Read A Red Apple Online

Authors: Chaundra Soliz

A Red Apple (10 page)

BOOK: A Red Apple
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“So what was that about with your professor Pipes?” Carter begins questioning me yet again
while we are walking towards my dorm.

“What are you talking about Carter? We were in the middle of something and you interrupted us.” I regret the word vomit just as soon as it leaves my mouth.

“What were y’all in the middle of?” Carter stops dead in his tracks to ask.

“Carter, baby, we were discussing my grades in his class and a possible opportunity to do an internship next semester.” I lie. I am getting better and better at deceiving folks these days.

“That’s all you had to say but shit you acting all shady about it. So why the hell he seemed so moved when I called you my girl?”

“Actually he’s friends with my big brother so he tries to look after me. I don’t like to tell people because it’s embarrassing to have a spy.” More and more lies are falling out of my mouth.

“Ohhhh shit! Now I see baby. That’s all you had to say, I could respect that. You know I got 3 little sisters and I’m very protective of them. I thought y’all was fucking or some shit like that.” Lucky for me he buys it.

“Never that,” I seal the deception with a kiss on his lips. “But baby I have to go to the dorms so I can pack up for Christmas break. I will call you later.”

Chapter 12 Piper: Home Sweet Home

There is nothing like the smell of my mom’s pot roast, sweet potatoes, green beans and sweet rolls. I have
n’t had my mother’s cooking since August and that was 4 months ago. I am eager to get my grub on but first I run to my old room to put on some comfortable clothing. I throw on some grey Texas State sweats and a matching red t-shirt. I don’t get to dress down too often in public around my mother because she would never hear of it and my grandmother would probably turn over in her grave. I can get away with it at school because she’s not around.

“Piper, honey, is that you?” My mother asks as I am approaching the kitchen.

“Oh mommy I miss you so so so much,” I wrap my arms around her small frame for a tight hug. “I’m so happy to be home.”

“I miss you too baby and you look so thin. Do you ever eat?
Here let me make you a plate.” Her eyes roam over my body with concern.

“Yeah ma of course I eat bu
t I’m just so busy with college, studying and stuff.” I assure her while taking a seat on a bar stool in front of the large island in the middle of our kitchen.

I see. So how are your grades?” My mother being big on academic wants to know.

“They’re good but I will not know for sure until next week some time when the grades are put into the system.”
I inform her.

“What about sororities? You know you are a legacy in mine.”
She says while dumping some pot roast onto a plate.

“Yeah you’ve been telling me since I was 5 so I can’t forget mom.”
I suck my teeth and roll my eyes.

“That’s not the answer I was looking for.” My mother snaps
and places the tray in front of me.

“Well… you know my favorite colors are cherry and crème,” I answer her justly because I had made my mind up a few days ago.

“Oh baby really? I am so proud to hear that. So how is everything else Piper?” She places her elbow on the island and rests her chin on her hands.

“Everything i
s perfect mom,” I say taking a bite out of my roast.

“How’s Brianna by the way? I talked to her father recently and he told me she’d come home for thanksgiving last month. Some man has moved in with him so you know what that’s about.” She says suspiciously. I already know what she is hinting at because the rumors of B’s dad being homosexual have been looming in the air for years now.

“Mom stop it, that’s not nice. But anyway B is alright.” I say as my phone chimes.

I need to handle my unfinished business with you.’ It’s a text.

‘Who is this?’ I reply back.

‘Stop playing games with me shorty.’

I will not be back any time soon. I’m at home for Christmas and will be in NY for New Years.’

Got it and FYI I do not share… anything of mine. You need to drop that bad habit before I have to.’

‘He is my boyfriend so I can’t do that.’
I text him back.

‘Piper we’ll talk more about this
in the big apple. I can be very persuasive.’

I turn my phone off and throw it in the corner. I hate how demanding Zeke can be especially with no commitment. I feel so confused about whatever we have going on. At times
, it seems like he enjoys the idea of me feeling out of the loop. And what did he mean by we’ll talk in the big apple?

“Who is he?” My mother knows me all to well.

“His name is Dr. James… Ummm… I mean Zeke.” Damn! I have just opened up a can of worms and my mother is not one to fall for the okiedoke.

“Piper, a damn professor? What the hell has gotten into you? Is he married?”

“No mom, he’s single and it just sort of happened.”

“Piper this is not okay! Of all the young men at the college you could date… I mean, how in the world… Do you love him?”

“Yes I do but he’s so arrogant. So I love him but I hate him and I don’t understand how I could be so hot and cold with him. It’s so freaking complicated.” I am balling my eyes out. “Please don’t tell daddy, he wouldn’t understand.”

“Its okay Piper,” My mom takes me into her arms and kisses my forehead. “But it’s time to grow up and be a young woman now. Your laying down with a grown ass man and now is not to the time to be weak.”

“I have a boyfriend too.” I let it all out and for the first time in months I feel relieved.

My mother gave me a whole new outlook on my dilemma. I didn’t realize how powerful the P was until she helped me put things into perspective. Now I understood why Dr. James was willing to jeopardize his entire career over me
that day in his classroom. He felt disrespected on his turf and he was ready to protect what he felt was rightfully his. The ball was in my court and every future move depended on how I played the game. A woman sure of herself will always come out a winner because she makes her own moves on her own terms. I made the decision to turn my phone off over the break and not talk to anyone. I told B to Skype me if she needed to talk.

My father is in New York for business concerning one of his top artists. He won’t be home until Christmas Eve. My brother and his girlfriend Shawn will not come until Christmas day because they have to spend some time with her family as well. Between football and school
, he will only be home for a few days. I am a little bummed out about that but I will try to get as much time with Thomas as possible. I can’t wait to see the two men in the world I love the most.


Christmas Day

My mother hasn’t cooked anything extravagant this Christmas. She says since my brother and I have been gone
, she doesn’t make huge meals. She has cooked barbecue ribs, macaroni, baked beans and corn on the cob. I am so hungry my mouth is watering. It is a tradition that my mother and I make an apple pie together every Christmas and we did. I have really enjoyed spending time with my mother the last two weeks. Things are different between us now, like we are friends.

“How are my
two favorite girls?” My Daddy says with open arms. I let my mother hug and kiss him first because that has always been her rule.

Daddddyyyy,” I yell and leap into his arms. “I thought you were going to be home yesterday?”

“The weather was bad in New York so I couldn’t fly out.” He kisses my cheek. “Did you miss your old man?”

“Of course I did Dad and I’m glad you’re here.” I say still holding on to him.

“Pops what’s happening,” Thomas comes in seconds later and daps our father up. They always do this but they never hug.

“Thomas!” I punch him in the arm. “Your like a giant now dude.”

Everyone greets each other and heads to the family room
to open gifts. Our parents tell us never to buy them anything because they always have enough money to get what they want on their own. My mother has brought me a pair of 3-carat diamond studs and my father got me a Rose Gold Movado watch. Thomas hands me a $100 gift card to MAC cosmetics and I can’t help but laugh.

“Shawn picked it out,” he laughs throwing his girl under the bus.

“Well what can you buy someone that has everything?” Shawn says in her defense.

“I cant argue with that,” I throw my hands up.

When we finish opening gifts we all head to the kitchen to eat. Thomas tells everyone to stop and I know what is about to happen. He gets down on one knee and his eyes begin to water. My throat is warm and I want to cry but I refuse. I look over at my mother who is beginning to cry with her hands covering her mouth. My father looks composed like he always does. Shawn on the other hand, seems genuinely taken back. Her eyes are wide with anticipation and she is gasping for air.

“Shawn baby, I know we’ve had some rough times and I know I haven’t been perfect.
And I apologize for not being there for you like I should’ve been. But I can’t begin to see my life without you in it and I want to know… if you would do me the honor of being Mrs. Thomas Smith?” My brother says opening a black box, revealing the icy rock that once belonged to our mother.

“Yes!” She screams and bends down to hug and kiss him. “I never wanted anything more.”

Dinner with my family is absolutely amazing. Everyone is getting along so well which is never the case. Our family is close but we can never be in one place too long without something going wrong. Whether it is my mom yelling at my father about being away too much or my father getting on my brothers case about staying focused on the field, if it isn’t one thing it’s another. I am rarely the topic of discussion because I always do what I am supposed to. I wonder how they would feel if they knew Perfect Piper isn’t so well to do anymore? Good thing they don’t because the joy in the room is much appreciated. We are laughing, eating, reminiscing about the good old days and laughing and eating some more.

After dinner we always
watch a movie and it’s my turn to pick this year. “So I want us to watch… drum roll please Thomas… Friday!”

“Hell no.” My dad starts shaking his head. “I am not watching that again you guys have burnt me out on that movie.”

“Please,” I whine. “It’s my favorite.”

“Baby sis I love you but I can’t sit through that movie again either.”
Thomas adds.

“How about we all talk some more,” My dad eyes me shadily.

“Sure.” I answer. I look down because I hope he hasn’t found out about everything going on with me in Houston. Knowing him, he probably has. I will try to be as honest as I possibly can because my dad and I have a very honest relationship with each other.

So who is Zeke James?” My dad asks.

My mother eyes widen and she asks Shawn to help her clean up the kitchen. I don’t want them to leave me in the hot seat between these two pit bulls.

“Zeke… I mean Dr. James is umm… My professor.” I say honestly.

“Your professor huh? Well he must be more than that because I don’t know very many professors who call or text their students all night long. And before you lie, my lawyer has already sent me the transcripts so I have read the messages.” He says and takes a sip of wine.

“What the fuck? Piper what is dad talking about?” My brother is turning red with anger.

I sit there looking at my brother with a blank expression. There is no way in hell I am going to tell him I’ve been lying to him all of this time. Not only would he want to kill Dr. James but also he will be hurt that I kept something like this from him.

“Tell us both what I am talking about Piper.” My dad says sternly.

“I…I…umm well you see we are friends daddy. You know like we just be talking about different things that I be going through at school and stuff. So he’s like a mentor really and he teaches me things.” I know what I just told them makes no sense but although I am fucking a man, I am not grown enough to tell my dad about it.

“What the hell are you talking about baby sis?” My brother asks annoyed with my vague response.

“What do you mean he teaches you things? He can’t teach you that shit in the classroom?” My dad’s voice has raised a notch.

“Yeah he teaches me in the classroom too but some things you can’t be taught in a lecture.” I shake my head because I have already said way too much.

“What I want to know is why he’s sending my eighteen year old daughter messages saying he wants to fuck her AGAIN?” My dad roars popping his knuckles.

“Piper tell me dad is lying.” Thomas looks at me with pleading eyes. My brother’s heart is breaking.

“Please don’t do this Daddy!” I beg him.

“Piper is fucking now.” My brother says to himself more than to my dad or me.

“Are you sleeping with your professor? It’s a yes or no question.” My dad asks looking at me in my eyes.

“Daddy if you have already read the messages then you know the answer to that. This is so embarrassing, I can’t even believe I am having this conversation with you two.” I whine.

“Yes or no Piper?” My dad repeats.

“I will kill this motherfucker man. I don’t want to hear anymore of this shit.” Thomas throws his chair back into the wall and walks out of the dining room.

“I can’t believe you would do this to me Dad. It’s my own life and I am living and dealing with the decisions I have made. But that doesn’t give you the right to force me to talk about my sex life with you and Thomas. So what, I did it…that’s not a crime is it? I have never did anything wrong my entire life and the one mistake I make, you turn it into an open discussion.” I say to him with my heart aching.

“I want to meet him very soon so I suggest you get his ass to Dallas. If I have to come to Houston, it will be a fucking problem.” My dad says with a straight face.

BOOK: A Red Apple
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