Animal Heat: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas) (4 page)

BOOK: Animal Heat: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas)
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The next morning, Lynda awoke to find Ben gently shaking her shoulder. “I have already spoken to James,” he said as she looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and anticipation. “Jon managed to finally bring Sonya to the fang’s headquarters late last night. Seems she gave him quite a run for his money. He has agreed to return her to me, IF we meet him in person, and can prove her status without a doubt. We will meet him and Jon in neutral territory in three hours.”

“I had Angel bring you something to wear. You should get dressed now as fast as you can. I will find you something to eat on our way out there to meet them.” He paused, as if drawn in by the sight of her. Ben gave her a short tender kiss, stared into her eyes, and after a long moment had to force himself away, lest their journey be delayed by a repeat of last night’s lovemaking.

Lynda smiled at the look of longing on his face as he walked out the door. She lay back in bed for a moment, her hand restin%an,
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margin-bottom: g lightly on her womb. There was where she felt the lingering connection, as if it did not matter how far Ben wandered from her, he was always with her.

Then Lynda sat up and turned to find the proffered clothes sitting on the edge of the bed, a hair brush sitting neatly on top of them. Lynda chuckled at the thoughtful gesture, as she dressed. She pulled the brush through her hair until it was perfectly smooth. Then she walked out into the living room of the cabin.

His surroundings were still unfamiliar enough to her to set her on edge. Filled with unfamiliar smells, objects and things she was now unaware of, she knew it would take her time to completely accept this new home and surroundings but she was, at the same time, relieved, that perhaps this would be the last move she would ever make.

When she saw Ben was waiting for her by the door, she felt a little more reassured and comforted at the same time. It was strange how her eyes locking to his made him feel so known, as if she could see into every shadow within him, and perhaps she had. He now knew the true talents that Yukonia’s possessed. Ben held the door of the cabin open for her, and Lynda stepped outside to find the entire Strongheart pack waiting for them.

Clay approached her, and ritualistically stepping into her space put his hand around her waist. Ben’s answering growl was instant and terrifying drawing the attention of everyone who heard it. Clay quickly backed up obviously a bit shocked by the vehemence of what was typically a ritual response.

One of the two women Lynda had seen the night before, a petite blond named Jennifer, tried to move past Lynda to approach Ben, again in a ritualistic gesture. Lynda blocked her path and screamed an outraged snarl at the interloper. The petite blond literally jumped in the air as she gasped and quickly moved away, back towards the comfort of the pack.

Lynda was as surprised by her actions as the blond had been. She had not anticipated that she would want to protect her new mate so fiercely. He was after all, practically a complete stranger to her. Suddenly she found she was experiencing the overwhelming desire not to have another female within twenty feet of her mate.

The alpha pair bond had been tested and obviously accepted by the pack, they all knelt before the couple to demonstrate this. During the ceremony Ben noticed her confusion and discomfort at it all. He gave her a comforting squeeze around the waist. “You will get used to it,” he assured her. “Come on, we need to go.”

The journey to meet the Dark Fang clan was arduous and the pack was intent on their steady progression. Lynda was still weary from the exertion of her connection with Ben, and he could see this in her movements. He watched her from the corner of his eye, but he did not slow his movements. He knew that she would have to become familiar with the rhythm of the pack in order to be part of it even though he also knew that this was not the best way to begin their budding alliance.

Even though he could tell that she was struggling, she did not allow herself to fall behind. She did not complain either. She only pushed harder to keep up. Ben found her to be remarkable, and her stamina to be unparalleled. He was certain that as their relationship progressed he would discover even more to admire about her.

Of course, during the course of the journey his mind often wandered to the union they had just experienced, and it was not something he would ever be able to resist. She had power over him, intense and passionate power, though he would have to make certain that she did not realize this.

The closer they came to the pre-arranged meeting place, the more anxious Lynda grew. “Would Sonya be injured? Did Jonathan mate with her against her will? Was it possible that she had already been claimed by him and the rival clan? Were they already too%s , g . late?” Lynda wondered about all this and more to herself and worried about all the possibilities.

Three hours later she and Ben were standing next to each other in a forested clearing lightly covered with snow and filled with scents she had never come in contact with before, the pack arrayed behind them. “Are you okay?” he asked her quietly when he saw the strain in her features. She glanced over at him, wondering if her weakness had caused him to have misgivings.

“I am fine,” she promised quietly under her breath, still panting. “Just get my sister back.” He met her gaze, his own unwavering. “I promised you,” he said sternly. “She will be with her new family soon.” Lynda nodded her head, and hoped that would certainly be the case.

From the other side of the woods, Jonas Anderson and his son Jonathan came sauntering out. The hush that fell amidst the pack was one of anticipation as each member was ready to respond to the command of their alpha instantaneously. Lynda noted with great satisfaction that Jon looked much the worse for the wear!

It was obvious too that James had not been pleased with the circumstances that Jon’s actions had led to. Sonya, looking tired, yet angry and strong, followed a few steps behind the two men, escorted by an elderly female member of the Dark Fang pack. It was fairly clear by the look on her face that the elder did not at all approve of Jon’s tactics for acquiring a mate.

Lynda breathed a sigh of relief the moment that she saw her sister, she had hoped that she would not be injured or worse. Lynda caught Sonya’s eye from across the clearing. She looked tired and angry, very angry in fact, but otherwise uninjured. When Sonya tried to walk towards her sister, James held out a hand and stopped her. “Not yet, little cat.” Lynda could hear him say firmly from across the clearing.

Ben called out across the clearing. “James, leader of the Dark Fang, you are now holding a member of my pack against her will. I am asking that you release her peacefully at once.” His voice was strong, but respectful.

The Dark Fang’s alpha shook his head, his eyes narrowing. “My boy desires to claim this Yukonia as his wife. Last I heard Ben, you had no alpha female in your pack. Yet now you show up with a strange woman at your side, and claim pack status for a female you didn’t even know existed until yesterday? I’m not buying it.” He laughed dismissively. “Not even you, the hallowed leader of the Strongheart pack, work that fast.”

Ben ruffled a little at the disrespect just awarded him, but he allowed the emotion to pass swiftly back into indifference. He knew that the man was trying to stir him up, to dull his senses and to potentially pick an unnecessary fight.

Lynda snuck a worried glance at Ben, as she slipped her hand into his, reminding him of their agreement. Would everything that she had done turn out to be for nothing? She wasn’t sure if she could handle that. Sonya was squirming beside James, her eyes flicking between Lynda who she desired to run to, and Jon who she was very frightened of. Lynda met her eyes, hoping to reassure her, but her heart was pounding. Ben gave her hand a gentle squeeze, but he seemed unconcerned, alert but at the same time relaxed.

“You’ve no cause to question me,” Ben countered firmly, and this time his voice held a note of challenge to it. He would not allow the situation to be dismissed. He had claim to Sonya, and he was going to make that clear.

“Don’t I?” James laughed again, but there was no amusement in his tone. “Perhaps it is your intention to steal from my son what should rightfully belong to him?”

“I do not steal my brides,” Ben countered swiftly, his voice accompanied_ c, pr by a low growl, but not yet rising. Lynda could see that the entire situation was beginning to get out of hand. It could become an all out war, and if it did, she might lose her sister in the melee that followed. She knew that her place as Ben’s new bride might be to be silent, but she could not stand back and allow things to devolve into a violent situation.

So she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, and called out across the clearing. “My name is Lynda Wilder. Sonya is my sister. Last night, Ben Wilder took me as his mate and the Strongheart pack has accepted our pair bond. Even now his child is forming in my womb.” Her announcement drew startled breaths from behind her, and Ben’s eyes flicked over to her, before returning to watch James. His grip on her hand tightened demonstrating how important her honesty was.

He did not know her well enough yet to know if she was being bold, or just plain reckless. “Lynda, are you sure? It’s barely been twelve hours.” He muttered to her under his breath, as he knew how dire it was to make a claim that proved to be false. Lynda refused to look directly at Ben. She simply nodded her head with confidence, and called out to the Dark Fang’s alpha again.

“Surely your elder can discern these things. Send her to me.”She settled her gaze on the older woman, her expression unyielding. Sonya stared at her sister in wonder, amazed that she would risk so much to protect her.

Lynda released Ben’s hand, though his grasp lingered for a moment as he considered forcing her to remain by his side. When he did relinquish his grip, she calmly walked into the center of the clearing so that they would be both be in neutral territory. She could feel Ben’s gaze protectively lingering on her. James nodded his head, and the elderly woman walked out to meet Lynda. They locked eyes briefly, and then the elder took Lynda’s hand in her cool, leathered one.

Lynda could feel a tiny burst of magic pulse through her, and then the woman chuckled. “You’re a clever girl – so like a she-cat.” The old woman said to Lynda under her breath. “Ben will have his hands full with you, and that’s before the twins arrive. They’re a boy and girl by the way, good for you. Don’t you worry for your sister. Jon’s an idiot sometimes, but he didn’t hurt your sister. He knew Nanny Jeb would tan his hide if he did.” She chuckled reassuringly and gave Lynda’s hand a light pat.

Turning back, the old woman called back to James. “Ben’s claim is valid, son. This woman is his mate, and bears his young, twins in fact.” Lynda smiled faintly at the notion that she was carrying twins, though that had not occurred to her. She heard a very quiet commotion behind her as the pack reacted to the news, but Ben remained perfectly silent. She did not dare to glance over her shoulder at him though she wondered how he would react to these recent events.

James nodded his head once, put down his arm which once held Sonya in place, and just like that, Sonya was running across the clearing to her sister. Lynda held her arms open to her sister, and closed her eyes briefly with gratitude. With a sigh of relief, Sonya held her younger sister tightly to her.

When she opened up her eyes again she was glaring across the clearing at Jon. It was not enough for her that he had been punished for his actions, she wanted to make it clear that he should never touch her sister again.

From behind Lynda, Ben approached them, and as if sensing Lynda’s rage, he put a gentle hand on Lynda’s shoulder. “Welcome to the Strongheart Pack, little sister.” He said gently to Sonya.

Sniffling, Sonya lifted her head to look up at the alpha. She was stunned by the idea that her sister had mated with him. As far as she knew Lynda had never even

End Notes

Did you enjoy this book? I certainly hope that you’ve enjoyed being in the land of shape shifting Were’s and she-cats, if only for a few moments. And if you are looking for even more books by Susan G. Charles please feel free to check out some of her other works below:

Toots and Poots in a World Full of Snoots: The Amazing True Story of One Boys Gas-tly Abilities
– is the story of a kindergarten aged boy, Timothy Oscar O’Toole, AKA, Toots, with a talent for farting – a skill he obviously loves to share with all his friends. A great story for kids of all ages!

For the most up to date information about the works of Susan G. Charles, please feel free to visit her
or her
Amazon author

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

BOOK: Animal Heat: A Paranormal Romance (The Animal Sagas)
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