Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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Zoran closed his eyes as he tasted the sweetness of Abby’s blood flow into his mouth where he held her down in an age-old show of dominance. He groaned as he felt Abby’s climax wrapping a hard fist around his cock, squeezing him until he had no option but to release her neck and cry out as his own climax was forced from his body. He shuddered as he felt the hot jets of his seed release deep into Abby’s womb. Zoran wrapped his arms around Abby’s slender frame pulling her down until she lay around his chest. He felt weak as a newborn babe as the last of his semen pulsed into her.

Zoran laid back with his head resting on the side of the bathing pool, his eyes closed as he gently stroked Abby’s hair and back. He would never get enough of her. Neither would his dragon who was demanding he let the transformation complete as it wanted to be with its mate.
“Soon, my fierce warrior, soon you will be able to mate as I have done.”
Zoran reassured his dragon.




“I can’t believe we are late.” Abby muttered under her breath as she hurried down the long corridor. “We would have been on time if you would have kept your hands to yourself.”

Zoran wore a silly, satisfied grin on his face as he answered, “But, you needed help with your dress.”

“Yes,” Abby glared up at Zoran, “Getting it on, not off.”

you look so beautiful without your clothes on…” Zoran began, his smile turning even more satisfied as he remembered how they ended up making love again as they were trying to dress for the dinner.

He had done well keeping his hands off her after they finally got out of the bathing pool until she turned around to have him tie the strips holding her gown on. The dark blue material accented her eyes and when she turned her long expansion of creamy back to him he could not resist running his hands down it then under the soft material to cup her breasts. Now, due to that little distraction, they were running about a half hour behind when the dinner was supposed to start. He, and his dragon, had never been so satisfied. For that matter, Zoran thought with a huge grin, the beautiful gold symbiosis didn’t look to unhappy either if the sparkles glittering from her neck, wrists, and ears were an indication. Glancing down on Abby’s dark, glossy curls piled high on her head he could see the little sparkles of gold dancing back and forth across her skin taking different shapes as she moved in quick little strides towards the open dining room.

“You need to behave yourself.” Abby said sternly stopping momentarily to put her hands on her hips for emphasis. “I will not be embarrassed in front of your mother, brothers, and god knows who else. Do you hear me?”

Zoran let out a laugh as he swooped down to brush a light kiss across Abby’s lips. “I think everyone heard you,
But, if it makes you feel better, I will try to control myself.”

Abby raised one hand and gently placed it on Zoran’s cheek while her other hand moved softly over the front of his pants. Rising up on her toes, she flicked her tongue along the seam of Zoran’s lips, “Just until after the dinner.” She growled softly before turning and walking into the large room.

Zoran felt his dragon growl in response to its mate’s teasing. Adjusting the front of his pants, which had become decidedly tighter, Zoran groaned softly, “Our mate is not happy about us denying her. I have a feeling tonight’s dinner is going to be a very long and painful one for the two of us.” Zoran’s dragon gave an answering growl of frustration as they both watched the soft sway of Abby’s delectable bottom disappear through the door.

“Abby!” Cara squealed in delight.

Abby turned to watch as Cara approached her. Cara was dressed in a pair of dark trousers and a white top that hung low over one shoulder baring it. Her dark auburn hair fell in waves around her small face, the purple highlights catching in the lights. What really caught Abby’s attention was the length of chain, not the gold of a symbiosis, but a long length of silver that wound around Cara’s left wrist to Trelon’s right one tying them together.

Abby gave Cara a quick hug. “Are you alright?” She whispered worriedly looking into Cara’s eyes.

Cara laughed flipping Trelon a mischievous look. “Oh, there’s nothing wrong. Lover boy here is under the impression that he has finally caught me and thinks a little ole chain will hold me to him.” Cara leaned forward looking at Trelon while she whispered to Abby, “The fun has just begun.” Cara smiled sweetly ignoring Trelon’s growl of warning. Giving Abby a quick wave, Cara moved off pulling a furious warrior behind her as she danced in and out of the crowd introducing herself.

Abby jumped slightly when she felt a hand slide around her waist. “I think my brother has finally met his match.” Zoran said in amusement.

“I certainly hope so.” A husky voice said. “It appears that all of my sons may have.”

Abby turned to see an older woman of incredible beauty watching in amusement as her oldest son turned a slight shade of red. “Mother, I am pleased you journeyed here.”

Morian Reykill watched as her oldest son drew the small woman protectively to his side. She arrived early in the hopes of observing each of the women who were brought to their planet. Morian had to admit she was intrigued after hearing rumors that her oldest son had true mated with a species different from any other known to their kind. She was impressed with the other women. Each one had their own unique characteristics. Morian fell in love with little Cara, enjoyed the wit and intelligence of Trisha and Ariel, but was concerned about the one called Carmen. She could sense a deep sadness in that one. But it was the one called Abby that she was most interested in meeting. It would take a strong woman to deal with her oldest. Now, she studied the delicate features of the girl who had obviously captured Zoran’s heart. She let her gaze wander to the mark of the dragon on Abby’s neck. So, it was true. A species not of their world had been accepted by not only a Valdier warrior; but, by his dragon and his symbiosis.

“Good evening, my dear. I am Lady Morian Reykill, high queen and mother to this motley group of misfits.” Morian Reykill said with a sweet smile as she leaned over and gave Abby a kiss on both cheeks.

“Mother, you should not call me a misfit. I am High King, Leader of the Valdier, and a fierce warrior.” Zoran frown down at his mother trying to intimidate her with a fierce glare.

Morian let out a small chuckle, “Yes, well…I remember to well what you and your brothers’ bare bottoms looked like when I chased them. Go get your mate and myself some refreshment. I am simply parched from my journey.”

Zoran let out a soft growl at his mother before brushing a soft kiss across Abby’s forehead. “Don’t believe a word she says. We were all perfectly behaved young boys.”

Abby giggled as she watched Zoran hurry off to the long tables filled with all types of food and beverages. Listening to Zoran’s mom pick on him and his brothers made her realized that maybe this world wasn’t so different than Earth.

Morian looped her arm through Abby’s pulling Abby along after her as she moved towards a set of huge doors that opened onto a patio area.

“Zoran…” Abby said looking over her shoulder to where Zoran had disappeared.

“…Will have no trouble finding you, my dear. I simply need to breathe some fresh air. It has been such a long time since I have been around so many others.” Morian said moving further into the softly lit garden area.

Abby looked around as she moved down the steps to follow Zoran’s mother. The garden was breathtaking. Huge trees bordered one side while steps continued down until ending on the edge overlooking an ocean of green and white water. Flowers in every color imaginable, some the size of dinner plates and larger, seemed to glow casting soft light around hidden sitting areas. Abby walked up to one of the flowers and gently touched one of the glowing petals. The flower closed up inside itself. Startled, Abby gave a squeak of surprise.

Morian chuckled as she watched Abby looking tentatively at another bloom. “I planted all of these many years ago. Most of the plants come from the area around my mountain home.” Morian walked over to the bloom Abby touched and gently spoke a few words in a low, musical voice. The bloom opened as Morian spoke to it.

“You have such a beautiful voice.” Abby said softly looking at the older woman with a mixture of curiosity and awe. “Do you sing?”

“Sing?” Morian asked. “Explain this to me?”

“It’s when you say things but bring it together with a harmony. Sort of like what you just did.” Abby explained.

“I do not know this sing. I use words blended with low sounds to speak to the plants. Can you give me an example of this sing? You do this a lot on your world?” Morian asked.

Abby blushed. She wasn’t sure if the people here in this world would like her singing. She knew she had a nice voice. She inherited that from her grandmother and grandfather. It wasn’t even like she was all that shy about singing in front of people either as she had sung in front of large groups in Shelby all her life. But suddenly, she didn’t feel so sure.

“Sing for me, Abby.” Zoran said as him moved down the steps towards his mother handing her a drink. “Sing for me the way you did on your mountain.” He set down the drink he brought for Abby on the ledge of the balcony and walked over to Abby. “Sing for me,

Abby placed her hands in Zoran’s, gazing into his eyes as she sung a short Gaelic love song she learned a long time ago from her grandmother. When she finished, Zoran raised her hands to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles. “Beautiful,
Just like you.”

Abby blushed. She turned to look at Morian who was staring back at Abby with tears in her eyes. “I like this ‘sing’. I would be honored for you to teach me.”

Abby smiled at Morian, feeling another thread of her despair slowly dissolving as she realized she had been accepted by a very important ally, her new mother-in-law.

“Come, let us go eat and enjoy the festivities.” Zoran smiled triumphantly as he realized Abby had moved one step closer to accepting his world. He wrapped his arms around the two most important women in his life and led them inside.

None of them saw the dark figures hiding high among the huge trees. One figure in particular remained focused on Abby until she disappeared from sight. Only then did the last dark figure move cautiously down the tree to disappear into the darkness.

Chapter 18

Abby gasped as Zoran gently set her down on the soft purple grass. It was a week since the dinner introducing her and the other women from Earth to Valdier. Abby hadn’t had much time to visit with the other women. She spotted them on occasion from a distance and had run into Carmen in one of the palace’s long corridors while exploring. Carmen seemed nervous, as if she was trying to find a place to hide. She didn’t say much to Abby but that she was well and would talk to her later. Abby was puzzled about Carmen’s behavior until she turned a corner a few corridors down and ran face first into Creon, Zoran’s middle brother. Abby shivered as she remembered looking into Creon’s cold, dark eyes. Abby had to agree with Ariel on the “scary son-of-a-bitch” description. He quickly excused himself and hurried off in the direction where Abby last saw Carmen heading. She hoped Carmen would be alright.

“Oh, Zoran, this is so beautiful.” Abby exclaimed as she moved towards the edge of a crystal clear pool before gazing at the small waterfall feeding into it.

“I had hoped you would like it here.” Zoran said as he came up behind Abby and wrapped his arms around her.

Zoran had been debating for the past week about how to explain to Abby the transformation her body was seeking. Each time they made love it was becoming harder and harder to keep her dragon from taking over. Hell, it was even harder for his own dragon not to demand it. It had only been his promise of explaining everything and then showing Abby how to complete the transformation by today that kept the peace inside himself.

“Abby, there is something I need to tell you.” Zoran began. He gently turned Abby around in his arms. He picked this place because of its seclusion. He wanted Abby to feel comfortable in her first change. His mother symbiosis was waiting for his command to appear. Once the change was done, he would divide his symbiosis so her dragon would have the needed protection but he hoped he could complete their first mating as dragons first.

Pulling back, Zoran raised Abby’s hands to his mouth pressing a gentle kiss to each of her fingers. “Abby…” Zoran began before stiffing suddenly as pain radiated through his body.

“Zoran?” Abby felt Zoran’s hands squeeze hers tightly and watched as his eyes darkened dangerously. “What…?”

Zoran thrust Abby behind him, ignoring Abby’s gasp of alarm as she saw the thick dart protruding from his left shoulder. Zoran let out a vicious growl, pulling the dart out before twirling around. He tried to shift into his dragon form but was unable to as a wave of dizziness flooded through his body. Grasping Abby by the hand, Zoran began running for the cover of the thick forest surrounding the small meadow only to stop suddenly as dark figures began emerging. Zoran turned, only to find his path blocked by more and more of the dark figures.

Abby was terrified. The huge, dark figures were close to seven feet tall. A dark fall of black hair hung down to their waists. Their bodies were covered in a black leather cloth with what appeared to be weapons strapped across their chests. Abby watched in horror as three of the figures raised a weapon and fired it at Zoran. She cried out as she felt Zoran jerk as three more darts hit him in his chest, shoulder, and leg.

“NO!” Abby screamed as she tried to hold Zoran as he slowly crumbled to the ground. “No, please, no!” Abby grabbed the darts pulling them out of Zoran and throwing them aside. “Zoran, oh baby, I love you.” Abby ignored the figures approaching as she focused on trying to get Zoran to look at her. “Tell me what to do. Please, be alright.”

A shadow covered Abby as she lay over Zoran’s body trying to protect him. “So, we meet again, Valdier leader.”

BOOK: Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)
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