Read All Good Things Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

All Good Things (35 page)

BOOK: All Good Things
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"What happened with Lexie?" I forced myself to ask.

"She was willing to submit to my needs. Nothing more." Jace replied harshly.

"Did you love her?" I whispered.


My eyes flickered to his and I knew we were standing on thin ice. "And, the baby?"

His eyes turned sad. "I didn't know she was pregnant. She didn't tell me until it was too late."

I was taken aback. "You didn't know?"


"Then how..."

"She was pregnant. My sexual relationships can be rough. I didn't know, I swear." Desperation clouded his eyes and he continued. "The doctor said she miscarried because of our...endeavors."

"You were too rough for her to carry a child?" I felt ill.

"Yes." Jace nodded. "Again, I did not know."

"Would you have stopped?" I asked.

His brows furrowed. "Of course."

"She hates you." I said.

"I know." He nodded. "With good reason. But, she sued me for her loss. She claimed she was not a consenting partner. I've been paying her out ever since." He dragged a hand over his face. "It's why I have a contract now."

I felt my skin tingle. "The contract I signed?"

"Has been reformed for you." Jace said quickly. "I didn't want you to know this side of me."


"Because you look at me differently. You're different from every other woman and I wanted you for you. For once in my life, I just wanted to please you."

"How many others have there been?"

"A few?"

"After Lexie?" I prayed he would say there had been no other.

"There have been others since Lexie." He admitted.

"And, they all signed your...contract."

"With glee." Jace replied.

I shook my head. "Why are you like this? What made you so...cruel?"

At my words, Jace's eyes were pained. "There is no reason. I'm just this way. I need to control both things and people, Olivia. It's who I am."

I shivered again for what felt like the millionth time, and this time, when Jace stepped toward me, I didn't stop him. I was powerless against him. My love for him overpowered my fear of him as his hands reached out to touch me. He tugged on the zipper at the back of my dress and turned me to face the mirror. His eyes remained on mine as he stripped me of my wet clothing. Never once did he touch me as he removed the sopping articles, but oh, how I'd wanted him to. Even still, after everything I knew about him...I wanted him.

Jace turned and walked brusquely to the bathtub. He turned the taps and tested the water until it was just right. When it was nearly full, he turned back to me. His eyes were ablaze with restrained desire and I could see he was hard by the tent of his pants. He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. But, was he as powerless against me as I was against him? If I were to pursue this thing...whatever it was with Jace...would we ever be equals.

"Get into the water, Olivia." I didn't miss the air of command in his tone. And, although I wanted to prove I couldn't be controlled, my body denied my brain and I moved as though on auto-pilot.

I stepped into the warm water and sighed as I sank down into the warmth, letting it seep into my cold bones. Jace moved closer to my head.

"Lean back and wet your hair." I obeyed. Jace reached for the shampoo before stretching his fingers into my hair. He massaged my head and I felt yet another burst of tears well within me. Thankfully, they remained hidden. How could this man who appeared to star in nightmares be the epitome of my pleasure? How could his actions toward others be so inhumane and monstrous, while toward me his hand was so kind, his touch so gentle?

Jace spoke. "Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't find you?"


"I felt as though my heart was being torn from my chest." He spoke gruffly. "I was terrified for your safety. I was terrified of loosing you."

"I was afraid of you, Jace." I admitted softly.

"I don't want you to feel that way." His hands rinsed my hair and when I sat back up, I replied.

"What you want does not change how I feel."

His eyes darkened and he moved his hands that were now lathered in body wash over my body. His touch was like silk and its effect was just as erotic. His hands moved over my legs, over my knee and he paused, staring at the scrape. "How did you get this?"

"I fell."

He nodded crisply before continuing his sensuous exam. His hands washed my feet, massaging them, until I moaned. I caught the hint of a smile touching his lips at the sound, and my heart fluttered of its own accord.

God, I loved him. I was certain I would forever love him.

"You're so beautiful." Jace's words pulled me from my thoughts and I smiled sadly.

"Will you do something for me?" I asked. This was going to be the hardest thing for me to do...but, I knew it was for the best. It had to be done. So, we could both move on.

"Anything." He whispered.

"Make love to me." I watched as his eyes ignited with fire and his hands stopped massaging my foot.

"Are you certain?"

I nodded. This is what I would need to let him go. One last time with him. I was fully aware he would take my heart with him when he left, but I needed just this one last moment to carry with me for a lifetime.

Jace stood and stripped from his suit. His movements were slow and his eyes never left my face as he let each article fall to the floor. I stood from the bath water when he was finished and moved directly into his arms. I didn't care I was wet, and he was dry. I didn't care when he picked me up, winding my legs around his hips as his erection pressed against me and walked me to my bedroom that we were about to soap my sheets. I just wanted him, as much of him as I could take...because, I knew, I couldn't handle everything he longed to give...or take from me.

Jace set his hands against my butt, lifting me away from him, positioning his erection against my opening as he walked to the bed. His eyes were on mine as his cock pressed against my folds. Hot and throbbing for me in the same way I was for him. A need burst within me and I stared into his eyes as I pressed my hips down, filling myself with him entirely.

"Fuck Olivia," Jace groaned, as I cried out. My entire body sang alive with stimulated nerve endings as he held me against him. He walked to the bed, and I felt his every step deep inside my core. His lips found mine; searing me with every kiss and his tongue explored my mouth.

He shifted and set me back on the bed, looking deep into my eyes as he started a gentle, rhythmic pounding within me. He was so deep, hitting me in just the right way...a way only he could. My body climbed higher and higher, elated at the release he promised me...but, my mind and heart were in agony. Unlike my body, both my mind and heart accepted this as the last time with Jace.

Jace kissed me again as I came undone with him. I felt an explosion of warm liquid inside me as he thrust one last time, looking deeply into my eyes.

I felt my body grow stiff beneath him as I pushed against his chest. I was full of him...but still so empty. In my deepest heart of hearts, I knew we would never be able to fulfill each others deepest and most intimately frightening desires...and therefore, we had no future.

"You have to go now, Jace." My voice croaked with the threat of tears and dark understanding lit his eyes.

"Don't do this, Olivia." He commanded, before losing his desire to control his need for me. "Please. Please don't do this."

"I can't be all that you need." I said. "And, I won't be the reason you're unhappy."

"I have never been more happy with anyone else." His tone was desperate and his eyes were pleading. My heart clenched and I bit back my tears. I would not do this in front of him. I would lick my wounds in private where there was no one else to feel their hurt.

"I'm sorry, Jace." I said with as little emotion as I could. "I don't want this."


"You said you would leave when I asked." I reminded. "I'm asking you to leave now, Jace."

With clouded eyes, Jace pushed himself from the bed. I watched numbly as he walked to the bathroom and dressed. My fingers shook and my chest was heavy with sorrow as I pulled nimbly at the blanket beneath me. I needed to cover my nakedness from Jace...or I would beg for him again, and I knew I couldn't. This was for the best.

Jace walked from the bathroom and his eyes settled on mine. He didn't look any better than I looked, I was sure. "You can call me for anything, Olivia."

"I won't call you, Jace." I assured.

"I will always answer." He promised.

And then, he was gone.

The tears fell over my lashes and streamed down my face in silent agony as my heart shattered into a million little pieces with no hope of repair.

I guessed it's true what they say...even though I'd hoped to fight it until my very last breath...all good things really do come to an end.

About The Author

If I am anything, I'm a die-hard romantic. And writing this book fulfilled so many of my own fantasies of a love that literally steals my breath away. I am a young writer with a billion more stories to tell! I live in Stony Plain, Alberta, with the love of my life, our four cats and one dog. It is under the Alberta sky, all my stories come to life on the screen of my computer. Becoming an Author is a childhood dream I am finally fulfilling.

For this book, I would like to thank my Aunt for all her help reading through my words with a fine-toothed comb and picking out those that only seemed to make sense in my head. I love you! Thank you!

Other Books By Alannah Carbonneau

The Curse of Bound Blood

Blood Red Roses

The Gateway Sin

You can find me at
for more books, new releases and sneak peeks into what is coming out next!

Thank you!

BOOK: All Good Things
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