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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Always His Earl (10 page)

BOOK: Always His Earl
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“I want what’s mine. Once she gives me a son, I’ll send her back to you.” Philips chuckled.

Myles had been lied to enough. “You have offended me, my sister, and my friends.

You have abused my family, and I demand satisfaction. Name your time and place.”

Philips eyes grew round as he leaned back. He looked from George back to Myles. Finally he nodded. “Pistols at dawn, the day after tomorrow at Cooper field between the two trees.”

Myles smiled. For Philips not to accept the challenge would be to take a label of cowardice. Myles looked at George. “Second?”

George bowed slightly in acceptance and moved in to Philips. “No witnesses. Not even a doctor. No whispers of this in town, or I’ll see you’re killed in your bed.”

“You’re both mad. Over a useless woman.” Philips shook his head.

“I spent years on a ship at war because my father was a cruel bastard. I return to find my sister married off to an even crueler and more evil bastard. I will not rest until I’ve rectified this offense. Do you accept the terms, or are you a coward?” Myles pressed.

“I will have a second too,” Philips protested.

“Of course, but no others may be present. If you succeed, we’ll hand over your wife and forget all of it. If you fail, you die,” George said.

“Fine. I’ll be glad to watch you bleed to death and walk away.” Philips glared at Myles. “If she’s not here when it’s done, I’ll bring in the authorities.”

“One fight at a time, Philips.” George signaled to Davis.

“Lord Philips, it’s time for you to go.” Davis puffed out his chest.

Philips left, and George turned to his staff. “By any chance, did anyone hear anything about a duel?”

“No, my lord. Nothing,” Davis confirmed for the staff.

“Good. Thank you for your efforts. Back to work, men. Davis, a word.” George walked into his study.

Davis and Myles followed.

“My lord?” Davis asked.

“Find out what you can about how Philips knew she was here. Was it the servants?

The doctor? Do what you can. That’ll be all.”

“Of course, my lord.” Davis bowed and left.

“I had no choice,” Myles said once they were alone.

They walked into the library. “I know. We avoided it as long as possible. That bastard offends me by breathing. I simply don’t want you in danger. That’s my only reservation. You risked your neck for years on a war ship. Still, we’ll be cooler heads than Basil. He’d die for Claire without hesitation, but his anger would get the best of him. I have better hopes for us. As long as you don’t die.” George poured two drinks and handed Myles one of them.

“Thank you for your confidence. I don’t want you hurt either, but I don’t trust anyone else. Basil will keep my sister safe here in case Philips wants to stage any nonsense during the duel. I wouldn’t put having someone try to take her while we’re dueling past that good-for-nothing.” Myles sat down.

“Basil will be an excellent watchdog. Are you a good shot?” George sat down next to Myles.

Myles smiled. “That I’m not worried about in the least. I hunted as a boy and went through naval training; I can handle a gun. I don’t trust Philips to play fair.”

“I wouldn’t trust him to not tell the world. Or to show up.” George rubbed his forehead. “The man has no honor.”

“No, but he doesn’t want to be labeled a coward. You kept his wife against his wishes. Philips knows you’ll make sure every gentleman in England knows the truth of Philips’ cowardice if he doesn’t show. As for telling people, he’ll be in as much trouble as us for dueling. That man wants to get away with whatever he can. Murdering me would please him more than prosecuting me for a challenge.” Myles sipped the drink.

George nodded. “That I believe. I will watch him carefully and load the guns myself.”

“I trust only you.” Myles leaned over and kissed George. “We should go reassure

Claire and Basil that the matter is well in hand. I don’t want her worrying.”

“Will you tell Basil the truth?” George asked.

“No. We don’t need to include anyone more in this. Let’s simply have Basil take the night shift with Minnie tonight and continue the pattern. If he suspects something, it’ll only upset Claire. Davis knows and that’s more important for the household safety.” Myles knew who he would trust to come and clear up the mess, if any. Tomorrow, he’d put on his uniform and get in touch with a couple of trustworthy old tars who’d been injured in battle.

“You’re right. The fewer people who know about the duel, the better for everyone here. I’d trust Davis with our secret. Our lives.” George downed the rest of his drink.

“Let’s go up. The more I think about it, the less I like pistols at dawn.”

“You hate the unexpected. Battles have plans, but you must also have alternatives.

Trust me.” Myles finished his drink and winked at George.

Chapter Six

fter a dinner of their favorites, George and Myles made it an early night before the duel. No one noticed; Basil and Claire were more interested in stealing away time alone. If Myles objected, George would be more upset, but Mrs. Blake was keeping her eye on the pair. Deep down, he trusted Basil to honor Claire and her marriage vows. After the valet had finished, George undid the work and fell into bed naked, waiting.

Having Myles in the adjoining chamber felt like the most natural thing in the world. Sometimes George had to remind himself that the rest of the world would never understand. No one had questioned the arrangement as the servants had enough work to do with Claire’s situation. Setting up an additional guest room wasn’t something they’d volunteer to do. Plus, George was sharing his valet with Myles so it was geographically convenient.

When the connecting door opened, George didn’t even look up. He just smiled. Seconds later, Myles straddled George’s stomach, naked and sexy as ever. George framed Myles’ face with his hands and held the moment.

“You’re very calm,” Myles said.

“I can’t stand the idea of anything bad happening to you. We will triumph tomorrow. I won’t stand for anything less.” George let his hands glide down Myles’ body.

“Damn right. We will win because we’re right. But if your lordly commands make it happen, so much the better. Onboard, before a battle you have to get the men to believe they’ll win. That faith and force of their wills make all the difference in the world.” Myles leaned down and kissed George.

Letting the kiss consume him, George saw his future. The dream he’d had in mind long before Myles was gone and Claire was married. Before the late Mr. Harris destroyed all of George’s hopes and happiness. In George’s plan, Claire and Basil were married and that made George and Myles family. The two men traveled abroad frequently for business, while Basil managed the estate and sired the heirs. George’s nephew would inherit the title and his estate. A second nephew could have Harris’ estate. Their lives would go on without drama or scandal.

George held Myles tight and let the kiss take over. “Mine,” he whispered.

Smiling, Myles rubbed his cock along George’s body. Propping himself up on his hands, George watched Myles’ cock grow hard. They’d need their rest, but who could sleep with a duel planned for dawn? George pulled Myles down onto the bed and pressed him face down into the soft sheets. Kneeling over Myles’ ass, he pressed his lover’s body flat against the bed.

“What are you doing?” Myles asked.

“Like you don’t know. You’re hardly one to play innocent.” George greased Myles’ opening.

“Damn, not like this. I want to see you.” Myles tried to get up.

George held him down roughly and slapped his ass. “No, it’s my turn to fuck you like a sailor. Take what I want. I outrank you, don’t I?”

“Not on a ship, but in ballroom, yes. I don’t care about rank anymore. Take what you want.” Myles folded his arms under his head in blissful surrender.

George smacked Myles’ ass until his fear was gone. Then he pushed the small of his back down to get a better angle. After spreading those firm cheeks, George kissed the flesh. He wanted to make it last. Teasing Myles a little by pinching his fleshy, round rump before the navy man got fucked.

“Enjoying your power, my lord?” Myles asked playfully.

“I am. I’ll enjoy it more in my bed back home in the country. As soon as we can leave, we will. I’ve spent enough time in this house for a lifetime. What I want is at home, not in London. Long, private walks in the garden. A roll in the hay loft like old times.” George bit along Myles’ shoulders as he slid his cock between Myles’ firm cheeks.

“But I’m here. You don’t want me?” Myles rocked his hips.

“I always want you. Where I go, you go. There is no question of that. I want the privacy of the country with the gardens and large house to get lost in.” George groaned and, growing harder, thrust between the fleshy cheeks. There was no rush tonight. Nothing would push him too fast. The guilt was completely gone. Claire grew stronger every day and that made Basil much happier and more useful.

“Sounds like heaven. Your servants still can’t know,” Myles reminded him.

“Let me worry about the servants. We’ll be safe there and free to travel once the matter is done tomorrow.” George couldn’t wait for the worst to be over.

“Distract me. Make me forget about it. Then you can drag me about the globe traveling or keep me locked up in your bedroom for all I care.” Myles lifted his hips.

“Swear it,” George said against Myles’ neck.

“Swear what? We’ll win tomorrow. I swear that my family honor will be upheld.” Myles turned his head and kissed George.

“No, swear you’re mine. We’ll be together every day until we’re dead. No license or law will enforce it, but your word is enough. Swear on your honor.” George needed to hear it.

Myles turned his upper body so he could see George. “I swear on my life and honor. Everything that I have. I’ll never leave you. You’re saddled with me until the day you die. My family is yours, my problems are yours, and my body is entirely yours.”

George kissed him hard. “Me too. We don’t have to marry women in a farce. We’ll work it out.”

“It would avoid all suspicion if one of us did, however I couldn’t convince any woman in bed or out.” Myles shook his head.

“We won’t fight for the honor of you and your sister and then disgrace another woman with a false marriage. I can’t do that. We’ll simply be men of business. I only want you and no lies in my bed.” George kissed the strong back in front of him.

“You want me? Prove it.” Myles rocked back and went face down again in the bed.

Kissing the back of Myles’ head, George filled the tight ass until his balls pressed into Myles. Myles moaned in approval and tilted his hips for more. Planting his hands on either side of Myles’ shoulders, George leaned down and fucked Myles like it was their last day.

“Don’t stop,” Myles said.

“Never,” George whispered back.

Myles gripped a pillow and moaned loudly into it. “Harder.”

Breathing ragged already, George added force and speed until he felt Myles tighten. His ass squeezed George and held him deep inside. Grinding for more friction, George listened to Myles grunt and groan. Those intimate sounds of pleasure shredded George’s control and he came deep inside Myles.

“Did you mess up my sheets?” George asked as he caught his breath.

“You can lick it up when I’m fucking your ass.” Myles sighed.

George smiled and rolled off Myles. Watching the sailor he had ridden recover, George wanted to get his turn. Whatever the servants might think about stains on the sheets didn’t really matter. He paid them well enough to keep secrets if necessary. A man had needs.

Leaning in, George kissed Myles. “I love you. No matter what happens tomorrow.

We did the right things at every turn.”

Myles hugged George tight and kissed him softly. “You’ve saved Claire. You’ve saved me. Tomorrow, you’ll stand by me again. I love you and always have. Every day while I was stuck on a ship, I wished I were back at home. Wherever you were, that’s where I wanted to be. I never gave a damn about my father’s money or estate. It’s mine, but your estate is where I think of as home.”

The confession made George ache. It hit his heart in a possessive way that only the truth could. Myles was honest and could cut through the nonsense of the world like no one else. George kissed Myles and pulled him on top to feel the heat and closeness.

There were no words to comfort or answer Myles. It was all true and real. They could feel it. Myles wrapped himself around George and it seemed as if they were one.

George held on tight and wished tomorrow were behind them already.

* * * * *

he morning of the duel, Myles and George stepped out of the carriage and it rolled away. They’d dressed each other and managed to avoid sexual play. The tension of the dawn would be cured soon with action and both were anxious for an end to the trouble.

George’s most trusted footman was the only servant who had any direct involvement in the activities of today, except for Myles’ friends who were to come later. The carriage would return in an hour to collect them in whatever state they were left.

Myles and George remained oddly silent as they waited. Nothing else they could discuss would do any good. Honor wasn’t something that could be brushed aside. He’d gone into battle enough in the last several years that it brought a sense of calm to Myles where other men might be nervous. He believed in his heart that what he was doing today was the right thing.

“Swords are generally considered more honorable than guns.” George checked the set of dueling pistols and closed the small box.

“Philips’ choice, not mine. That may be the only smart move he’s made. With a sword, I’d win too easily. That man has no training,” Myles said.

“We should have insisted on swords,” George said with an annoyed tone.

“I’m good with a pistol too. Besides, I’ve heard too many stories of seconds picking up swords and more people dying than necessary. Even in war, violence can whip men into a frenzied state where they lose all reason.
have a weapon in your jacket.” Myles smirked.

BOOK: Always His Earl
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