Read Alien Sex 104 Online

Authors: Allie Ritch

Alien Sex 104 (14 page)

BOOK: Alien Sex 104
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This was the part that had Huv’s pulse pounding. He hadn’t had sex in first position in a long time, and he’d certainly never taken the part of the … well, the girl. Although he tried to move gracefully, he felt gangly and awkward as he straddled Lexy’s lap and tried to line himself up with Lexy’s standing cock.

It wasn’t easy. If he got the tip between his cheeks, his own weight made his thigh muscles tense so tightly he couldn’t fit it in. When he arranged the rest of his body comfortably, loose enough to accept the intrusion, he couldn’t get the slippery rod into position. He was fumbling around as badly as he’d feared. Huv could feel the hot flare of color climbing his neck, and he looked at Lexy in desperation.

“It’s all right.” Lexy’s voice was calm and soothing despite a husky undertone that gave away his urgency. “Let me get you mounted, and then you can take over.”

With a few deft maneuvers, Lexy had the broad head of his erection notched hard against Huv’s rear passage. The now-familiar pressure followed, and Huv felt the burn of entry. Lexy thrust in just enough to ensure he wouldn’t pop back out again. The rest was up to Huv.

Impatient, Huv tried to sink down fast. Too fast. He winced as the burning sensation turned into a real splinter of pain.

“Easy.” Lexy rubbed his arms and thighs to soothe him. “Give your muscles time to relax.”

Too embarrassed to see how the men and women watching them reacted, Huv closed his eyes.

“Hey.” Lexy pinched his nipple. “Look at me.”

He opened his lashes to gaze into two pale blue eyes.

“Sex doesn’t have to be perfect and controlled to feel good. It can be silly and messy and a whole bunch of other things, too. Just relax and enjoy it.” To help matters, Lexy began stroking Huv’s cock.

The sensation pulled a groan out of Huv and sent his concerns flying to the far reaches of the galaxy. Lexy always knew how to touch him, how to seek out every nerve ending to give him an extra burst of pleasure. And as he focused on the bliss of being fondled, his muscles relaxed, allowing him to sink farther onto Lexy’s shaft. Huv slipped lower in scorching increments until finally, blessedly, he was filled.

His voice came out as rough as gravel. “You feel bigger like this.”

“It’s just a new sensation.” Lexy continued pumping Huv’s bony shaft. “Each position is a new experience.”

Huv nodded. He had to bite his lip as he experimented. Very slowly, he pushed himself up, causing the fiery rod inside him to slide partway out. Then he came down again until he was full to bursting. A curse escaped him.

“Remember, you can’t come this time.” Lexy sounded like he was equally strained.

Another, fouler curse fell from Huv’s lips.

Gaining momentum, he settled into a steady ride that made his eyes nearly cross. Mercifully, Lexy stopped stroking his shaft, but Huv was so sensitive he shouted and almost came when Lexy tweaked his nipples again.

“Don’t come.” Lexy delivered the warning at the same time that he stopped playing with Huv. He started snapping his hips in counterpoint, driving his shaft in harder and deeper. “Breathe through it. I’m almost there … almost…” The rest was lost to fierce grunting.

It took every ounce of Huv’s willpower not to explode as he watched Lexy panting and grimacing beneath him. His thigh muscles were on fire and his knees cramped, but he barely noticed. His attention was on two cocks: the one driving inside him, slipping and sliding over his prostate, and the one straining for release between his legs.

Distantly, Huv was aware of Xindra talking and pointing to something on an overhead screen. He looked up in time to see an internal view of Lexy’s penis shuttling in and out of his passage. Ah, gods, he’d forgotten about the med scanner. He could see their bodies, semitransparent, moving together on the screen. On top of all the other stimulation, the sight was almost too much for him to bear.

Then Lexy bucked, and Huv glanced back down in time to see Lexy’s face contort in rapture. The erection inside him jerked, filling him with warmth.

Fighting not to follow Lexy over, Huv gnashed his teeth and held still. His seed rose in his shaft, banging and lurching for release, but he held it back. Grueling moments passed before he was sure of his success. Finally, he backed away from the sharp edge of climax, although he remained close to coming.

Lexy’s cock softened inside him and slipped out as soon as Huv pushed up. Huv’s raging hard-on made it difficult to move out of the way, but he shuffled to one side so Lexy could slide out from under him. Feeling a bit shaky, he sat back on his heels.

“Xindra?” Lexy’s voice held a hint of concern. He looked at Huv’s backside. “Do you have any salve or analgesic cream?”

“What is it?” Huv didn’t like the holdup.

He was desperate for Lexy to change so he could work himself into that sweet pussy and finally find his release. If it didn’t happen soon, he might embarrass himself.

Lexy’s expression turned apologetic. “I must have ripped you a bit. You’re bleeding.”

It wouldn’t be the first time this week. Usually, it didn’t amount to much, although Lexy was always quick to want to heal him. At the moment, the ache in Huv’s cock was far more painful.


“But, Huv—”

“I need you. Now.” Huv let Lexy hear the naked urgency in his voice.

With a nod, Lexy relented.

“Are you sure?” Quinn looked like he was suppressing a wince.


“All right then.”

Stepping down where everyone could see his full body, Lexy held his arms out to his sides and began to change. It was the first time Huv had witnessed his lover doing this fully naked, and he gaped in awe right along with the students.

The transition was slow but smooth. Lexy’s penis and balls shrank into his pelvis and divided into two pouty lips and a rosy clit. His nipples pressed out as beasts swelled beneath them, and Lexy’s hips flared while his shoulders slimmed. Within moments, he was completely female, all the rough edges softened into smooth, feminine curves. If Huv lived for a million years, he was sure he’d never get over his fascination.

Then Lexy turned back to him, and it wasn’t fascination he felt. Huv’s erection kicked hard at the sight of ready, naked woman. His woman. She joined him back on the padded table.

Huv lay back and cupped her hips when Lexy swung her leg over his lap to straddle him. Grasping his throbbing penis, she had none of his difficulties lining his cock up at her vaginal opening and sliding her way down. Hot, soaking satin engulfed Huv’s shaft, making him grit his teeth and punch his head back.

“You don’t have to wait for me,” Lexy told him. “I’ve had my orgasm.”

That pricked Huv’s pride. Despite the way Lexy seemed to undo him and make him lose control, he was a practiced lover. He was going to prove it.

“You’ll have another.” Reaching between her legs, he strummed her clit as Lexy began to ride.

Fortunately for him, she didn’t try to tease him. Instantly settling into a hard, driving rhythm, she worked herself over him so vigorously her small breasts jiggled. Huv had an unobstructed view of pale skin, perky nipples, and that halo of bouncy golden curls. The sight alone was enough to make him groan.

Unable to remain passive, he pumped his hips upward, spiking his cock deep into Lexy’s clutching channel. His thumb was on autopilot, still stroking her little nubbin, but he deliberately ran his free hand over her thigh.

Lexy gasped and tightened her internal muscles around him. When Huv tried to pull her into his thrusts, she caught his hands. Lacing her fingers with his, she leaned forward and pressed his arms over his head. This position brought her soft lips against his. Huv held his breath as she rubbed them back and forth while still working herself up and down his shaft.

“Let me be in control.” Lexy whispered the words into his mouth. “
right now.”

Her words curled around Huv’s mind, arousing him impossibly more. Riding him hard, she leaned in and sank her teeth into the meaty part of his shoulder. The act was so dominant, so obviously possessive, his orgasm stuttered under the impact. Then her fingers tightened around his, and his climax regained its feet and broke free in the same instant.

“Lexy!” He shouted her name like a talisman, an anchor to hold him to her when the rest of the universe was obliterated.

His muscles locked, his back arched, and his cock thumped like a wagging tail as it tried to spit all his cum at once. As if from a distance, he heard Lexy keen with him. Her vagina milked his convulsing shaft like a hungry mouth, draining him of seed and strength. His release was so profound it actually felt cleansing.

When the last trickle was sucked out of him, Huv fell limp. Covered in sweat, he stuck to the cushioned table beneath him and gasped for air. Lexy pushed off his exhausted cock. By the time she collapsed at his side and curled her arms around him,
was a
again. Their spent dicks were nearly side by side.

“Wow,” someone murmured. It was the only sound to break through the chorus of their heavy breathing.

Quinn cleared his throat. “Well, that’s all for tonight. We’ll see you next Tuesday evening for our final lecture of the course.”

Quiet discussion broke out as the students headed for the door, but the noise quickly faded to the background.

Turning his head, Huv gazed at Lexy’s face only inches away. “Aren’t you glad we did this?”

Lexy flashed him a smile. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. This was a once in a lifetime experience.”

“True.” Feeling love rise up brave and beautiful in his chest, Huv tucked one golden lock behind Lexy’s ear. “Hopefully, we’ll have a lot more of those. Over a lifetime.”

Because that’s what he hoped to have with Lexy. A one-of-a-kind experience that lasted the rest of his life.

Part Two

Glynn and Deina

Chapter 9

The Proposition

“I’d like to have a baby with you.” Glynn delivered this announcement with his usual directness. Then he waited to see how Deina would react.

He’d met Deina almost three months ago when she’d modeled with Huv for the first Sex Ed class. As the Allurian man had sucked on her breasts and thrust into her willing body, Glynn had watched her with a sense of longing he hadn’t felt in a long time. As a Semhym male, he had a naturally low sex drive. The fact that he rarely came during sex made the act less appealing than it should have been. Truthfully, he’d given up somewhere along the line, convinced he’d never find a genetically compatible partner.

Until he met a female with just the right chemistry to complement his, Glynn had no hope of spending his seed. So far, the only time he’d felt the warmth of semen on his shaft was when he’d modeled with Katra’Ruma after two other men had already climaxed inside her. The ejaculate hadn’t been his. He hadn’t even come close to orgasm, but the sensation had made him wonder what a wet climax would feel like.

All in all, modeling that night had been ill-advised. He’d acted rashly, something he rarely did. And it had all been because of Deina. They’d been dating for about a month at that point, but she’d refused to see him exclusively. She was all fun and good times and freedom, whereas most people considered him dour and boring. When Glynn had seen her out on the town on the arm of another man, he’d been furious and, yes, jealous. Resentment toward his race’s sexual complications had also driven him, leading him to volunteer for an intercourse demonstration he’d had no hope of enjoying. Katra’Ruma—a Duosien with her own sexual problems—hadn’t come either, and the two of them had shared a sad sort of understanding.

He had a feeling it would be different with Deina. There was something about the tall, willowy New Earthling that attracted him. Intelligence, strength, and laughter lurked behind her sharp hazel eyes, and the effect of her body on his was undeniable. Even her thick waves of blonde hair seemed to beg for his touch. Which was why he had high hopes she’d finally be the one to help him not just orgasm, but ejaculate.

Until now, Glynn had been biding his time, afraid of rushing things. If he was right and she was his chemical match, then she’d likely get pregnant within the first few rounds of intercourse. When they did spend, Semhym males were incredibly fertile, enough so that they often thwarted even the most advanced contraceptives. He knew he was mature and established enough to support a wife and child should that happen, but he wasn’t certain he could make Deina happy.

He liked her very much, and against all odds she appeared to like him. Most women, however, wanted more than strong liking and a stable home. At least, independent women like Deina did. Glynn couldn’t risk more without knowing for sure if sexually she was the one for him. He was the type of man who stuck by his commitments. If he married her and she wasn’t a match for his libido, he’d spend the rest of his life without the possibility of having a family. If he came at all, he’d only come dry. Could he take that chance without testing their chemistry first?

Glynn didn’t like to take risks. He was also an honest man. Although he could use subtlety and subterfuge in business when the situation called for it, he made it a habit to be forthright in his personal life. Hence a direct and clear statement of his desires so Deina would know exactly where he stood.

Sitting across from her at the cleared dinner table, he waited for her response. From past experience, he should have known her reaction wouldn’t be anything he expected.

“Why?” she asked.

He blinked slowly as his mind turned that over. How much should he tell her? “I have many reasons.”

She arched one eyebrow in lazy amusement. “Name them.”

“You know I find you very attractive. You’re bold, smart, and I enjoy your company. I think you’d be a good match for me.” He frowned. “I know I’m not always the most exciting individual, but I’m steady, reliable, and I’ll never let you down. If you become pregnant, I’ll marry you immediately and make sure you and our child have everything you need or want. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re happy.”

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