Accidental Proposal (A Year Agreement Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Accidental Proposal (A Year Agreement Book 1)
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Thankfully, it was our luck a Disney movie had just started. I doubted Liam even had any. It turned out to be
, causing Sky to scream. Leaning to my side, Liam and I shared a look before looking at the screen. Throughout the movie, Sky would burst out with random singing, and when Rapunzel started singing “I Have a Dream,” she got up, setting her pizza down, and started dancing. Liam and I laughed together, cheering her on as she moved around the living room.

About an hour later, the movie was coming to an end and our pizza was gone. Sky was starting to settle down. It was now almost seven, and I couldn’t help but yawn every so often from my lack of sleep from the night before. When the movie finally ended, I sat up, turning to Sky.

“I think it is someone’s bath time. Let’s go get you bathed and in your PJs,” I said.

“I don’t want to!” Sky whined, falling back into the couch.

“But princesses aren’t stinky,” Liam said, looking at her. “If you want to be a princess, you have to bathe and get all clean.” Even young girls Liam had a way with. Just one look or word from him, and Sky was hanging onto and staring at him like he was her prince. Sky definitely loved him. Without another word, she jumped off the couch and ran toward my room.

“I have no idea how you do it,” I said, shaking my head, staring after her.

“Girls just love me.” Liam smirked at me, but it faded into a real grin. I loved seeing his grin. It showed his white teeth, and his blue eyes crinkled a little. “I’ll clean this up, and you go get her cleaned.” He gestured for me to go while standing up. “By the way, when is her mom coming to get her?”

“Around nine,” I answered before heading to my room to bathe Sky.

Almost thirty minutes later, I came out with Sky clad in her blue Elsa PJ dress, and me with my wet jeans and shirt. It took longer to bathe her than I thought. The moment she got in the warm tub, she wouldn’t get out. She ended up splashing around and pretending she was a princess saving a fish in the sea. Almost dragging her out of the water after her hands got pruned, I dried her off and slipped on her dress before braiding her blonde hair. While I was in there, Liam cleaned up the pizza and drinks. When I walked in the living room after Sky, I saw he had taken off his shoes and rolled up his dress shirt sleeves, as well as taken off his tie with a few buttons unbuttoned at the top of his shirt. I hadn’t even realized both of us were still in our clothes when I sat back down with Sky.

is about to come on,” Liam said the moment my butt hit the couch. With a “yay” from Sky, she had me grab both of her animals before she snuggled against Liam. We watched the entire movie with Sky in Liam’s lap with one of her animals in her arms and the other in Liam’s. With both of them so engrossed in the movie, I grabbed my phone and made sure the flash was off before snapping a few photos of them without them noticing. Liam seemed to be more into the movie than Sky was, and about twenty-five minutes before the end, Sky passed out in his arms. Once the credits were rolling, Liam looked at me, then at Sky. His face softened as he stared at her, and a smile graced his lips.

“Here, do you need me to take her?” I asked, moving over a little closer.

“It’s okay. I got her,” he whispered, making sure not to wake her up. I leaned over and smiled, seeing her dead asleep on Liam with her bear clenched in her arms. Looking up, I came face to face with Liam. I hadn’t realized how close I had gotten, and we were now inches away from each other. His warm breath blew across my face as his blue eyes stared into my green ones. My lips parted as I stared at him, unknown feelings rushing through me. The way Liam was staring at me made me feel all tingly. My heart was starting to pound in my chest so hard that I was certain he could hear it. I watched as his blue eyes darkened when he glanced down at my lips. My tongue involuntarily ran across my bottom lip as he gazed at them, and his eyes darkened even more.

I had never been this close to a guy before, and with unknown feelings running through my body, I didn’t know what to do. The overwhelming need to kiss Liam was starting to consume me. I wanted to know if those light pink lips felt as soft as they looked. I knew I was very inexperienced in that area, but being in such a close proximity to him, all that flew out of my mind and my body moved closer to him. Sky was completely forgotten between us. I didn’t know where the sudden urge to kiss him came from, whether it was the way he was acting all night with Sky or what, but I wanted him. No, I needed to kiss him.

Just as I was leaning in and my eyes were starting to close on their own, the sound of the doorbell ringing made us jump apart like we were on fire. Something washed over Liam’s face, and he cleared his throat, moving away from me. Breathing hard, the realization of what I was about to do washed over me. I was about to kiss Liam when only the day before I couldn’t stand to be around him. I mean, it wasn’t like we weren’t going to kiss throughout the year since we would have to, but the suddenness of it was what surprised me.

The look on Liam’s face as he stared back at me made my heart ache. The mistake that was about to be made was clear on his face, as was his shock. I didn’t know what was going on inside of his mind, but the way he was leaning away from me with Sky in his arms was enough for me to tell he wanted to get the hell away from me.
I really must be that unlikeable. That just the idea of kissing me is disgusting.

The sound of the doorbell ringing again made me jump up and head to the door with weak legs. I heard Liam get up behind me, but I tried to ignore it. Opening the door, I saw Candy standing there, looking tired.

“Hey,” she said and went to say something but stopped. I followed her eyes behind me, seeing Liam standing there with a sleeping Sky.

“Candy, this is Liam. Liam, this is Candy, Sky’s mother and my friend,” I introduced them, but my voice sounded shaky and weird. She opened her mouth to say something, but maybe it was the look on my face that made her close her mouth and hold her hand out to Liam. “Let me go grab her clothes really quick,” I said, moving past Liam and running to my room. Making sure I had everything of Sky’s, I ran back out and saw Liam and Candy quietly talking.

“Here you go,” I whispered, walking up to them, interrupting whatever they were saying.

“Oh thank you, Jenna, for watching her. It means a lot.” She took the stuff from my hands and shot me a grateful smile.

“No worries. She is always a blast to hang out with.”

“Let me take her to your car,” Liam said, and Candy nodded, leading him to her car. He gently laid Sky in the backseat and buckled her up before laying a soft kiss on her forehead. The sight warmed my heart, but I was still shaken up about our almost kiss.

“Thank you,” Candy said. “I better get home.” Coming over, she gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, “We are definitely talking tomorrow about the hunk. Thank you again for watching her.” She pulled away from me.

“No problem. Let me know when you get home.” With another thank you to Liam, she got in her car. I stood there, watching her leave, before turning and heading inside. I expected Liam to be inside waiting for me but instead found an empty room. The TV was off and everything. Confused and slightly hurt, I made my way to my room, wondering why Liam ran off so quickly. Seeing his light on down the hall, I froze, pondering if I should go over there. Letting out a sigh, I shook my head and went into my room.

After getting undressed and sliding into bed, I thought about everything that happened tonight. It seemed whatever happened between Liam and me, we would go five steps forward but ten steps back. I lifted a hand to my lips and almost swore they were tingling, although we didn’t actually kiss. Everything about Liam confused me but made me want more. Even now I still wanted to know what his lips felt like against mine or trailing down my neck. Shaking those thoughts and everything else about him out of my mind, I closed my eyes, willing myself to sleep, not wanting to think about Liam at all.



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I want to thank my parents for helping me with this process and for encouraging me to continue writing. Big thanks to my mom for always helping me with names, titles, and for forcing me to sit down and write. I want to thank everyone on Wattpad who has read this story and encouraged me to get it published. It is because of you guys that this book is where it is at today and the reason I still write. You guys are always encouraging me to write and to follow my dreams of being an author. Without Wattpad and everyone on it, I would definitely not be where I am today. And lastly, thank you to my family and friends who are going to go out and buy this book to support me. Knowing that you guys support me in writing and everything else I do in life makes me love you all more than ever. I love you guys so much, and thank you for all you do for me!



About the Author


Currently lives in a small town called Mesquite, Nevada. She is going to college to be an English teacher and writes on the side. When she isn’t busy with school work or writing new books she likes to hang out with her family, do things outdoors, and read whatever she can get her hands on.


BOOK: Accidental Proposal (A Year Agreement Book 1)
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