An Inconvenient Marriage (Married to a Prince) (9 page)

BOOK: An Inconvenient Marriage (Married to a Prince)
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“It’s like two hours of sex without an orgasm.”

“You will not make be blush!”

“I already did.”

The driver pulled up in front of the largest structure in the group. The central pole lifted the tent nearly two stories high into the fiery sunset.

Stepping through the canvas flaps was like stepping into another world. Her entire three- room apartment would fit inside the tent with square footage to spare. Indoor plumbing?  In a tent?  Evidently. A free-standing tub, sink and toilet in a bright white porcelain stood behind a vibrant silk curtain for privacy.

Plywood spread across the sand was covered with carpets in vivid shades of blue, green and red. The desert vegetation was not removed, but rather incorporated into the décor. One particular plant gave off the most amazing scent.

“Queen of the Night. Also called cactus flower. It only blooms once and only at night,” he said as if reading her mind.

“It’s amazing.” She spun in a circle. “It is all so amazing.”

“And it goes up and down in a matter of hours.”

“Where the heck does it go?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“No.” She continued her inspection. “Let me believe it is magic for a while.”

“It’s been a long day for you. I have to put in an appearance with the tribal leaders. “

“Should I go with you?

“No. It’s a man thing.”


He handed her his IPad. “If you miss me, watch a movie.”

“I will not let you ruin my 15th century Saharan moment with 21st century technology.”

“So you don’t mind modern technology when it comes to indoor plumbing. But not when it comes to electronics. Where do you stand of air conditioning? On or off.”

“I will wait to see how hot it gets.”

“It will get hot. How hot is up to you.”



Chapter Seven


Delilah couldn’t figure out the genie pants of the silk pajamas and tossed them on the vanity bench in frustration. A drawstring came loose and she scooped it up from the floor. Whoever designed the lingerie should be shot. After running a comb through her damp hair, she went back to the bedroom for her panties. She reached in the suitcase when she caught Sami’s reflection in the mirror.
As soft gasp escaped. She figured he would be gone longer. 

She expelled the breath she'd been holding. Silence hung between them. Why didn't he say something? She fidgeted with the drawstring rather than turned to face him.

"Are you going to tie me up and have your way with me?" he asked

"No. I might have to tie myself up so that my hands don't wonder during the night again." She slipped her hands through the loop and pulled until the knot tightened around her wrist.

He laughed and she wasn’t sure why. Did he find her amusing or just foolish?

"Are you really going to make it that easy on me?"

"What do you mean?”

"Well first of all since you already tied yourself up I'm guessing you don't plan to finish dressing."

He smiled and took a step closer. Her top, fastened with one button covered very little. He ran a sweeping gaze over the length of her.

"That wasn't what I planned. I mean...  "

He arched his eyebrow is a question. "I think you did.” He put his hands over her bound wrists then lifted her arms and slipped them over the bedpost.

Breath caught in her throat. This was not her intention. Or so she tried to tell herself. She tugged against the restraint.

He brushed a kiss across her cheek. "Tell me to stop."

She tried but the words wouldn't come out. If she told him she didn't want this it would be a lie.

"Then tell me what you want."

How could she explain what she wanted when she didn't know herself? Her past experiences with men consisted of some heavy petting and nothing more. Would he even believe her if she told him she was a virgin?

"You have to tell me Delilah. I won't take anything you aren't going to give willingly. "

"I want everything."

"Now that's a tall order." His hand slipped inside the shirt molding her breast in his grasp.

A delightful tremor washed over her. “Untie me…”


“But—“He cut her off with a deep hot kiss. She wanted to touch him but couldn’t while her arms remained firmly bound. She arched her back and brushed against his hips. Oh my, she thought. It gave her a heady sense of power to know she could do that to him.

He caught her earlobe in his teeth, nipping at the tiny gold earrings. Warm breath caressed her cheek.  She let out a sigh and tilted her head back. He moved in. Soft kisses fluttered featherlike over her neck and throat. A ribbon of heat unraveled in her belly. He popped open the button with a snap of the wrist and took her breast into his mouth sucking until the nipples throbbed.

Delilah muttered something but she wasn't sure what. Would she regret the words later? If Sami heard he must've been pleased because she felt his lips form a smile as he worked his tongue over her rib cage. Tremors hot and exhilarating danced along her spine.

Sami fell to his knee. He cupped her rear-end in strong hands and pulled her closer. His lips traveled over her hips in long, flowing sweeps. His moustache tickled, scratched… aroused? She didn’t know what was happening to her body. She didn’t care. As long as didn’t end.

"Coconut?" he muttered as he tasted the skin of her inner thigh.

Heat warmed her face. Hannah had handed her the small bottle and told her how and where to apply the essential oils. “It's supposed to be an aphrodisiac."

“It is. 
Does the rest of you taste as good?"

"I am not sure."

"I guess I'll just have to find out.” Sami took up the challenge. He ran his hand along her calf and lifted her leg onto his shoulder. Her muscles tensed. This was very unfamiliar territory. He seemed to know because he took his time. Warm kisses around most private area conspired to send her over the edge too soon. He gazed up. Fire burned in the depth of his eyes and she was lost.

Fear of the unknown mingled with the desire for more. She felt herself slipping, losing control.
"Oh no. "

"Oh yes." His voice came out into deep moan. He stroked his finger over her belly button and then down to the wet hair between her thighs.

Bracing herself against the bedpost she raised her hips as he probed the sensitive area around her center core. He separated the folds of skin and closed his mouth over the pulsing nub.

“Oh, God.”
Closing her eyes she tried to level her breathing but the jolts running through her body just kept coming and coming. She tightened her grip on the silk scarf and gave in to the exquisite pleasure.

Alternating between flicking his tongue and sucking with greedy hunger he opened the floodgate. Wave after wave of spasms rock her body. At the moment of release she let out a cry.

She struggled for normal breath. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagine how wonderful, how exhilarating, how freaking amazing that would feel.

He rose and massaged her swollen breasts. His lopsided grin bordered on cocky but he certainly earned the right. He tied the scarf and slid it off her wrist. She collapsed against him flexing her tight muscles.

"Are you alright?"

She shrugged and snuggled closer.
"A little sore."

He ran his hands over her upper arms. "Why didn't you say something?"

She smiled, her body still trembling. "I didn't want you to stop.”

He closed his arms around her naked body. What was wrong with this picture? Oh, yes, he was still fully clothed.  "Do you want to lie down?"

"Really? I may not have as much experience as you but I think that this is supposed to go both ways." She pressed it closer. "It doesn't feel like you want me to take a nap."

"I wasn't sure you would be up for more. You looked a little confused there for a few minutes."

“You told me if I was in then I would have to be in all the way. It was part of the deal. I'll keep up my end and you keep up yours."


* * * *


Sami grinned. He admired her courage. And courage it was because despite her words he saw insecurity in her eyes he hadn't expected. She was not experienced but she sure was willing to try.

The taste of coconuts still lingered and left him hungry for more.

She moved in front of him and reached for the bottom of his pullover. He started to help but she pushed his hand away. "Hey it's my turn and I'm not in a hurry.”

He was already painfully aroused. "It's not necessary.”

"Oh but it is."

Her hoarsely whispered words shot through him. She kneaded the muscles along his chest and slow circular motion, lulling him into a false sense of security. He kicked off one sneaker than the other.

"I told you it's my turn. I get to say what comes off and when."

Her red fingernail scored a line across the center of his chest. He struggled for breath. The woman was safer with her hands tied.

Something had happened. Something he'd never imagined. Between when they started and now, she had changed. Her fear and hesitation had given way to a curiosity that drove her to jump in with both feet.  He never worried about his stamina before but he wondered today if he would be able to keep up with his unrestrained partner. All of her reservations had slipped away.

The big green eyes and sweet face were misleading. Right now she was neither helpless nor gentle. In fact she got downright physical trying to divest him of his pants.

"Would you slow down?"

"Did I question your methods?"

"Did you have a complaint?" he countered.

She pressed her palm against his shoulder and urged him to the bed. After removing his khakis and tossing them carelessly to the floor, she wiggled herself between his legs and dropped to her knees on the carpet.

"Make yourself comfortable. This might take a while." She's splayed her fingers over his chest and tug at the mat of coarse hair. Her smile broadened.

Slowly her hand roamed lower cupping his hard shaft in a surprisingly strong grip. Not unlike the other night but this time she could not plead an unconscious state.

"You're playing with fire now," he growled.

“I thought I was supposed to play? It is your joystick, isn’t it? ” She paused and met his gaze.

He’d never met a woman who could make him laugh and hard as a rock at the same instant. “Yes.”

"Good, because I would never take anything you didn't want…" She mimicked his earlier words.

"I want," was all he got out.

With a mischievous glint in her eye she stroked him repeatedly. He squeezed his eyes shut and mentally tried counting to return his self-control. A feat that became nearly impossible when she lowered her head and intimately kiss the pulsing tip of his erection. Her tongue flicked along the edge. Her hair spilled over his thighs. He buried his hands into the massive curls and brought her head up.

"I want to be inside you."

She nodded a bit uncertainly. What had happened to her bravado?

He lifted her from the floor to his lap. She straddled his hips rubbing her breasts against his chest. As he pushed inside her she drew the deep sharp breath and swallowed a cry.

That was the last thing he expected.  What the hell could he do now?

"Please don't.”

"Don't what?”

"Don't bring up my lack of experience right now."

How could he ignore it? How could he stop?  She was hot and tight and wet with desire for him.

He gave her a moment to center herself before moving beneath her. He gripped her waist raising her up and bringing her down to meet each thrust. She matched his rhythm. No she set the rhythm. Fast, furious, beyond ability control. Their bodies covered with a fine sheen of perspiration move together with tantalizing ease.

His pulse raced. He kissed her hard hoping to momentarily distract her. His plan backfired. When his tongue swept over her lips, her muscles contracted around him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave into the tremors that wracked her body. Her climax precipitated
his own. He drove inside her one last time triggering a release so powerful he was half afraid he would hurt her again.

Fingernails dug into his flesh. A breath caught in her throat letting a soft whimper escape. He glanced up in time to catch her astonished expression.

He brushed the finger over her lips. She trapped it between her teeth and lathed the tip. A tear spilled over her cheek.

"What's this?"

She shook her head.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and moved to the middle of the bed. She stretched out next to him, sliding one long leg between his. “I hurt you. A heads up would have been nice.”

BOOK: An Inconvenient Marriage (Married to a Prince)
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