Read aHunter4Life (aHunter4Hire) Online

Authors: Cynthia Clement

aHunter4Life (aHunter4Hire) (13 page)

BOOK: aHunter4Life (aHunter4Hire)
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brushed her dark hair from her face. By Cygnus, she was beautiful. Every cell
in his body craved to pull her close and ease her fears. He forced himself to
keep his hands at his side. She was too fragile right now. Any move on his part
would send her over the edge.

moved aside and let him enter. She closed the door and leaned against it. “What
have you found?”

and the others have been reviewing the video tape we took of the ransom drop.”
Catal walked into the tiny living space.

scent of a man’s aftershave assaulted Catal.


pushed Selena behind him and scanned the room for the trespasser. Nothing was
out of place. Selena’s fist hit his back. He shrugged it off. His focus was on
protection. He’d been slack in letting her return alone to her quarters.

here?” His voice was a low snarl.

Selena pushed at his back. “I’m alone.”

has been in this room.”

exhaled. “Juan just left.”

eyes widened and he turned around. “Your brother?”

the only Juan I know.” Selena’s voice was sharp. “He snuck in when we were out
of the house.”

did he want?” Catal eased his muscles.

make certain I was safe.” Selena shrugged. “I haven’t seen him since I came to
the United States, but he’d heard about the kidnapping. He wanted to help.”

will find
. Juan doesn’t need to worry.”

can go unless you have some news.” Selena’s voice was dismissive.

clenched his jaw. “We should know soon who the kidnappers are. They will lead
us to the boys.”


the videotapes have been examined.”

happens if you come up empty like the FBI?” Selena crossed her arms.

have another lead we are following.”

why aren’t you there now?” Selena’s eyes narrowed. “These monsters have already
tricked you once.”

would be better for the boys if the kidnappers felt safe.” Catal kept his voice
even. “We want them to feel secure. We want them to make a mistake.”

don’t think they have the boys with them.”

you?” Catal didn’t hide his exasperation. “You’re from a country where
kidnappings are frequent. You know what we’re dealing with here.”

I do.” Selena spat the words at him. “That’s why I’m so frantic. How many
kidnappings have you been involved with?”

inhaled a calming breath. “More than I care to think about. I have dealt with
it from both sides.”

gasped. “You’ve abducted people?”

was part of the job.” Catal cringed at how callous he sounded, but it was too
late to make apologies for the life he had lived before joining
unit. He had survived.

did your kidnappings play out?” Selena’s voice was a whisper. “Did you kill the

Catal straightened his shoulders. He wasn’t proud of his past, but he had never
broken the Sacred Code. “There would have been no honor in that. We did what we
were paid for. In the end, our victims were always released.”

if they identified you?”

knew better.”

you used fear to keep them quiet?” Selena shook her head. “Is there honor in

not, but it was better than not keeping our word. We said if the money was
paid, then the victims would be set free. We are men of our word.”

if they didn’t pay?”

wasn’t a problem.”

forced his voice to stay calm. There had been times when money wasn’t the
reason for the abduction. Politically motivated kidnappings were meant to
remove opponents. In those cases, he’d set up the victims in a new place where
they could start their lives over. If they desired, he’d make arrangements for
their families to meet them. Their clients had been satisfied that their
opposition was out of the picture, and his honor had been left intact.

bit her lip. “Who are these possible suspects?”

will interview these men and see what they have to say.”

kept his voice neutral. He believed their initial assessment of the paparazzi
was correct. The kidnappers were among them, but he didn’t want to get Selena’s
hope up if it didn’t pan out. Secrecy was best at this point. The last thing
they wanted was to frighten them into fleeing before they knew where the boys

mean you’re going to interrogate and torture them.” Selena shook her head. “You
forget, I know how you operate.”

never resorted to torture.” Catal fought back his frustration. “I’m with
now. We do things differently.”

different?” Selena’s tone was doubtful.

help those who need it.” Catal kept his voice low. “We right the wrongs we
find. We always do things with honor.”

the difference?” She raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t seem inclined to change in
the past.”

have learned that some humans can be trusted.” Catal kept his gaze fixed on

that doesn’t comfort me.” Selena hugged her arms close to her body.

can’t change the man I was.” Catal took a step closer to her. “I am bonded to
you. I might not have understood that in the past, but I have never lied to you.”

gave him a pained look. “I don’t want to talk about your lies. Right now, all I
want from you, is my son back.”

forced back the agony her words produced. He had failed her in the past. When
he should have been protecting her, he had been away on a mission. He had
followed orders, but he knew differently now. Never should he have left his
mate in danger. He would make it right.

last years without Selena had been pure anguish.

couldn’t continue to live like that.

need to talk.”

have we ever talked?” Selena’s voice was sarcastic.

winced at her words. “True, but there are things you need to know about me.”

told me nothing about yourself. All I know is that you are a mercenary who was
disloyal to my brother.”

never betrayed you.”

disagrees.” Selena’s voice was weary. “He said it was a Hunter who had
destroyed the camp. The truth was that you were never working for us, but for
another government.”

not what happened.” Catal wiped his hand over his face and sighed. “I came back
from the last mission and you were gone. There was nothing left of the base
camp except bodies. I searched each one to be certain you weren’t one of the

about your life before?” Selena tilted her head. “How long have you been a

in Selena’s voice forced Catal to look at her. Her eyes didn’t waver from him.
In their depths, he saw wariness and uncertainty. Perhaps now was the time to
tell her the truth. Honesty would be the only way to prove that he had changed.
It would show that he trusted her completely.

do you want to know?”
jaw clenched.

hinted at something that I didn’t understand.”

reached out for
with his mind. “
What did
you tell Selena?

thought you had told your mate the truth about how you arrived on this planet.

voice was apologetic. “
Once I realized
she did not know, I stopped.

was looking at him. Her eyes were expectant. She stood in the center of the
room, with arms crossed and shoulders back. She wouldn’t settle for less than
the truth. He must open himself to her and trust. She deserved to know who he
was. All these years on earth and never had he told a human the truth about
himself. This was not an ordinary human, though.

was his mate.

woman he held close to his soul.

I was ten years old, I was on a training exercise that went wrong.” Catal
exhaled a deep breath.

kind of training operation does a ten year old go on?” Selena’s voice held

training started when I could walk.”
was devoid of emotion. There was nothing he could do about his past. “A Hunter
spends his whole childhood training to be a warrior. That is one of the reasons
we are the best.”

of them? Does that mean that there are others?”

Catal rubbed the back of his neck. This was more difficult than he had thought
possible. He had buried the truth deep. He had no intention of ever telling
anyone his background. It was the first brutal lesson he had learned on this
planet. Blend in. Act human. It was safer that way.

have been genetically modified to be the best warriors. At birth we were given
implants that helped us focus and develop quicker.”

don’t have that kind of technology.” Selena shook her head. “If we did, it
would be illegal.”

it is true.”

frowned. “Why would they do this?”

made us warriors. There is none better than a Hunter.” Catal cleared his throat.
“We had implants that provided us with chemicals and biologicals that made us


shrugged. “I have no idea what they were. Besides the chemicals that helped us,
there were implants that made certain we would only concentrate on our duty.
They blocked our natural tendencies.”

shook her head and sat on the couch. “This is sounding complicated. Wouldn’t
strength be the only thing you needed help with?”

shook his head. “We need complete focus to duty. Hunters are used for only one
thing. We are warriors. Any other kind of life is denied us.”

was silent for a few seconds. “So you only had one job. You were soldiers.”

Catal inhaled a deep breath. “Our learning began as soon as we could walk. When
I was ten, my unit was sent on a special training exercise. Our ship
malfunctioned and we crash landed on Earth.”

gave him a blank stare for several seconds and then shook her head. “
suggested that, but I know you’re human.”

am not from Earth.”

heart raced. He watched Selena’s face for the first signs of revulsion and
fear. Her eyes widened and she looked away from him. She brought a shaky hand
up to her mouth as if to stop herself from screaming. He braced himself for her

is that possible?” Her voice was a low whisper. “Where are you from?”

am from Cygnus.” Catal unclenched his jaw. “It is an ancient culture run by the
until very recently. A civil war has meant
that the Holman are now in charge.”

it far away?” Selena’s voice shook.

shrugged. “I have no knowledge of the distance. That is not my specialty. I am
. We are soldiers.”

could you have lived?” Selena turned to face him. “People don’t survive plane

technology of the
is advanced. Parts of their
crafts are engineered to survive interplanetary challenges and landings. Our
teachers moved us into the protected area of the launching chamber before we
crashed. About one hundred of us walked away alive. We lost many in the
accident and more since we’ve been on this planet.”

long ago did this happen?”

thirty-one years ago.”

mouth dropped open. “You barely look thirty.”

age differently on your planet.”
gaze didn’t
leave her face. “I have seen over forty years and most of it has been spent

waited for her reaction. Her hands clenched in her lap. That lasted a few
seconds before she slumped forward on the couch. Finally she sighed and looked
up at him.

do I know this is the truth?”

sat down beside her. “I am not lying. Just telling you this puts my life at

why say anything?”

need you to understand why I couldn’t be honest with you before.” Catal reached
out and stroked her arm. “There are other things about me that you should

your life?” Selena’s voice was soft.

BOOK: aHunter4Life (aHunter4Hire)
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