Read Addictive Collision Online

Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction, #New Adult, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Romance

Addictive Collision (12 page)

BOOK: Addictive Collision
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“Thanks,” I said. “My turn. Truth or dare?”


“What are you fantasizing about right this minute?” I asked.

His face flushed.

I smirked. “What?”


“You wanted to play, so you have to tell me the truth. Them’s the rules.”

He shot me a coy smile.

“What?” I asked.

“A hug...”

“A hug? I can manage that.”

“Wait. Let me finish. I’m dreaming of a hug that goes a little further, one of those embraces that sort of melts into wild, tawdry, on-the-floor sex. Like...” He stopped, blushed, and swallowed a lump in his throat. “Sorry. That came out wrong. I haven’t been with a woman in a long time.”

“Well, it’s been even longer for me.”

“Wait. You’ve been with a woman?”

I playfully slapped him, and my gaze narrowed. “How long?”

“A long time.”

“And how long is long?”

“Uh...over six months.”

“Geesh. That’s nothing compared to me.”

He looked at me. “You told me about it, on that night when you had a little bit too much to drink. Liquor loosens the tongue, you know.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry about that. What did I say?”

“That it’s been five years now,” he said.

Heat rose to my cheeks. “Yeah.”

“I didn’t question it, but if you’re married, how... I mean, why?”

“Like I said, my ex was through with our marriage long ago.”

He inched closer and pulled me close. “Damn. If I was sleeping in the same house, I’d be all over you all the time.”

I stared into his eyes and never wanted to look away. There was this undeniable magnetism, this heat between us. The intensity of his gaze grew more penetrating, and I knew he was daring me to take control, daring me to kiss him. An inferno blazed inside me as I ran my hands down his powerful chest. “Okay. Dare. Name three places you want to kiss me, excluding face, neck, or...well, the other obvious one.”

“Hey, it’s not your turn. I already gave you my truth.”

“Just tell me, Foster.”

He curled a strand of my hair around his finger. “That’s easy.”

“Where?” I innocently asked.

His fingers ran up my back. “I want to kiss the sloping arch of your back.”

I closed my eyes as shivers ran up my spine; I imagined his luscious lips peppering me there with kisses. “Mmm. I can almost feel it right now.”

“Maybe the soft, silky skin under your belly button.”

“I like that too.”

His hands ran down the sides of my breasts, sending chills through me, then whispered in my ear, “And those breasts.”

The breath I didn’t realize I was holding escaped me as he cupped my face. “Ah. You saved the best for last.”

He gazed at me. “Do you have any idea how bad I want to kiss you right now? Lips on lips, skin on skin.”

I stared at his mouth, his lips hovering so close. I wanted nothing more than to slam my mouth into his, to devour him right then and there. “But you don’t kiss married women,” I gently reminded him.

“I won’t, but I also won’t deny how damn bad I want you, Morgan. I want to touch every gentle curve of your body, to feel your lips against mine. I want to kiss you all night long.”

My heart raced at his declaration. “Just do it,” I tempted in a seductive whisper, dying for his touch.

“Oh my goodness. That’s the sexiest thing a girl has ever said to me, even if it does sound like a Nike ad.”

I smiled. “Yet you won’t obey?”

“You know we can’t, not yet.”

“What if we never get this chance again?” I asked, running my hands down his chest.

His eyes connected with mine, and I could see how much he wanted me.
You can have me,
my eyes spoke back to his.
I’m yours, Foster. I’m all yours.

He touched my face and brushed his thumb across my cheek. “You look hot, flushed, and unbelievably sexy.”

“Did I mention I forgot to wear undies this morning?” I said in the sexiest voice I could muster.

He pushed me against the brass handrail, and I grabbed a fistful of his shirt. He slowly grazed his lips across my neck in an open-mouthed kiss.

“Oh...” I moaned. “That’s so hot.”

His hot breath softly blew against my skin between kisses, driving me crazy. I so desperately wanted his lips on mine, and I didn’t ever want that moment to end.

“I can’t take this,” he said, trailing his fingers down my back. “Married or not, you turn me on so damn much.”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “The divorce will be final soon,” I whispered.

“Soon isn’t soon enough.”

“Who says you have to keep your hands to yourself?” I asked. “Tom is already gone. It’s just...a matter of paperwork.”

“Ooh, you naughty temptress,” he whispered, blowing lightly into my ear.

My hand raked through his hair as his lips brushed along my jaw and down to my neck, sending tingles to every square inch of my body. It felt so good, and I pictured our lips colliding in a deep, passionate, Earth-shaking kiss. He peered into my eyes. No words were exchanged; there was only a beautiful silence lingering between us as our eyes locked. His burning gaze set every inch of my body aflame.

I rested my arms around his waist. “You’re breaking the rules, Mr. Mailman.”

His thumb seductively traced my bottom lip. “Doesn’t passion rule us all?”

I felt my breasts flatten as he pulled me against his chest. “Should we obey it?”

“Good things come to those who wait,” he replied.

He sucked on my earlobe before slowly releasing it, then blew softly on the moistened skin, giving me chills and a tingling sensation. It took everything I had not to rip his shirt right off, to send his buttons flying.

“You drive me crazy,” he purred in my ear.

I cupped his face and softly kissed his lips. “This is a taste of what is yet to come.”

We held each other, our hearts beating wildly, the only audible sound in the quiet elevator.

He lifted my dress and ran his strong hand up my bare thigh. “How does that feel?” he whispered seductively, his hot breath nearly singing my flesh.

It was such a rush to know that someone could still be so turned on by me. I couldn’t believe I held such power over any man, since Tom had found it so easy to ignore me and reject my advances. I pushed the long strands of messy hair out of his eyes. “Can you imagine what a deep kiss would feel like?” I asked, picturing it in my head.

He rested his head in the crook of my neck. “I imagine it’d be like an earthquake or a hurricane, maybe strong enough to knock the stars out of the night sky.”

I could feel the heat and passion from his gaze as his eyes swept over me. Cupping my face, he lowered his mouth down and brushed his lips across mine, ever so softly. I could barely control myself and began to tremble in his arms. I tried to convey all of my heart, all of my emotions in that simple, glorious touch. My heart pounded as he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly, the elevator jolted. I broke away, breathing hard, staring into his seductive blue eyes as my heart thundered. The elevator jerked again, and I clung to Foster as the doors whooshed open to a group of impatient new riders. I pulled my hand off Foster’s chest and cleared my throat. I struggled to breathe as a tornado of emotions swirled inside of me.

“So sorry about that, folks,” the maintenance man said. “Got here as quick as I could.”

“I’m fine,” I said, disappointed that the repairs had been made just minutes too early. “We’re fine.”

My boss hurried over, and Foster slipped away in the chaos.

Damn that maintenance man!
I thought.

Chapter 18

y kids, my sister, and I ate dinner and watched yet another Pixar movie, then my mom picked up the kids for a sleepover.

Alexis plopped down on the sofa with a big smile. “I’m so happy to be off tonight.”

“Got any exciting plans?” I asked.

“Not really. Art is beat so he’s going to bed. I’m just gonna get all dressed up and go out for a drink.”

“You work at a bar. Why would you want to go to one?”

She pushed her dark bangs out of her eyes. “Because I have to study lines all weekend for the play next week, so I may as well hang out with the girls and have some fun tonight.”

“What about Art?”

“What about him? I’m not going out to cheat on him. I’m going to hang out with my girlfriends and have a few laughs. Besides, Art completely trusts me. And I trust him. Wanna come?”

“Nah. I rented that other movie,” I said.

She pulled my arm. “C’mon. Get up. I’m sick of you sitting around here like a couch potato when you’re here.”

“I don’t have anything to wear.”

“You’re such an old woman! And please don’t give me that responsible mother spiel. Mamas can party too.”

“I feel like I’m ninety, Alexis.”

“Oh please. It’s about time you turn into a party girl. Every frat or drinking story you’ve ever heard has come from me, Sophie, Lorie, Juliet, and Erin. Your kids are gone for the weekend, and you’re going to have a girls’ night out with us. I insist. When was the last time you danced until the sun came up? I already called Sophie, the makeover queen, and she’ll fix you all up.”

A car pulled into the driveway.

My sister grinned. “Right on cue. She’s gonna give you the makeover of your life.”

I smiled and answered the door.

“Your sister called me over for an emergency makeover. I picked out a smoking little black dress and heels, and I’ll have that hair and face taken care of in no time.”

“And maybe, just maybe, you’ll get laid tonight by one of my hot guy friends,” Alexis said.

I shot her a look. “I don’t do one-night stands.”

“Of course you don’t, but you’re out of practice, and it’s time for one. Time to dust off those cobwebs, sis. Just use protection, and you’ll be fine. These guys know it’s not anything serious. Besides, maybe then you’ll be less grumpy this weekend.”

“I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.”

“Oh, I’m definitely not.”

I threw a couch pillow at her.

She laughed. “Okay, so no one-night stands, but it will do you good to get a little attention, all those guys eyeing your cleavage. That, my dear, will make you feel desirable.”

“I picked up some highlights for you too,” Sophie said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why? Do you really have to ask? You desperately need a makeover, you old, married woman.” Sophie grabbed my shirt. “Who’s hiding under all those dreary, shapeless layers anyway?”

“I won’t be a married woman for much longer. I’m almost divorced.”

“You’re still in need of a serious fashion intervention. You’re about as far from hip as someone can get. Look, I’m only tellin’ you this as a loving friend. I won’t even go on about the dark circles or out-of-date hairstyle.”

“Men like my long, blonde hair,” I insisted.

“Just let me cut ten inches off and give you some layers,” she said. “It’s time to get your glam on, girlfriend.”

Sophie spent hours on me. She waxed my brows, painted my toenails, and cut and dyed my hair with deep blonde highlights. After another hour of primping, I was finally ready. The ridiculously short, sinfully black dress was practically painted on, glued to all my curves, complemented by the matching heels that boosted my butt up into the air. When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t even recognize the woman staring back at me. I had long, black eyelashes and ruby-red lips, like I was some kind of seductress. My long, blonde hair spiraled down my back in glorious curls, and the highlights really popped. She created a sultry, smoky eye look that looked amazing.

“There. Single again,” Sophie joked.

“It doesn’t even look like me,” I said. “I can’t remember the last time I felt this beautiful.”

“You look amazing, sis,” Alexis said. “When it comes to makeovers, there’s no one like Sophie. Anybody who gets her Midas touch could audition for Tyra’s show!”

Sophie smiled. “It’s my thing. What can I say?”

I smiled.

“I have to go though,” she said. “I have a date, but you girls have fun tonight.”

“We will. Call me with all the details tomorrow.”


t the nightclub, we met up with our other friends, and we began to dance the night away. We laughed, drank, and joked, and they even tried to set me up with a few guys. After five shots of Jäger, every guy who came within two feet of me looked delectable, and I quickly began to realize I shouldn’t have downed so much liquor after so long of a drought.

Then, like a moment out of a movie, a familiar figure looked at me from across the room. Our eyes locked, and I smiled. Foster was always so gorgeous. A black t-shirt was stretched across his muscular chest, and his blue jeans clung to his butt, showing off every impressive curve. His dark hair hung to his shoulders. Like a moth to a flame, he walked over to me.

We couldn’t stop staring at each other. I had never really believed in love at first sight, but lightning had definitely struck me. I felt like I’d known him all my life, and we shared some connection I still couldn’t explain. I was drawn to him and couldn’t take my gaze off him. Desire burned in his eyes as he closed the distance between us.

“You look gorgeous,” he said as soon as I was within earshot. “Look at you in that dress. Every girl in here pales in comparison.”

I blushed. “Thanks.” I decided to try some of Lori’s flirty tactics and took a second to discreetly adjust my bra strap.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked.

“Nah. I’ve had one too many already.” Next, I bent over to adjust the strap on my heel. I looked up and caught him taking a sneak peek, and I cast him a flirty smile. “Oops, you shouldn’t have seen that.”

He grinned. “Why must you torture me?”

I took his hands and put them around my waist. “So, what brings you here?”

His lips hovered over mine. “It wouldn’t be very friendly of me to not come over and say hello.”

“Maybe I’m not looking for a friend tonight,” I said, drawing out an inner seductress I didn’t even know I had in me. I couldn’t help it, because Foster had me ready to explode.

“Hmm. That’s funny, because that dress looks pretty damn friendly to me.” His eyes flickered as his gaze darted from my eyes to my lips. “You’re the epitome of sexiness, impossible to resist.”

BOOK: Addictive Collision
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