Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (8 page)

BOOK: Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings
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“But you could be killed. With your talents you could be rich and famous if you wanted.”

“But I don’t want that. I know that as an athlete, I would be the best at any sport but it would be due to using my talents and that is not fair. I knew at some level that I was going to have to leave to fully develop. I just didn’t know it would be this quick. It is important that I go. My only regret is my having to leave you.”

Cynthia put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, “Aren’t you going to miss going to college? You could have gone anywhere in the country with your scores.”

“There is time later for college. Quite frankly, I don’t know how they can help me with my profession right now. Later on I can see the need for knowledge. Besides, I’ve read pretty much every book in the library and college is nothing more than reading and being able to regurgitate information back at 70% or better. I can do that without attending college.”

“You probably could.” Cynthia sighed and then said, “I’m taking you home to meet my parents.”


“I want them to meet the man I’m going to marry.”


“You are my chosen, AG. There will never be another for me. I can feel it in my heart and I know it in my soul. I have made up my mind; you are my chosen.”

“Cynthia, I am going to be away for a long time. If you delay this decision you could have a lot of fun at college. I know you care for me. I just don’t want your college years to be less than they could be.”

“Then don’t go. If you are not here then they will be less than they could be. Besides, I need to focus on my chosen profession, too. I don’t need the distraction of a bunch of guys in my life. All I really need is right here with me now. The time we can be together will be worth the wait.” Cynthia sighed, “I need to go by the school and pick up my uniform. Then we’ll go see my parents.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“Yes, I need the uniform tomorrow.”

“No; I meant going to meet your parents.”


AG looked at Cynthia and sighed, “Alright, bring em on.”

They arrived at school and the grounds were dark. AG and Cynthia went into the gym and picked up Cynthia’s cheerleading uniform and walked back out to the car. As they approached the car, Cynthia felt her heart go into her throat. Standing next to the car were three dark forms but there was no mistaking the middle one. It was Tao.

AG took her hand and pulled her and she followed him to the parking lot. They walked up to the three figures and Cynthia saw that it was the same three that had attacked her that night. AG hit a knee and lowered his head, “Good evening great warriors of the Wang-dao. Is there something you need from us?”

Tao and the other two warriors bowed and Tao said, “Please rise loyal servant of the Wang-dao. We have come to ask for forgiveness for our actions against you and your chosen. Our actions were not justified; they went against and shamed the Warrior’s Code. We humbly ask what we can do to balance our actions.”

Cynthia was stunned. The giant warrior was bowing low to them. AG stood and asked, “What has changed you, Tao?”

Tao raised his head and held out his two arms that were still in casts. “You gave me time to see myself for what I have become. I was like my father before me, dispensing pain and suffering to all I came in contact. I had become the man I hated with all my being. The Book of Wang-dao showed me that I was not a warrior but a mere fighter with no soul. I was one of those that warriors are charged to protect against.” Tao looked at Cynthia and lowered his head, “Clan Favored, I know you hate me with all your heart and I also know you can never forgive me, but I want you to know that now that since your chosen is being forced to leave, I and my two brothers here will insure that no one harms you or your family. I will personally guarantee your safety; I also promise to you that I will protect the women that live in Wang-dao territory from the harm I was going to do to you.”

Cynthia could feel his remorse. She looked at AG and could see that AG was looking at Tao like a brother and that he was happy at the transformation in the giant Wang-dao. Cynthia shook her head and thought, “He saved us both.” She smiled and walked forward and placed her left hand on the head of Tao and said, “I forgive you great warrior. I believe you that your heart is now that of a warrior.”

Tao took a deep breath and shuddered, “Thank you, Clan Favored.” Cynthia then touched the other two warriors and forgave them.

AG walked up and put out his hand to Tao. Tao stood, put his cast in Ag’s hand, and shook it. “I no longer need to know how you beat me. I just know that I am glad you did. I am going to continue teaching the children the book of Wang-dao. I learn more than they do and I have a long journey ahead of me to achieve balance.”

“You’ve taken the first step my friend and your second father is very proud of you.”

Tao started and looked at AG. “You know him?”

“Yes and he has been worried about you. You have done a lot to remove his worries.”

“Now I know how you won. You are the One.” Tao bowed to AG then turned and left with the other two warriors.

“What did he mean by that?”

AG watched him leave, “Nothing. Let’s go meet the parents.”

Chapter Seven

G and Cynthia got out of her car and walked toward their first class. AG had two weeks before he was to report to boot camp, so he decided to spend as much time as possible with Cynthia. Since she was at school, he continued to go to class. They came out of class and found Tim Long sitting on the bench outside the gymnasium, looking like something was terribly wrong. Cynthia looked at him and asked, “What’s up, Tim?”

Tim looked up with a disgusted look on his face, “Robert just told the coach that he injured his left arm when AG hung him over the balcony and he won’t be able to play in the State Championship this Saturday. Chip is just not ready to face Central. Muldoon and company will destroy us without Robert. Truth be told, I think Robert is just afraid of facing Muldoon again after the hits he took last year.”

“Who is Muldoon?” AG asked.

“He’s the center linebacker for Central and he is a beast. There were a number of us that have a chance for a college scholarship. but with the shellacking they will give us without a quarterback,” Tim just shook his head. “We will have to settle for a small college if we’re lucky.”

Cynthia shook her head, “It doesn’t surprise me. He’s a coward.”

Tim could only nod having no defense for Robert.

• • •

AG found Robert in the bleachers watching football practice with his arm in a sling. Robert saw him coming and stood up to run but AG said, “I’m not here to hurt you.”

“What do you want?”

“I just want to ask a question.”

Robert remained standing and was prepared to flee, “What?”

“Does living in fear make your life what you want it to be?”

Robert stared at AG and didn’t say anything.

“You’re afraid of being injured by Muldoon.” Robert continued to stare at him saying nothing. “You’re also afraid of your father and that is where your fear originates. Before you can free yourself you must face your demon and learn to live without it.”

“You don’t know him?”

“What is the absolute worst thing he could possibly do to you?”

“He could beat my brains out.” AG smiled and Robert said, “What?”

“How tall are you?”

Robert was startled by the question but answered, “Six four.”

“And you weigh?”

“Two hundred twenty five.”

“You bench press how much?”

“Three forty.”

“And your father can lift…..?”

Robert thought a moment, “He could take my car, my allowance; he could take everything.”

“And leave you at peace for the first time in your life. I think that would be a fair trade.”

AG turned and walked away.

Robert sat down and thought about what AG had said. He was afraid of being injured by Muldoon. He was larger, faster, and stronger this year and he had mauled him in their last game the year before. He felt the bruises for months. His father had suggested to him that he shouldn’t take a risk of being injured. It would hurt his chances of a scholarship if he made a poor showing. He watched Chip trying to run the offense and saw him fumble another snap from the center. He winced but he just didn’t want to get hurt.

• • •

AG sat on the sidelines and watched Cynthia lead the cheers. She was amazing and so beautiful. The home team didn’t have much to cheer about. It was halftime and Muldoon had done his magic. The score was 13-0 and should have been much higher. Central didn’t have that great an offense and two fumbles had kept it reasonably close. The stadium was full and the fans were frustrated. It looked like another loss. The teams were back on the field and AG saw Robert sitting on the bench away from his teammates. He still had the sling on and kept his head down to avoid seeing the contemptuous stares from his offensive teammates.

AG got up and walked over and sat down beside Robert. He looked up and AG said, “That Muldoon is a beast.”

“Yes he is.”

“He’s about six foot two isn’t he?” Robert looked across at the other sideline and nodded. “He weighs about two hundred and twenty.”

“The program says two fifteen.”

“So you’re bigger.”

Robert’s head jerked up as he looked at Muldoon again.

“You’re also faster. I suspect he wouldn’t want someone your size hitting him head on.” Robert looked at AG and heard, “It’s time, Robert.”

He looked across the field again and stood up and left the sidelines.

Cynthia saw AG come back and raised her eyebrows.

AG smiled, “Everyone needs encouragement.”

“Not him. He’s worthless.”

• • •

Central received the second half kickoff and started a ten play drive that sputtered on the fifty yard line. As the punter went in Robert walked up in uniform and put his hand on Chip’s shoulder, “It’s my turn.”

Chip looked bewildered but then Robert’s father came running up and started yelling, “What do you think you’re doing! Get back in that locker room and get out of that uniform.”

Robert turned, walked up to his father, and put his face two inches in front of his, “If you don’t get off this sideline I am going to drag you out of this stadium.” He grabbed his father’s shirt and pushed him backwards. His father fell on his backside and Robert stood over him, “Do you want me to do it.”

His father crabbed backward and got up and hurried toward the stands. Robert saw the offense on the field staring at him. He ran on to the field and quickly said in the huddle, “Quarterback sneak on one. Go!”

Tim stared at Robert like he was crazy but they were running out of time to get the play off. Muldoon was going to kill him. The team rushed up to the line and Robert barked the signals. Tim snapped the ball and went for Muldoon who just threw him aside.

Robert took one step back and then turned and looked for Muldoon. He found him throwing Tim aside and he accelerated at full speed toward the huge linebacker. Muldoon lowered his shoulder and Robert hit him and bowled him over. Robert then turned to his right and found the safety bearing down on him. He faked a move to the left and then slammed into the safety, knocking him off his feet. He broke into the clear and seventy yards later, he crossed the goal line.

Cynthia watched the play and immediately turned to AG with amazement on her face. AG smiled and shrugged. The game had now changed. The fans knew it and Central knew it as well. The final score was 48-13 and Robert had made the difference. He had accounted for two hundred yards rushing and two hundred and forty seven passing. Muldoon was injured attempting to tackle Robert at the end of the third quarter and did not return to the game.

• • •

Cynthia watched the time run out and turned to AG, “What did you say to him?”

“Nothing really; I just pointed out that he was bigger than Muldoon. He figured out the rest by himself.”

AG felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Robert standing there. He looked at Cynthia and said, “I should have defended you that night. I still have nightmares about what could have happened. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry.” He turned to AG and said, “If you ever need my help on anything…I’ll be there.” He stuck out his hand.

AG shook his hand and smiled, “How do you feel?”

Robert smiled like he had never smiled before and said, “Free.” He handed AG the game ball just as his teammates arrived and carried him away.

Cynthia watched him disappear in the crowd and then looked at AG. “You were there to save three people that night.”

“Yeah, but would you have believed me if I told you?”

Cynthia looked back at the celebrating crowd again and said, “No.” She looked at AG again and he smiled and shrugged. She came into his arms and he hugged her tightly, “I’m going to miss you so much.”

AG closed his eyes and said, “I know, my love; I know.”

• • •

Lydia watched them holding each other and felt her tears. She was so happy for them but her heart was breaking. She picked up her pom-poms and left for the parking lot. She was going to miss him more than he would ever know.

AG opened his eyes and saw Lydia walking away. He nodded slowly and saw a face in his mind. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. The future shouldn’t be rushed. It would diminish the value of the present.

• • •

AG sat on the bus and thought about Cynthia. Leaving was the hardest thing he had ever done and he felt his arms tingle where he had held her when she said good-bye. He closed his eyes and thought about staying and knew that it would have been the wrong thing to do. Something waited for him in the future and he didn’t know what it was. He did know that being on this bus was moving him toward that destiny. He looked out at the farmland and saw the land was bare. Winter was coming and soon the chill would become cold and the seasons would change. The world was a dichotomy of life and death each yielding to the other as time passed.

He thought about Robert and was happy he had found his courage. He was being recruited by most of the major colleges now. His performance in the State Championship had not gone unnoticed and even his father had come around. Robert Sr. had tried to get AG’s forced induction into the service overturned but had failed. He met the bus with Robert in tow and he apologized for his stupidity. AG told him that sometimes things just happen.

BOOK: Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings
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