garrett smiled at her. “I’m afraid I’ve already asked Mrs. Devering for this dance, Lady Penelope. Perhaps I may have the next one?”

Penelope nodded and gave Garrett a shy smile. Lucinda opened her mouth to protest, but
Lady Agatha turned to Knightsbridge. “Well, boy, what are you waiting for?”

Knightsbridge looked as if he had swallowed something particularly distasteful. “Ah…Lady Penelope, may I have this dance?”

Lady Penelope didn’t look particularly excited about the prospect, but she graciously gave her hand over to Knightsbridge so he could lead her out onto the floor.

Lady Agatha made a shooing motion at Garrett and Lucinda. “Go on with you now, Mrs. Devering. You know how you love to waltz.”

“But Meg—”

“Don’t you worry about her,” Lady Agatha reassured her. “I’ll be sitting right here with Sophia, and we’ll watch out for her. You go enjoy yourself, my dear.”

Garrett bowed to the ladies. “You are most kind, Aunt.”

Lucinda could do nothing else but allow Garrett to lead her out in a waltz.

They took their places on the dance floor, his hand lightly on her waist, hers on his shoulder. He clasped her other hand, and as his fingers curled around hers, Lucinda was reminded of the night before, when he had been deep inside her, and he had pinned her hands to the bed on either side of her head and twined their fingers in exactly the same way as he brought her to
shuddering climax. She darted her gaze to his, and she could see that he remembered, too.

BOOK: A Necessary Husband
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