Read All Bite, No Growl Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

All Bite, No Growl (3 page)

BOOK: All Bite, No Growl
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She turned her focus back on Devon and Case, knew watching them was wrong on so many levels, but she really couldn’t help herself. Case rolled Devon’s balls in his big hand while he engulfed half of Devon’s huge cock. His head moved up and down and Devon pumped his hips into Case’s mouth. Devon threw his head back and moaned, gripping a chunk of Case’s hair and tugging on it.

“That’s it, suck my cock. Fucking swallow it,
, take it all in.”

She breathed harder, heavier, and her pussy was soaked. The worst part of it all was that she actually wanted to see them fuck, wanted to watch them give themselves over to each other, mate with each other.

All of a sudden, Case got on the bed and straddled him. Case gripped both of their shafts in one hand, pressed them right up against each other, and as both of them breathed heavily, he started to stroke them, as if he were jerking himself off. She wanted to watch this, to see them both come undone. It seemed with each passing second she’d be able to witness something she had never seen before. This should be something that made her feel ashamed because she was invading their privacy.

In the next second, twin shots of cum came out of them and landed on Devon’s chest. Case continued to pump his hand over their cocks harder and faster, both shaking as they got off. After several long, pleasure-filled seconds, Case got off Devon, both of them laying on their backs. Their dicks were still hard and straining past their belly buttons, their balls huge twin weights that hung between their thighs.

They started speaking to each other, loving words, ones she’d never seen Devon or Case say. This was definitely an intimate moment, and as much as she loved those men no matter what, and far more than anyone else in this world, she was intruding. She’d never be their mate. They’d found that in each other, and she was happy for them, if not a little sad for herself.

She was about to turn around, to leave them in peace and finally push herself to disregard her desires for them because they would go nowhere. Case and Devon turned and stared right at her. She felt her mouth part even further, like she was trying to suck in air, but couldn’t get any into her lungs. They pushed themselves up on the bed, stared right at her, and to her utter shock Devon held his hand out to her.

“Come here, Willow,” he said in a low, deep voice.

She shook her head, embarrassed that she’d been caught. But really, why was she surprised? Yes, they’d been engaged together, but no amount of distraction could have a lion-shifter not knowing what was going on around them.

“Willow, please, sweetheart, come here.” Case said now, and as she stared at both of them she felt her lioness purr, felt herself move closer to them, further into the room, and knew that whatever was about to happen would ruin their friendship. Despite that knowledge, she couldn’t stop herself or her emotions.

Chapter Three

Case was still coming down from the intense pleasure he’d shared with his mate, but even though he’d come he wanted Devon and Willow with a fierceness. He looked at his mate, stared at the hard lines and sweaty flesh that covered his muscles and bones, and took in the fact Devon was hard as a rock again. His lion was insatiable. His mate stared at Willow, and Case turned his attention back to the little lioness. Of course they’d known she was standing there watching them. No matter how high they were with pleasure, fear, anger, or whatever emotion consumed them, they would always know where she was.

The scent of her, like freshly fallen snow, a warm summer rain, and wildflowers just blooming for the first time in spring, always surrounded her. It always let them know that she was near. They loved her, even if she wasn’t their mate. One day she’d find that other person, the other half to her soul and lion, and they’d have to back away, even if it would be the hardest thing they’d ever done. The three of them had been inseparable since they were younger, and now school was out they’d be starting a new chapter in their lives, and they’d have to realize that just because they wanted something didn’t mean they could have it.

Case looked at her, at the way her eyes were wide with shock, but how the scent of her arousal was stronger.

“You watched us,” Devon said without question.

She licked her lips, looked between them, and then nodded. “I’m sorry. That was a total invasion of your privacy.” Her voice was soft, maybe even a little embarrassed and frightened. They hadn’t even bothered covering up their nudity, and as she looked down, took in the fact they were still hard, her eyes widened further.

“Come here, Willow,” Case said, held out his hand for her, and waited a moment for her to obey. They’d never talked about going further, never even held hands or kissed as adolescents experimenting. But Case wanted to do so much more with her, wanted so much more, and he knew Devon did as well.

She took another step closer, her hands in front of her, twisting together because she was nervous. Case smelled that in the air, and his lion rose up, wanting to make her feel okay, ease her from feeling that way.

“I should go,” she said breathlessly, her eyes moving back and forth as she looked at them. She went to turn away, her red face, but he stood before she could make it to the door.

Walking up to her, grabbing her shoulders and turning her around, Case stared at her. He knew that what he was about to do, about to offer her, might very well ruin what they had. He stared into her warm brown eyes, smelled the sweet scent that came from her ash-colored shoulder-length hair, and wanted to bury his nose in the silky strands. He looked over his shoulder at Devon, saw his mate nod slowly, and faced Willow again.

“What are you doing, Case?” she asked softly.

“Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Something I know Devon wants as well,” he lowered his gaze to her lips, “and something I know you’ve wanted, too, Willow, something you want now.” Then he leaned down and claimed her mouth, moved his hand behind her head to cup her and hold her to his body, and stroked his tongue along hers.

She gasped, as if from shock, but opened up for him. He touched her tongue with his, moved it along hers, felt his cock jerk, and knew he needed to be inside of her, needed to take her. Devon was right behind him now, his mate’s body seeping into him, having pre-cum spill from the tip of Case’s dick as he envisioned the three of them together. He growled, pulled back to look at her flushed, aroused face, and said in a low, deep voice, “Do you want this?”

She looked over his shoulder at Devon, licked those plump, lush lips of hers, and finally nodded. “Yes, but I’m scared. This could ruin everything.”

Yes, it could, but the need to have her in every way overrode all common sense. He moved out of the way, let Devon stand in front of her, and then his mate was kissing her, taking her mouth in a bruising, brutal kiss that had her whimpering, and had Case needy for more. He touched Devon’s back, felt the muscles bunch and flex as he moved forward, pushing Willow backward so she was trapped between his big body and the wall.

Case watched them make out for several seconds, but he couldn’t last like this. He needed to feel both of them, needed to have them pressed up against his body, their slick skin sweaty from fucking. As if Devon read his mind he moved away, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to grapple with his control.

Case moved up to her again, stared into her wide brown eyes and leaned in, slanting his head and pressing his lips against hers. The feeling of charged electricity traveled through him, and he shook from the intensity. Willow didn’t pull away, but she also didn’t kiss him back this time. He could sense her fear and worry, could smell her confusion and curiosity. What he could also smell was a potent aroma of female arousal, and it was coming off her in waves.

When he leaned back and stared into her face, he watched as she licked her lips. It took everything inside of him to hold back his groan of desire. That one sight alone had his cock jerking in response. He had been hard before, but now his shaft was pounding insistently, demanding to be buried deep within her willing body. She might be confused by what he was doing and what she was feeling, but her body was primed. The smell of her sweet, wet pussy called to him, and he could feel the tip of his cock seep with need.

Case noticed her gaze kept flicking over to Devon, and when he turned around and looked at his mate, he could see the desire clearly reflected back. He turned his attention back to Willow and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. As he ran his thumb over the swell of her full bottom lip, he couldn’t help the desire that arose inside of him. He wanted her so bad he could taste it, could feel it in every cell of his body.

The lion in him wanted to claim this woman, wanted to mark her so every male would know that she was loved, protected, and cherished. But he shook his head, knowing that marking her was not something shifters did with just anyone. They marked to show proprietary feelings, of ownership to a mate. She wasn’t their mate. And marking her, even if it would heal, would not be right. So, instead he’d show her how much they loved and wanted her even if she wasn’t theirs by bond. They’d always want her, no matter what.




Willow could feel the need to be with Devon and Case rise up so strongly inside of her that it felt as if she lost her breath. Despite the fact this was a very bad idea, she found herself clinging to them, pulling Devon closer as Case kissed her. Case moved away from her and Devon took his place, licking, sucking, and stroking her lips with his tongue and mouth.

She was wet, her panties soaked, and her nipples were so hard they felt as though they would poke right through her top. Willow pulled back, tried to suck air into her lungs. Her pulse quickened as Devon stroked his thumb along her bottom lip.

“This isn’t right.” The words came out, but they were nothing more then a meagre whisper. “This will change everything.”

Devon and Case looked at each other, and Willow could see they were thinking the same thing. After what seemed like forever, Devon turned back to look at her and cleared his throat before dropping his hand from her face.


These emotions that rumbled through her like a dark and impending storm grew each second as they stared at each other; the arousal, emotion, confusion, and hesitation moved through her. All she could think about was their bodies covering hers, all three of them naked, hot, and sweaty.

“Let’s not think. Let’s just let this happen and finally be with each other,” Case finished saying, moving closer, and cupping her cheek in his big hand. Case leaned in again and pressed his mouth to hers, and this time it wasn’t just a tentative touch. He swept his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she opened her mouth. Devon moved out of the way, but she sensed his body heat and knew he was still so close. Case speared his hands into her hair and tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Tongues moving against each other like silk in water, Case finally pulled back. He was still so close to her, and his hands were still in her hair that if she wanted to she could have moved that inch that separated them and kissed him again.

“We promise to go slow.”

She turned her head to look at Devon when he spoke.

Case moved out of the way and she closed her eyes in bliss when Devon pressed his mouth to the side of her neck. Tendrils of fire licked up her spine and she felt her nipples tighten in response. Never had she felt pleasure with a man, not even when she’d given her virginity to that one-night stand.

Uttering an unintelligible sound, Willow submitted to the two men in front of her because not doing it seemed abhorrent. These two men, lions, could tame the fire in her with the flames they’d started, and she was willing to put everything else aside and just go for it.

“Is this really happening?” As silly as it sounded, she actually contemplated that this may be a liquor-induced dream, although she was pretty horny, and they seemed pretty real to her, willing and not caring what the consequences might be after this.

“It can happen if you want it to, but only if you want it to,” Case said, “We need to hear you say the words, sweetheart.”

“We want to hear you say the words,” Devon finished, reached out, and right in front of her gripped Case’s cock and started to stroke it. Case growled deep in his throat as he stared at her.

“Take off the clothes, baby, let us see you, like really see you, Willow,” Devon said, his smile slow, seductive, tempting.

She couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe.

“We know you want us as much as we want you. We can smell it and it’s driving us crazy.”

Her cheeks became hot at Devon’s heated words. The air suddenly became thick and electrically charged. Their forms started to waver ever so slightly, shift, change right in front of her, as if becoming their animal counterparts was going to lessen the arousal. In fact it would only make it more potent.

One minute she was looking at Case and Devon in their human bodies, and the next she was staring at two massive lions. She felt her body start to pulse with power, felt her form start to change as well as her body became more and more aroused, her animal becoming alive inside of her, wanting out. It became too much to handle. She closed her eyes and willed herself to stay in her human form. Although some of their kind enjoyed having sex in their lion forms, being sexual in a human body was just as satisfying.

Her gaze moved between the two of them, and as she stared at those two lions, seeing the power in their bodies, the massive heads, manes, she felt arousal and strength move into her. She didn’t think, just acted. Lifting her arms and taking off her shirt, she tossed it aside.

“I want to do this as humans.”

They both nodded their large heads, and before she could remove her pants they had shifted into their human forms. She took her pants off before she lost her nerve, and then the three of them stood there naked, needy, ready, and about to fuck things up royally. They both roamed their eyes across her body and she shivered from the intensity of it. Her nipples became harder, ready for both of their mouths. They groaned in unison, and her pussy let out a fresh stream of moisture. She knew they could smell it, hell, taste it in the air. Their eyes zeroed in on her shaved pussy, both of their tongues coming out and licking their lips.

BOOK: All Bite, No Growl
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