A Reluctant Courtesan (Harem Masters #1) (Harem Masters Series) (5 page)

BOOK: A Reluctant Courtesan (Harem Masters #1) (Harem Masters Series)
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Kalliope had spent hours studying her mother’s broach. The
delicate filigree laurel wreath leaves were smooth beneath her fingers and
Kalliope could remember her mother carefully braiding her long, thick hair and
pinning the fine jewelry above her right ear. Still her heart ached for her
mother, even after all these years.

Kalliope had counted her money only a handful of times, and
each time she counted it, she felt ridiculous. She could not even fathom the
amount that Orestes must have paid, because the share that Gaia gave her was
more than Kalliope could even dream of earning. It was at least five years of
wages - without a cut for a brothel owner.

Kalliope usually just checked on the small pouch to make
sure it was still in its safe place.

At the moment, Kalliope was sitting on the cot again, eating
a handful of dried nuts and she wiped her hands off before carefully untying
the tissue paper. As gently as she could, she pulled out the three magnificent
gowns that Thea Gaia had given her. Even after studying them every day for the
past week, Kalliope was still in awe each time she pulled them out. The colors
were so rich and vibrant, the fabric was so subtle and fine, and the cuts were
an absolute dream.  The Gods themselves couldn’t have designed better dresses.

A loud noise on the deck above distracted Kalliope and she
quickly stowed her belongings. She snuck out of her room and discreetly made
her way onto the deck. She peered out over the water and she couldn’t help but

Straight ahead was land and she could just make out a city
in the distance. Though she had never laid eyes on it before, Kalliope felt
with certainty that the city was Athens.

The next hour was a blur as Kalliope hurried back downstairs
to get her things and was then escorted off by Orestes. The soldiers began to
go their separate ways but Orestes kept Kalliope close. She realized that a
horse was waiting for her for the remainder of the journey.

The countryside blew by and Kalliope watched with wide eyes,
as the city of Athens loomed larger and larger. The buildings were tall and
white and Kalliope shielded the sun from her eyes to get a better look.

“We must go in a different way,” Orestes said, as he pulled
on the reigns to direct the horse away from the city.

“Why?” Kalliope couldn’t help asking.

“All will be revealed soon enough.”

The horse moved along the outskirts of town, until it came
to an old building that was situated on the edge of the city. Orestes jumped
off and opened the large wooden doors attached to the structure. Curious,
Kalliope craned her neck but she could only see darkness inside. Orestes jumped
back on and they traveled into the building.

The building itself seemed to veer to the right, but once they
entered, Kalliope noticed the ground slope down into a tunnel. Orestes followed
the sloping ground down and Kalliope’s stomach flipped nervously as they
descended under the city.

“Don’t be frightened,” Orestes reassured her.

Kalliope realized how tightly she had been holding on to
him. “I am taking you the Hera Selene. It is an underground structure.”

“A brothel?”

“It is not like any brothel you have ever known. Brothel is
a crude word that you have come accustomed to in your village. You will live in
Hera Selene as a courtesan. You will find their ways very, ah, unusual.”

Kalliope shifted nervously on the horse. Orestes made her
sound like an uneducated peasant.

Which she supposed she was compared to the cosmopolitan
women of Athens.

They stopped and Orestes helped her down. They began to
travel on foot down the hall. A soft noise was rousing from the end of the hall
as they approached a heavy door. Orestes paused to look at her, winking
slightly, and then he opened it.

Kalliope stood frozen as she took in her surroundings.

Though they were underground, the room was filled with light
from an oculus high in the ceiling. The room was large and the walls were a
bright white and covered with fine material. The floor was littered with large,
brightly colored pillows and beautiful women lounged on the pillows, dressed in
gorgeous gowns, some in quiet conversations with handsome men.

Yet there was an air of intrigue, mystery and most of all,

Kalliope looked carefully at the men, and she realized that
none looked like the rugged farmers and locals that frequented Gaia’s brothel.
No, these were respected men, noblemen, dressed in the finest clothes Kalliope
had ever seen.

Kalliope looked over at Orestes with shock.

“Athens' best kept secret,” he said wryly, gesturing to the
room. He then moved behind Kalliope, his warm breath hot against her neck, and
Kalliope felt herself involuntarily shiver. Orestes picked up on it, and moved
even closer to Kalliope. She gasped as she felt his hard erection press into
her backside.

Orestes slid his warm hand down her bare arm and gripped her
forearm tightly. Not tight enough to cause pain, but tight enough that Kalliope
was aroused.

When he spoke, his voice was low and seductive, filled with
dark and tempting promise.

“Are you ready to become a sexual deviant, Kalliope?”






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The following is an excerpt
from the next episode in The Harem Masters series –
Mistress of Submission


Homesick and frightened, having
traveled hundreds of miles from her home village, Kalliope must learn the ways
of her glamorous new home. Hera Selene, the most exclusive brothel in all of Athens,
caters only to high-class men. Kalliope's natural beauty, rural charms, and
innocent demeanor help her to quickly become a favorite among the most notable


She quickly learns the
expectations of powerful Athenian men and relishes in every opportunity to
fulfill their sexual desires. The favored courtesans earn higher wages and
receive nicer perks, and Kalliope is ambitious, she longs to rise to the top by
pleasing whomever she must.


When a cruel client named
Spyro takes advantage of Kalliope's naivety, ravishing her body and leaving her
battered and bloody, an unlikely gentleman by the name of Damianos comes to her
rescue. His deep cerulean eyes captivate her instantly and his social status
and military prowess leave her feeling like a shy little girl in his presence.


Damianos is a kind man and he
can't stand to see such a beautiful creature in pain. He takes a special
interest in Kalliope...one she feels may lead to her ultimate heartbreak.


Mistress of Submission
is a raunchy tale of sex, submission, and BDSM. Novella
#2 of the Harem Master: Court of Lust series.


Read on for a
small taste:


He knelt down before her
and took her head into his hands.

Kalliope averted her

“Look at me, Kalliope.”

Slowly, she slid her
eyes up to him.

“Your mouth felt like
heaven. I am pleased.”

Kalliope nodded and
looked down again. Kreios righted himself, and Kalliope kept her eyes trained
on his waist. Suddenly his cloak dropped to the ground, and Kalliope watched as
his thick hand moved to his semi-hard cock and began stroking it. To her
surprise, it began to harden again.

Kreios groaned.
“Kalliope, I’m getting hard for you again.”

He lay down on his back
on the bed and motioned for Kalliope to stand.

“Take off your dress.”

Kalliope slowly undid
her belt and pulled the shoulder of her peplos down. Her breasts fell free, and
the material gathered at her waist. She gently tugged the material over her
hips and it fell in a soft puddle on the floor. She stepped out of the dress and
stood before Kreios, naked except for her gold necklace.

“Sit your pussy on my
face,” he ordered, “With your hands against the wall.” Kalliope froze for a
minute, unsure of how to proceed. She had never done this before.


Kalliope quickly climbed
onto the bed, straddling Kreios’ face. She lowered herself until her pussy was
resting directly on top of him.

“Mmmm,” he murmured,
snaking his hands between her thighs and spreading her open like a flower.

Kalliope moaned and her
hands flew up as she steadied herself against the wall. She had never found
herself in such an intimate position before. She could feel Kreios’ nose poking
against her clit and she had to admit that this felt beyond sinful. Kreios was
leading her down a deviant path she could never have imagined on her own.

With expert fingers,
Kreios began stroking her moist opening, his fingers teasing her entry.
Kalliope moaned, her voice high and needy as she writhed on top of Kreios’

Teasing her further,
Kreios began to push just the tips of his fingers inside her. When Kalliope
thought she might explode from need, Kreios thrust two fingers deep into her
pussy. The sensation was indescribable, and Kalliope nearly fell against the
wall as she let Kreios fuck her with his fingers.

In and out. In and out.
His fingers moved at a slow, steady rhythm, and then began to move faster.
Kreios crooked his fingers against her soft, spongy spot, and Kalliope screamed
with pleasure as she felt her body burn with need.


BOOK: A Reluctant Courtesan (Harem Masters #1) (Harem Masters Series)
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