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Authors: M. M. Cox

Accidental Mobster (15 page)

BOOK: Accidental Mobster
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I shake my head, unwilling to agree that Chen had to suffer for the sake of others.

“We thought that if anyone were to discover Frank, it would be District Attorney Capriotti,” the detective adds. “We've had a heck of a time convincing Frank's boss to let him stay undercover. So far, Capriotti has never seen Frank, and no one in this county besides me knows that Frank is the UC. Frank is from another state, so the Mafia wouldn't know him as law enforcement, but Capriotti is a recent development. We didn't know he was involved with the Mafia until just recently. Problem is, we don't really have any proof yet. Capriotti's never been spotted with the mob.”

“But he's important to the mob, isn't he?” I say.

know too much,” Alvarez says to Frank.

Frank shrugs. “Then we need to get him out of there. We'll just have the county come in and say that the guardianship is under dispute and—”

“No!” I shout, much more loudly than I had intended. “No! I am not leaving the Vigliotti house. It's my home now. It's the only place I belong!”

“It's not safe there!” Frank counters. “Did you see what happened to Chen?”

“Yes,” I answer, suddenly remembering that I still don't know how badly Tony's dad is hurt.

“These are not good men, Danny. They will protect each other above all else. Your life is in danger. Chen is only alive now because I was there to keep them from finishing him off. I was able to convince them that Chen needed to be alive to pay the extortion. But I still feel awful about what was done to an innocent man, and I know I couldn't stand by if they tried to hurt you.”

“You see, Danny,” Alvarez says, “we can't leave you with the Vigliottis. You'll compromise Frank's undercover work, or worse, he'll get killed if he tries to help you. We need you to give a statement as to what you saw last night, and then we will put you somewhere we can protect you.”

“I won't leave,” I say stubbornly. I know that, as dangerous as the situation may be, I'm not scared to stay with the Vigliottis, but I am afraid of where these men will put me. I'm afraid of having no control over my future.

“Danny, we cannot leave you in a dangerous situation,” Frank states.

“You can't afford to take me out of it! I won't go quietly!” I threaten, wondering exactly what I mean by that. Then I suddenly have an idea. “But you could use me to help you,” I offer.

Both men look at me skeptically.

“What do you mean?” Alvarez asks.

“Absolutely not,” Franks says.

“I'll keep my eyes and ears open. If I hear anything important, especially anything about Frank, I'll let you know.”

“No way,” Frank replies. “That's too risky. We can't have a kid working for us.”

“I'm not leaving the Vigliottis without creating a scene. And don't worry, I won't put myself in danger,” I promise.

“Like you didn't put yourself in danger last night?” Frank shoots back.

“I won't go back to the diner. But I'll be alert at the house for anything that might help.”

Neither man says anything for a moment, and I feel I'm making progress.

“How will you communicate with us?” Frank finally challenges.

“Actually, I might be able to help with that,” Alvarez replies. “My daughter goes to Newcastle High.”

“Evie?” I ask, finally connecting the last name to Portia's friend.

“Yes,” Alvarez answers. “You know her, then?” he asks, with fatherly suspicion.

“She's a friend of a friend,” I say. “She seems really nice.”

Alvarez smiles. “I'm glad to hear that. She could get messages from you to me.”

“No,” Frank states emphatically. “It's too dangerous. It's not right to put a kid in this situation!”

“I'm not exactly a kid,” I snap.

Frank scowls at me. “Yes, you are!”

“I think we should let him stay with the Vigliottis,” Alvarez cuts in. Frank turns to his colleague angrily. “Why are you so ready to put him in danger?

You're talking about his life!”

“Because it may be more dangerous to move him out of the situation. You said you were the only one who saw him, right?”

“I think so,” Frank answers. “But I don't know for sure.”

“No one else saw me,” I say. “Something would have been said. I can do this,” I tell Frank, feeling the desperation so strongly inside me to convince this agent to let me stay where I am.

“Okay,” Frank finally relents. “I can't believe I'm agreeing with this. But if anything happens that makes me think you're in danger, I'm taking you out of there. Deal?”

“Deal,” I agree.

“All right, I'm going to go make sure the hallway is clear. Follow me in about two minutes.” Frank strides out of the office, obviously bothered by my new role as a spy in the Vigliotti house.

Once he leaves, I turn to Alvarez one more time. “I need you to understand, there's not much chance I'm going to give you anything that will directly implicate Gino,” I say. “Not unless he does something really terrible.”

To my surprise, Alvarez simply smiles. “I understand, Danny. I think you're brave, but I also believe you are very loyal. Just do the right thing.” Alvarez takes out a business card and scribbles a number on the back. “Keep this hidden, okay? The number on the card is a direct line to me.”

I nod and take the card. The front has the name “Pete Alvarez” printed in black ink, and the number written on the back is the only other piece of information. This card won't get me in trouble if it is found—that is, until someone dials the number and reaches Detective Alvarez. I take out my own small leather bi-fold wallet and stick the card behind my student ID.

“Thanks,” I say, and then I shut the office door and navigate the maze of cubicles to find Frank, all the while thinking that I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life.

* * * *

I return to school in time to attend my final class, which is, unfortunately, algebra with Mr. Doonesby. While I wait for Evie to come to class, I wonder what I will say to her once she sits down. I want to let her know that I met her dad, but I have to be careful not to let anyone overhear. Perhaps I should wait for her dad to tell her about this. Then again, do I really think I'll learn any more about the Newcastle Mob if I don't return to the diner?

Unfortunately, Evie rushes in just as class is starting, so we don't have time to chat. The class is painfully slow—algebra is a terrible subject on which to concentrate when my emotions are running wild. I can't believe what I have become involved with in just the last four days. Now, not only do I know I'm living with a real-life mobster, but I am spying for the FBI! If my movie watching with Vince has been any indication, spies (more commonly known as “rats” if they are part of the Mafia family) do not fare well if their deception is discovered. I have asked to stay in an extremely dangerous position, just so I can live in the house of the man on whom I will be spying.

I think about Vince's partiality for Mafia movies, and I have a sudden feeling in my gut that Gino's teenage son might suspect something about his father's late night activities. Then again, maybe Vince just likes the violence—but I can't shake the thought that the connection might be more than coincidental. I observe Evie out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly I wonder whether she has any idea that the Vigliottis are connected to the Mafia. Her interest in me as a member of the Vigliotti household certainly makes her suspect. At any rate, she is bound to find something out, at least from her father, if I pass her any messages. Algebra eventually draws to an end. Mr. Doonesby has avoided any eye contact with me again, which is a definite relief. Perhaps Mr. Doonesby has come to terms with the fact that I might not want to be exactly honest about my background. Somehow, he must also realize that any connection between him and me might lead to some uncomfortable questions. Better to leave things as they are, I suppose.

As the bell rings, I heave my backpack onto my shoulders and glance at Evie. Maybe I should wait for her dad to talk to her, but I have an overwhelming desire to let her know I may be passing some messages her way. “Can I talk to you a moment?”

She smiles. “Of course, Danny,” she replies pleasantly, standing next to her desk and gazing up at me with expressive dark brown eyes. She seems excited—what if she thinks I'm asking her out? Will she be disappointed? Looking in her eyes, I almost
to ask her out, but then I think of another pair of brown eyes, and the feeling passes.

“Um, maybe we could talk in the hall?” I say, wanting to escape the watchful eyes of Mr. Doonesby and have my conversation lost in the loud hum of voices outside the door.

“Okay.” She collects her books and heads for the door as I follow behind her. As I pass through the doorway, I start to tell her to just meet me at my locker, but I'm stopped by a large hand wrapping itself around my neck and shoving me up against the wall.

“You haven't done what I asked!” Tommy growls at me. “Get ready to be humiliated!”

Chapter 12

I bring my hands up and move Tommy's thumbs away from my windpipe before wriggling free of his hold. “Get off me!” I shout angrily, drawing the curious stares and ears of nearby classmates.

Evie is glaring at Tommy. “Get away from him, Gallo,” she says, her voice heavy with threat. Surprisingly, Tommy steps back from me, scowling at Evie with clear hatred.

“Just because Daddy's the long arm of the law doesn't give you any right to order me around!” Tommy snaps, but he makes no move toward her. He whips his head back to me.

“What's it going to be, gutter-rat? You either do as I say, or I'll do what I told you I would do.”

I study Tommy's face and almost laugh. Here I am, playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse between the FBI and Newcastle Mafia, and I'm worried about what kids will think about my hometown? I'm brave enough to put my life in danger, yet I'm scared of what a bully might tell people about me? I don't need to be ashamed of my town. Ridley might be the rat hole of New Jersey, but I guess I'm proud that I'm just as smart and athletic as these Newcastle snobs. How can I allow Tommy to force me to do something dishonest for such a small price?

Yet, Tommy will win whatever my choice, and I hate to see the kid triumph, especially now that I know Tommy's dad is as much a scumbag as his son. And in that moment, I smile, because I have a plan.

Tommy takes two steps toward me. “What's that? You're smiling? I wouldn't be smiling if I were you, gutter-rat. I'm about to ruin your life!”

I frown, trying to look more intimidated. “Fine, Tommy. I will take care of everything by tomorrow.”

Tommy grins. “Good. I knew you'd come around.” He nods toward Doonesby's classroom door. “You gonna take care of it now?”

I shake my head and begin to walk away. “In my own way, in my own time.”

* * * *

I sit at the kitchen table making an attempt at my homework. The small, overly ornate desk in my bedroom just isn't working for me. Even though Ronnie is busy with dinner, I find I'm much less distracted in the kitchen. I always worked on my homework at the kitchen table in my old home, and it's one habit I can't break.

Besides, I have another reason to be in the kitchen. I want to be near the phone because Portia is supposed to call me within the hour. She is going to visit Tony and his family at the hospital where Mr. Chen is receiving care, and she has invited Evie and me to join her. I feel guilty about visiting a man I watched get beaten by the men Gino works with, but I want to offer Portia emotional support and also see with my own eyes that Mr. Chen is okay. In any case, this gives me an opportunity to speak with Evie. In fact, by this time, she may already know that I may be using her to deliver any messages I have for Detective Alvarez. I tap my pencil on a complicated algebra problem.

Ronnie glances over at me. “Do you need any help, Danny? I was a whiz at math in high school.”

“No,” I say quickly and bend my head over my paper. I never had anyone help me with my homework before, and I wonder if
Ronnie had really applied herself at math. Maybe I would learn more quickly if I had help, but I have a certain amount of pride in being able to figure things out for myself. In the past, that's the only option I had. Then again, I've never encountered the challenging high school homework like that at Newcastle High.

I really do try to focus, but I'm distracted by something else I need to do, something I'm dreading. I must speak to Julia, but I know she's going to be furious with what I will say, so I've avoided her so far this evening. But because I might get back from the hospital late, I should talk to her before I leave. For a few minutes, I watch Ronnie mix cake batter energetically (she told me she's making Gino's favorite—chocolate cake). I'm still curious as to whether Ronnie knows anything about the mob. Would Gino be able to hide that from her all these years? She does know that Ray is someone to fear, at least. I finally coax myself out of the chair and up toward Julia's bedroom. I climb the stairs slowly and pass Vince's door, fighting the urge to go in and play video games with him. Somehow, I doubt that Vince is getting much homework accomplished, with the heavy metal music pulsing through the closed door. I pause in front of Julia's door and hear her chatting on the phone. Then I knock on her door, wondering if she will hear me.

“Who is it?” Julia shouts, her annoyance already obvious.

I open the door and find Julia stretched out on her bed, her cell phone nestled up under her hair next to her ear. Her wavy tresses fan across the bedspread much like they had when she distracted me from my homework just a few nights ago, and she is wearing her usual tight jeans and an extremely low-cut top. Baxter flies across the room with friendly yips and puts his two front paws on my leg. I scoop him up and pet his shaking, excited body. Julia points to the phone and mouths, “I am on the phone.”

BOOK: Accidental Mobster
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